Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 198: Wu Gang and the Jade Rabbit, the Thr1 of the Universe

It didn't take long for Pan Zu to collect the evil spirits, and there was only a fist-sized silver ball of light left in the field.

"Hey! Master, what is this?"

Pan Zu curiously handed the ball of light over...

As soon as Qin Feng got the ball of light, he felt a faint mental fluctuation, similar to the innate spirit left after the fall of Princess Luna.

Obviously, this silver ball of light is also a group of innate spirits, and like the innate spirits left by Princess Moon God, they are somewhat incomplete.

"This is the innate spirit left by Saint Ancestor Wu Gui, but unfortunately it is a little incomplete. In a while, this deity will study it, you go!"

"Yes, Master! 9

Panzu bowed respectfully and left in a happy mood.

At this moment, he just wants to retreat as soon as possible, and refine the Kaitian Axe and those evil spirits as soon as possible...

Seeing Pan Zu's back, Qin Feng also felt relieved.

He helped Kaitian Axe to find a new owner, which was considered to have fulfilled one of Wu Gui Shengzu's last wishes.

The only last wish left is to kill Prince Xishen and regain the laurel tree...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the innate spirit in his hand.

As soon as his mind moved, he cut his fingertips, ejected a little blood, and merged into the innate spirit...

In just a moment, the innate 10 spirit completely merged with the blood and essence, bursting with dazzling aura, and like a ball of cotton, it kept squirming and growing...

Before long, the light group stretched out five branches.

Gradually, the two branches became the baby's two little hands, the two branches became the baby's two little feet, and the last branch became the head of a baby...

In the blink of an eye, the innate spirit turned into a chubby little doll.

He opened his big black eyes, looked around, and finally saw Qin Feng, showing a look of joy...

This innate spirit absorbed a drop of Qin Feng's blood and naturally had a natural intimacy with Qin Feng.


The innate spirit only looked like a one or two-year-old baby, and ran over with a milky voice, hugging Qin Feng's calf affectionately, as if seeing the closest person.

Qin Feng looked at him for a while with a smile, somewhat relieved, but also somewhat regretful.

After all, this innate spirit is a incomplete innate spirit, and its talent is not as good as that of Hongyun, and it has not given birth to its own small universe.

However, the intelligence of this little guy is obviously higher than that of the Jade Rabbit.

If it is cultivated well, there is still a great future.

"Little guy, your surname was Wu in your previous life, and after you were murdered by Prince Xishen in your previous life, you never forgot your hatred until you died, and your temperament can be described as resolute. Then the deity will name you 'Wu Gang...

"Um... My name is Wu... Gang...! My name is... Wu... Gang....!35

The little guy seemed to like the name and muttered happily.

Qin Feng smiled slightly, then waved his hand and summoned Shangguan Yunxi.


When Shangguan Yunxi saw Qin Feng, he quickly greeted him with joy.

Today's Shangguan Yunxi has become more and more beautiful and beautiful, and her figure is more slender and slender, with a noble temperament.

As Qin Feng's apprentice and the lord of the Medicine Master's Palace, she was naturally respected by countless disciples of the Divine Alliance, and over time she developed a noble bearing.

The Medicine Master Palace holds all the medicinal pills of the Shenmeng, and its status is naturally extremely high.

What's more, Shangguan Yunxi is also Qin Feng's concubine, and her status is extraordinary.

"Xi'er, this little baby is called Wu Gang. He is still young, so he is a blank piece of paper. You can train him well, and you can train him to be your little assistant in the future."

Qin Feng patted the little doll Wu Gang lightly and motioned for him to go over.

The little guy also looked at Shangguan Yunxi curiously.

"What a cute little guy... come! Come to my sister!

Shangguan Yunxi called enthusiastically.

She also thought that this two-year-old baby was very cute.

"elder sister…"

Xiao Wu Gang felt Yun Xi's enthusiasm, and under the urging of Qin Feng, he walked over with a stubborn head....

Yunxi was very happy and teased the little doll for a while.

"Xi'er, there are pills suitable for him in the pharmacist's palace, you can take them all for him, don't be stingy."

Qin Feng is grateful to Wu Gui for the gift of inheritance, and naturally wants to cultivate Wu Gang well.

Although this Wu Gang is no longer Wu Gui Shengzu, there is some connection between the two.

