Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 127 Qin Feng's secret arrangement


Countless breaking sounds are roaring!

The world is dark!

At this moment, countless creatures from the God Realm were startled and looked up at the sky in horror...

"God! That's..."

"Come! Come! The army of Dijun and Taiyi is finally here!"

"My God! With so many people coming to the Great Sun God Realm this time, can the South Alliance hold up?"5

"Yeah! This time SAARC is in danger! Hey!"

At this moment, in every corner of the God Realm, all hidden races and forces have come out to watch...

Although after so many days, 70% of the hidden races and forces, as well as some scattered cultivators, have taken refuge in the SAARC, but there are still 30% of the hidden races and forces watching.

They wanted to wait for the battle between Nanmeng and Dijun to be completely settled before they dared to make a decision.

This is a group of extremely conservative races and forces, but the number is also large...

Emotionally speaking, they hope that SAARC will win "480", but the current situation makes them not optimistic about SAARC, and many people even sigh...

At the same time, the SAARC headquarters was also in a panic.

Countless South Alliance disciples were stunned.

They also didn't expect that Di Jun and Taiyi would lead so many people here, this is completely out of the nest...

It's just that no one found it in the sky above a remote valley in the God Realm.

Two figures were suspended in the air, looking at the army in the distance alone.

These two are Fuzhi and Kunpeng.

At this moment, the faces of the two of them are very ugly.

"Master Fuzhi, this time is not good! Di Jun and Taiyi have brought so many people, are they all out of the nest? 35

"Looking at the momentum of this army, all of them are more than quasi-gods, and the number is no less than 100 million! The Great Sun Heaven Realm is definitely coming out of the nest!" Fu Zhi frowned slightly.

The combat power of the quasi-gods of the Southern Alliance has just reached 80 million, which is more than 20% less than that of the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

What's more, Di Jun and Tai Yi, the two leaders of the Great Sun Heaven Realm, are here. These are the two peaks of Heavenly Saints!

And the father is still in retreat, and I don't know if he has made a breakthrough in his recent strength?

The more Fuzhi thought about it, the more anxious he became.

"Master Fuzhi, it is rumored that Taiyi is stronger than Dijun, and the master was only slightly stronger than Dijun last time. This time, when Dijun and Taiyi join forces, can the master still handle it?

Kunpeng was very worried.

Since this time, Qin Feng has been in retreat, and he doesn't know how much Qin Feng's strength has improved.

"Don't worry! When has Your Majesty let us down? In fact, His Majesty has already calculated that Taiyi and Dijun will come out this time.

"As a result, the Great Sun Heaven Realm will inevitably be empty, and less than 10% of the remaining power will be left behind, so Your Majesty has an extremely important task for you? 35

"What mission?" Kunpeng asked hurriedly.

"Among the many subordinates of Lord Father, in terms of speed, except for the phantom clone and Hongjun, you are the fastest..."

While talking, Fuzhi took out a jade talisman.

Kunpeng was a little proud when he heard this.

Although he only has the cultivation base of the second realm peak, his speed can be comparable to the late stage of the Extreme Sage...

"Kunpeng, this jade talisman records the route from the God Realm to the Great Sun Heaven Realm. Before the retreat, my father ordered me, if the Great Sun Heaven Realm came in full force, I would send someone to rush to the Great Sun Heaven Realm's nest as quickly as possible. . This person is none other than you!

Fuzhi gave the jade talisman to Kunpeng.

This is because he has spent a lot of effort recently to collect the route to the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

"Young Master Fu Zhi, does the master want to sneak attack the rear of the Great Sun Heaven Realm?"

Kunpeng took the jade talisman.

"You don't need to ask more about this. However, as long as you reach the Great Sun Heaven Realm, it means that Your Majesty has arrived at the Great Sun Heaven Realm!"


Kunpeng naturally understood what Fuzhi meant.

As long as he arrives at the Great Sun Heaven Realm, Qin Feng can use the space to summon and arrive there instantly.

"Kunpeng, this mission, time is the most precious, you must go all out! 99

"Don't worry! I will arrive at the Great Sun Heaven Realm within three days! Young Master Fu Zhi, farewell!"

Kunpeng didn't dare to waste time, and after handing over his hands, he turned into a bird-like body, spread his wings, soared up to 90,000 miles, and reached beyond the sky in the blink of an eye...

"So fast!"

Fu Zhi could not help but sigh.

It was at this time that there was movement in the SAARC.

I saw a black army flying out of the sacred land of the Southern Alliance, headed by hundreds of powerhouses with more than half-step eternity, and below are more than 80 million quasi-god disciples.

Seeing this, Fuzhi hurriedly dodged.

He wants to rush to the headquarters to meet up and help his father...

At the same time, over the SAARC headquarters.

At the forefront of the 80 million army, Qin Feng stood on the cloud, looking up at the arrival of the Di Jun army.

The top officials of the Southern Alliance were all standing behind him, and their expressions were a little nervous.

"Your Majesty, Tai Jun Taiyi is coming out of the nest! They are going to fight with us! 35

"It's a lot of trouble this time!"

Ziwei, Qinglin and other high-level officials were talking a lot, and their expressions were a little worried.

It was the first time they saw such a huge formation, so it was inevitable that they would be nervous.

Qin Feng is calm.0

Today, his combat power has reached 510,000 poles, and he is full of confidence...

At this time, hundreds of millions of dollars above the sky.

The two three-legged golden crows who took the lead turned into two men wearing crowns and imperial robes, it was Di Jun and Taiyi...

As soon as the two turned into human form, they looked directly at Qin Feng.

The two sides are separated by hundreds of millions of miles and face off from afar.

"Brother, is that Qin Feng?"

Tai Yi looked at Qin Feng from a distance.

"That's right! It's him!"

Di Jun looked at Qin Feng coldly, with hatred in his eyes.

"Brother, judging from the blood value of this kid, he is extremely young, definitely no more than 10,000 years old. At such an age, he really has a combat power of 90,000 poles? Otherwise, I will give it a try. his skills"

Tai was eager to try.

He obviously did not believe that Qin Feng had a combat power of 90,000 poles.

At this moment, Qin Feng was hiding his cultivation and aura, and he naturally couldn't see it.

"Second brother, don't do it!" Di Jun hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother, why?"

"Second brother, because of the carelessness of the foolish brother last time, he lost three generals as soon as they met, and was caught off guard by him. This time, we can't make the same mistake."

"Oh, that's because the three of Shangyang are too weak, and the foolish brother is different from the three of them..." Taiyi didn't care.

Di Jun said seriously: "In terms of strength, Brother Yu also thinks that you can definitely beat Qin Feng. But we came here this time to destroy Qin Feng and the entire South Alliance, not for a battle of will.

"We either don't make a move, or kill Qin Feng as soon as we make a move, so that we can resolve the battle as quickly as possible..."

"After all, our old nest is empty, and there is no one to take care of the fusang tree in Tanggu, so we must make a quick decision and return as soon as possible, so as not to be taken advantage of by other forces, and the gains outweigh the losses..."

Taiyi woke up: "Brother reminded right! Then let's start!

"it is good!"

As soon as the words fell, Di Jun turned his head to look at the many subordinates of Eternal Realm and Half-Step Eternal.

"Three hundred and sixty-five star positions, are you all ready? 35

"I'm ready!""

Those subordinates of Eternal Realm and Half Step Eternal agreed in unison.

"Okay! Hold the flag!

As soon as Di Jun waved his hand, the three hundred and sixty-five large Zhoutian star flags flew to those men...

At this opening, Di Jun is going to enlarge his moves and go all out.

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