Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 1 Thousand and 23 Red Cloud Transformation, 9 Great Thousand Worlds

Thinking of this, Qin Feng became more confident.

Speaking of which, it took him two years this time to digest all the energy...

Two years have passed in the double universe, and the outside world has only passed two days...

At this time, Qin Feng took out three more primitive tokens, which were the orders of the Holy Land of the Three Saints of Guixu...

Next, he will start refining the orders of these holy places...

As long as he refines these three Holy Land Orders, he will have three more Great Thousand Worlds....

Just like that, time flies by.

A day later, Qin Feng refined the order of the first holy land......

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, you have refined the order of the Holy Land of the Common Heaven.... The Holy Land of the Common Heaven has been transformed into the Great Thousand World..."

"Ding~! The transformation is successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the sixth Great Thousand World, a total of Tian Great Thousand World, the creation progress of the Great Hong God Realm has increased to 8.3%... The host's combat power has increased to 233,000 poles..."

The first holy land was successfully transformed, and the combat power skyrocketed.

Qin Feng was overjoyed and his thoughts moved.

In the next second, he appeared in an empty big world, that is, the world of Gongtian Daqian.

Qin Feng waved his hand, the sky and the earth were surging, and the forces of countless worlds were converging and condensed, and finally a piece of inheritance jade was condensed...

Next, Qin Feng waved again and summoned Star Master Ziwei.

"His Majesty!

Star Master Ziwei was overjoyed when she saw Qin Feng...

10 "Huh! Here is..."

She soon found herself in a place that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"This is the great world of the common heaven, transformed from the holy land of the common heaven."

Star Master Ziwei suddenly said: "No wonder this place looks familiar. I want to congratulate Your Majesty, I have gained another thousand worlds..."

"Master, take this!

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, the piece of inheritance jade flew to Star Master Ziwei.

"This is?"

"This is the inheritance jade of the Common Heaven World. If you refine it, you will become the Lord of the Common Heaven World. From then on, you will be like Hong'er, and you will become an existence similar to the Lord of the Universe..."

Star Master Ziwei was overjoyed: "Thank you, Your Majesty! In this way, my concubine's strength will be greatly increased, and I will be able to share more worries for Your Majesty..."

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

Later, Star Master Ziwei resigned and took the inheritance jade to refine it...

Qin Feng continues to refine the order of the second holy land...

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

Counting the time, it has been twelve days since Di Jun's defeat.

According to Qin Feng's prediction, Di Jun will lead the army to attack again within ten days.

But this time it has been more than two days, and there is no movement from Di Jun's side, it seems that the situation is extremely unusual...

This makes Qin Feng feel very strange...

SAARC people are also puzzled...

Although the army of Emperor Jun did not arrive as scheduled, Qin Feng and others did not waste time...

In the past seven days, Qin Feng has successively refined the Holy Order of Huang Tian and the Holy Order of Zhutian.

Since, he has obtained Huangtian Daqian World and Zhutian Daqian World, the creation progress of Dahong God Realm has increased to 11.3%, and his combat power has also skyrocketed...

Not only that, these days, hidden forces and races from all over the God Realm have also invested in his command...

What other loose repairs are also added in batches...

Before and after, nearly 100 billion creatures signed a contract with Qin Feng, which allowed him to gain a lot of combat power back...

On the other side, Gonggong and Jiuyin's conquest of the ten thousand clans in Guixu is also coming to an end...

Gonggong and Jiuyin divided the conquest army into dozens of groups, and dispersed their actions. Wherever they went, they were like sweeping leaves on the autumn equinox, and the speed was naturally extremely fast...

After this expedition, there were nearly 100 billion souls who returned to the ruins, willing to join Qin Feng, and signed a contract, which allowed Qin Feng to gain a lot of combat power back.

In addition, Qin Feng made Ziwei Xingzhu become the master of the world of Gongtian, Panzu became the master of the world of Zhutian, and Baobao Qin became the master of the world of Huangtian...

After the three became the masters of the world, their strengths increased rapidly.

Ziwei broke through to the peak of the second realm, Pan Zu and Qin Baobao broke through to the late stage of the second realm...

After this, Qin Feng's combat power has also increased to 250,000 poles, and his cultivation has increased to 99.87% of the God Realm. He is just a line away from breaking through the half-step eternity...

But he said that today, the SAARC headquarters, in the discussion hall.

Qin Feng is discussing important matters with many high-level executives.

At this moment, Qin Feng was sitting on the throne in the center of the hall.

Star Master Ziwei, Hongjun, Kunpeng, Fengdi, Qinglin, Panzu, Fuzhi, and other second-level powerhouses sit on both sides...

