Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 289 God Emperor's pride

Meanwhile, outside the secret.

In the Pacific Ocean, an unnamed island.

All the emperors are gathering together to discuss.

This time, the Longxu Mystery Realm has been open for too long.

All the emperors were worried.

"Everyone, something is abnormal! In the past, this Dragon Ruins Mystery Realm opened for ten days and a half, and it ended. But this time it's been more than twenty days, and those players haven't come out yet..."

The Qinglong Emperor looked around the emperors.

"Yeah! According to the past situation, the later the secret realm ends, the fewer people will come out alive. I'm afraid this time..."

The Snow Emperor of the Snow Mountain League had a sad face.

"Yeah! In the past, only half of the survivors survived. This time, I'm afraid less than one-third..."

Emperor Xuanwu also sighed.

The emperors frowned.

In any case, those examiners are the top elites of various forces, and they all have the potential to become kings, so they naturally cherish it.

In the crowd, Feng Di's beautiful eyes were filled with extreme melancholy and self-blame.

The more time passed, the more restless she became.

Only the God Emperor and the Underworld Emperor looked calm in the field.

"Looking at the calm faces of the two of you, don't you worry that your subordinates will fall into the secret realm?

The Qinglong Emperor looked at the Emperor God and Emperor Ming curiously.

The emperors also looked at the two.

Even the King Shark and King Whale watched silently.

The emperors were still wary of these two.

Nine-star emperors are extremely rare, and it is difficult to find one for hundreds of years.

Even if it were to appear, it would be a sign of heaven.

These two people suddenly appeared, and they also brought ten elite juniors, as if it had been planned for a long time.

If it wasn't confirmed before, they really thought that the two god emperors were spies sent by the starry sky orcs.

In short, although the emperors accepted the two god emperors, there was still some estrangement between the two parties, and they were somewhat guarded against each other.

And as a veteran force on Earth, they don't want this new force to be too dazzling.

At first, they didn't want to be crushed by this new force.

Second, it remains to be seen whether this stupefied organization is an enemy or a friend.

The only thing that is certain is that they are not in the same group as the Starry Sky Orcs.

But that doesn't mean they are completely trustworthy.

The emperors are old and mature, and these are hidden in their hearts.

The Emperor God and Emperor Ming felt the attention of everyone and sneered in their hearts.

They could see through the minds of the emperors at a glance.

These natives of Earth did not really accept them.

However, they also disdain the backward earth people.

They have been hidden on Earth for decades, just for the sake of the Longxu Secret Realm.

Now that the secret realm has been opened, and the fruits of victory are about to arrive, they have no patience for continuing to disguise Earthlings.

"Everyone, this secret realm expedition is an experience for the younger generation! It's an experience, then life and death have fate and wealth in the sky, what's there to worry about~°?

The Emperor Ming said sullenly.

The emperor also smiled without saying a word.

"It seems that the two of you are very confident!" Emperor Qinglong asked tentatively.


The emperor smiled: "I can't talk about self-confidence! The emperor sent this time are the elites of the elite, and they should come back alive seven or eight..."

As soon as these words came out, all the emperors looked at each other.

If one or two of their subordinates can come back alive, they feel pretty good.

In the past, only two or three of each force came back alive.

But this time is obviously different from the past. After such a long time, the difficulty must have doubled.

Isn't this guy called God Emperor too confident?

Some emperors closed their eyes slightly, and their expressions were calm and unbelievable.

Some emperors slandered in their hearts. This guy is the first time to participate in the secret realm, and he underestimates the difficulty of Longxu.

Few emperors believed the words of the emperor.

But at this moment, the voice of Qinglong Emperor resounded in the field.

"In this way, the old man didn't see it wrong before, that Long Shang does have a quasi-eight-star cultivation base..."

As soon as these words fell, the whole audience was shocked.

Quasi-eight-star cultivation?!

All the emperors were shocked.

On Earth, there has not yet been a quasi-eight star under the age of 100.

The players who entered the secret realm this time, the strongest they sent were not from the Essence Fusion Realm, but half-step into the Essence Essence Fusion Realm.

That would be death to Shanglong Shang!

In this way, God Emperor did not brag.

There is a quasi-eight-star existence, and their team can indeed survive a lot of people.

But this is not good for them!

