Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 277 Tianlong Realm (1 more)

The strength of Qin Feng and Chu Chu shocked everyone.

Everyone knew that Long Shang's strength was extremely close to eight stars.

But it was such a strong man who was beaten and killed by Qin Feng with one finger.

Chu Chu is equally astonishing.

She was only six-star Great Perfection, and in one encounter, she severely damaged three half-step fusion realms.

Not many people in the field can do it.

With all the calculations, Yu Qilin, Xiao Lun Wang, Xiao Qingfeng, and Luo Li can do it.

But their cultivation realm is higher than a big realm.

In this comparison, everyone is not as good as Chu Chu.

Everyone was shocked.

Lord Qin Feng is not only powerful himself, but even his sister-mei is so enchanting!

At this moment, a few muffled hums sounded in the field.

The three seriously injured Comatose members struggled to get up.

Everyone wake up!

"Kill them!"

"How dare you attack Miss Chu Chu! Damn it! 35

The crowd rushed up.

After a while, the three members were bombarded and killed in the anger of the crowd.

Not far away, Xiao Qingfeng and another member of the Qinglong League were stunned.

These people really work together!

They joined forces together, I am afraid that the eight-star king will have to retreat, it is too strong.

Having said that, these people are all elites in the major forces, and none of them are Ruo.

Suddenly, Xiao Qingfeng and the member thought of something, and unease appeared in their eyes.

Sure enough, after everyone killed the three members of the fainting organization, they looked at the two of them badly.

Xiao Qingfeng's face suddenly turned pale.

The member's legs went weak with fright.

These people are now a gang.

They don't kill themselves, do they?

Xiao Qingfeng was also flustered.

Not to mention Qin Feng, there are several of these people who are not weaker than him.

At this moment, the voice transmission of his subordinates sounded in his ears.

"Captain, why don't we turn to Qin Feng too... I think he was a good opponent before...'

Hearing this, Xiao Qingfeng was moved.


Qin Feng is not wrong for his subordinates.

For this, he appreciates it.

What's more, Qin Feng will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future....

Such a peerless powerhouse is very attractive.

He will attract many elites to join him.

He has no shortage of talent at all.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingfeng felt that it was not a bad thing to take refuge with Qin Feng.

Why should I be obsessed with the pride of the Qinglong League?

Even the Ferry King has taken refuge, why are you hesitating?

Is it just Qin Feng willing to accept himself?

Xiao Qingfeng was both apprehensive and uneasy.

He was a very proud man.

It was not easy for him to make such a determination.

"Lord Qin Feng...", Xiao Qingfeng hesitantly stepped forward.

The member of the Azure Dragon League followed nervously behind him.

"Lord Qin Feng, I have something to tell you..."

Xiao Qingfeng's tone was respectful, and he didn't dare to be arrogant.

Everyone looked at him coldly.

Some are expressionless, some gloat, and some look bad.

This made Xiao Qingfeng feel a lot of pressure, but he had to bite the bullet and go forward.

At this moment, Qin Feng is detecting Long Shang's storage ring.

There are so many good things about this guy!

There are hundreds of Diliu Crystals in the storage ring alone, as well as a lot of essence beads.

It is estimated that the harvest of all the members of the Faint Organization was scrapped by Long Shang.

According to Longshang's nature, he can definitely do it.

These happened to be cheap Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's eighth star pattern is only 17% complete, and he is lacking a lot of Emperor Liujing.

His spiritual power has not reached the extreme of the eight-star great perfection, and it can be improved, and the essence of the pearl is also needed.

Hearing Xiao Qingfeng's voice, Qin Feng put away Long Shang's storage ring with satisfaction.

At this moment, Xiao Qingfeng was very uneasy.

He wanted to go to meet Qin Feng, but found that everyone was standing there straight and motionless, just blocking the road.

He didn't dare to push the crowd away.

But it's even more embarrassing to go around.

"Let him come over..." Qin Feng said in a low voice.

The talents slowly separated and made way.

At the moment, Xiao Qingfeng walked up to Qin Feng nervously under the indifferent gaze of everyone.

"Lord Qin Feng...", Xiao Qingfeng saluted respectfully.


"We want to rely on you, I don't know if you will accept it..."

After saying this, Xiao Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally let go of that stubborn pride.

But then, he was a little nervous again. Afraid of Qin Feng's rejection.

He looked at Qin Feng uneasily.

However, Qin Feng looked at himself with a half-smile but not a smile.

At this moment, the mocking voice of the Ferry King sounded behind him.

"Xiao Qingfeng, you are only joining now, are you not sincere? 35'

Xiao Qingfeng was terrified: "I joined a little late, but Xiao really wants to take refuge with Mr. Qin Feng... Mr. Qin Feng, I hope you will accept us!"

