Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 55 chapters: the strength advances greatly, imprisoning the spiritual roots of he

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng chased and killed nine days away.


Suddenly, his body was shocked, and the power of heaven and earth attached to him quietly faded.

Qin Feng's combat power has dropped directly to 3.6 million poles...

It turned out that he had already left the realm of the gods, and the Jade of Fortune could no longer function...

At this moment, the river of eternity, which was smashed by Qin Feng's palm, was reassembled and flew towards Vishnu automatically...

After all, the Eternal River is a holy artifact, and it is difficult to damage it...

In a blink of an eye, the eternal river flew past Qin Feng...

Qin Feng hurriedly took action and imprisoned him in place.

This is a holy weapon, and he naturally wants to grab it.

"My Eternal River!

Vishnu yelled in a hurry, wanting to turn around and snatch it.

"Come on!"

"No more!"

Brahma and Shiva were even more anxious.

Vishnu wakes up.

The monsters that the three turned into, immediately cast a secret technique, turned around and fled...

Even if Qin Feng didn't help him, it was not something the three of them could deal with, so they had to give up the Eternal River...

In just a moment, Qin Feng sealed the Eternal River and put it away.

He looked up again, and the three Brahma were wrapped in blood mist, turned into a blood rainbow, flew hundreds of millions of miles away, and the speed was comparable to that of the quasi-saint ancestor...

The three of them teamed up to perform the secret escape technique, which is extremely not weak...

Qin Feng pondered for a while, but did not chase after...

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking the air, and Lu Ya rushed over.

"Master, what about those three guys?"


Qin Feng looked at the direction in which the three of Brahma fled, and no one could be seen.

Lu Ya was surprised: "Master, why don't you chase?" 497

"It's useless to chase after! After the three of them cast the secret technique, their escape speed is no less than the level of the quasi-Saint Ancestor. Even if the deity chases, they may not be able to catch up..."

Qin Feng didn't say a word.

Even if he chased all the way to the Great Freedom Heaven Domain, he would not be able to get any benefits.

As soon as the three Brahma returned to their old nest, they could borrow the power of heaven and earth from Da Zizai Tianyu, and their strength reached the level of the quasi-saint ancestor, so they were not afraid of Qin Feng...

Lu Ya was stunned: "So it is!

Immediately, he said excitedly: "Master, even if these three people escaped, they would still suffer heavy losses and be extremely embarrassed..."

As soon as these words fell, Ziwei, Kunpeng, Hongyun, Fuzhi, and Yingzhao also arrived.

"Your Majesty, the appearance of these people is not accidental, it's all about Tai Jun Taiyi..."

Star Master Ziwei was a little annoyed.

"Father, Emperor Jun Taiyi did this to deliberately cause you to conflict with the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains. You should have already spread the word about your acquisition of the divine tree of Fusang throughout the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains."

Fu Zhi was a little worried.

Qin Feng didn't take it seriously and said: "The matter of owning the divine tree of Fusang for my father will spread to the heavens and the world sooner or later. As for offending the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains, don't care. Those guys are greedy, so they dare to deceive them.

"Since this is the case, the deity will let them know that the deity's things are not easy to take. Whoever dares to attack the deity's idea will take his life!"

As soon as these words fell, all the high-level officials nodded their heads in arrogance.

Today's God Realm has His Majesty in charge. It is no longer the God Realm of the past, nor is it the God Realm that was bullied at will by the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains. What are they afraid of...

"By the way, Fuzhi, did you have anything to tell me before? 99

"Father, my son has been in seclusion for a hundred years. Fortunately, he has not been humiliated (baeh), and he has filled the gaps in the stars of the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he said with joy, "Not bad! Not bad!! The stars are gathered together, and the Zhou Tianxingdou grand formation is ready.

Ziwei, Kunpeng, Hongyun and others also showed joy.

If the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array can be deployed, the combat power of the Divine Alliance will rise to a large level, and they will naturally be happy.

While Lu Ya was delighted, he was a little surprised, secretly thinking that the master's subordinates were all elites among the elites.

This Fuzhi's formation talent is unparalleled.


"The child is here!

"Well, starting from today, you will lead the army of the Shenmeng League and train them to create a great formation of stars and battles.

Fu Zhi was overjoyed: "Baby will go all out!"

Star Master Ziwei said: "Your Majesty, I will fully assist Fuzhi, so that his formation exercises can be completed as soon as possible."

Hongyun also happily said: "Master, there are more than 130 million children of the quasi-god and above of our Divine Alliance, which is 30% more than the people who set up the formation in the big day world. Without the combat power of the Holy Ancestor, you can also exert the power of the peak of the Heavenly Sage.... 39'

Qin Feng smiled and nodded: "How much combat power can be exerted, we will wait until the formation is formed. It is estimated that it will not be long before this formation will be used..."

Star Master Ziwei asked: "Your Majesty is saying that after this person of great freedom, there will be people coming?"

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "The temptation of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth is too great, and our god realm has always been weak. There will always be some guys with a fluke mentality, how can they stop there!"

