Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 148: Breakthrough in cultivation, the 1 realm of eternity

After a while, Qin Feng used the space to summon and returned to the SAARC headquarters.

He released the people from the South Alliance, and after explaining it, he returned to the Dahong God Realm by himself.

At this moment, the Heavenly Palace Holy Land is above a valley.

Qin Feng hovered in the air, pinched the seal with both hands, and constantly controlled the divine fusang tree in front of him...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged violently!

The divine tree of Fusang has risen sharply!

Three thousand divine lights lit up all over the body...

As long as the spiritual roots of heaven and earth will form a system of laws of heaven and earth, it will be incompatible with the laws of the outside world...

At this moment, the law of heaven and earth that comes with the Fusang God Tree is in conflict with the law of heaven and earth of the Great Hong God Realm, stirring up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. . . .

If this conflict is not resolved, the successful transplant of the hibiscus tree will not be possible.

If you can't transplant it, you can't worship the hibiscus tree.

Back then, Emperor Jun Taiyi joined forces to manipulate the laws of the Great Sun Heaven with the help of the seal of the heavens. It took hundreds of years to forcibly implant the fusang tree into the Great Sun Heaven.

This is also because the God Fusang Tree is a seedling, the power of the law of heaven and earth formed by itself is still very weak, and the conflict between the two sets of laws of heaven and earth is not fierce, and it can only be completed in hundreds of years.

If you replace it with a mature spiritual root of heaven and earth, and transplant only one, it will be as short as a thousand years, and as slow as nearly ten thousand years.

Back then, the Holy Ancestor Guixu spent tens of thousands of years to fully plant the root of heaven and earth, but the result was still not fully refined.

It can be seen that transplanting the spiritual roots of heaven and earth is an extremely difficult task10.

At this moment, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, all worlds shook, and the power of the law of the entire Dahong God Realm began to surge...

But in just a moment, under the guidance of Qin Feng, the power of the law of the Dahong God Realm merged with the power of the law of the Fusang tree...


The divine tree trembled, three thousand divine lights were about to shine, and thousands of roots began to slowly plunge into the valley...

After all the roots were sunk into the ground, peace between heaven and earth was restored, and all visions disappeared. . . .

In this way, within a quarter of an hour, the fusang tree was successfully implanted in the Dahong God Realm, and the process was extremely smooth...

This point, Emperor Jun Taiyi never imagined, nor dared to imagine.

The Great Hong God Realm is far stronger than the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, and it is the most suitable for transplanting the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

What's more, the Dahong God Realm was founded by Qin Feng himself, and he was able to control it with ease, unlike Di Jun Taiyi who had to borrow external force, the difference between the two was naturally huge.

After the transplant, Qin Feng separated a spiritual sense and penetrated into the fusang tree.

At this moment, the root system of the divine tree is connected to the Dahong God Realm, and the laws of the two are compatible, so Qin Feng is not repelled, and even shows a hint of closeness.

Qin Feng's spiritual sense infiltrated easily, and began to sacrifice...

In just a moment, the progress of the sacrifice has reached 6%, and the speed is thousands of times that of the peak of Tiansheng, which is unimaginable...

Generally speaking, the stronger the primordial spirit, the higher the speed of sacrifice.

Qin Feng's Primordial Spirit is the Primordial Spirit of Hongmeng, and the strength of the Primordial Spirit of Light is comparable to the threshold of the Holy Ancestor (Sixth Realm), so his refining speed is thousands of times that of the peak of the Heavenly Saint...

This was something that Di Jun Taiyi would never have imagined.

With the deepening of the sacrifice, Qin Feng's momentum also began to skyrocket...

"Ding~! The progress of the host's sacrificial training has reached 7%...Congratulations on getting your spiritual root combat power back.... The combat power has increased to 2.04 million poles..."

"Ding~! The progress of the host's sacrificial training has reached 13%, congratulations on getting the spiritual root combat power backfeed.... The combat power has increased to 2.09 million poles..."

"Ding~! The progress of the host's sacrifice has reached 21%.

In this way, Qin Feng's combat power has skyrocketed...

At the same time, in the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi General Qin Feng have the news of the Fusang tree, and they announced it to the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains through the communication of the Jade Talisman...

Even some old monsters hidden outside the Nine Heavens Territory, they also sent a message.

In order to provoke a conflict between the great powers and Qin Feng, the two of them deliberately belittled Qin Feng's strength, and emphasized that Qin Feng could not refine the hibiscus tree...

That fusang tree is an ownerless thing...

