Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 131: The cl1 breaks the formation and kills the Quartet

On the altar, Xuan Ye's clone slowly got up.

Om~! Om~!. …

Yuantu and Abi's double swords are full of aura, thousands of rays of light run through all directions, and hundreds of millions of swords are boundless...

At this time, the aura of Xuanhen's avatar exploded, and the mind opened up...

Two swords resonate!

Man and sword unite!

The imposing manner of Xuanhen's clone skyrocketed, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the late stage of Heavenly Sage.

The phantom clone takes the book of the earth as the sacred artifact, the main defense!

Xuanhen's avatar uses the Yuantu Abi double swords as the sacred weapon, and the main attack!

"Well... these guys are a little interesting..."9

At this time, Xuanhen's avatar seemed to sense something, and looked up at every corner of the God Realm again.

At this moment, he sensed that hundreds of hidden forces and nearly 10 billion souls poured into SAARC branches, vying to sign contracts with the Faith God Pillar, and take the initiative to join SAARC...

Among those people, there are many strong people in the eternal realm, and there are as many as a hundred in the half-step eternal realm.

Among them, there is a second realm peak powerhouse named Yingzhao.

The sudden addition of these people has greatly improved Qin Feng's strength.

Similarly, the strength of the phantom avatar and the mysterious female avatar has also been improved.

In such a short time, Qin Feng's combat power has increased by 30,000 poles, and the phantom avatar and the mysterious female avatar have increased their power by 10,000 poles...

The phantom avatar is an extension of Qin Feng's body, and the mysterious female avatar is also an extension of Qin Feng's body, but it is continued in another way...

Immediately, Xuanhen's clone took a step and left the Dahong God Realm...

At the same time, outside, over the SAARC headquarters.

Emperor Jun Taiyi is working together to suppress Qin Feng.

Originally, the two still had the upper hand.

But soon, the two found that Qin Feng's momentum seemed to be improving a little bit, and their first-line advantage was constantly weakening...

Naturally, the two of them didn't know that there were tens of billions of beings scrambling to join the SAARC...

Qin Feng's combat power is improving little by little...

In just a moment, the slight advantage of Emperor Jun Taiyi disappeared. Instead, Qin Feng became stronger and stronger, and there was a tendency to gain the upper hand...  

The two of Di Jun were finally in a hurry.

"Brother, this kid is weird! He seems to be getting stronger and stronger as he fights!"

Tai Yi secretly transmitted his voice, and his tone was full of anxiety.

"Wei brother also found out, I really don't know how he did it. However, the advantage is still on our side. Qin Feng can hold it, but his subordinates can't hold it.

As soon as these words came to an end, there were thousands of other disciples in the South Alliance camp, who were so shocked that they vomited blood, and their momentum dropped.

Seeing this scene, I was overjoyed.

"Haha! It's my brother's vicious vision! As long as we persist for a while, the SAARC defense will be broken. By then, the SAARC will be defeated like a mountain, and Qin Feng will not be able to turn the tide..."

Di Jun sneered: "Humph! The Zhou Tianxingdou formation in our Great Sun Heaven Realm, how could these inferior creatures in the God Realm be able to resist!"

At this point, Di Jun shouted to Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng little thief! Your subordinates can't hold it anymore! You SAARC are doomed this time! Haha!!""

Emperor Jun laughed, intending to attack the hearts of the Southern Alliance.

Qin Feng said coldly: "Who is dead, not sure!"

Taiyi sneered: "Haha! Qin Feng, you are really optimistic. You don't even look at your subordinates, how long do you think they can last? 99

As soon as these words fell, hundreds of muffled hums sounded in the field.

In the South Alliance camp, a large defensive formation was finally defeated, and hundreds of South Alliance students were stunned and fell from the air...

At the center of the formation, the Star Lord of the palace that day was even more smashed by the power of starlight, and half of his body was shattered...

"Ah~! Your Majesty! The old man can't hold it anymore..."

The Tianfu Star Master let out a miserable roar, then passed out, and fell from the sky. . . .

"not good!

"Tianfu Star Lord!"

The SAARC people exclaimed in amazement.

"Tianfu!", Qin Feng was shocked and angry.

The Tianfu Star Lord was his old subordinate and was extremely loyal to him.

Although Tianfu Star Master has limited qualifications and is only at the God-level cultivation base, Qin Feng cannot tolerate someone who hurts him...

"Broken! Broken! Qin Feng, your SAARC can't be defended!

"Children! Attack me! Attack me hard! Haha!

Dijun and Taiyi laughed proudly.

Everyone in the big sun world was extremely excited, and immediately activated the big formation, and a starlight fell from the sky and slammed into the South Alliance camp...

At this moment, there is one less defensive formation in the South Alliance, and no one can resist this attack. Everyone is in a hurry...

If this attack cannot be blocked, it will create a vicious circle, more and more defensive formations will be broken, and the army will be defeated like a mountain...

At this moment of crisis, the phantom avatar beckoned, the space in the field changed, and tens of thousands of people appeared densely in an instant, all of them were powerhouses above the gods.

The strongest among them is Ying Zhao of the second realm peak...

As soon as Yingzhao and other tens of thousands of people showed up, they immediately filled the vacancy and blocked the starlight attack...

At the same time, many of the Nanmeng children who were seriously injured were replaced by Yingzhao and others...

This scene made Di Juntai and others stunned.

