Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 158: 1 Tree Pregnant with 3 Realms

As soon as the five people of Emperor Jun entered the returning market, their consciousness swept all around...

"Strange! How come the places where the ghosts and monsters are stationed around here have become desolate and inhabited?"

"Yeah! This deity has been here before, and I clearly remember that there are no less than hundreds of millions of spirits nearby, and now there is not a single one!

The five Emperor Jun looked at each other and were very surprised.

As Heavenly Sage powerhouses, their Divine Consciousness scans a very wide range.

But after this scan, they didn't find a single creature's breath.

"Everyone, I'm afraid that something really happened to Guixu..."

Di Jun couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Then let's check it out! If the situation here is really related to Qin Feng, maybe we can win the Holy Ancestor of Returning to the Ruins to join the alliance..."

"Brother Brahma is right! Let's go!

Immediately, the five flew to the depths of Returning Ruins and began to investigate...

On the other side, back to the depths of the ruins.

The phantom clone still fully imprisoned the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, so that it could not escape into the back of the void, and could not break free...

And Qin Feng has fought thousands of times with the divine sense of the ancestors of Guixu, and still no one can do anything...

Within the divine tree, two divine consciousnesses collided continuously, bursting out sparks like electric light...

This made the divine tree vibrate endlessly, and the circles of texture and Dao rhyme also resonated, like an alternative 10-year-old war, extremely intense...

"You can't go on like this! 35

Qin Feng muttered in his heart...

This battle of spiritual sense naturally alarmed the Saint Ancestor Guixu.

That guy will definitely be in a hurry to get back.

After all, he has endangered the foundation of the Holy Ancestor Returning to the Ruins.

If he didn't expect it wrong, the Saint Ancestor Guixu should have hidden means to be able to rush back to the Ruins in a very short period of time.

If it weren't for this, the Holy Ancestor Guixu wouldn't rest assured to implant his spiritual roots in the Guixu space and hide himself in retreat outside the Nine Heavens...

Of course, that kind of method will inevitably suffer huge losses, and the Saint Ancestor Returning to the Ruins will not use it easily.

But things are different now...

Qin Feng's thinking is completely correct....

At this thought, he also began to feel a little anxious.

If the main body of the Saint Ancestor of Guixu arrives, that guy can take back the spiritual roots of heaven and earth at any time, and he will have no chance to snatch it.

He must hurry up and break through the opponent's spiritual sense...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Divine Mind Collision!

Linggen trembled violently!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for hundreds of rounds!

Qin Feng still has no way to break through, and his heart is getting more and more anxious...

"Boy, just because you are in the first realm of eternity, and you want to break the ancestor's spiritual sense, it's just a dream!

A mocking thought came from the spiritual sense of the Holy Ancestor Guixu.

In fact, his heart was terrified.

He never imagined that the strength of the primordial spirit in a small eternal first realm would be so terrifying, he couldn't imagine it.

If it weren't for the fusion of his mind and the divine tree, his divine mind strength would have reached the level of the holy ancestor, and he would not be Qin Feng's opponent.

While this made him happy, he was also a little guilty.

"Boy! It won't be long before the main body of the ancestor will arrive. At that time, you can't escape even if you want to escape!!"

The Spiritual Mind of the Saint Ancestor Guixu began to threaten.

"Not necessarily! 99

Qin Feng sneered and continued to intensify his divine sense attack...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

After a series of powerful divine sense attacks, countless textures and rhymes reverberated. . .

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!


A strange cracking sound came from the depths of those textures, as if something broke out of the shell...

Qin Feng's consciousness quickly followed the sound to probe...

I saw that in the depths of the endless texture, under the influence of the battle of the mind, a layer of illusion barrier was accelerating and shattering...


The illusion barrier was completely shattered, revealing two light clusters, one white and one yellow...

The yellow light group exudes a divine sense aura comparable to that of the Ancestor Realm, which contains the aura of the Saint Ancestor of Returning to the Ruins.

It was clearly a fusion of the thoughts of the Holy Ancestor Guixu and the Divine Tree.

