Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 168 Beheading Emperor Jun (for full order)

At this moment, outside the divine tree.

As Qin Feng's combat power has soared, the phantom avatar's combat power has soared, and has exceeded 1.7 million poles...

This direct killing caused the Brahma three to retreat steadily, and suffered heavy losses, even worse than Di Jun...

"Why is this happening?! Qin Lei, why is your strength... ah~!

Before the words were finished, Brahma screamed!

The phantom avatar blasted the Brahma trio with one punch.

The three heads of the monster spewed blood again and again, and their momentum was sluggish...

Can't wait for the three of Brahma to catch their breath...

The phantom avatar flashed and slaughtered again.

"Damn!! What a damn!"

On the other side, when Di Jun saw this scene, he shouted anxiously.

But he was also killed by the three Hongjun and was unable to fight back, so he could only roar...

"Brother, the situation is not good!

Tai Yi secretly voiced over.

He was also completely suppressed by the hundreds of millions of troops of the Shenmeng.

Fu Zhi is good at formation and deduction.

When he came to control the Zhou Tianxingchen array, he was like a fish in water, even more skilled than Emperor Jun Taiyi, and he was too breathless...

"Brother Di Jun, the three of Fan Mou can't hold it anymore!

At this time, Brahma also voiced over.

"Hold on! Be sure to hold on! In a quarter of an hour, fellow Daoist Zhentian will reach 10!"

Di Jun was still gritting his teeth.

The continuous improvement of the strength of the Shenmeng side made him fear from the bottom of his heart...

Before that, Qin Feng had only outperformed them by relying on the fragments of the fortune-telling jade ultimatum.

But it's only been so long, their two great powerhouses have joined forces and are no match for Qin Feng's men...

If Qin Feng himself came forward, the scene would be even more unimaginable.

He also knew that Qin Feng didn't take action, he was robbing Huang Zhongtian, and it had reached a critical moment...

Therefore, he would destroy Qin Feng's plan no matter what.

Otherwise, their future is extremely worrying!

"Brother Di Jun, are we serious about persevering?

Brahma voiced again.

His heart has already given birth to retreat...

The phantom avatar's continuous strengthening has hit him too hard...

"Brother Brahma, we must hold on! At the most a quarter of an hour, fellow Daoist Zhentian will be able to rush back. At that time, everything will be reversed!


"Brother Brahma! This is our last chance, we have no choice! 35

"Forget it! Fan Mou will stick to it! I hope fellow Taoist Zhentian will arrive in a quarter of an hour! 95

"Don't worry! Fellow Daoist Zhentian will arrive in time!

Di Jun continued to persuade through voice transmission.

He did not hesitate to be seriously injured, and he was determined to fight Qin Feng, wanting to destroy Qin Feng's plan...

But his voice transmission had just fallen, and a sudden explosion occurred in the field...

I saw that the space behind Di Jun suddenly changed and distorted, and a stalwart figure with a height of ten thousand feet burst out of the sky, it was Xuan Ye's clone...

"It's him! 99


At this moment, Xuan Ye's avatar pointed with his sword, Yuantu Abi's two swords merged into one, and directly smashed Di Jun...

Di Jun was so horrified that he wanted to escape, but was trapped by the three of Hong Jun...

"not good!"

"Brother, run away!

Taiyi and the others exclaimed.

In the blink of an eye, Yuantu's double swords hit Di Jun...


Click ~ click ~ click ~!

A dazzling sword light erupted from the sky and the earth, penetrating the sky and the earth...

Hundreds of millions of miles of void were shocked, and hundreds of millions of space cracks were cracked by that sword...

Di Jun's desperate roar sounded within the sword light~

"No~! Ah..."

The blood is shining, and the sky is flying!

With just one sword, Xuan Ye's clone blasted Di Jun into a bloody fog...

"No~! Brother..."

Tai's face changed greatly...

When~! When~! When~!

The Eastern Emperor Bell rose, and the sound of the divine bell resounded throughout the world.

In an instant, within hundreds of millions of miles of space, all winds, all sounds, all living beings, all time and space are banned...

