Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 291 is empty after all

This time, the emperor was completely dumbfounded!

The Emperor Ming is also stunned!

Even the Qinglong Emperors were stunned.

These six people are actually all from the Southern Alliance.

When did the Confederacy become so strong?

Everyone was shocked!

The difficulty of the secret realm has increased tenfold, and all six members of the Southern Alliance are alive. This is the rhythm of crushing all the forces!

Huh! No!

Six?! Isn't it five?

People soon found out that it was wrong.

I saw that among the six Qin Feng people, one was a beautiful little Loli who had never seen before, and it was Chu Chu.

All eyes fell on Chu Chu.

The southern uniform on Chu Chu's body is particularly dazzling.

This is enough to prove that she is from the Confederacy.

In fact, don't talk about these outsiders.

Even Fengdi and Haiwang were dumbfounded.

When did Chu Chu go in?

They clearly remember that Chu Chu stayed at the SAARC headquarters!

Emperor Feng is thoughtful.

She had already guessed that it was Qin Feng's trick.

Chu Chu is Qin Feng's younger sister.

The two have always been dependent on each other and have hardly ever been separated.

However, none of this matters!

Seeing Qin Feng come out alive, her heart is like the beginning of the world, everything is revived, everything becomes extremely bright, and everything is full of vitality.

She has never been so happy!

She was standing there quietly.

She is still cold!

She is still absolutely gorgeous!

She stared at Qin Feng silently, with a smile on the corner of her mouth and tenderness in her eyes.

At this moment, she only has Qin Feng in her eyes, and she can't hold anything else...

The atmosphere in the field became quiet.

People's minds are different.

There was still an embarrassed smile on the face of Emperor Ming, and the old face was slightly red.

He also said before that the people who came out alive were people from the fainting organization.

I didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly!

The emperor was also shocked.

He recognized Chu Chu.

Isn't this little girl Qin Feng's sister!

When did she get in?

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin Feng with a strange look in his eyes.

"Miss Jiufeng, it's really a good trick! I admire it! I admire it!""

Emperor Xuanwu's admiration sounded from the crowd.

All the emperors woke up and cast admiring glances at Emperor Feng.

It turned out that they thought that Chu Chu was able to enter, and that was the means that Feng Di came up with.

To be able to send another person in under the eyes of the emperors, that is the ability, that is the means.

The emperors thought that they couldn't do it, they couldn't help but feel admiration, and they were secretly shocked in their hearts.

It seems that Fengdi's strength has improved again!

In the crowd, Emperor Qinglong gave Emperor Feng a deep look.

He suddenly felt a sense of crisis, as if he was about to be surpassed by Emperor Feng.

Speaking of which, Emperor Feng is the youngest among all the emperors, but his strength can rank in the top three, which is definitely not to be underestimated.

At this moment, not to mention these emperors, even the sea king looked at Fengdi with a look of admiration.

He also thought it was the means of Emperor Feng.

If Qin Feng did it, he couldn't believe it.

Space capabilities, very little is known in today's Earth world.

For all this, Emperor Feng smiled without saying a word.

Of course she wouldn't tell the truth.

"Jiufeng, the biggest winner this time should be your Southern Alliance..."

In the crowd, the Ice and Snow Emperor spoke with envy.

With this reminder, everyone once again showed envy.


Six people from the Southern Alliance survived, and the harvest is definitely richer than before.

Not only that, these six people have experienced this experience, and they will definitely become the mainstay in the future, and even a few kings will emerge.

Every king is the backbone of all forces!

The future of the Southern Alliance is bright!

This naturally attracted the envy of the emperors.

Of course, the Undying Fire Emperor and Beicang Emperor in the crowd were a little unhappy.

They have some grudges with the Southern Alliance, and naturally they don't want to see the Southern Alliance become stronger.

Especially the Undying Fire Emperor, he was a little disappointed to see that Qin Feng could come back alive.

This kid refused his invitation before, making him unpleasant no matter what.

But at this moment, the bold voice of the White Tiger Emperor sounded in the field.

"God Emperor and Emperor Ming, this Emperor remembered correctly. You said before that your fainting organization should be able to survive seven or eight. Now it seems that only one has emerged!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but look at the Emperor God and Emperor Ming.

Even, some people showed the look of watching a good show.

The two god emperors felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, when the two saw Qin Feng coming back alive, their hearts were already disturbed.

But they really didn't believe that with Long Shang's strength, they couldn't deal with these Earth juniors.

·0 Seeking Flowers··

Immediately, Emperor Ming said with a dry smile: "Hehe! Everyone, this secret realm is not over yet! It's too early to say, everyone, watch it!

But as soon as his voice fell, the sea eyes below made bursts of roars, and the potential sea area was shaking.

Everyone hurriedly looked down.

Looking at it, everyone saw that the exit of the light hole was rapidly shrinking.

In the blink of an eye, the light hole was completely closed.

The huge sea eye is disappearing fast.

The Longxu exit is closed!

The Emperor was dumbfounded!

The emperor's expression changed greatly.

In the crowd, the faces of the Undying Fire Emperor and the Beicang Emperor also changed slightly.

None of them came out yet!

Especially Fire Emperor, his direct descendant Zhu Yang is still inside!

Did he die in it too...

Thinking of this, the Fire Emperor's face became even more ugly.

"The Secret Realm is closed!"

There was a voice in the crowd.

Many people looked at the God Emperor and the Underworld Emperor with strange expressions.

Some people also looked at Emperor Huo and Emperor Beicang with sympathy.

At this time, the jade unicorn just flew to the sea.

"Jade unicorn, where is Long Shang?", the emperor asked impatiently.

"Go back to your majesty, Long Shang and others have fallen into the secret territory..." Yu Qilin answered truthfully.

It was confirmed by my own ears that the Divine Emperor's face was instantly ugly.

Immediately, he raised his head again and transmitted a voice to the jade unicorn: "Where is the Emperor Shengdan?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, I didn't get..."

The God Emperor seemed to be hit hard, his whole body was shaken violently, and his face was a little pale.

He has been planning for the Emperor Shengdan for decades, but in the end it was all in vain!

How could he not be annoyed!

At this time, he seemed to sense something, and when he raised his head, he saw a lot of people cast strange glances at him.

Those with sympathetic eyes also gloated.

This annoyed the Emperor.

He was actually looked down upon by the people of these low-level stars!

It made him angry!

Just in time, Qin Feng and the others also flew over the sea.

"Qin Feng, did you kill Long Shang?" The Emperor looked at Qin Feng with a cold expression.

Everyone in the field was shocked. indivual.

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