The God Emperor also looked at Emperor Qinglong in astonishment: "Brother Qinglong, what a great way!"

This is true, all the players have jade talismans that cover their cultivation.

The Qinglong Emperor can see through it, and it is naturally not simple.

In the crowd, after Fengdi heard these words, his pretty face turned pale.

She seemed to have thought of something terrible, and suddenly raised her head to look at the Emperor.

"God Emperor, this Emperor knows that Qin Feng is having some festivals with your organization. Did you arrange for Long Shang to attack him during this secret expedition?"

Emperor Jiutian Feng looked very nervous.

She is really concerned.

The emperor smiled indifferently: "Emperor Feng is joking! This secret realm is a place of opportunity. Even if there is no festival before, everyone will fight, why should this emperor talk too much?"

As soon as these words fell, Emperor Feng's heart sank.

This does not mean that Long Shang will take action against Qin Feng without his orders.

Then Qin Feng is in danger!

Feng Di was a little flustered.

Not far away, the Undying Fire Emperor saw this scene, and the corner of his mouth showed a schadenfreude smile.

He is a raw chicken belly.

Qin Feng had previously rejected his invitation in public, which made him a little unhappy.

In the current situation, that Qin Feng must be more fortunate than fortunate!

I really didn't expect that kid to have a grudge against the Faint Organization!

The other emperors also looked at each other.

There was regret in their eyes.

From their point of view, Qin Feng must be more fortunate than fortune!

A teenager with seven-star Dzogchen strength can only be killed when he encounters a quasi-eight-star.

Just a pity for this super genius.

At only seventeen years old, he has the strength of the Seven Stars Great Perfection.

If Qin Feng is given enough strength, he will definitely be able to break through to the quasi-eighth star within a hundred years, which is no worse than that Long Shang!

Thinking of this, the emperors felt even more regretful.

At this moment, the sea surface not far away suddenly oscillated, and a huge vortex appeared on the sea surface.

Every second, hundreds of millions of cubic meters of seawater are swallowed by the vortex and slowly form a huge sea eye.

66`The exit of Longxu is open!

"It's finally over!"

The emperors were pleasantly surprised and flew into the sky over the sea.

At the same time, in the secret territory, on the square.

Qin Feng looked up at the sky in the secret realm.

Above that sky, a huge door of light is slowly taking shape.

That is the exit of the secret realm.

At this moment, Chu Chu, Luo Li, Xiao Lun Wang and other subordinates were standing respectfully behind Qin Feng, waiting for his orders.

Just half an hour ago, Chu Chu finally finished inheriting the inheritance and returned to the square.

What pleased Qin Feng was that Chu Chu's potential not only reached the capital of the Great Emperor, but even broke through to the early stage of Seven Stars.

Her comprehensive strength has surpassed Xiao Qingfeng, Luo Li and others.

As for the Ferry King, that is a rather special existence.

Although he is not strong in combat, he cannot be killed.

In terms of combat power, he is not even as good as Chu Chu.

But if you want to kill him, you can't do it without the strength above the eight-star Great Perfection.

Afterwards, Qin Feng appointed Chu Chu as the left messenger of Qinmen, and appointed Xiaolun Wang as the right messenger.

(Nuo Nuo Zhao) Xiao Qingfeng, Luo Li, Li Jiao, Bai Qianyue, Wu Sihai, and Duan Muqing were also appointed as hall masters.

Except for Luo Li and Li Jiao, these people are the captains of the various alliances, and they all have quite high status and prestige among the original forces.

After Qin Feng ordered each hall master to return to the original power, the main task was to strengthen the power of each hall.

At this point, the Qin Sect's power framework took shape.

Of course, there is also a secret envoy Jade Qilin.

After completing these personnel appointments, Qin Feng warned everyone that things about his potential to dominate should not be leaked.

The crowd clapped.

Then, Qin Feng took out the inheritance order and opened the exit.

At this moment, the door of light in the sky is fully formed,

The exit is completely open.

"Xiao Qingfeng!", Qin Feng turned his head to the bottom.

"My subordinates are here!" Xiao Qingfeng bowed his head respectfully.

"Go out with your people first!"

"As ordered!"

Xiao Qingfeng gave a respectful salute and flew to the exit in the air with another member of the Azure Dragon League.

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