Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 359 Heading For The Starry Sky (1 More)

After a while, there was a message back there, which surprised Qin Feng.

"Sure enough!"

Qin Feng smiled and sent a message again.

Not long after, Yu Qilin replied with a message.

Wuyi Dan formula: the main material is the nine-star road core, the auxiliary materials are washing spirit water, soul-killing grass, essence pearl...

Qin Feng was relieved after reading it.

It turned out that he had just asked Jade Qilin if there was any elixir to improve his understanding, or whether it was a spiritual elixir to understand the true meaning.

This faint organization is worthy of being an organization from a higher star field, and its cultivation information is much stronger than that of Earth.

Jade Qilin quickly sent Qin Feng this recipe.

This enlightenment pill is an extremely precious thing.

Even the emperor can't desire it.

However, the Wuyi Dan formula is widely spread in the Star Alliance, and it is not difficult to get it.

The difficulty is the refining of medicinal herbs.

There are two major problems in refining the Enlightenment Pill.

The first problem: the main material is to use the nine-star Taoist core, then it would cost too much to kill a nine-star emperor.

The second problem: refining the enlightenment pill, the alchemy technique needs to reach the emperor level or above.

According to the description of the jade unicorn, the emperor-level alchemist is too rare, much rarer than the nine-star emperor.

This is mainly because most elementalists focus their energy on cultivation, and very few people pay attention to alchemy.

What's more, learning alchemy also requires comprehension.

Therefore, among the thousand emperors, it is not bad that one can reach the level of emperor-level alchemy.

It is precisely because of the existence of these limitations that the comprehension pill is rare.

But these are not difficult problems for Qin Feng.

Jiuxing Dao Core is not difficult to obtain with his strength.

At the level of alchemy, he even reached the emperor level.

"It is estimated that two water enlightenment pills must be refined to succeed..."

The success rate of Wuyi Pill is also 20%, which is similar to Good Fortune Pill.

However, enlightenment pills have attributes.

If he wanted to increase the success rate of Sunflower Water Spirit Fruit, he would need to hunt down two nine-star emperors of the water or ice type.

Among the eight beast emperors in the starry sky, there is a water type and an ice type.

It seems that he must speed up the destruction of the starry sky orcs.

Qin Feng left the secret room directly.

In the next second, he returned to the Dragon Nest.

Beside the Dragon Pond, Chu Chu kept turning on the time force field in order to speed up the hatching of the dragon eggs.

Today, her time force field velocity is seven times that of the outside world.

That is, one day has passed in the outside world, and seven days have passed in the time force field.

This kind of time force field can be continued and consumes less mental power, unlike the thirty times the time skill, which consumes too much and is difficult to continue.

Qin Feng is like the last time, refining the puppet in the time force field.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed outside.

Twenty-one has passed in the time force field.

This time the refining was very smooth.

Qin Feng's refining technique has reached the level of a great emperor, and the refining speed is also extremely fast.

It took him only ten days to refine more than 900 Earth Fire Demons into Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors.

Afterwards, he spent another two days refining two Heavenly Fire Halberds.

It's just that the materials and auxiliary materials are insufficient, and the two Skyfire Halberds only reach the level of pseudo-emperor martial arts.

Qin Feng gave them to the two fire demon generals.

The combat power of the two fire demon generals has increased greatly, and they are even close to the headless golden man.

Qin Feng is very satisfied.

For the next ten days, Qin Feng taught the Fire Demon Terracotta Warriors to learn the Heaven Punishing Formation.

He first taught dozens of them together, and then pulled out the outside world to practice.

After some painstaking guidance, the puppet army finally mastered the Heaven Punishing Formation.

Qin Feng was delighted and prepared to attack the starry sky orc station the next day.

That night, Emperor Feng's bedroom.

On the third floor balcony.

Qin Feng looked up at the sky.

Tonight is very quiet, the sky is full of stars, the moon is very round...

Emperor Feng stood quietly by the side, looking at Qin Feng affectionately.

