Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 296 The emperors seek each other (10 more)

"Yue'er, can you see this thing, will it make them excited?""

Qin Feng took out a strange elixir.

"Hey! This elixir..."

That spirit pill exudes mental power fluctuations.

Feng Di took it in surprise and looked at it carefully.

The more she looked, the more surprised she became: "What is the name of this medicine pill?"


"Jing Yuan Dan!

At the same time, far away in a palace deep under the sea.

King Whale and King Shark are also studying a Jing Yuan Dan.

After the two watched it, they were amazed.

"Emperor Whale, this Essence Essence Pill is such a treasure!" Emperor Shark watched the pill with love.


"Yeah!" The King Whale looked up at the sky, "This elixir that increases mental power is extremely rare, and this emperor has never heard of it before! However, this elixir can't work - what a role!

"Indeed!", Emperor Shark looked at King Xiaolun and Lijiao.

"Did you get this one in the secret realm?"

"Go back to Your Majesty! Jingyuan Dan is extremely rare. With our ability, we got such a pill!

The Ferry King replied respectfully.

In fact, Qin Feng gave him this essence pill.

The purpose is to show the whale emperor and the shark emperor.

Let them know the benefits of this elixir.

"One is not enough!" Emperor Shark shook his head slightly.

The Whale King also looked regretful.

"Your Majesty, although we don't have it in our hands, the Southern Alliance has it!" The Ferry King smiled and led the conversation.

These were all ordered by Qin Feng.

Sure enough, both the shark emperor and the whale emperor lit up.

"How many in the Confederacy? 35

"About a hundred or so!

"So many! 9

The King Shark and King Whale suddenly became interested.

"Xiao Lun Wang, how many essence pills like this do you need to refine to break through to the quasi-eight star?

The King Shark looked at the King of Ferry.

"Eight is enough!

"Lijiao, how about you?

"I...I want about twenty...", Li Jiao was a little embarrassed.

"So, it's enough for us to buy 30 pieces from the Southern Alliance. Whale King, what do you think?"

The King Shark asked the King Whale excitedly.

The whale emperor nodded again and again: "It's very cost-effective!""

The king of sharks smiled.

This is true too!

As long as thirty essence essence pills are needed, Xiaolun Wang and Li Jiao can be promoted to quasi-eight stars, which is very cost-effective.

Especially Xiao Lun Wang, when he becomes an eight star, I am afraid that he will become the first powerhouse under nine stars.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Southern Alliance and personally deal with Fengdi!

"This emperor has this intention!"

The two demon kings hit it off!

A quarter of an hour later, the two demon emperors flew out of the sea and rushed towards the Southern Alliance.

However, on this side, Emperor Feng studied the Jingyuan Pill for a while, and gradually revealed a pleasant surprise.

"Qin Feng, this Essence Essence Pill is amazing! If I don't expect it to be bad, after taking it, it can improve a lot of spiritual power..."

Qin Feng nodded: "Yes! This essence pill is of great help to the spiritual power of the Seven Star Elementalist..."

Emperor Feng nodded slightly.

She could also see that this Essence Essence Pill was of great help to the Seven-Star Elemental Master and had no effect on the Eight-Star King, but it was enough.

As long as there are enough essence essence pills, a quasi-eight-star powerhouse can be cultivated.

The quasi-eight star will definitely become the king of the eight stars, and it is the mainstay of every force and is indispensable.

"Qin Feng, if I'm not wrong, an Essence Essence Fusion Realm needs to swallow 20 Essence Essence Pills in order to hope to break through to the quasi-eight star. If it is a half-step Essence Essence Fusion Realm, at least 30..."

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded.

"Then here comes the question. If you want to impress those emperors, you need at least 20-30 essence pills. Do you have so many on you?"

Qin Feng smiled lightly: "Is more than 100 enough?"9

Feng Di was pleasantly surprised: "That's enough! At least three or four copies of the nine-star origin..."

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

It is more secure to have Emperor Feng come forward to deal with it than to do it himself.

Actually, he has two hundred essence pills, but he wants to keep some for Chu Chu and Luo Li, so he won't sell them all.

In addition, he also gave a sample to Xiao Lun Wang, Xiao Qingfeng and others.

·0 Flowers ·...

It must have worked by now.

It was only when he had this idea that Feng Di's communication jade talisman began to move.

When Emperor Feng took out the jade talisman, he was surprised.

It turned out that it was the Whale King and the Shark King who sent her the message.

He actually asked her to buy Jingyuan Pill.

She glanced at Qin Feng and just wanted to ask what was going on.

The Qinglong Emperor and the White Tiger Emperor also received news one after another that they were also going to buy Jingyuan Pill.

"It turns out that you have already planned it...", Feng Di's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"Are those emperors?"

"Whale Emperor, Shark Emperor, Qinglong Emperor, White Tiger Emperor... Oh, Xuanwu Emperor also sent a message..."

Emperor Feng looked at the jade talisman in his hand, and Emperor Xuanwu had just sent a message.

"Let them all go to the southern capital to trade!

"Okay!", Emperor Feng quickly sent a message to several emperors.

Then, she raised her head and stared at Qin Feng with burning eyes.

"Uh, why are you looking at me like that?", Qin Feng was a little uncomfortable when she looked at him.

"I'm thinking, if you've calculated everything in advance, will you even calculate me?"

"Of course I'm going to plot against you..."

"Then what do you want from me?"

"Yue'er, what I want, you should know..."

Qin Feng leaned over naturally, whispered in Feng Di's ear, and unknowingly clasped Feng Di's waist with both hands.

This willow waist is so thin!

That soft touch is so comfortable….

Feng Di's delicate body froze slightly.

A red cloud appeared on that beautiful and cold face.

She turned her head away and gently pulled Qin Feng's hand away.

"This place is not suitable..."

Feng Di turned his back to Qin Feng.

She is proud!

She is reserved!

But at this moment, I dare not look back!

The unspoken words made Qin Feng happy.

PS: Tomorrow will be ten updates!!!! Thank you for your support!!!!!!

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