At this moment, Taiyi unleashed the stunt of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

All the pictures in the field were frozen, as if time stood still.

Immediately, Taiyi took advantage of this moment, rushed out of Fuzhi's great formation and strangled, and threw himself into the blood mist transformed by Di Jun.

He wanted to rescue Di Jun, so he ran away...

But at this moment, Xuan Ye cloned a sword at random...

A sword light swept across the sky!


With a crisp sound, the confinement of the Eastern Emperor Bell was instantly shattered.

"Taichi! Where are you escaping?!

Fu Zhi roared, and immediately performed a great formation...

咻~! 咻~! 咻~!

Hundreds of millions of stars and sword lights, like a violent storm, rushed towards Taiyi intensively...

"Haha! Taiyi! You can't save people!!

Hongjun laughed loudly, and also rushed to intercept Taiyi.

At the same time, the blood mist that Di Jun turned into was constantly rolling over...

He wanted to be resurrected again.

Xuanhen's clone, Lu Ya, and the Queen Mother of the West worked together to kill the blood fog...

Di Jun's screams were constantly heard in the blood fog...

"Save me! Second brother, save me! Brother Brahma, save me!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Countless sword lights penetrate!

In the blood fog, Di Jun's primordial spirit continued to decline, and the screams continued to echo...

Taiyi was so anxious that his eyes were red, but under the obstruction of Hongjun and Fuzhi's army, he could do nothing...

In the blink of an eye, Di Jun's Primordial Spirit aura plummeted by a quarter...

The power of Qin Feng (the avatar of the mysterious female) is the nemesis of the Primordial Spirit, and the Primordial Spirit that penetrates and corrodes Di Jun at an extremely fast speed...

If the primordial spirit is destroyed, that is the complete demise...

"It's over! It's over! Chief, Di Jun is over!"

"Big Chief, let's withdraw quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late!


When Shiva and Vishnu saw this scene, their fighting spirit completely collapsed.

Brahma also collapsed, turning around and running away without even thinking about it...

The phantom clone hurriedly chased away...

"Brother Brahma, don't go! Save me! Save me! 55

In the blood fog, Di Jun's Primordial Spirit shouted anxiously...

But the three of Brahma ignored them, desperately trying to escape...

At this moment, Di Jun's Primordial Spirit aura dropped to most of...

Taichi was hesitant to see this scene...

Suddenly, he turned around and held the Donghuang Bell, and fled with Brahma and the other three...

"No! Second brother! Don't leave it as a brother..."

Di Jun roared in despair.

At this time of crisis, even Taiyi abandoned him...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Xuan Ye's clone, Lu Ya, and Queen Mother of the West continued to bombard Blood Mist 497 with all their might...

"Don't...don't leave me! Ah..."

Di Jun screamed constantly, Yuanshen's breath continued to plummet....

Tai didn't look back, desperately fled...

"Taiyi run away!

Hongjun chased after him...

Taiyi didn't lead the big formation to hunt down...

This week's Star Dou Great Array requires hundreds of millions of people to form an array, which can be attacked and defended, but it is difficult to pursue and kill...

Fu Zhi and others had to give up.

However, Fu Zhi was not idle.

In the next second, he commanded the great formation, blasted out billions of star lightsabers, and blasted away at the blood fog...

Di Jun's primordial spirit plummeted again...


In just a moment, there was a light sound in the blood fog...

Di Jun's primordial spirit was shattered, just like the flame of a dry lamp blown by the wind, and it was extinguished when it was blown...

Di Jun died in this way and turned into a monstrous energy...

In the void, the final screams echoed...

At the same time, Qin Feng's mind also sounded a system prompt.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your avatar avatar killed the Heavenly Saint's peak power (Emperor Jun)... The host has gained a lot of karma, which can be exchanged for 10.7 billion exchange points..."

Qin Feng was surprised.

Just killing one Emperor Jun gave him 10.7 billion exchange points, which is too rich...

The energy that devours Di Jun will definitely increase his strength.

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