Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 336 The rapidly growing Qinmen forces (1 more)

Unable to go further, Qin Feng had to retreat.

He is ready to come back when his strength improves.

Outside the cave, Qin Feng explained to the two great fire demon kings.

He asked the two demon kings to send a few earth fire demons to guard the entrance of the cave, and the rest did not need to be concerned.

In addition, the search for the Xingxi Stone Mine has to continue.

After instructing the trivial matters, Qin Feng used the reverse space to summon and returned to the Dragon's Nest secret room in the South Alliance in an instant.

By the way, he watched the hatching progress of the dragon eggs, added some emperor fluid, and left in a hurry.

A quarter of an hour later, inside the cultivation secret room.

Qin Feng excitedly took out some ground fire soil and some auxiliary materials.

Then, he took out the artifact refining manual again, turned to the page of Emperor Garuda's notebook, and started his own plan-.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, five hours passed - gone.

According to the method of Emperor Garuda, Qin Feng used the earth and fire as the main material, and successfully refined two clay figurines.

This clay figurine is an imitation of the headless golden man.

However, this clay figurine is only a half-finished product.

In order to make it truly possess combat power, it is also necessary to use incorporeal creatures with the same attributes to sacrifice and forge the spirit of the puppet, in order to truly activate the puppet.

Qin Feng already had the material for this kind of puppet spirit.

When his mind moved, the space in front of him fluctuated, and an eight-star Earth Fire Demon was summoned by him.

As soon as the Earth Fire Demon appeared, a look of extreme pain appeared on his face, and his body began to collapse.

Its life form is very strange. It has no solid body and can only exist in the magma layer. Once the magma comes out, it will automatically disintegrate.

Qin Feng had already prepared, and even pinched the seal formula, poured it into the clay figurine puppet, and then began to sacrifice.

An hour later, the fire demon and the clay figurine puppet merged perfectly.

The Earth Fire Demon became the puppet's spirit, and the clay figurine puppet became its body.

After the combination of the two, the combat power has skyrocketed to the eight-star Great Perfection.

This is the real clay puppet.

Qin Feng was very satisfied.

He finally solved the problem of not being able to bring the Earth Fire Demon out of the magma layer.

Now, he not only brought out the magma layer, but also raised the combat power of the Earth Fire Demon to a new level.

This can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

In addition, this clay figurine puppet itself comes with the earth escape attribute, which is more convenient to use.

The more Qin Feng looked, the more satisfied he became.

He thought for a while, it was not appropriate to call this thing Earth Fire Demon, it should be called another name.

Qin Feng sees that it looks a bit like Terracotta Warriors, so he named it Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors.

Then, he took out a Rank 8 Essence Essence Pill, directly extracted the medicinal power, and injected it into the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors.

This is what he is trying.

Unexpectedly, the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors directly absorbed the medicinal power, and its spiritual power soared, and after a while, it rose to the six-star level.

Those originally stupid eyes lit up with aura.

Its intelligence has improved, and the entire puppet has spirituality.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

He had five hundred rank eight essence pills in his hand, all of which were prepared for those Earth Fire Demons.

After all, the Earth Fire Demon's intelligence is too low, resulting in low combat power.

Qin Feng originally wanted the Earth Fire Demon to take the elixir directly, but the Earth Fire Demon had no physical body, and because of the special living environment, he could not absorb the elixir.

Today, Qin Feng transformed the Earth Fire Demon into the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors, and the life form has undergone certain changes.

He tried to deliver medicinal power, but he did not expect success.

Immediately, Qin Feng took out a second Rank 8 Essence Essence Pill and injected it into medicinal power.

This time, the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors couldn't absorb it, and the spiritual power was raised to six stars, which seemed to be its limit.

However, Qin Feng was already satisfied.

Six-star spiritual power already has a good spirituality, and it is very convenient to control the battle.

In addition, after the spiritual power of the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors has been improved, the combat power has been directly increased to the peak of the eight-star great perfection, that is, the combat power of about 500 million.

His Rank 8 Essence Yuan Dan was well worth the cost.

Next, Qin Feng began to build the second Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors.

This time, he summoned the eight-star Great Perfection Earth Fire Demon.

A quarter of an hour later, the second Fire Demon Terracotta Army was created.

The combat power of this puppet has reached one billion, reaching the strength of the tribulation period.

Qin Feng was an accident and a surprise.

It turned out that the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors, the peak of the Eight-Star Great Perfection, can be made with the Eight-Star Fire Demon.

The Eight-Star Great Perfection Fire Demon can make the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors of the Tribulation Period.

What about the Fire Demon King?

The Earth Fire Demon King is his main fighting force.

If the Earth Fire Demon King can be refined into a Fire Demon Warrior figurine, then the combat power will definitely increase greatly, and it will definitely no longer be the bottom of the nine-star existence.

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more excited he became.

However, there is a conundrum here.