"So, there may be a quasi-Saint Ancestor-level power coming next time?" Ziwei was a little worried.

Qin Feng didn't take it seriously: "With the current strength of our God Alliance, even if the quasi-Saint Ancestor came, he would have to retreat in despair. This deity just took this opportunity to become famous in the God Realm, so that the world would no longer dare to underestimate us. Spirit world!""

"Father is right! Today's God Realm has Father Father, and it is not what it used to be. We have to let those who look down on others have a good understanding!

Fu Zhi is also very proud.

At this moment, the space shook for a while, and Xuanhen's clone arrived...

With a wave of his hand, six jade bottles with runes flew towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng happily took it.

The six bottles contained the energy of five early Heavenly Saints and one middle Heavenly Saint.

By refining these energies, he greatly increased his strength.

Qin Feng is very clear in his heart that he is now relying on the good fortune jade, and he is not afraid of those forces to harass him in his old nest.

But after more than thirty years, he will go to the treasure land of the God Lord, and he can only rely on his true strength to face many quasi-sacred ancestors.

Therefore, he must constantly improve his strength, so that he can be promoted to the strength level of the quasi-Saint Ancestor as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he not be afraid of any threats in the secret land, and have the opportunity to obtain the mantle of the ancient gods...

Afterwards, Qin Feng put away the jade bottle, gave a few words, and returned to the Dahong God Realm with Xuanhen's clone.

He has to hurry up and refine these energies.

Xuanhen's clone has to deal with the thousand or so small space worlds, integrate some small universes, and then all evolve into large thousand worlds, which can greatly enhance Qin Feng's combat power...

After Qin Feng and the others left, Fu Zhi and others also returned to the headquarters and began to organize an army to practice the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array.

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, six days passed.

In the past six days, under the guidance of Fuzhi, the training of Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array began to be on the right track, gradually getting better. . . .

On the other hand, Yingzhao brought an army of tens of millions of quasi-gods to conquer the last dozen hidden forces, and contributed more than a dozen small space worlds to Qin Feng.

One of the small space worlds is actually half a small universe formed, and the harvest is not small...

At this point, the gods are united with one heart and one mind, completely unified!

Apart from the Alliance of Gods, there is no other force.

The realm of the gods has become Qin Feng's real back garden...

Six days outside.

The Great Desolate God Realm is more than sixty years old.

In the past 60 years, Xuanhen's avatar has worked day and night, and has pieced together more than 700 small space worlds into seventeen small universes, and evolved into a large world.

This allows Qin Feng to increase the power of 200,000 poles...

Afterwards, Xuanhen's clone made Styx, Gonggong, Jiuyin, Hongyue, Zhenji, Jiuyuan, Xitie, Xiangliu, etc. all the confidants to become the masters of those great worlds.

Yingzhao was rewarded for his merits and became the master of a thousand worlds.

This made Styx and the others soar in strength and achieved a rapid improvement.

Yingzhao even broke through the mid-term of the Extreme Sage in one fell swoop...

All this is not over, there are still more than 300 small space worlds in the hands of the Xuanhen clone, which needs to continue to be integrated.

In addition, Qin Feng has also refined the energy of six heavenly saints in the past sixty years, raising the cultivation base to the first realm of eternity by 37%, and the combat power to 4.2 million poles

At this point, Qin Feng has officially stepped into the combat power level of the quasi-Saint Ancestor.

Speaking of which, within the Nine Heavens and Ten Territories, plus the mysterious Nine Heavens Territory, there are no less than twenty quasi-Saint Ancestors.

Most of them are the early and middle stages of the quasi-patriarch.

Of course, these are only the information Qin Feng knows, and the real strength will still be determined in the future...

In the early stage of the Quasi-Saint Ancestor alone, the general range of combat power is between 4 million series and 8 million poles.

The combat power of individual elites can reach 8 million to 10 million poles.

Of course, the quasi-sage ancestors paid more attention to the perception of Tao.

The battle between them is somewhat different from other cultivation stages. In addition to combat power, it also depends on various strange methods...

Sometimes it is not the strength of the battle that will definitely lead to the final victory.

If the means are special, the weak can defeat the strong, and they can win by surprise.

Unless the difference in combat power between the two sides is too great, the means cannot make up for the gap.

Otherwise, the quasi-Saint Ancestors will not easily underestimate their opponents...

In short, Qin Feng's combat power is only 4.2 million poles, which is considered to be the bottom of the quasi-Saint Ancestor's early stage...

But he said that on this day, Qin Feng went out of seclusion and was in a very relaxed mood.

He is preparing to go to the Xuanhen clone to help him integrate the remaining 300-odd spatial small worlds...

It was at this moment that he received a teleportation from the phantom avatar.

The phantom avatar finally caught up with the spirit root of heaven and earth, and broke through the return space, imprisoned the spirit root, and was calling him to deal with it...

Qin Feng was overjoyed, and as soon as his mind moved, he disappeared in place...

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