Below the main hall, there are more than 40 first-level powerhouses, and more than 300 half-step eternity...

With the active participation of many forces, as well as the breakthroughs of the children of the South Alliance, the number of the eternal realm and half-step eternal of the South Alliance is increasing.  …

The combat power of quasi-gods and above has also increased to more than 70 million people without knowing it...

The strength of the entire South Alliance can be said to be thriving, and its comprehensive strength is no less than that of any of the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains...

"Your Majesty, today is the twelfth day, and the Emperor Jun's army has not yet arrived, this is a bit abnormal!

Star Lord Ziwei was the first to express his opinion.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "If something goes wrong, there will be monsters! If the deity is not bad, Di Jun will not send troops this time, and when he sends troops, he will come out in full force! 99

As soon as these words fell, the high-level officials were moved.

"The whole nest is attacking?! Your Majesty, the entire Great Sun World is attacking, this will be troublesome..."

"Yeah! Although the Great Sun Heaven Realm is not ranked high in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, its overall strength has always been stronger than that of the God Realm!

"Hehe!! It was said that the overall strength of the God Realm was not as good as that of the Great Sun Heaven Realm. At that time, the God Realm was a piece of sand, and they were governed by their own. It's really hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker!

"That's right! With the current strength of our Southern Alliance, it's not necessarily weaker than the Great Sun Heaven Realm! Besides, the Great Sun Heaven Realm has suffered heavy losses before, losing a lot of Eternal Rank powerhouses, and its strength has suffered a lot..."

"That said, but the Great Sun World is an old-fashioned force in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains after all, so I still have to deal with it carefully..."

At this moment, the main hall is arguing endlessly...

Qin Feng leaned back on the throne, kept tapping his fingers, thinking about another thing...

At this moment, the sound transmission of ups and downs rang in his ears.

"Father, my son has an idea. If Dijun Taiyi really attacks the nest, will their nest be empty for defense?

Hearing this, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, turned to look at Fuzhi, and showed a smile of approval.

That's what he was thinking about just now.

Unexpectedly, Fu Zhi and he thought of a piece.

Among his many subordinates, Fu Zhi is the best at deduction, and his resourcefulness is also quite outstanding.

At the moment, Qin Feng's lips moved slightly, and he sent a voice transmission to Fuzhi.

"My father was thinking about this just now! If Dijun Taiyi really came here, their defenses would be empty. Well, Fuzhi, check the route to the Great Sun Heaven Realm during this time..."

Fu Zhi's eyes lit up: "Father, do you want to..."

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

Fu Zhi understood, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Afterwards, he transmitted his voice and said: "After the meeting, the boy will go to check the route..."

"Okay! You and I just need to know about this matter, don't make it public!

"Baby understand!

Immediately, after the two finished the sound transmission, Qin Feng looked down at the bottom of the hall...

When the senior management saw Qin Feng, they all kept silent.

The hall became silent for a moment.

"Today's discussion ends here at 467! After the meeting, dispatch the combat power of the quasi-gods from all over the world to the sacred land of the South Alliance, waiting for the great sun and heaven to attack!""

"I will obey!"

The high-level officials agreed in unison.

Afterwards, the conference ended, and all the high-level executives took their orders and left...

It was at this moment that a system upgrade sounded from the back of Qin Feng's head.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Red Cloud) has successfully transformed, and the realm of cultivation is the threshold of the first realm of eternity... The host has gained a lot of combat power back..."

"Ding~! It was detected that your subordinate, Hongyun, comes with a small universe.... The host automatically obtains a small thousand world.... The host's combat power has increased again..."

Hey! The red cloud has successfully transformed at this moment.

Once it transforms into shape, it is the threshold of the first realm of eternity, and it also comes with a small universe.

This talent and potential are completely on the same level as Kunpeng!

Qin Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he got another powerful subordinate.

What excites him even more is that Hongyun has a small universe, and he can directly promote it to the big thousand world.

In this way, his nine Great Thousand Worlds have been accumulated, and the first step of creating the Great Hong God Realm can be completed.

At that time, his combat power will skyrocket again.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't wait to see Hongyun.

"Daddy! Red Cloud has transformed!"

At this moment, Xiao Hongjun ran over with a look of excitement.

He also sensed that the red cloud had transformed.

That was his little follower in the future, and he naturally thought about it all the time.

Qin Feng fondly touched Xiao Hongjun's head.

"Let's go! Let's go see that little guy together and see what he looks like after transforming..."


At the moment, the figures of the father and son flashed and disappeared into the hall out of thin air.

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