The energy of the Earth Fire Demon King is too strong for ordinary clay figurines to bear, and cannot be used as their bodies.

He needs to make a higher-level clay golem.

In the information of Emperor Garuda, the method of making top-level clay figurines is also described, and more auxiliary materials are needed.

Qin Feng checked his own resources.

The most important main material - emperor-grade mud.

He already has it, and that is the land of fire.

In addition, more than 40 kinds of auxiliary materials are needed, and he still lacks 17 kinds.

In addition, he also has to raise his refining level to the emperor level.

He had already comprehended 87% of the artifact refining manual, and as long as he had comprehended 100%, it would be at the emperor level.

Qin Feng thought about it for a while.

There are still eight days before the opening of the Heavenly Monument, and everything is in time.

As long as he can refine two Earth Fire Demon Generals.

At that time, even if Star Emperor Wuye made trouble, it would not be able to stop him from completing his mission.

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Feng hurriedly left the secret room.

Half an hour later, the King of Qin went to the palace.

In the discussion hall, the door was closed, and a soundproof barrier was opened around it.

At this moment, Qin Feng is sitting on the throne.

Luo Li, Lu Ming, Wan Hansheng, Li Xun, Ferry King, Li Jiao, Xiao Qingfeng, Bai Qianyue, Wu Sihai, Duanmuxue and others stood respectfully below.

Qin Feng summoned the first group of backbones of the Qin Sect.

He glanced at everyone lightly, and found that everyone's cultivation base has greatly improved, and they are not far from the quasi-eight star.

Xiao Lun Wang and Xiao Qingfeng are even more quasi-eight-star realm.

"How is everyone developing these days?" Qin Feng asked quietly.

The Ferry King was the first to step forward and report excitedly: "Master Hui, Li Jiao and I have joined forces. Our Deep Sea Hall has developed more than 3,000 subordinates, of which there are more than 1,000 with five stars and above..."

"In addition, as long as anyone with a five-star or above cultivation base, we have them sign a contract to join the Qin Sect, and their loyalty is no problem..."

·0 for flowers·

"Very good!" Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Xiao Lun Wang smiled and said: "To achieve such an achievement, it is completely dependent on the sect master's Xiao Jing Yuan Dan, and it is simply impossible to do it with the prestige of me and Li Jiao..."

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

The Ferry King was right.

If it wasn't for Xiaojing Yuandan as the bait, how would those people easily join the Qin Sect?

Qin Feng got a million small essence pills from Longxu.

He distributed hundreds of thousands to Ferry King and others to develop disciples.

Although the small essence pill has many flaws, it is far inferior to the essence pill, but for the people of the earth who lack spiritual power.

Every small essence is a treasure, and the temptation is very great.

"Back to the sect master, our Qinglong Hall has also secretly developed more than 2,000 members, and there are more than 700 members above the five-star level..."

Xiao Qingfeng also respectfully stepped forward to report.

"Back to the sect master, our White Tiger Hall has developed 1,900 members..."

"Back to the sect master, our Xuanwu Hall has developed 1,600 people...

"Back to the sect master, our Snow Mountain Alliance has developed 2,110 people...


Bai Qianyue, Wu Sihai, and Duanmu Xue also reported.

Qin Feng was very pleased.

These people are indeed the elite of the elite, and their ability to do things is extremely strong.

In less than a month, they have secretly grown the members of the Qin Sect to more than 10,000 people, and more than 3,000 people with five stars and above...

This is a force to be reckoned with!

"You all did a great job! Take these!

Qin Feng tossed it casually, and several storage rings fell into the hands of everyone.

When everyone saw it, there was a large amount of Emperor Liujing and some Emperor Liujing.

"These resources are used by you to train disciples with more than five stars, so that they can improve their strength very quickly. After ten days, they will be of great use..."

Qin Feng said calmly.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other on the ground.

Afterwards, the Ferry King asked carefully: "Sect Master, are we going to do something?"

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded slightly: "Perhaps, our global battle for unification will be faster than you think. You can go back and wait for the order..."

This made everyone excited.

They have been looking forward to Qin Feng's ability to raise the flag of unification as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng is really about to start.

At this moment, the fighting spirit ignited in the hearts of everyone.

"In addition, there is a task for you..."

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, a dozen jade talismans flew into the hands of everyone.

Xiao Lun Wang and others saw that the jade talisman recorded seventeen kinds of refining materials.

"This deity is in urgent need of the refining materials in this jade talisman. Go back and arrange for your subordinates to search, and give me an answer in three days..."

"no problem!"

Everyone complied.

Qin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

With Qinmen's current power, it should be easy to search for these materials.

Afterwards, he explained some trivial matters and sent everyone back.

After doing all this, Qin Feng is ready to go back to the secret room and continue to improve the refining level.

But at this moment, the Turtle Emperor sent him a summons and wanted to see him on something important. Spoon

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