Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 136: Within the Sun, Surprise Discovery

In just a moment, Qin Feng flew in front of the giant sun, transformed into hundreds of millions of feet, and stood upright...

But such a huge figure, in front of that giant sun, is as small as an ant...

Qin Feng looked up at the giant sun and felt that the source of the extreme source contained the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth...

A ray of light of extreme yang power radiated out, stabbing his pupils and making him almost unable to open his eyes...

The power of the extreme sun continued to pour in, scorching his whole body, and the temperature was extremely high...

In just a few seconds, beads of sweat appeared on Qin Feng's forehead.

You must know that his strength has surpassed the limit of the peak of Tiansheng, and he can't stand the scorching of the giant sun...

"This source of extreme sun is too huge!"

Qin Feng sighed and stretched out his hand towards the giant sun...


A sound similar to drops of water falling into a hot-iron pan...

As soon as Qin Feng's fingers touched the surface of the giant sun, there was a sharp tingling sensation...

He retracted his fingers reflexively, looked down, and was surprised to find that the skin on the fingertips was burnt and blackened, and there were bursts of burnt smell...

Qin Feng was surprised and delighted.

This giant sun is worthy of being the source of the extreme sun that can give birth to Emperor Jun Taiyi. The power of the extreme sun contained in it is almost endless, and it is a great treasure!

But then, he was a little worried.

Although the source of extreme yang was in front of him, it was impossible for him to refine the whole thing away.

He even touched his fingers, and his fingers were eroded by the purest force of the sun, let alone moving...

What's more, this source of extreme yang is so huge, even if he can touch it, he may not be able to move it.

Having said that, don't say that Qin Feng can't refine this giant sun, even Di Jun Taiyi can't refine it.

Even if the two of them were born from within the giant sun, without fear of any damage from the giant sun, they could absorb the power of the extreme sun emitted by the giant sun at will, but they could not refine the giant sun...

But Qin Feng was a little unwilling if he didn't refine the giant sun.


Suddenly, Qin Feng's heart moved, and he opened his mouth to suck at the giant sun...

In the next second, the endless power of the extreme sun poured into his mouth, and his momentum suddenly soared all the way...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing a lot of the power of the polar sun... Your combat power has increased by 10,000 poles..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing a lot of the power of the polar sun... Your combat power has increased by 10,000 poles..."


"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing a lot of the power of the polar sun... You have obtained the body of Japan and Germany, and your combat power has increased by 710,000 poles..."

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

It is good to have a sufficient source of the sun.

In just a moment, he obtained the body of Japanese Germany.

At the moment, he continues to devour the power of the extreme sun...

At the same time, the bloodbath of the Great Sun World continues...

The SAARC army has slaughtered nearly 100 billion Japanese creatures, and the number of prisoners has reached more than 70 billion...

Qin Feng's exchange point is soaring all the way....

The back-feeding of the combat power he obtained is also continuously rising...

But on the other side, Emperor Jun Taiyi is leading hundreds of thousands of remnants of the army and rushing back to the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

Suddenly, Di Jun's communication jade talisman came with a message.

He quickly took a look.

Seeing this, his expression suddenly changed.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"See for yourself!" Di Jun was shaking with anger.

Tai Yi quickly took the jade talisman and looked at it.

"Who... Who are these people?! Who is it?!"

When Tai saw it, he roared furiously.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Bi Fang hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"A group of people have taken advantage of the emptiness of our Great Sun World's defense, and have already invaded our territory, and are now rampaging our Great Sun World's creatures..."

Di Jun put away the communication jade talisman.

"Ah?" Bi Fang's face changed greatly, "Your Majesty, who are you? Could it be the forces of the other eight heavens and ten regions?"

"I don't know!" Di Jun shook his head, "They didn't report their families, and the garrisoned troops couldn't recognize their details..."

Before the words were finished, Taiyi suddenly thought of something, his face changed greatly,

"Not good! Brother, our hibiscus tree!

Hearing this, Di Jun's face instantly became ugly.

There are countless resources in the Great Sun and Heaven, and there are only two most precious ones.

The same is the giant sun that contains the infinite power of the polar sun.

The other is the spiritual root of heaven and earth - the divine tree of Fusang.

They are not worried about the giant sun, because no one can refine the giant sun, not even the ancestors can do it.

What they are worried about is the divine tree of Fusang, which is the key to their promotion to the quasi-saint ancestor.

"Not good! Fusang divine tree!

Di Jun let out a startled roar, and transformed into the three-legged Golden Crow's original shape.

In the next second, he displayed the technique of turning the golden crow into a rainbow, turned into a rainbow light, and rushed towards the Great Sun Heaven Realm...

Taichi followed suit.

The two were hundreds of millions of miles away in the blink of an eye, and soon disappeared from the sight of their subordinates...

Only Bi Fang and the others were left dumbfounded.

In order to protect the divine tree of Fusang, they have already given up on these men.

After all, the hibiscus tree is more precious than these subordinates!

"Master Bi! What shall we do now?"

