Then, I saw countless green-skinned little people running out of those tents one after another.

They are densely packed all over the island.

Lu Yun’s rough estimate


There should be five hundred.

These green-skinned little people are all short and skinny, like human children.

They were all gathered on this side of the island now, densely packed on the beach.

Looking in the direction of his own black turtle.

Many green-skinned villains were shouting, baring their teeth and claws, and had weapons in their hands.

It looked like he was preparing to fight.

Lu Yun immediately smiled when he saw this scene.

Because he heard someone talking about this kind of resource island in the [Chat Room] before.

This is a typical resource island occupied by the [Goblin Tribe].

The densely packed green-skinned dwarves are undoubtedly smelly and greedy goblins.

This kind of island has resource islands occupied by [Goblin Tribe], which are low-level resource islands that veteran players often encounter.

Low risk, easy to capture.

However, correspondingly, generally if you destroy such a [Goblin Tribe], you won't get many useful resources.

It can only be said that it is better than nothing.

However, once you break through this kind of [Goblin Tribe], you may drop a building blueprint called [Goblin Camp].

After getting this blueprint, you can build the [Goblin Camp].

Then, goblins can be recruited!

But the ability of creatures like goblins to fight alone is really poor.

In addition, they are extremely unhygienic and never take a bath.

They are also greedy, stingy, timid, selfish, and other bad qualities.

As a result, few Black Turtle City lords were willing to recruit large numbers of goblins as their own armed forces.

The only advantage of goblins is probably that the recruitment price is extremely cheap.

With only 5 kilograms of food, you can recruit a level 1 goblin.

And there is no need to arrange any housing accommodation for the goblins.

A tent can accommodate a lot of people.

Without a tent, they can sleep on the floor.

Therefore, you can quickly recruit groups of goblins and use human sea tactics to exert certain combat capabilities.

However, if you want to use the human sea tactic, it is far better than recruiting bone soldiers.

That is, skeleton soldiers.

The skeleton has no independent thoughts and completely obeys the orders of its master.

Easier to control and manage than goblins.

When fighting, he was completely unafraid of death and moved forward indomitably.

When goblins fight, they have a very obvious characteristic.

That is a typical greed for life and fear of death, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

If the battle situation is favorable, then the goblins will fight more and more bravely, scramble to be the first, and are not afraid of death or killing the opponent.

Every goblin would pounce on them like a mad dog and bite them as if they were on stimulants.

I'm afraid that I will start too late and fail to kill the target!

In other words, as long as the fight is successful, the opponent will be killed.

And once the battle situation goes into a disadvantageous situation, the identity companions will die on a large scale.

Then they immediately shrank, hesitated, and encouraged their companions to go forward first, or even

Escape for your life.


Therefore, when goblins fight, they fight SF and headwind, which are completely two kinds of combat capabilities.

There are too many uncontrollable factors.

What about the skeleton soldiers?

It is also a low-value unit and the recruitment price is cheap.

But after the skeletons formed the sea of ​​skeletons, they were brave enough to charge forward without fear of death!

On many battlefields, the combat effectiveness of the Skeleton Sea is obviously better than that of the Goblin Sea. Therefore, many Black Turtle City Lords disdain the goblins.

They would rather cultivate the Skeleton Sea on a large scale than the Goblin Sea.

However, the goblins are so miserable.

But among their tribe, they still cultivated an extremely sharp individual.

That is the bugbear, the most powerful of the goblins.

This is the second chapter today. .

0053 Elite unit: Bugbear

Adult bugbears can reach more than two meters in height.

The body is extremely strong and the whole body is as thick as a bear.

This creature can be said to be extremely powerful, with rough skin and thick flesh, and amazing endurance. It does not lose its power even in long-term battles.

It can be said that bugbears have amazing combat effectiveness and are an excellent unit.

If a bugbear could be obtained, it would be something that every Xuanwu City lord would carefully cultivate.

How could such a powerful bugbear be bred by such a low-grade, thin and small trash goblin?

It turns out that whenever a group of goblins encounter a female forest bear, they will be extremely excited.

They think they have an opportunity to strengthen their genes.

They will attack female forest bears at all costs.

Even if more than half of the entire tribe is killed or injured, they will still continue to launch suicide attacks.

Why is this happening?

Because bugbears were born from forest bear she-bears.

They will attack the female bear crazily until she is knocked down and incapacitated.

However, the female bear will not be killed.

When the female bear was finally exhausted, she completely lost her strength and fell to the ground.

The goblins would tie it up and carry it back to the goblin tribe.

Next, something tragic is about to happen.

All the male goblins in the goblin tribe will rush to get to the female bear...

Causing the female bear to become pregnant.

And finally, the ultimate fighting power of the evil goblins was born - bugbears.

Bugbears inherit all the advantages of forest bears.

But they have the genes of goblins and many of their appearance characteristics.

They are loyal, honest, and dutiful, and they obey the orders of goblins who are much smaller than them.

Once the goblin tribe breeds such bear goblins.

Then, whether it is to obtain food or to fight foreign wars, their strength will be greatly increased.

This is why the goblins will attack the mother bear at all costs.

Although the bear goblins are a very good type of soldiers, they have strong individual combat capabilities.

Well-bred bear goblins can even grow to a huge body of more than three meters.

That is really a thousand or tens of thousands of pounds of explosive power, a complete destructive machine on the battlefield.

But the chance of obtaining the production building of the bear goblins, the [Bear Goblin Camp], is extremely small.

Some black turtle city lords even destroyed hundreds of [Goblin Tribes], but they failed to reveal the blueprint of this building.

Lu Yun has developed so well, so naturally he looks down on the inferior goblin group.

He also wanted to get the [Bear Goblin Camp] and cultivate a large number of bear goblins, which would definitely greatly increase his military strength.

But if he took down the [Goblin Tribe] in front of him, it would be hard to say whether the [Bear Goblin Camp] blueprint would be revealed.

As the giant black turtle got closer and closer to the island.

The goblins on the island became more and more nervous and irritable.

At this time, countless goblins were seen holding weapons on the beach opposite, shouting "Ah Oh Ah Oh".

Dancing with ferocious expressions, they wanted to scare Lu Yun's black turtle away.

Lu Yun smiled. It would be effortless for him to destroy such a weak [Goblin Tribe].

How could they retreat after such a pretentious shout?

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