Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand and 62 chapters of a world of honor, promoted to the emperor of heaven

But on the other side, in the Xuanji Heavenly Realm.

With the help of the ancient gods, Qin Feng, refining the Heavenly Seal at an extremely fast speed...

His momentum keeps rising...

"Ding~! The host is refining the Heavenly Seal.... The refining progress has increased to 94%... The combat power has increased to 4.39 million poles...'

"Ding~! The host is refining the Heavenly Seal.... The refining progress has increased to 97%... The combat power has increased to 4.4 million poles...

"Ding~! The host is refining the Heavenly Seal...""

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully refining the Tianyin and obtaining a prototype of the heavenly realm (Xuanji Heavenly Realm).... The host has gained a lot of combat power to feed back.... The combat power has increased to 4.5 million poles... Dahong God Realm is completed. increased to 53%..."

Qin Feng finally completely refined the Heavenly Seal and became the master of the Xuanji Heavenly Realm.

Now, as long as his mind moves, he can see the scene in any corner of the Xuanji Heavenly Realm, and he can teleport to any corner at any time...

Everything in the Xuanji Heavenly Realm is already under his control.

That feeling is wonderful!

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

This time, his combat power has been increased to 4.5 million poles, which has been greatly improved.

The better "four nine seven" is that he finally obtained his first celestial world (domain) prototype.

In the future, if he evolves this celestial prototype into a real celestial world, he will gain ten times, or even dozens of times of energy backfeeding, and the benefits are limitless...


At this moment, the altar let out a clear sound, the spiritual light converged, and the outer mask was automatically removed.

Qin Feng then turned to look at everyone.

"I'm waiting to see the Heavenly Emperor!"

The beautiful woman in the palace dress and others actually bowed down together, extremely respectful.

"Why do you call me Heavenly Emperor?!", Qin Feng was a little surprised.

"Master Qin Feng, you have passed the test of my master, refined the heavenly seal, and became the master of the Xuanji heaven. Then you will become the emperor of the heavenly court, that is, the emperor of heaven. This is my master's last wish."

The beautiful woman in the palace dress sighed with emotion.

Over the years, she also wanted to challenge the test left by the ancient gods, but she lacked strength and courage.

But she never thought that Qin Feng could easily pass the master's test with only his cultivation in the first realm of eternity.

Of course, she wasn't jealous of Qin Feng at all.

For Qin Feng, she only admired, even feared.

At the previous moment, Qin Feng's combat power had reached the level of the quasi-saint ancestor, and even surpassed the return to the ruins.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that an Eternal First Realm could display such terrifying combat power.

Not only that, Qin Feng's Primordial Spirit strength has completely reached the level of the quasi-Saint Ancestor.

From the point of view of qi and blood value, Qin Feng's age is only about 10,000 years old, although...

It can be seen that Qin Feng's talent potential is extremely terrifying, and even far exceeds her master, the ancient god.

The beautiful woman in palace dress thought of this, and she became more and more in awe of Qin Feng....

Not only her, but Taibai and others were also in awe. At this moment, they all bowed their heads, not even daring to breathe.

The few people who spoke sarcastically before were both embarrassed and worried...

Qin Feng naturally didn't care about those little things.

"Everyone, get up first!"

"Thank you, Lord Tiandi! 35

Everyone stood up respectfully.

Qin Feng looked at the beautiful woman in palace dress.

"Fellow Daoist, you keep mentioning Heavenly Court. Qin is very curious. What is Heavenly Court?"

The beautiful woman was apprehensive: "Lord Tiandi, the little girl's real name is Yaoqiong, and she is called the Queen Mother of the West by her subordinates. From now on, it's fine to call the little girl's real name directly, and she must not be called a Taoist friend again, so as to avoid confusion between the superior and the inferior.

"Forget it! The deity will call you the 'Queen Mother of the West' for the time being! You haven't told the deity yet, what is the Heavenly Court?

The Queen Mother of the West did not dare to disobey, and said respectfully: "Sir, when my master created the God Realm, he also planned to create a Heavenly Court to manage the God Realm in the future.

"This heaven will be composed of three heavens, namely Xuanji heaven, Huangzhong heaven, Yuanchu heaven..."

"Of course, these three heavenly realms are all prototypes. After they evolve into real heavenly realms, Master will use great supernatural powers to merge the three heavenly realms into one and turn them into a heavenly court..."

Qin Feng nodded: "Senior God Lord is really extraordinary! Those ancestors of the sixth realm can evolve into a heavenly realm, it is very amazing. The predecessors of God Lord not only created a realm of God, but also prepared to evolve three heavenly realms... tsk tsk !!Amazing!95

The Queen Mother of the West also sighed: "My master has lofty aspirations, which a little girl can't imagine. In order to make the heavenly court successfully merge and complete in the future, the master of the three heavenly realms, Xuanji, Huangzhong and Yuanchu, must be above the peak of the heavenly sage. Strength, and the strength of Yuanshen should also exceed the peak of Tiansheng‥․"

"For this reason, Master has arranged a test. Unfortunately, the little girl and the two senior brothers are not qualified to complete the test. The three of us can only be gatekeepers."

"Master also stipulated that in the future, the emperor of the heavenly court will be selected from the three world masters. Now, both the Huangzhong Heavenly World and the Yuanchu Heavenly World have fallen into the hands of the Holy Ancestor Guixu, and only my Xuanji Heavenly World is left."

"Your Excellency is the Lord of the Xuanji Heavenly Realm and the only candidate for the Heavenly Emperor, so I will call you the Heavenly Emperor. From now on, I will be your subordinate. We will never disobey your orders, and I hope Your Majesty will not. Abandon, accept me and wait! 35

The Queen Mother of the West bowed respectfully again.