As soon as this news came out, it exploded like a bomb in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains.

Countless great powers began to move around...

Great Desolate God Realm!

They have always looked down on the place, and now there is a seedling of the spiritual root of heaven and earth, how can they not be moved?

At least from their point of view, the danger of going to the God Realm to snatch a tree root is far less than going to the Nine Heavens and Ten Regions...

Not only are many Heavenly Saints thinking this way, even some quasi-Saint Ancestors have begun to set their sights on the God Realm...

There are a total of eleven quasi-sage ancestors in the nine heavens and ten regions.

If you add those who have retreated outside the Nine Heavens Territory, there are nearly twenty quasi-sage ancestors, and many of them are in the later period of the quasi-sage ancestors.

With Qin Feng's current strength, even with the help of the Jade Shard of Fortune, it would still be very dangerous to meet the late quasi-Saint Ancestor.

In the later stage of the Quasi-Saint Ancestor, the combat power is more than 20 million poles, and the various means are even more sky-high...

Qin Feng's current combat power is only more than 2 million poles, the difference is huge...

Of course, all this is undercurrent.

The quasi-sacred ancestors in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains did not act immediately, but paid more attention to the treasures of the ancient gods that they valued more...

The treasure of the ancient gods will be opened after more than 30 years, and everyone has not much time left...  

Only some Heavenly Saint powerhouses have already begun to act...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, three days passed by the outside world.

On this day, in the Great Sun Heaven Realm.

Di Jun received the news from the Holy Ancestor Guixu and was greatly surprised.

"Brother, did Taoist Zhentian send you a message?"

Taichi asked curiously.

The Taoist of Zhentian is the name of the Holy Ancestor Guixu.

"That's right!

Di Jun looked strange after reading the information.

Taiyi frowned: "Strange! Since Zhentian broke through to the fifth realm, he has always regarded himself as very high, and has never looked at me and waited for Tiansheng. This time, how could he take the initiative to contact us? 99

"Second brother doesn't know anything, this guy contacted us to ask us to do something for him.

Di Jun silently put away the communication jade talisman.

"Brother, what is he doing?"

"Since we disclosed information to him last time, it was said that Qin Feng had obtained the divine tree of Fusang. He became interested in Qin Feng and asked us to help him to check whether Qin Feng had been to Guixu some time ago..."

Taiyi was puzzled: "Why does he want to check if Qin Feng has gone to Guixu? Could it be that what happened in Guixu?"

Di Jun shook his head slightly: "I don't know either! He said that he was rushing back from outside the Nine Heavens Territory, and it would take more than ten years to arrive, so please let us check first. Brother Wei has already agreed to him, even if he sells him a favor... "

Tai nodded: "That guy is a quasi-Saint Ancestor anyway, and it should be possible to sell him a favor. By the way, didn't he let his subordinates build a psychic altar, and if something happens, he can return to the market through the altar? Why? More than ten years to go?"

Di Jun sneered: "I'm afraid that the altar has been destroyed, 480 he can't use it..."

Tai glanced at him and said, "Brother, since Zhentian can't come back for a while, then should we go to Guixu and grab his spiritual roots?"

Di Jun smiled bitterly: "His spiritual root of heaven and earth has been implanted in the returning space, and under his secret technique, he entered the back of the returning space. No one can find the location of the spiritual root except him. How can we grab it?"

"It's a hassle!" Taiyi nodded slightly.

Immediately, his eyes lit up again: "Brother, I once heard a rumor that the spiritual root of Zhentian could not be completely refined, and there are residual thoughts of the ancient gods. 35

"Under certain circumstances, God Race creatures can communicate with the Lord's residual thoughts and find the location of the Spiritual Root. Could it be Qin Feng and the Spiritual Root..."

Di Jun's eyes also lit up: "What do you mean, between Qin Feng and Zhentian, maybe because of some conflict between that Linggen?"

Taiyi smiled strangely: "Brother, it's very possible!

Di Jun was overjoyed: "If this is the case, this matter needs to be investigated carefully! If there is a real conflict between Zhen Tian and Qin Feng, you and I will have a great help!""

As soon as these words fell, the two smiled at each other and began to plan...

At the same time, the Divine Realm, the SAARC headquarters.

Dahong God Realm, inside the Heavenly Palace Holy Land.

On this day, an extremely terrifying momentum conflict erupted, causing the entire Dahong God Realm to surge in the laws of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Qin Feng finally refined the Fusang tree.

At this moment, his cultivation base also broke through to the first realm of eternity.

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