Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 194 Design traps and hurt the enemy with 1 move!

Boom~ boom~ boom!

Suddenly, the space of the audience shook, and the corpse gas was overwhelming...

Everyone was dumbfounded...

In the blink of an eye, the corpse slave wielded a giant axe and killed the prince behind Xishen...

Prince Xishen was shocked.


The voice rolled in the corpse slave's throat, and the giant axe did not hesitate to slash at Prince Xishen...


A crisp sound!

Big axe down!

A dark space crack was cut open in the void of thousands of miles.

The huge axe blade, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, slashed at the head of Prince Xishen...

Qin Feng was overjoyed, and with his sword pointing, the Heaven Punishing Sword Formation immediately stimulated hundreds of millions of sword lights, which shot towards Prince Xishen like a violent storm...

Xuanxu's avatar also moved the seal formula, Yuantu Abi's double swords combined, and slashed at the prince of Xishen...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

A loud bang!

A hundred million miles of void are all shattered!

The three thousand laws are all annihilated!

The battle in the field, like the destruction of the heavens, is extremely terrifying...

Cang Sheng and the others were dumbfounded.

This time, Qin Feng, Xuanxu avatar, and corpse slave three quasi-saint ancestor-level combat power teamed up to deal with Prince Xishen...

In just a moment, Prince Xishen fell behind, and the situation in the field was completely tilted towards the God Realm...

Cang Sheng and the others couldn't help looking at each other from the ground.

They didn't expect this battle scene...

In the crowd, Xian Ling's eyes also revealed a hint of joy.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for a quarter of an hour.

Qin Feng and the three killed Prince Xishen to set back again and again, and the disadvantage became more and more obvious...

"Ah~! I'm angry too! 39

Prince Xishen roared again and again.

He was originally going to avenge his sister.

I didn't expect that revenge could not be achieved, and I even took the life of the matchmaker, and even the corpse slave betrayed...

The more Prince Xishen thought about it, the more desperate he became.

He knew that it was impossible for him to take revenge, and he could only flee back to the Extreme Moon Heaven Realm in despair...

Only in this way, he was very unwilling.

It really made him angry that he could not kill an Eternal First Realm, and could not avenge his sister with his own hands.

That's it!

Even if you can't get revenge this time, there will be another time!

Prince Xishen remembered his father, and he felt more confident in his heart...

"Qin Feng little thief! Today's all! Ben Gong will kill you again in the future to avenge my sister~"!"

"You want to run away?!

"Haha!! Ben Gong is leaving, can you keep it?" Prince Xishen laughed loudly.


"Die! 55

At this moment, the corpse slave struck again with an axe.

"I know you are not dead! Fortunately, Ben Gong has secretly kept the means!

The Crown Prince Xishen looked at the corpse slave with a mocking expression, and at the same time pinched the seals with both hands...


Suddenly, the armor of the corpse slave lit up thousands of silver runes.

As soon as those runes appeared, the entire suit of armor turned into a shackle, instantly imprisoning the corpse slave and making it impossible to move.

It turned out that this armor was made by Prince Xishen for the corpse slaves, and there were thousands of seal prohibitions hidden in it.

At the beginning, Prince Xishen was worried that if the corpse slave's residual thoughts were not eliminated, one day he would rebel.

Today, he just used it!


Prince Xishen moved another seal.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

The armor is rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the huge body of the corpse slave is also forcibly squeezed and shrinks continuously...

Seeing this, Qin Feng and Xuanxu's clones hurriedly attacked Prince Xishen...

Prince Xishen stopped the manipulation of the seal formula and took the initiative to fight

The two sides fought together again...

In just a moment, the corpse slave was compressed to the size of an ordinary person, the entire body was completely wrapped in armor, and even the head and feet were not exposed, and it was completely sealed...

Seeing this, Prince Xishen quickly shook Qin Feng and Xuanxu's clones away.

Afterwards, he grabbed the shrunk corpse slave with one hand.

"Qin Feng! Ben Gong will definitely be back!"

As soon as the words fell, Prince Xishen fled with the corpse slave.

