Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 309 Obtaining Fire Poison Skills (3 Updates)

Qin Feng withdrew the Xiaguang, and saw the Emperor Shark looking at him with hazy eyes.

On that delicate face, the cheeks were crimson.

"Why did you stop...", Emperor Shark suddenly felt empty.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Sister Nishan, I have absorbed all the places that can be absorbed. Some places are taboo, so I don't feel comfortable touching them. After all, men and women cannot be kissed....

"Besides, the remaining fire poison is no more than 30%... Sister Nishan should be able to restrain, you can slowly find a way to solve it..."

Having said that, Qin Feng stopped talking.

To be honest, he was still rather regretful.

If he can absorb the remaining fire poison, his strength will increase.

"You..." Emperor Shark looked at Qin Feng leisurely.

"Then if you only do half of the work, then leave the picks alone? You make your sister irresistible, what's this like? To detoxify, you have to completely detoxify, you continue..."

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

The Emperor Shark angered: "I don't blame you for taking advantage, why are you hesitating... Let's get rid of the poison, anyway, you have touched a lot of things you shouldn't touch, and it's not bad at all...~

At the end, the king of sharks blushed.

"Sister Nishan, this is what you said..."

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth are slightly upturned, and his big hands are running down his flat belly...

Oh my God!

The king's eyes widened. . . . .

This guy either doesn't do it, or goes straight to the point...

When Qin Feng got started, he didn't allow an inch of land...

The fire poison was also continuously inhaled by him...

"Ding! Absorbed fire poison successfully.... Combat power increased by 1000....

"Ding! Successfully absorbed the fire poison.... Combat power increased by 1000..."

"Ding! Absorbed fire poison successfully....

And fire poison can be absorbed!

So cool!

Qin Feng felt at ease.

His big hand is the devil's palm...

The King Shark's expression began to become dazed.

time flies…..

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Qin Feng finally absorbed the fire poison from Emperor Shark's body, without missing an inch...



Qin Feng exhaled a long breath and removed his palm.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for absorbing the fire poison, the Hunyuan force is mutated, the fire poison damage is attached, and the Hunyuan force is destructively improved...

Fire Poison Damage (Emperor-level Enhancement): It can ignore the defense of the power of elements, corrode the flesh, and the damage is lasting...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's awakening fire poison damage.... The highest awakening of the Dragon God has increased to 10.3%, the power of the Dragon God is partially awakened, and the combat power has increased by 100 million..."

Qin Feng was full of surprises.

After absorbing so much fire poison, he actually acquired the fire poison ability...

This means that he has emperor-level skills.

Although it is only a status skill, it greatly strengthens his attacking ability.

Originally, he was defending against the strong and attacking the weak.

Today, he has an emperor-level skill in defense—True Dragon Tyrant Body.

Attacks have emperor-level skills - fire poison additional.

His condition is getting better and better.

Moreover, his current combat power has also increased to 3 billion.

If you cast Hunyuan transformation again, it can reach 3.6 billion.

With such strength, even the strongest Qinglong Emperor on the planet could not kill him in seconds.

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more comfortable he became.

(Nuo Nuo Zhao) ".`Sister Nishan, your poison has been cured...", Qin Feng got up.

But the Kingfisher still didn't respond.

Qin Feng bowed his head, and saw that Emperor Shark's eyes were a little blurry.

There was a fire hidden deep in those beautiful eyes.

She stared at herself tightly, as if calling, as if yearning.

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback.

Did you cause trouble yourself?

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