The disciples of the Great Sun Realm looked a little dazed.

"Let's keep going! There should be no SAARC pursuers behind!

Bi Fang looked back and saw that the void behind him was empty.

It was the SAARC war that had made them startled.

Thinking about it, they have been on the run for two days, so they should be safe.

Hearing this, the subordinates breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go! Let's hit the road quickly, the sooner we get to the headquarters, the safer..."

"Yeah! I don't know who invaded our headquarters. Could it be that the news of our Great Sun World was leaked by an insider? Otherwise, even if the people from the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains learned about it, they would not have rushed so quickly. to?"

"Haha! Let's not talk so much. When the two His Majesty arrives, all the truth will be known naturally! 99

"That's right! At the speed of your two majesties, you can fly back to the headquarters in less than a day..."

Bi Fang and the others were chatting while rushing to the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

On the other side, in the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

At this moment, the SAARC army has slaughtered hundreds of billions of the children of the Great Sun, and the number of prisoners is close to 100 billion...

Qin Feng's exchange points have been soaring and have accumulated to tens of billions...

At the same time, he is constantly devouring the power of the extreme sun, his momentum has skyrocketed all the way, and his combat power has increased to 730,000 poles...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for swallowing up a lot of the power of the extreme sun.... Your eternal sun body was promoted to the creation sun body successfully, and your combat power has been increased to 750,000 poles of power..."

Haha!! It worked!

Qin Feng is ecstatic!

He absorbed a lot of the power of the extreme sun, making the giant sun smaller!

He also finally obtained the Sun Physique of Creation, reaching the limit of the power of the extreme sun.

Today, he has the body of Hongmeng (the first stage), the sun body of creation and the eternal moon body.

·0 for flowers ·.....

If he also promotes the Eternal Moon Body to the Creation Moon Body, he can upgrade the Primordial Body to the second stage, and his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt relieved.

The next second, he stretched out his big hand again and touched the surface of the giant sun...

When his fingertips touched the giant sun, there was no burning pain like the last time, but it was as if he had penetrated into a mass of warm air, and the warm air constantly penetrated into his skin, moisturizing his limbs. I feel very comfortable. …

Obviously, after he obtained the sun body of creation, the giant sun no longer hurts his body, but instead has a nourishing effect, it feels very wonderful!

"Huh! This is..."

Qin Feng fumbled with his hand for a while, and was surprised to find that the surface of the giant sun was like a mass of mist, without a substantial surface.

As soon as he thought about it, he took a step forward.

Afterwards, he plunged into the sun as a whole.

In the next second, Qin Feng's face lit up, and now he entered a world filled with golden light, which was closed all around, as if inside a huge golden egg.

In the center of the world, a dark golden sphere with a diameter of 10,000 zhang is suspended, like an egg yolk, exuding an extremely pure power of extreme yang, more than ten times purer than the power of extreme yang emanating from the appearance of the giant sun...


What is even more surprising is that the dark golden sphere is covered with peculiar lines, which naturally form a series of strange restrictions, some of which are similar to the eternal prohibition of holy artifact...

Eternal restraint is the standard that the Hallows are.

The Kaiding-level sacred artifact has thirty-six eternal prohibitions, symbolizing the thirty-six heavens...

The heaven-casting holy artifact has forty-nine eternal prohibitions, symbolizing the forty-nine ways of heaven...

Fortune-level sacred artifact has fifty layers of eternal prohibition, symbolizing the fifty-fifty avenues, which is for perfection.

Qin Feng was surprised to find that the ban on this dark golden ball has fifty layers, but it is not the eternal ban of the holy artifact, but it is somewhat similar and extremely extraordinary.

"Could it be that this is the core of the giant sun? As long as I refine this core, it means refining the giant sun?

Qin Feng guessed in his heart.

Then, he looked down and saw three huge nests directly under the dark golden ball, which seemed to be bird nests...

In two of the nests, the eggshell has been broken, and the life inside the egg has long been conceived.

Obviously, those two are the Golden Crow's lair that gave birth to Emperor Jun Taiyi...

But when Qin Feng's eyes fell on the third nest, he was shocked.

Inside the lair, there was a golden egg lying quietly, covered with natural spirit patterns, accompanied by purple rays of light, shining brightly, extremely noble...

It's just that at this moment, the breath of the god egg is extremely weak, and there are still many cracks on the surface of the eggshell, which seem to be damaged by external forces...

It seems that this god egg has been damaged by external forces, causing its breath to be extremely weak, and it is in a state of frequent death...

Qin Feng looked at the three bird's nests again, the third bird's nest was obviously bigger, higher, and closer to the dark golden ball, obviously above the other two bird's nests...

Could it be that three golden crows were born in the sun at the beginning, not two golden crows, but Di Juntai broke out of the shell first.

I don't know what happened, the third stronger Golden Crow egg, the egg shell was destroyed, and countless cracks appeared, causing the vitality to continue to flow away, and now it has fallen into a state of frequent death...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng suddenly became interested and strode towards the Golden Crow Egg.

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