Only when the words came out, the member behind him thumped and knelt down.

"Master Qin Feng, please accept me. I really want to follow you! In the future, if you want to unify the global forces, I am willing to cooperate with you fully!"

That member is much more straightforward than Xiao Qingfeng.

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing this, Xiao Qingfeng quickly echoed: "Me too!

"My rules, do you understand?

"Understood! We are willing to sign a contract with you! 35

"Good! 99

Qin Feng didn't talk nonsense, he sketched two golden runes and flew to the eyebrows of the two.

After a while, he signed a sacred contract with Xiao Qingfeng.

Xiao Qingfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them were also full of gratitude to Qin Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

This Qin Feng is not ordinary, not the kind of person who gets into trouble.

Ordinary people are likely to kill them in this absolutely strong situation, after all, the Heavenly Dragon Realm is about to be opened.

That is the last layer of the Longxu Mystery Realm, and it has the most resources in it.

The fewer people are naturally alive, the more benefits are shared.

But Qin Feng didn't do that, which made both of them grateful, and at the same time they truly respected Qin Feng.

The expressions of everyone also eased, and they no longer held hostility towards Xiao Qingfeng and the two of them.

In fact, Qin Feng was very willing to accept Xiao Qingfeng.

Although this guy is curious, he is indeed a talented person. If he is trained well in the future, he will be a competent man.

Having said that, the top elites of the younger generation on earth have all been brought under his command.

You must know that these people have the potential to become eight-star kings, and some have the potential to become eight-star Great Perfection.

When they all grow up, the forces under Qin Feng's command will be terrifying.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt a fire in his heart.

·0 for flowers.‥........

"Lord Qin Feng, can you spare my life when the little girl gave you these things?

The delicate voice of the jade unicorn sounded in Qin Feng's ear.

She has beautiful eyes and a smile on her lips.

Where does this look like begging for mercy?

This woman is really....

Too bad acting!

Qin Feng rolled her eyes angrily.

He coughed dryly, and then said solemnly: "You are a smart woman! The deity will spare your life! 99

As soon as the words fell, Qin Feng took the items contributed by Yu Qilin with a serious face.

That is exactly the dragon blood and other things she just got.

Qin Feng gave it to Chu Chu.

The little girl was happy again.

"Then thank you Lord Qin Feng for not killing him!" Yu Qilin smiled and stepped aside.

Everyone felt a little surprised when they saw Qin Feng spared Yu Qilin.

Before, Jade Qilin and Long Shang were at war with each other.

After that, Long Shang and others made a sneak attack, but Yu Qilin did not participate.

Obviously this Jade Qilin and Long Shang are not in the same group.

Everyone has a good impression of her.

Now, Qin Feng has spared her, and everyone naturally dare not make trouble.


Everyone did not know that the jade unicorn had long been accepted by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng naturally wouldn't say anything about this.

He also wants to arrange Yu Qilin to be a traitor of the faint organization. For her safety, her identity has to be kept secret.

At this moment, the voice transmission of the jade unicorn sounded in Qin Feng's ear.

"Qin Feng, this secret realm is coming to an end! After I go out, I won't be able to see you for a long time.

"You have to quickly find a chance to ask for me, every time I think of you these days, my body reacts, and it gets wet... It's so uncomfortable!"

Qin Feng felt sweat on his forehead.

This woman looks so innocent, yet speaks so directly...

At this moment, the invisible power of the secret realm descended from the sky and enveloped the audience.

Everyone was shocked and nervous.

At this moment, a pool of bloodstains not far away mutated.

That bloodstain was left after Long Shang died.

At this moment, under the influence of the power of the secret realm.

The bloodstain squiggled eerily.

After a while, a cloud of red mist, a cloud of white mist, and a cloud of silver mist emerged from the blood.

A few minutes later, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the red mist gradually condensed into a few drops of true dragon blood.

The white mist condenses into a few dragon bone pills, and the silver mist condenses into a few drops of dragon marrow liquid.

It turned out to be a dragon blood item refined by Long Shang, which was stripped out of the secret realm.

Qin Feng was delighted.

As soon as he waved his hand, he took all the items into his hands and handed them over to Chu Chu.

At this moment, the entire square trembled, and the surrounding white fog began to recede.

After a while, the real face behind the top of the mountain appeared in front of everyone.

It was a huge mountain.

Green mountains and green waters stretch for thousands of miles.

Everyone looked happy.

In front of you is the last layer of the Longxu Mystery Realm - Tianlong Realm.

The resources contained in it are extremely rich.

Qin Feng also showed anticipation.

The last token, the Dragon Ball, was hidden in the Tianlong territory.

That was also the key for him to obtain the ninth-level Dragon Might. indivual.

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