Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Three Heart-to-Heart Phoenix Emperor (two more)

A few minutes later, Qin Feng came to an elegant and refined room.

In the room, the windows are bright and clean.

The floor was spotless.

There was a faint fragrance in the air.

This is Fengdi's boudoir.

No one has ever dared to step in here.

Qin Feng was the first to be allowed in here.

He looked at the extremely beautiful back in front of him, and felt joy in his heart.

Yue'er really broke through to the peak of Nine Stars.

The breath is obviously stronger than before.

Qin Feng walked over with a smile and stood by the window with her.

The two were in a good mood and smiled at each other.

"How is your progress?", Feng Di's beautiful face showed concern.

"Look...", Qin Feng let out his realm breath.

Eight-star Dzogchen peak!

Feng Di's beautiful eyes lit up.

She always thought that Qin Feng had not broken through to the quasi-eight-star level, but that his strength had reached the quasi-eight-star level.

She was still worried that Qin Feng would not be able to participate in the Heaven Monument Enlightenment.

I didn't expect that my man would reach the eight-star Great Consummation so quickly.

"Qin Feng, your current strength should be above the king of heaven. I want to give you a position, so that you can control the king of heaven, the king of the sea, and the king of Lu. What do you say is the right position?"

Feng Di asked in a low voice.

She wanted to give her man more authority.

Qin Feng gently approached Feng Di's ear: "I only need you..."

Feng Di's pretty face blushed slightly.

She raised her head happily and saw Qin Feng's loving eyes.

There was still a fiery glow under those eyes, which made her heart chaotic.

The next second, she felt that Qin Feng's big hand was wrapping her waist...

She did not resist, her eyes gradually blurred...

If other emperors saw this scene, they would be very surprised.

This dignified female emperor has fallen into such a state that she has allowed an eight-star subordinate...

After a while, she closed her eyes slightly, and she looked so beautiful...

Qin Feng's heart is moved....

He whispered softly in Feng Di's ear.

Feng Di's pretty face blushed...

The breeze is rippling in the air, and the spring is strong. . . .

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, seven hours passed.

The storm has stopped...

In Emperor Feng's boudoir, Qin Feng was sitting on the sofa, sipping a cup of tea. …

At this time, Emperor Feng came out of the inner room.

She changed into a long white dress, which was indescribably beautiful.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was full of admiration.

Feng Di was overjoyed and sat beside Qin Feng with tenderness in his eyes.

After experiencing the intimacy just now, the hearts of the two became closer.

ps: For some reasons, this chapter is a little short, and I will update the next chapter soon. Thank you for your support..

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