Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 372: The stunned Feng Yu King (2 more)

"By the way, it's not enough just to have a flying boat, right? There should also be a star map, otherwise how can I find the Eastern Division?

Qin Feng aimed at the jade unicorn.

This woman exudes a faint fragrance.

"Sect Master, generally there are star maps hidden in the interstellar flying boats, so there is no need to worry about this.

"Actually, as long as the sect master has the strength to dominate, plus a star map, even if there is no flying boat, it can be easily reached. The speed of the master is much faster than that of the flying boat...

Yu Qilin looked at Qin Feng with some obsession.

In her eyes, Qin Feng is destined to be a big man who will dominate.

"These are too far away! My goal now is to become a great emperor first...". Qin Feng smiled and pinched the delicate face of the jade unicorn.

"I have to go now!"

"Sect Master, why don't you rest for a while before leaving?"

Jade unicorn's tone is leisurely.

"I'm going to deal with the matter of King Feng Yu "Zero Four Three". This is a serious business, and it cannot be delayed! 95

"Okay!" Yu Qilin looked resentful.

Qin Feng then got up, stepped into the air, and disappeared into the room. ...

At the same time, on Earth, Yunyang City.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Shangguan Yunyang and Wei Qing sat leisurely in the office.

Both were beaming.

Just now, they got good news.

Both Shangguan Yunxi and Liu Yan were designated as core apprentices.

One is the core apprentice of alchemy, and the other is the core apprentice of alchemy.

The two were happy about it for a while.

"City Lord, what is the identity of this core apprentice?"

Wei Qing asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Shangguan Yunyang took out a cigarette.

Wei Qing hurriedly ordered it for him.

"However, this name is not easy to hear, and the future achievements and status are definitely not ordinary..."

Shangguan Yunyang exhaled a smoke ring beautifully.

"I think so too! Speaking of which, these two girls are very competitive and have achieved good results!" Wei Qing also took a deep breath.

Shangguan Yunyang tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and said meaningfully: "Brother Wei, don't you think this is a bit strange?

"Oh? What's so strange?", Wei Qing smoked from his nostrils.

Shangguan Yunyang said in a low voice, "Although I don't know the identity of the core apprentice, but the tone above seems very noble.

"It stands to reason that Liu Yan and Xi'er's achievements cannot be promoted to core apprentices..."

When Shangguan Yunyang said this, he paused.

If both Liu Yan and Shangguan Yunxi had gone to the Qinmen headquarters, he would have come to ask.

Wei Qing seemed to have thought of something, and said in a low voice, "City Lord, do you mean that this is what Emperor Qin secretly helped?"

"It should be like this... I didn't expect that young man back then to have such an achievement..."

The figure of Qin Feng appeared in Shangguan Yunyang's mind, sighing endlessly.

"Yeah! I haven't seen their siblings for a long time, and I don't know what they look like now..."

Wei Qing also fell into memory, with a smile on his face.

"Brother, we had a good vision back then!"

"Haha!! That's of course! The proudest thing in my life is this..." Wei Qing said proudly.


The two smiled at each other.

When the Qin Feng brothers and sisters were in Yunyang City, they were very optimistic about the brothers and sisters, and they also took good care of the brothers and sisters.

Just then, footsteps sounded outside the office.

Shangguan Yunyang and Wei Qing were startled and turned to look.


The door was pushed open!

A beautiful girl walked in, followed by a little girl of four or five years old.

This is Chu Chu and Qin Baobao.

Shangguan Yunyang was stunned for a moment.

Chu Chu is now a lot taller, a lot more beautiful, and her appearance has changed a lot.

He didn't recognize it at first sight.

"It's Miss Chu Chu?!" Wei Qing was a little surprised.

"Vice City Lord Wei, can't you recognize me?" Chu Chu walked in with a smile.

"It's really Miss Chu Chu!" Wei Qing was surprised and got up quickly.

"Miss Chu Chu... No! No! Princess Chu Chu, why are you here?!

Shangguan Yunyang jumped up with a look of surprise.

When old friends meet, there is always a kind of unexpected joy.

Both of them were genuinely happy and hurriedly greeted them warmly.

On the other side of the office, there are sofas and coffee tables.

Wei Qing invited Chu Chu to sit down.

Shangguan Yunyang went to make tea himself.

Qin Baobao looked at the office curiously.

"Princess Chu Chu, who is this lovely little sister? 35

Shangguan Yunyang put the hot tea on the coffee table in front of Chu Chu and looked at Qin Baobao with a smile.

This little girl looks so cute.

"City Lord Yunyang, they are all old friends, just call me Miss Chu Chu as before..."

"This is impossible!

"Nothing can't help..."


Shangguan Yunyang was at a loss, but he was still happy.0

"Aunt, where are the bad guys?

Qin Baobao's small hands were pulling on Chu Chu's clothes, and his big eyes twitched.

"Who is this beautiful little doll?" Wei Qing looked at Qin Baobao kindly.

"This is my brother's child!

Shangguan Yunyang and the two were shocked.

"So it's the little princess! 35

Qin Baobao is already famous, and the two of them have heard a little about it.

"I heard that there are bad people here, I'm here to beat the bad people. Grandpa, where are the bad people? 35

Qin Baobao looked at Wei Qing with a childish expression.

Wei Qing was stunned.

Chu Chu smiled and said, "Don't listen to her, she still doesn't understand..."

Wei Qing smiled.

The three chatted together.

At the same time, on the streets of Yunyang City.

King Feng Yu looked at the scene on the street with a dazed expression.

This is completely different from his previous impressions!

I saw that the streets were full of people coming and going, speaking various dialects, it seemed that there were people from the seven major alliances, and the scene was very prosperous.

In the crowd, he also saw a lot of monsters with animal heads and human bodies.

And the human beings were not surprised when they saw the demon clan, and everyone was busy.

He even saw an elementalist and a demon clan negotiating and trading some items.

Not far from the roadside, a vicious beast lay lazily on the lawn, basking in the warm sun, extremely comfortable.

Next to them, there were several 4.7-type children playing, and they didn't seem to be afraid of the beast at all.

The atmosphere in the city is peaceful!

Fuck it~!

Is this Earth?

King Feng Yu almost thought he had gone to the wrong place!

On Earth, aren't the major human alliances mutually exclusive, and aren't the human race and the demon race hostile to each other?

How can they be so harmonious now!

Weird! Weird!

"Lord Yu Wang, this place is so strange!", King Lei was also confused.

King Feng Yu nodded slightly: "It seems that something has changed on Earth. Let's go! Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion and find the City Lord of this base city. If you want to hear the news, it's best to find him!""

King Lei's eyes lit up: "Your Excellency is right!

Immediately, the two rushed to the City Lord's Mansion.

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