She is dressed in a white dress, with an outstanding demeanor, and in the night wind, she is absolutely picturesque...

"Qin Feng, what are you looking at~"?" Fengdi asked softly.

"Yue'er, do you want to seek revenge on the Emperor of Longevity?", Qin Feng looked at the moon that appeared and disappeared between the clouds.

Fengdi said softly: "The Longevity Wooden Emperor is nothing to be afraid of. However, it is a bit troublesome for me to seek revenge from him. The armistice contract will only end in eleven months, and we still need to wait... . . .

A trace of regret flashed across Feng Di's beautiful eyes.

Qin Feng shook his head: "Wait for another eleven months, and there will be many nights and dreams. The starry orcs have evil intentions. They don't care about light years, they cross many star fields, and they invade here. How can they wait for our earth to become stronger?"

"What's more, the background of the starry orcs is far stronger than ours, they should have new means to deal with us. If I expected it is not bad, they have already made moves..."

Qin Feng guessed right.

The Starry Sky Orcs did respond.

They have turned to the clan for help.

"You're right..." Feng Di nodded slowly, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I will attack the starry sky orc station tomorrow! 99

Feng Di said in surprise: "Will it be too hasty?"

"This matter should not be delayed! Besides, the emperor is coming back, and they have no good intentions when they return this time..."

Afterwards, Qin Feng briefly explained the matter of the emperor.

After Feng Di heard this, his mood was complicated.

The earth has really come to an eventful time, and it is impossible to think of a side-by-side.

Perhaps, this is to be beaten behind.

If the earth is strong enough, those forces will not dare to invade easily.

"Qin Feng, what are you going to do then?"

"First destroy the starry sky orcs, then destroy the god emperor, and then join the star field alliance. As long as my earth star field becomes a member of the alliance, other forces will not dare to easily commit..."

Feng Di's eyes lit up, and it was a good choice to join the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance has a protection policy for all levels of Star Regions.

But then, Emperor Feng was worried again and said: ".`If you want to join the Star Region Alliance and apply for the protection of the Alliance, you must have at least the strength of a five-level Star Region to be eligible to join.

"Our earth's star field is still at the end of the stream, and it's not even a fifth-level! Besides, we don't even know where the alliance headquarters is..."

"Actually, this is still a trivial matter. The most difficult thing is that the fifth-level star field needs a great emperor to sit in, and our earth star field does not have a strong emperor!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "You don't necessarily have to have the cultivation base of the Great Emperor, as long as you have the strength of the Great Emperor, you can also apply for a try..."

"Yes! I almost forgot that you are different from everyone else! Perhaps, as long as you break through to the nine-star emperor, your strength will be comparable to that of the emperor. At that time, you will definitely shock the Star Alliance..."

When it comes to her potential as a man, her eyes are full of pride.

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

"Tomorrow, I'll go with you...", Feng Di cuddled gently.

Qin Feng bowed his head, looked at her beautiful face, and nodded slightly.

The armistice contract, the good one who prohibits the two, the emperor will go to the other party's station together.

But Qin Feng did not sign the contract.

He went with Fengdi, not a breach of contract, and would not be affected by the contract.

Feng Di looked at the handsome face in front of him, and his heart couldn't help but move.

"Qin Feng, let's spend the night here tonight...", her red lips parted slightly, her pretty face blushing slightly.

Qin Feng glanced at Fengdi's round and upturned face, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, he leaned against Fengdi's ear and whispered, "Yue'er, I want to enjoy you tonight..."

Emperor Feng was shy, and his face was slightly red.

The next second, Qin Feng picked up Fengdi's willow waist and returned to the house.

After a while, the house was full of spring, and the atmosphere was warm, and a faint whisper echoed gently in the night sky.

Qin Feng is immersed in the wonderful enjoyment…

Warmth all night.

Early the next morning, Qin Feng and Emperor Feng went out of the Southern Capital City together, escaping thousands of miles, and flew to the starry sky orcs station.

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