Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 46 chapters want to calculate! The bamboo basket is finally empty!

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "I found an interesting thing on the phantom clone, let's go too!

As soon as the voice fell, the three disappeared out of thin air.

In the next second, the three of them appeared in an endless star field, and there were screams and fighting sounds from the front.

Lu Ya quickly followed the reputation and saw that the phantom avatar was killing the Quartet...

There are hundreds of thousands of people on the other side, but in front of the phantom clone, like ants, they are being bombarded in pieces, and the sky is bloody fog...

"Master Qin Lei! Forgive your life! Forgive your life! Ah..."

"Sir Bi Fang! Quick! Quickly ask the two majesties for help!

In the battlefield, those people screamed...

These people are the hundreds of thousands of Japanese remnants led by Bi Fang.

After Tai Yi broke through the siege of the phantom clone, he rushed to the Great Sun Heaven Realm, but the phantom-clone did not catch up.

It turned out that he knew that Di Juntai rushed back early, and Bi Fang's remnant army must be still behind, so he rushed to intercept it in advance, and he met ...

"Master! I'll help you!"

As soon as Lu Ya saw the scene in front of him, he rushed over excitedly, and immediately rushed into the flock like a tiger, killing hundreds of people in just a moment...

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar also rushed in together, and the four swords of Zhutian and Yuantu Abi came out together, and the sword light lasing all over the sky.

Wherever the sword light went, the brothers were bombarded one by one, and in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of children were killed in seconds...


When Bi Fang and the others saw Qin Feng also arriving, they roared in despair...

In the next second, he was instantly killed by Qin Feng's sword...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, you succeeded in killing the most powerful person (Bi Fang)... The host obtained 100 million 1000 karma points (110 million exchange points)...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host..."

For a time, Qin Feng's karma skyrocketed, and the exchange points increased wildly...

Meanwhile, within the big day.

Di Jun Taiyi looked at the dark world with boundless despair in his heart.

Their consciousness has been swept over several times, but they still haven't found any trace of Qin Feng.

Suddenly, Di Jun's expression changed, and he took out the communication jade talisman and looked at it.

Seeing this, his face changed greatly.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Damn it! Bi Fang and the others met Qin Feng and Qin Lei, and the situation is very critical!"


"Go! Let's go save them!

"Brother! Hold on!"

Tai Yi reached out and stopped Di Jun.

"Second brother, why did you stop me?"

"Brother, have you forgotten? You can draw a tie with Qin Feng by relying on the seal of the heaven. If you go out of the Great Sun Heaven, even if you and I join forces, we are not his opponents. We only have to run for our lives..."


Emperor Jun's body was shaken, he suddenly woke up, and his expression was sluggish.

"Hey~! I didn't expect that you and my brothers became bare commanders..."

He smiled wryly and shook his head, extremely decadent.

Taiyi also said with a look of loss: "Not only has we become a bare commander, our resources, the sun of the extreme sun, and the sacred tree of Fusang have all been plundered, and the Great Sun Heaven has become the most barren place in the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions... ."

"Hey~! Hateful! Hateful! This matter must not be forgotten!

"Brother, of course, we can't forget it. But you and I are at a disadvantage now and can only live in the Great Sun Heaven Realm. If you go out of the Great Sun Heaven Realm, you and I can only retreat when you see Qin Feng, let alone take revenge. .

"This...that's not necessarily!"

Di Jun seemed to have thought of something, his eyes rolled, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Brother, do you have a plan?

"Second brother, have you ever thought about it? The Sun of Extreme Sun is a congenital thing that can be taken away as long as it is refined. But the Divine Fusang Tree is different, it is the spiritual root of heaven and earth.

"If you want to refine the spiritual root of heaven and earth, you need to find a suitable place to plant it first. If you can't find a place to plant it, he will not be able to refine the spiritual root of heaven and earth. Then the hibiscus tree will always be an ownerless thing... "

As soon as these words fell, Taiyi's eyes lit up.

"Brother is right! If you want to refine the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, you must first find a suitable planting place. Only a space like the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains is suitable for planting spiritual roots. Qin Feng is not like us, who has mastered the great sun and heaven, he Where to plant? Does he want to plant in the land of the gods? 35

Di Jun sneered: "Although he has fortune-telling jade shards, he did not get all the jade shards, which means that he is not the true master of the gods. Linggen contains his own set of laws of heaven and earth. It will be rejected by the laws of heaven and earth in the gods.”

"If Qin Feng wants to eliminate the conflict between the two laws of heaven and earth, he must become the real Lord of the God Realm in order to ease the conflict between the two laws of heaven and earth. Otherwise, he will not only fail to transplant, but will also be seriously injured by backlash... ."