The strength of the divine sense aura of the white light group also reached the Saint Ancestor Realm, but it did not have the aura of the Saint Ancestor Returning to the Ruins.

To put it bluntly, the yellow light group and the white light group are the prototypes of the heaven (domain).

It's just that the yellow light group has been refined by the Saint Ancestor of the Ruins, and the white light group has not been refined.

Qin Feng was a little surprised.

How can there be three celestial (domain) prototypes in one heaven and earth spirit root?

This is different from common sense!

According to common sense, one spiritual root can breed at most one celestial prototype.

Only when the quasi-sage ancestor breaks through to the supreme ancestor can the celestial realm be transformed into a heavenly realm.

"Strange! Strange! Why are three celestial prototypes bred in this spirit root?"

Qin Feng couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he thought of something.

This heaven and earth spirit root is divided into three layers, and three kinds of spirit roots can be born.

The first layer is Yuanchu Lingguo, the second layer is Huangzhong Lingguo, and the third layer is Xuanji Lingguo…

Could it be that these three spiritual fruits are related to the prototypes of these three heavenly realms?

What mystery is hidden here?!

"Damn it! Damn it!

At this moment, the spiritual sense of the Holy Ancestor Guixu shouted excitedly...

It seems his biggest secret has been discovered...

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he quickly turned his mind and rushed directly to the yellow light group...

"Boy! What are you doing?!"

The Spiritual Mind of the Saint Ancestor Guixu roared anxiously...

The next second, Qin Feng's spiritual sense met the yellow light group...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

A fierce collision of spiritual thoughts!

Qin Feng's spiritual sense was bounced back by the yellow light ball...

"Sure enough!"

Qin Feng sneered, Spiritual Mind attacked the yellow light group again...

The divine sense of the yellow light group automatically counterattacks...

The two sides are fighting together...

On the other side, the Spiritual Mind of the Saint Ancestor Guixu is about to come to help...

But at this moment, the white light group actually sent out divine thoughts, preventing the divine thoughts of returning to the ruins...

This scene makes Qin Feng feel magical....

He tried to attack several times, but found that he couldn't break through the spiritual sense of the yellow light group, so he had to stop...

Then, his heart moved, and his spiritual sense turned to approach the big white light group...


The spiritual sense of the white light group actually sent a tremor of joy to him, and waves of ancient thoughts swept towards him...

Qin Feng has a feeling of deja vu about this wave of ideas, and seems to have come into contact with it somewhere...

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he wanted to understand.

This wave of mind breath, he has met in the fragments of the good fortune jade.

This is clearly the remnant of the ancient gods!

Only when this thought came to mind, the large white light group produced an infinite suction force...


497 The space was distorted for a while, Qin Feng was sucked into the body of the god tree, and directly entered the white light group...

In the next second, the space distorted and changed, Qin Feng's figure stabilized.

He quickly looked around and found that he had entered a vast world.

At this moment, Qin Feng hovered in the air.

The sky ahead is blue, shrouded in the rays of the sun, the clouds and mists are elegant, and sometimes spirit birds fly by...

Below is an incomparably vast continent.

On the land, the mountains stretch, the Lingquan mountain waterfall looms, the temples and platforms are dotted, the colorful bridge runs through all directions, the rare birds are singing, the ancient beasts whisper, a fairyland atmosphere

"It's really amazing!

Qin Feng clearly sensed that this world is dozens of times larger than the Great Thousand World, very vast, and the concentration of aura is a hundred times greater.

This should be the prototype of the heaven (domain).

The prototype of the celestial world (domain) is also a kind of space world, which is much smaller than the celestial world (domain), but much larger than the Daqian world, and its energy level is dozens of times that of the Daqian world.

Just as Qin Feng was looking around, a cold drink came from below.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao came to commit the heavenly court?!

This cold drink resounded all over the world in an instant, as if it exploded in everyone's ears...

In the next second, in a mountain range in the west of the mainland, a beautiful woman in palace attire wearing a golden phoenix hairpin and colorful fairy clothes flew out.

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