In a blink of an eye, the Emperor and others disappeared from the sight of everyone.

"Jiufeng, your Southern Alliance has produced an incredible genius!"

Emperor Qinglong looked at Qin Feng with admiration.

Immediately, he regretted: "What a pity! According to the agreement, the war is coming, and there is not much time for Qin Feng to grow up.

As soon as these words came out, the emperors all agreed.

"Yeah! A year later, the truce contract between the Starry Sky Orcs and us will expire. At that time, our earth will have another battle of death and death!"

"I heard that the long-lived wood emperor of the starry sky orcs has recovered. In addition, they have three kings who have emerged into eggs, and the situation is very bad for our earth!"

Speaking of this, all the emperors showed sadness.

Although they are high above, their hearts are all about the hundreds of millions of creatures on the earth.

In the last war, the earth was almost occupied by the starry orcs.

In the end, it was the human race and the demon race who put down their grievances and joined forces to resist the invasion of the starry sky orcs.

That time, the starry sky orcs dispatched eight emperors.

There are seven emperors in the earth human race, plus two emperors from the deep sea clan, there are nine emperors in total.

The two sides fought a tie, and finally signed an armistice contract.

But now the problem is coming, the starry sky orcs are a peculiar race.

As long as they plunder enough resources, they can create a new emperor within a hundred years.

Today, they have three kings who have emerged as eggs.

When the three kings emerge from their eggs, they will evolve into new emperors.

At that time, the starry sky orcs will have eleven emperors.

But the earth has gone through so many years, and there is no new emperor yet, this situation is not good!

"Did you say that the Emperor God and Emperor Ming will participate in the war in a year's time?", Emperor Xuanwu suddenly asked.

"Not necessarily! I think these two people are harboring ghosts...", Emperor Baihu shook his head slightly.

Emperor Qinglong also sighed: "We promised to let them enter the secret realm before, just to show goodwill to the two of them."

"But looking at the performance of these two people, they just want to let their subordinates monopolize all opportunities and leave no room for them. This behavior is a bit weird..."

When Qin Feng heard this, he already understood the cause and effect, and was horrified.

He just learned today that the earth can be peaceful for so many years.

That was when the emperors and the starry beasts signed an armistice contract.

But now the contract is about to expire, and the big crisis of the earth is coming.

"Your Majesty, this junior has important news to tell you!" Qin Feng said suddenly.

All the emperors looked at him involuntarily.

"Little friend, please say it!" Emperor Qinglong asked kindly.

"Actually, the God Emperor and the Underworld Emperor are not human races on Earth, they are human races from other star regions..."

Qin Feng briefly explained...

After the emperors listened to it, they all showed a sudden color.

"No wonder their attitude is so weird....35

"Yeah! I thought these two appeared abruptly before! 55

"It seems that in this war, these two people will either stand on the sidelines or disrupt the situation! We need to be more careful!"

The emperors suddenly felt the pressure increased greatly.

"Everyone, withdraw! Go back and make more preparations! There is only one year left!

The emperors looked at the sea.

The sea eye has long since disappeared.

Everything is at peace.

Everyone should leave!

Qin Feng's heart also felt heavy when he heard this.

Some truths can only be learned by reaching a certain status and level.

If he hadn't heard these words today, he would not have known that the earth was in crisis.

Like ordinary elementalists, he will know nothing about the situation.

Just as everyone was about to evacuate, Emperor Qinglong seemed to remember something.

"Everyone stay!"

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

"One month later, the monument of good fortune will reappear! Everyone, bring your kings to come to my Qinglong Holy Land, and let's learn together! 39

As soon as these words came out, the emperors were overjoyed.

The kings such as the sea king are even more happy.

"Great Emperor Gao Yi!" 997

"Thank you Brother Qinglong!"

All the emperors expressed their gratitude to the Qinglong Emperor.

Qin Feng was very curious when he heard this.

"Yue'er, what is the Celestial Stele of Fortune?" Qin Feng secretly transmitted a voice to Emperor Feng.

Emperor Feng looked at him with wonderful eyes, hiding his doting.

"If you want to comprehend the Heavenly Creation Monument, you must have at least an eight-star strength, otherwise you can't get close. I'll tell you more about it later..."

Feng Di's voice transmission sounded in Qin Feng's ears.

Afterwards, the emperors discussed the matter of comprehending the Heaven Monument, and they all returned to Wuming Island and evacuated by their respective aircraft.

A quarter of an hour later, there was no one else on the island.

This Longxu expedition is completely over.

But not long after everyone left, three strange figures appeared near Wuming Island.

It was the three god emperors who went back and forth.

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