Taiyi nodded slightly: "That's right! Don't talk about him, even if he was as tyrannical as a Taoist man, when he forcibly transplanted a heaven and earth spirit root into Guixu, he was severely backfired.

"Although he was lucky to break through to the quasi-Saint Ancestor in the end, his combat power is only more than 3 million poles, and he has not yet reached the threshold of the quasi-Saint Patriarch, which is also sad!"

Di Jun also nodded and said: "Yes! The so-called return to the ruins is actually a completely destroyed heaven. It comes with a system of laws of heaven and earth, which is also in line with the standard of transplanting the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. But even so, Taoist Zhentian still Injured and backlash, Qin Feng is even more hopeless...

It turned out that the so-called return to the ruins was actually a heaven in the past.

At that time, the ancient gods fought bloody battles with the great powers in the sky, and finally caused the complete destruction of the sky and became the return to the ruins today.

Since then, Ten Heavens and Ten Domains has become Nine Heavens and Ten Domains.

Later, the Taoist Zhentian obtained a mature spiritual root of heaven and earth from the treasures of the ancient gods, and transplanted it into the Guixu.

The Taoist Zhentian did not have his own territory, so after all the calculations, it was only suitable for transplanting in the Returning Ruins.

What's more, he was lucky enough to get a broken piece of the power of returning to the ruins. He can borrow 50% of the power of returning to the ruins, and he can be considered as half of the master of the ruins. This is why the forced transplant was successful...  

Thinking of this, Emperor Jun Taiyi felt that even if Qin Feng obtained the divine fusang tree, he would not be able to really refine it...

"Brother, as far as I know, after the Taoist Zhentian broke through by chance, he declared himself the Holy Ancestor of Returning Ruins. Calculate the time, he will return from outside the Nine Heavens Territory soon, right?

·0 Seeking flowers...

"What? Do you want to join forces with him to deal with Qin Feng? But we can't find a reason for him to attack Qin Feng..."

Taichi smiled bitterly: "That's right!"

Di Jun sneered: "Although we can't unite with Zhentian, we can let others deal with Qin Feng..."

Taiyi's eyes lit up: "Could it be that brother wants to reveal the secret of the fusang tree?"

"That's right!" Di Jun said with a grim expression, "Since we can't get it, we can't let Qin Feng get it. No one in this world knows the existence of the Fusang Divine Tree. If it were announced, it would definitely be a sensation in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains."

Taiyi said excitedly: "That's right! An immature plant with no owner's spiritual roots is very easy to refine. As long as we announce that Qin Feng has a hibiscus tree in his hands, and then reveal that Qin Feng is not capable of refining, nine days ten The masters of the domain will definitely find trouble with him! 99

"Haha!! That's of course! At that time, I will see how Qin Feng can resist the entanglement of the great powers!

"Brother, with Qin Feng's strength and the help of the good luck jade, I'm afraid that the great powers will not be able to get any benefits. I'm worried, no one dares to go?""


A sly look flashed in Di Jun's eyes: "We don't reveal Qin Feng's strength, let alone that we lost the Fusang tree, and we deliberately devalue Qin Feng's strength, and let those people trouble him..."

"This... If those people suffered, would they hate us? 35

"There will definitely be people who hate us, but they will hate Qin Feng even more. If Qin Feng has a big revenge with those people, and then leads out one or two ancestral monsters, maybe we can get revenge!"

Taichi was pleasantly surprised: "Haha!! Big brother is really good at it!"

Di Jun also said proudly: "Humph! That kid wants to fight with the deity! He is still tender!"

Taiyi was still a little worried: "Although my brother's strategy is clever, the premise is that Qin Feng does not have the ability to refine the divine tree. Strange, I don't want to stick to this cause and effect..."

Di Jun didn't take it seriously and said, "Don't worry! According to my estimation, Qin Feng really has no way to refine the fusang tree. An unowned spiritual root of heaven and earth will definitely arouse the curiosity of the ancestors and monsters..."

Hearing this, Taichi breathed a sigh of relief.

He also felt that Qin Feng had no refining ability...

The two did not know that although Qin Feng did not control the Dahuang God Realm, he created the Dahong God Realm himself.

The completion progress of the Great Hong God Realm is only 37%, but it already has a complete system of the laws of heaven and earth, which is several times larger than any of the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains.

What's more, the divine fusang tree is still a seedling, which is easier to refine than the spiritual roots of the ancestors of Guixu.

Therefore, it is very easy for Qin Feng to refine the hibiscus tree.

Once refined, his strength will skyrocket again.

Di Jun's calculation will only be an empty bamboo basket.

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