"Master, don't worry, I'll give him some divine pills when I turn around. Master, this little guy's cultivation is not weak, it's already half a step in eternity, and his potential is not small."

Yun Xi sighed a little.

She is good at alchemy, but her cultivation talent is ordinary.

Even with the help of Qin Feng and the accumulation of a lot of resources, the cultivation base is only half a step of eternity.

"This little guy is an innate spirit, so it's naturally a bit extraordinary. By the way, there's this little guy, look..."

Qin Feng waved his hand again, and a little rabbit as white as jade appeared out of thin air.

"Wow~! So cute! 35

As soon as Yun Xi saw the little white rabbit, her eyes lit up, she hugged it in her arms, and fondled its fur.

That little white rabbit is the Jade Rabbit.

Yutu was taken aback by Yunxi's sudden embrace, and wanted to struggle to escape...

However, this little guy is not very intelligent, but his intuition is extremely sensitive.

At the moment it was picked up, he deeply felt that Yunxi's love for it was sincere.

The feeling of being loved made his little heart feel extremely warm, and the originally tense body relaxed, and simply lay lazily in Yun Xi's arms.

"Wow! Master, it's so cute..."

Yun Xi fondly hugged the jade rabbit and gently touched the rabbit's fur, loving her so much.

The little jade rabbit also enjoyed Yun Xi's touch, narrowed her rabbit eyes, and rubbed Yun Xi's jade arm affectionately.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng smiled slightly.

He could see that Yunxi and Yutu loved each other.

"Xi'er, this little guy is called Jade Rabbit. If you like it, let it follow you and be your companion..."


Yun Xi readily agreed without thinking about it.

Obviously, she likes Yutu more than Wu Gang.

"Jade Rabbit, the deity asks you to follow Yunxi in the future, are you willing?"

"Ha~! Haw~! Haw~!"

Jade Rabbit made a chirping voice, nodded repeatedly, and expressed his willingness.

"Very good! Then return this to you!

When Qin Feng turned his palm, there was a small cauldron the size of a fist in the palm of his hand. It spun around and flew to Yutu's side.

That is the reduced Qiankun Cauldron.

"Master, what is this?" Yun Xi looked curious.

"This is the Qiankun Cauldron, and to a certain extent, it is the accompanying sacred artifact of the Jade Rabbit."

"Holy Artifact!" Yun Xi smacked her tongue.

Even if Heavenly Sages may not have a sacred artifact, this little rabbit with only half-step eternal cultivation in front of him can actually have a sacred artifact to accompany him, which is really amazing!

At this moment, Qin Feng's voice transmission rang from 513 in her ear.

"Xi'er, this Qiankun Cauldron is not only a sacred artifact, but also a fortune-telling level. At present, it is not considered the sacred artifact of Yutu. You and Yutu have a good relationship and see if you can pass the relationship between Yutu, Take control of this holy artifact."

"This Qiankun Cauldron is a holy weapon for refining alchemy. If you can use it, it can increase your alchemy ability by more than a thousand times. Even, it can return to the innate the day after tomorrow, allowing you to obtain the physique of the innate spirit, which is beneficial to you. Great benefit..."

After listening to the sound transmission, Yun Xi's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Master, I understand!"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Immediately, he said: "Okay! Xi'er, go get busy! 55

"Well, Master, the apprentice retire!

At the moment, Yun Xi hugged the jade rabbit and led Xiao Wu Gang to retreat...

Seeing Yunxi and Yutu being so intimate, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiankun Ding has a clear rejection of him, and it is almost impossible for him to control it.

And Yunxi and Yutu hit it off at first sight and had a close relationship.

Qiankun Ding has never been to Yunxi before, and there is no hostility.

It can be seen that Yun Xi should be able to control the Qiankun Cauldron through the jade rabbit...

In short, it is far better to let one's confidant master a fortune-level holy artifact than to fall into the hands of others.

What's more, the Qiankun Cauldron can be of great use in Yunxi's hands.

Soon, Yun Xi and others disappeared from sight.

Qin Feng also stepped into the air and disappeared out of thin air.

After dealing with these trivial matters, it is time for him to refine those energies and improve his strength.

The treasure of the ancient gods is about to be opened, and he can't delay it.

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