"Not good!" Qin Feng's expression changed slightly.

He instantly understood that Prince Xishen knew that revenge was hopeless and wanted to retreat.

In fact, when Prince Xishen wanted to escape, Qin Feng couldn't keep it.

But when this Prince Xishen escaped, he actually wanted to take the corpse slaves with him.

If the corpse slave is taken away, and then re-refined by the Prince Xishen, it will give the Jiyue Heaven Realm an extra battle power of the early stage of the quasi-Saint Ancestor.

Qin Feng will never allow it.

He wants to grab this corpse slave for his own use.

Boom~! Boom~!

At the moment, Qin Feng and Xuanxu's clones shot at the same time and attacked Prince Xishen...


Prince Xishen instantly sacrificed the book of life and death, and turned into a divine shield, blocking all attacks...

"Bengong said it! You can't keep me! 39

Crown Prince Xishen sneered, then turned around and was about to flee...

But at this moment, the head-on lasing came, the attack of thousands of stars...

It turns out that Hongjun, Fuzhi and others have already released the Chaos Pearl.

While Prince Xishen was fighting against Qin Feng and Xuanxu's clones, Fuzhi and the others had already set up the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array...

At this moment, when they saw that Prince Xishen was about to flee, they hurriedly launched an attack...

Those thousands of starlight attacks, plus Hongjun's attack, the overall power has surpassed half a step of the quasi-sacred ancestor, which should not be underestimated...

"court death!"

Prince Xishen was furious, but he didn't dare to carry it with his body, and sacrificed the book of life and death to resist the attack of thousands of stars...

Qin Feng and Xuanxu's clones also took the opportunity to attack...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

The combined attack of the three parties just surpassed the defense limit of Prince Xishen...

A series of earth-shattering loud noises!

The Crown Prince Xishen groaned, and was slammed into the air to turn several somersaults in the air, and even the sealed corpse slave let go.

At this critical moment, Qin Feng dodged and grabbed the sealed corpse slave, then turned around and flew towards the God Realm...

"'Return my corpse!"

Prince Xishen was so angry that he chased after him.

Xuanxu clone, Fuzhi and others hurriedly attacked and blocked.

Prince Xishen resisted the attack while chasing, and his speed naturally slowed down.

However, Prince Xishen was a mid-stage quasi-Saint Ancestor after all, and his speed was faster than Qin Feng's.

Even with the interference of Xuanxu's clone and others, his speed did not slow down much, and was still comparable to Qin Feng.

In this way, the two chased and escaped, and flew to the realm of the gods at a very fast speed...

In just a few breaths, Qin Feng flew into the realm of the gods.

As soon as he stepped into the realm of the gods, there was a gust of wind behind him.

Prince Xishen had already thrown off Xuanxu's clone and chased after him...

"Qin Feng thief! Return my corpse slave!

"It came just fine!

But at this moment, Qin Feng turned his head suddenly, and instantly threw out the four swords of Xiang Zhutian, attacking Prince Xishen...


Prince Xishen looked disdainful, took out the judge's pen to meet him...

At this moment, Xuanxu's clone did not catch up.

He and Qin Feng are one-on-one.

(Li Dehao) He is confident that he can easily defeat Qin Feng.

But in the next second, he realized that the situation was not good.

I saw that the entire God Realm suddenly shook, and countless forces of heaven and earth flocked to Qin Feng...

In the next second, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed wildly, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the peak level of the quasi-Saint Ancestor, far stronger than Prince Xishen...

It turned out that Qin Feng deliberately lured Prince Xishen into the realm of the gods.

Then, he activated the jade ultimatum fragments in his body, and borrowed the power of heaven and earth from the gods...

"not good!"

Prince Xishen's expression changed greatly.

But it's too late, Qin Feng's attack has come...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Countless sword lights fall down!

Prince Xishen gave a shrill scream and was blasted out, spilling blood all the way.

Qin Feng was overjoyed, and with a wave of his hand, he took the corpse slave into the Dahong God Realm.

Afterwards, he chased and killed Prince Xishen.

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