Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 1002: Hard to Eat, Heart to Heart

The power of heaven and earth of the Fire Cloud Holy Land was completely activated at this moment.

In the next second, the jade shards in the air turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Huoyun's body...


The sky is clear~!

One after another, the light of heaven and earth was projected onto Huoyun.

The power of heaven and earth of the entire Huoyun Holy Land is attached to Huoyun.

Huoyun's combat power instantly increased to 35,000 poles...

It was at this moment that Qin Feng arrived, and the two sides fought together in an instant...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

For a time, the two sides killed in darkness, the earth cracked...

Although Qin Feng's combat power is only 30,000 poles, his increase is 200 times stronger than Huoyun...

The power of Hongmeng is extremely special, and the power of destruction is far stronger than the spiritual power of Huoyun.

With all these things, once the two sides played against each other, they were at a stalemate, and it became a tie.

Even if Huoyun's combat power is obviously stronger, there is nothing to do with Qin Feng.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have fought for hundreds of rounds, and still no one can do anything about the other...

"Qin Feng, you can't help me anymore! Haha!!"

Although Huoyun was surprised by "four or five" in his heart, but his life was saved, he laughed proudly.

"Haha! You are just relying on the power of the Holy Land, what is there to be proud of?

Qin Feng looked disdainful.

Huoyun sneered: "Yes! The old man borrowed the power of heaven and earth to draw a tie with you, but the old man survived. But you will die soon! 99


"Isn't it? You robbed the jade of the green robe and killed Jiuying, do you think Dijun Tiansheng will let you go? Do you think you can bear the wrath of a Tiansheng? Little thief! You Dead! Haha!! 55

Huoyun laughed proudly.

Although the green robes were dead, their tactic finally succeeded.

After he got rid of Qin Feng with the help of Di Jun's hand, there would be no one in the entire God Realm to be his opponent.

In other words, the entire God Realm will be his territory.

Qin Feng said coldly: "Before you worry about the deity, you should worry about yourself first! Even if the deity can't deal with Di Jun, the deity will definitely be able to destroy you first!

"Ha ha!"

Huoyun laughed wildly, as if he heard a big joke.

"Joke! It's a joke! Qin Feng, you can kill the old man now? As long as the old man is not in the Holy Land, you can't help the old man at all, and you lied to kill the old man. What a big joke!"5

Huoyun looked disdainful.

"Okay! You wait! 35

Qin Feng sneered, then dodged and disappeared out of thin air.

Huoyun was stunned for a moment, and quickly swept his consciousness around, but found no trace of Qin Feng, apparently Qin Feng had left and was not hiding nearby...

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he looked at the green-robed Holy Land with lingering fears, and showed a smug smile...

"Poor green robe! I didn't expect you to die too! However, if you are alive, you don't have to be sad. Qin Feng will be buried with you soon. In this way, the God Realm belongs to the old man alone, haha. !

Huoyun laughed proudly, then turned around and flew to his old nest...

At this moment, he was very proud.

Although he lost most of his cultivation and lost his soul-scattering gourd, he can finally get rid of the enemy in his life, and he will become the final winner...

But on the other side, Qin Feng suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

In the next second, he summoned through space and returned to the sky above the station of the Xiang clan.

At this moment, the battle in the air has changed a lot.

Under the mad attack of the phantom avatar, the ghost car has been seriously injured, and its momentum has plummeted.

The phantom avatar also mastered the power of Hongmeng, which greatly eroded the ghost car's body and primordial spirit...

After this battle, the ghost car's strength plummeted...

The sudden appearance of Qin Feng made the ghost car terrified...

Without waiting for him to think about it, Qin Feng took action against him, and the phantom avatar helped him...

Just one face-to-face, the ghost car was bombed...

This scene made hundreds of thousands of Xiang's children cheering...

It was at this moment that the Chaos Orb suddenly burst into light.

Immediately, a figure rushed out of the Chaos Orb and fled into the distance...

That figure was Qin Yuan.

He sensed Qin Feng's return in the Chaos Orb, and was so frightened that he was seriously injured, broke out, and fled frantically...

At this moment, he didn't even care about ghost cars.

"That black-faced man! Never try to escape from the hands of the young master~!

Xiao Hongjun was so furious that he also rushed out, chasing him all the way.

Kunpeng, Gonggong, Jiuyin and others followed closely...

At this moment, the shrill scream of a ghost car sounded in the field...

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the peak powerhouse (ghost car) in the late third stage of the Eternal Third Realm... Obtained 130 trillion karma (130 million exchange points)

As soon as the ghost car died, Qin Feng put away its energy.