"I hope His Majesty will not give up, accept me and wait!"

Taibai and the others bowed and saluted one after another, with a very respectful attitude.

Qin Feng was surprised and delighted.

He could see that these people came from the heart and were willing to follow him.

Qin Feng didn't know that the Queen Mother of the West and others made an oath before the fall of the ancient gods. Whoever became the emperor in the future, they must swear allegiance to the emperor and not betray.

This is also the reason that the ancient gods were worried about the battle between the three world masters. Once the position of the emperor was determined, they had to be loyal to that person, and naturally there would be no battle.

Now, Qin Feng has become the sole successor of the Emperor of Heaven, and they can only swear allegiance to Qin Feng.

"I have the same roots and the same origin, and I have a death feud with the Holy Ancestor Returning to the Ruins. I should have advanced and retreated together. There is no saying that I will not accept you. Since you recognize the deity as the emperor of the sky, the deity will treat you as confidants. I won't treat you badly!" 5

"Thank you, Your Majesty!

The Queen Mother of the West and others were overjoyed and saluted.

"The Queen Mother of the West, you just said that you have two senior brothers, where are they?"

"Your Majesty, my two senior brothers are the gatekeepers of Huang Zhongtian Realm and Yuanchu Tianjie. They are called Zhongwangshen and Dongwanggong by their subordinates. Unfortunately, both of them were killed by Guixu Shengzu by tricks. ."

"What trick?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"The Holy Ancestor Guixu first obtained the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and he simply did not have the ability to refine it, so he sent a few subordinates to pretend to be spirits from the gods. Our two masters were fooled and let a few spies enter the Yuanchu Heavenly Realm and Huangzhong Heavenly Realm. .39

"Those spies first settled down for a while, and finally, while the two senior brothers were ignorant, they infiltrated the Heavenly Seal Palace, destroying the Heavenly Seals of the Huangzhong Heavenly Realm and the Yuanchu Heavenly Realm. 0 In this way, the two great Heavenly Realms would not have any With the protection of my master's spiritual sense, it was forcibly refined by the Holy Ancestor Guixu..."

"Zhongwangshen and Dongwanggong, two senior brothers, also died in those two battles, and hundreds of billions of their subordinates were all slaughtered by the Holy Ancestor Guixu. Only a few of the two worlds escaped to our Xuanji Heavenly Realm and survived. …”

Speaking of this, the Queen Mother of the West was filled with grief and indignation.

The more than 300 Eternal Realm high-level officials also showed grief and anger.

Among these high-levels, many escaped from the Huangzhong Heavenly Realm and the Yuanchu Heavenly Realm.

Among them, many of their disciples, children, and relatives died at the hands of the Guixu Saint Ancestor, and they naturally hated the Guixu Saint Ancestor very much.

When Qin Feng heard this, he suddenly realized.

No wonder Xiwangmu and others were so wary when he first came in.

"Don't worry! This emperor will sooner or later destroy the holy ancestor of Guixu! To avenge my blood revenge in heaven!""

As soon as these words fell, the Queen Mother of the West and others were overjoyed and expressed their gratitude.

Having seen Qin Feng's potential and strength, they are convinced of Qin Feng's words.

"By the way, the Queen Mother of the West, as far as this emperor knows, why does the spiritual root of a spiritual root of a celestial realm give birth to three prototypes of the celestial realm in the spiritual root of the senior god master? 35

"Your Majesty, you don't know anything. In order to unite the three worlds, my master fuses the three spiritual roots of heaven and earth into one, so that before the formation of the three worlds, there will be a certain connection.""

Qin Feng was surprised: "So, this Heaven and Earth Spirit Root is made up of three different Heaven and Earth Spirit Roots?

"That's right! It is made from the fusion of three heaven and earth spiritual roots: ginseng fruit tree, Huangzhong plum, and Renshui pan peach..."

Qin Feng exclaimed: "Tsk tsk!! It is extremely difficult for an ordinary ancestor to have one spiritual root. The predecessors of the god master actually have three spiritual roots..."

The Queen Mother of the West smiled and said: "Your Majesty, my master has not only three spiritual roots, but four... He once said that if you want to break through to the seventh realm, you must have at least four spiritual roots. Absolutely…”

"What's going on, the little girl doesn't know. Maybe, only after getting the inheritance mantle of my master can I know the specific cultivation method..."

Hearing this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

It was only on the 4.7th day that he learned that breaking through to the seventh realm requires more than four spiritual roots of heaven and earth...

This secret, I am afraid that many holy ancestors do not know.

It seems that he must have a few more spiritual roots.

"By the way! The deity has been talking about it until now, and I almost forgot about the business. The Holy Ancestor Guixu will return at any time, and the Huangzhong Heavenly Realm and the Yuanchu Heavenly Realm are still in his hands. Wait for the deity to protect the law, and I will go to take the Huangzhong Heavenly Realm now!"

"I will obey! 99

Everyone suddenly woke up and did not dare to delay.

At the moment, Qin Feng stopped wasting time and entered the altar.

Taibai and others quickly surrounded the altar to protect Qin Feng.

The Queen Mother of the West hurriedly ordered that the entire Xuanji Heavenly Realm enter the first level of martial law, and all guard the Tianyin Palace...

At the same time, Qin Feng began to meditate cross-legged, and his spiritual sense sank into the heavenly seal...

He wants to use the fusion of spiritual sense and spiritual sense to attack Huang Zhongtian's fusion of spiritual sense, and then take the Huang Zhongtian world first.

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