Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 25 chapters break through the cultivation base and step into eternity

The next second, the SAARC headquarters, in the discussion hall.

Qin Feng met the star master of Ziwei, as well as Gong Gong and Jiuyin.

"Lord Qin Feng, Gongmou is fortunate to not be disgraced!

When they saw Qin Feng, they hurriedly bowed.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded: "The deity is already known! You two have done a good job!

"Sir, this jade bottle contains the energy of more than 300 billion ghosts returning to the ruins, and I hope you will accept it!"

Gong Gong and respectfully presented a jade bottle.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

With so much energy, he can definitely make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

"Not bad! Not bad! Gong Gong and Jiuyin, you two have made great contributions this time, and the two Primordial Primordial Pills will be rewarded to you!"

Qin Feng put away the jade bottle with a smile, and gave two Primordial Primordial Pills.

The total arch and the nine yin are all ecstatic.

They are well aware of the magical effect of the Primordial Pill, a pill can be worth trillions of years of penance!

"Thank you, Mr. Qin Feng!"

Gong Gong and Jiuyin shook their hands and took the pill with excitement.

"The next thing, let Ziwei arrange it for you!

"My lord, I have something to ask for!

"What's the matter?

"My lord, Gong Gong wants to sign a contract with you and join your army, and I hope you will not give up!

The tone of the co-arch was very sincere.

Qin Feng said earnestly: "Young Daoist, you can think clearly, after signing the contract with this deity, from now on, I will be the master, and I cannot betray this life, nor can I disobey the deity's orders!

Qin Feng spoke frankly.

The contract they signed before was an equality contract.

According to the content of the contract according to 480, Qin Feng has completed the contract oath after destroying the Gongtian Saint Clan, and Gong Gong can leave at any time.

But Gong Gong did not leave, and still helped Qin Feng to conquer all tribes in Guixu, which shows that his heart is intentional to stay by Qin Feng's side.

That being the case, Qin Feng also treated each other frankly and explained the consequences of the signing first.

"My lord! Gong Gong has considered it very clearly, and I am willing to swear allegiance to you!

"it is good!"

Qin Feng was no longer long-winded. He broke the blood of his fingers and drew a contract rune in the air.

Then, with a flick of his index finger, the contract rune automatically flew to the center of the arched eyebrows.


As soon as the rune touched the skin between the eyebrows, a golden light burst out, and the next second it automatically merged into his eyebrows and disappeared...

At this moment, Qin Feng and Gong Gong felt heart throbbing at the same time, the contract was signed, and telepathy occurred...

But at this moment, there was a telepathy between him and Jiuyin at the same time...

"Ding~(baeh)! Congratulations to the host for harvesting a new subordinate to co-arch (mid-stage Eternal Second Realm)... The host has gained back the combat power.... The combat power has been improved...,

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for harvesting a new subordinate Jiuyin (the middle stage of the second eternal realm)... The host has gained back the combat power... The combat power has been improved again..."


Qin Feng looked at the silent Jiuyin in surprise.

He did not sign a contract with Jiuyin, but only signed a contract with Gong Gong.

But he didn't think that as soon as the contract between him and Gong Gong was completed, Jiuyin would automatically become his subordinate. What happened?

At this time, Gong Gong opened his eyes with joy.

He sensed that the contract had been completed.

"We have seen Your Majesty together!

Gong Gong bowed again and officially joined Qin Feng's command.

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "You will follow the deity well in the future! I will not treat you badly. By the way, the hundreds of billions of souls you brought back this time will be under unified jurisdiction in the future!"

Gong Gong rejoiced: "Subordinates obey!"

"By the way, what happened to you and Jiuyin?"

"Your Majesty, the relationship and secrets between me and Jiuyin are in this jade talisman, after you read it, you will understand everything.

Gong Gong respectfully presented a jade talisman.

"it is good!"

Qin Feng took the jade talisman with great interest.

He was also curious about it.

Qin Feng only glanced at it slightly, and found that the jade talisman actually recorded an extremely precious secret technique, which was very complicated and could not be read all at once.

Immediately, he put away the jade talisman and waited to take a closer look after finishing the trivial matters.

"Gong Gong, since you are loyal to me, this deity will not treat you two badly. You should also accept these divine pills!"5

Qin Feng waved his hand, and another batch of divine pills flew towards Gong Gong and Jiuyin.

That is a series of elixir such as Taishen Pill, Extreme Pill... Hongshen Pill and so on.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!""

Gong Gong and the two happily accepted the medicine pill. ,

With these medicinal pills, the strength of the two of them can skyrocket along the way...

After that, Qin Feng gave two more orders and disappeared into the hall out of thin air.

After a while, he returned to the Dahong God Realm, the Heavenly Palace Holy Land.

In the training room, Qin Feng took out the jade bottle full of energy.

Whether he can break through the realm depends on this time.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, and he swallowed the energy of 300 billion monsters in one breath...

The next second, Qin Feng's aura started to soar all the way up...

That is, on this day, in the Great Sun Heaven Realm, Di Jun and Tai Yi were suspended in the air.

Bai Ze, Ji Meng, and Bi Fang led more than 30 Eternal Realm powerhouses and more than 500 half-step Eternal Powerhouses, waiting for orders...

"Brother, our Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Array has been rehearsed and ready to go..."

Tai Yi looked down at the army below, his face full of confidence.

Di Jun also stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that Qin Feng can't think of anything. He has the Jade of Fortune to help, and we also have Zhou Tianxingdou to help. With Zhou Tianxingdou, this time he will definitely die!"

Tai laughed: "Haha!! That's of course! Unless his combat power can reach the level of a quasi-saint ancestor in a few days. But is this possible?"

The corners of Di Jun's mouth twitched slightly: "That's naturally impossible! The combat power of the quasi-saint ancestor's threshold is 4 million extremes. Even if he can reach the threshold's combat power, whether he can survive or not is the number of five or five.

"What's more, that kid only has 90,000 poles of power, and with the help of the Jade of Fortune, he only has 720,000 poles. With this strength, it would be strange if he didn't die!"

As soon as these words fell, all the subordinates showed a knowing smile.

Bai Ze even echoed: "Two Your Majesties! Qin Feng will die if we go to battle! What we are thinking about is, how long can he last? A quarter of an hour? Or a quarter of an hour?"

Di Jun sneered: "Humph! This time, we will not only destroy Qin Feng, but also the entire South Alliance. Only in this way can we avenge the blood revenge for Jiuying and others, and also relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Tai nodded: "Brother is right! However, this time we are going all out, and it will take at least five days to go to the realm of the gods. If we talk about going back and forth, it will be ten days. Ten days is not a short time, so we should leave quickly. , lest the old nest be empty and someone take advantage of it..."

"Second brother is right! This matter should be resolved quickly, so as not to cause suspicion from other forces! Let's go!"

Di Jun waved his hand, and the leaders responded with a bang.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

At the moment, the group started to set off.

Di Jun and Taiyi are in the front, Bai Ze and other Eternal Realm powerhouses are in the middle, followed by Half-Step Eternal, thousands of Gods, and 90 million Quasi-Gods and above.

The number of this wave of troops is close to 100 million, and it is so mighty that it marches towards the realm of the gods.

Time flies!

On the second day after the army of Emperor Jun marched, an earth-shattering monsoon rose from the SAARC headquarters, which instantly alarmed the entire Dahong God Realm...

Qin Feng finally broke through to half-step eternity at this critical moment

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