In the next second, he and the phantom clone chased and killed Qin Yuan...

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng caught up with Qin Yuan...

"Master Qin Feng! Forgive me! Forgive me!"

Qin Yuan cried out when he saw Qin Feng catching up...

Qin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to it, and shot directly, Qin Yuan's screams suddenly sounded in the field...

In just a few seconds, the phantom clone, Xiao Hongjun, Kunpeng and others arrived one after another and shot together...

Qin Yuan didn't survive a few seconds before he was attacked and killed by the group, which was extremely miserable...

The system prompt also sounded in Qin Feng's mind...

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the late stage powerhouse (Qin Yuan) of the Eternal Third Realm... Obtained 110 million karma points (110 million exchange points)

So far, all three of Jiuying have fallen.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, to avenge our clan!""

Below, the disciples of the Xiang clan were extremely excited, with tears in their eyes, cheering loudly...

Na Qinyuan killed more than 1,000 people from the Xiang clan.

Qin Feng didn't hesitate to turn against Di Jun and avenge them, how could they not be grateful!

At this moment, Qin Feng keenly sensed that the loyalty of the Xiang clan to him was soaring...

Qin Feng is very pleased.

Everything he did was not in vain!

The next second, he waved his hand and put away the energy transformed by Qin Yuan...

At this moment, Xiang Liu flew up from below, thumped, and knelt down in front of Qin Feng...

"Xiangliu, on behalf of the whole family, young and old, thank your majesty for avenging blood for our family! From now on, our family will follow your majesty to the death!

Xiang Liu's tone is firm and unwavering.0

As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of thousands of Xiang's disciples below all knelt down and shouted at Qin Feng.

"I will swear to follow Your Majesty to the death!

That shout is loud!

Amazing momentum!

The high-level officials of the SAARC nodded slightly when they saw it, and felt relieved in their hearts.

Gong Gong secretly glanced at Qin Feng and was also touched.

This Qin Feng dared to offend even Di Jun for his subordinates, he is indeed a person worthy of entrustment!

Even if those subordinates are very weak, he will not give up.

Such people are often very charismatic, and people are willing to follow them to the death!

At this moment, Gong Gong and Jiuyin looked at each other and had different thoughts in their hearts...

"Get up!"

Qin Feng looked at Xiang Liu with a gentle expression.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xiang Liu slowly got up.

"The one who killed your Xiang family's children this time, aside from the one just now, was a green robe, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Oh, then you can rest assured, the green robe has been beheaded by the deity!""

As soon as these words fell, there was an uproar below.

"Green.. Green Robe is also dead!"

"Great! Great! All our revenge is paid!"

"This is all for your majesty to help us! 35

At this moment, Xiang Liu's lips trembled with excitement.

With a puff, he knelt down again.

"Thank you Your Majesty to avenge this blood revenge for our clan! Xiangliu can't take revenge, I am willing to be a slave and a servant, and be with Your Majesty for the rest of my life!"

Qin Feng glanced at him a little and said: "This deity sees that your cultivation has reached the peak of half-step eternity, and you are only one step away from breaking through to the eternal realm. This deity has a Hongshen Pill here, you can take it! 99

"This medicine pill has a high chance of helping you break through to the Eternal Realm. Of course, it also depends on your talent. If you can break through successfully, then stay with the deity for use!

Qin Feng threw a Hong Shendan at random.

Xiang Liu was overjoyed, and suddenly caught God's 4.7 Dan.

"Xiang Liu will definitely not live up to His Majesty's expectations!"

After speaking, he respectfully greeted Qin Feng three times...

"Get up! Whether you can become the deity's valet depends on your own creation!

"Yes! Your Majesty!

Xiang Liu respectfully stood up.

At this time, Qin Feng looked at Xiao Hongjun and everyone.

"You guys are going to assemble an army of 20 million now, and your cultivation base must be above the gods, waiting for the deity's order! 99

Xiao Hongjun and others were surprised.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Xiao Hongjun asked curiously.

"I want to attack Huoyun Holy Land for my father!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone suddenly realized, and they all showed joy.

The God Realm has not conquered the Fire Cloud Holy Land, and the rest are all attached to the South Alliance.

They also want to conquer the Fire Cloud Holy Land earlier...

After giving the order, Qin Feng dodged and returned to the double universe.

He wants to digest the large amount of energy he just got and improve his strength in order to extinguish the fire cloud...

As for the chores outside, I will leave it to the phantom clone to handle.

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