"How could this be?! Where did these people come from? Where did these people come from?!""

Di Jun was furious.

But before he could think about it, a golden light and shadow flew out of the SAARC headquarters and rushed directly to the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array...

"Huh! That is?

"So fast!

At this moment, the eyes of both parties could not help but fall on the light and shadow.

The speed of the light and shadow was extremely fast, like a rainbow light, it broke through the barriers in a blink of an eye, and reached the bottom of the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array...

At this time, Tai Jun Taiyi saw the person coming.

It was actually a guy who was seven points similar to the phantom avatar, and the breath was also very similar...

This person is Xuan Ye's avatar!

"not good"

"That guy wants to break through!"

Emperor Juntai felt bad for a while, and the two shot at the same time, and Donghuang Zhong Jiulong Sword attacked Xuan Ye's clone together...

But at this moment, Qin Feng pointed his sword and launched the Heaven Punishing Sword Formation, blasting out hundreds of millions of sword lights, forming a sky-penetrating sword curtain, blocking the attack of the two...

"Quick! Quickly stop that person! 99

"Absolutely can't let him break the line!"

Tai Jun Taiyi shouted in a hurry.

Bai Ze, Ji Meng, Bi Fang and others shook the star banner in their hands and launched a star attack on Xuan Ye's clone...


The phantom avatar raised his arms and raised his hand again to block the attack of the three of Bai Ze...

Hong Jun, Star Master Ziwei, Pan Zu and others also took the initiative to attack and intercept the opponent's attack...

This is the first time SAARC has turned from defense to offense and launched a counterattack...

Even so, there are still hundreds of starlight attacks, which were not intercepted in time, and they all rushed towards Xuanhen's clone...

The power of each starlight attack is no less than that of the Eternal Realm powerhouse, and the power of the powerful one is no less than that of the Extreme Saint...

The hundreds of attacks are concentrated together, and the power will destroy the sky and the earth. Even the most holy powerhouse will not be able to bear it, and will fall on the spot...

"not good!

"It's over! It's over!!"

The SAARC people exclaimed in amazement. ,

Although they don't know who the strong man who suddenly appeared is who is obviously here to help SAARC...

It's a pity that they are not strong enough to help the man to intercept all the attacks, I am afraid that the man will soon die on the spot...

After all, those attacks can't be stopped even by the Supreme Saint, unless the Heavenly Saint makes a move...

They can't believe that in addition to Qin Feng and the phantom clone, there will be a third Heavenly Saint level powerhouse in the South Alliance...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!  …

In the next second, hundreds of starlight attacks bombarded Xuanheng's body...

The dazzling white light engulfed everything, and also engulfed the figure of Xuanheng's clone...

The hearts of the SAARC people are sinking!

"Dead! This guy is dead! Haha!"

Di Jun and the others laughed excitedly.

But in a second, their smiles stiffened on their faces...

I saw a flash of golden light, a rainbow light penetrated the white light in the sky, and Xuan Ye's clone rushed over unharmed...

"This... how is this possible!"

"Oh my god! This guy is a Heavenly Saint level powerhouse!""

"Quick! Quick! Quickly activate the protection mode!"

Di Jun Taiyi wanted to stop it, but was stopped by Qin Feng.

At this moment, they can only activate the large formation protection mode in order to block the attack of Xuanheng's clone...


Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

The stars twinkle in the sky!

The entire Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array lit up with a blue protective mask...

Di Jun Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Tianxingdou's great formation is integrated in attack and defense, and its mask is extremely protective, and can withstand a blow from the late Tiansheng powerhouse...

This is where Di Jun Taiyi's strength lies. They don't believe that Xuan Ye's clone can break the protection of this great formation...

Om~! Om~!

At this moment, Xuan Ye's clone sacrificed Yuantu's Abi double swords...

The combination of two swords increases the power!


A sword light flashed!

The power of the sword that erupted in an instant has reached the threshold of the peak of Tiansheng...

Stab it~!

A tearing sound!

That sword light actually cut through the protection of the large formation and rushed into the formation.

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!  …

Where the sword light passed, seven or eight people were continuously bombarded, and three large star banners rolled and fell from the blood mist...

Xuan Ye's clone waved his hand, and took the three-pole star flag into his hand...

"No~! 35

Di Jun's extremely sad and angry roar resounded in the air.

The formation of this week's Star Dou Great Array is based on these star flags, one less shot, the great array is broken, and it can no longer be formed...

Without the blessing of the great formation, the momentum of Di Jun Taiyi and others plummeted in geometric multiples...

"Die! 35

Qin Feng took the opportunity to launch the Heaven Punishing Sword Array, hundreds of millions of sword lights, lasing at Di Jun and others...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

In just one face-to-face, Qin Feng threw Di Juntai up to the point of vomiting blood, rolled upside down and flew hundreds of millions of miles away...

There are also hundreds of thousands of children from the Great Sun and Heaven Realm who were bombarded on the spot and killed in seconds, many of them from the Eternal Realm...

Without the blessing of the great formation, Tai Jun Taiyi's strength has fallen to the peak of Tiansheng, and those subordinates are even more unbearable...

So, how could they be Qin Feng's opponents....

This scene made everyone in SAARC excited...


The phantom avatar raised its arms, and 80 million Nanmeng disciples rushed to the army of the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

A large-scale massacre unfolded vigorously.. spoon

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