Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 379 The Great Array of Thousand Illusions (1 More)

In the vast starry sky.

Qin Feng looked at the direction of Mars, but was thinking in his heart.

Don't know when the emperor will return?

He once used King Feng Yu's communication talisman to send a message to the Emperor, and he inquired once, but he didn't find out.

The emperor was very cautious and did not give any clear reply.

Qin Feng was afraid that the emperor would suspect him, so he did not continue to inquire.

However, Qin Feng reckons that the Emperor should be leaving.

Otherwise, he would not consult the current situation of the earth.

And you should act faster.

Starship must be available as soon as possible.

It is not only necessary to deal with the people like the God Emperor, but also to use the flying boat to deal with the Golden Crow Great Emperor.

He wants to let these people come and go, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Dad, is there fire on Mars?" Qin Baobao asked in a milky voice.


"No fire! Just that name!"


"Come on! Psychic Fusion! Time to go!"


Qin Feng's heart moved, chaos transformed, and his combat power skyrocketed.

Qin Baobao turned into a golden dragon and burrowed into his body.

In a blink of an eye, the two completed the psychic fusion.

At this moment, Qin Feng covered his body in golden armor, with bright streamers, his cloak was high, and he fluttered in no wind. He was very domineering.

His combat power has also increased to 150 billion, which is stronger than last time.

In the next second, a pair of Peng-wing phantoms appeared behind him, reaching a length of 10,000 feet.

Spread your wings!

Dapeng spread its wings - display!

In an instant, he was 10,000 meters away.

The speed is terrifyingly fast, and it is infinitely close to the level of the Great Emperor.

At Qin Feng's current speed, it only takes five or six days to reach Mars.

Meanwhile, the solar system, Mars.

Next to a Martian mountain range, there is a large station.

Next to the resident, there is a mine.

From time to time, there are monsters with animal heads and human beings, all covered in mud, coming in and out of the mine.

This is where the Star Orcs reside on Mars.

And around the station, there are many beasts and monsters that are arranging arrays, one by one are burying the rune array pillars and hiding in the ground.

In the air, a handsome young man in white silently looked at the busy beasts and beasts below, with a touch of anxiety in his eyebrows.

He is the Emperor of the Great Wind.

At this moment, his face was less calm than before.

And behind him, he respectfully followed a capable black-bearded old man.

This old man is the leader of this station - King Leopard Ye.

"Your Majesty, we have accelerated the mining of all mines in accordance with your instructions~".

"In addition, the three thousand rune formation pillars of the Thousand Illusions Great Array have been inscribed, and now there is only the process of setting up the formation. It is expected that the formation will be completed this afternoon!

Leopard Yewang earnestly reported the progress of the work.

Dafenghuang nodded slightly, and the anxiety between his eyebrows lightened slightly.

For the past two weeks, he has been terrified.

When he thought of Qin Feng, he couldn't meditate, for fear that Qin Feng would come after him.

Now, this Thousand Illusions Great Array is finally about to be completed.

He also breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, a sad look appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, are you worried?" King Panther saw that his expression was wrong.

The Great Wind Emperor shook his head slightly: "The great formation is about to be completed. My heart is at ease, but I have no worries. It's just that I suddenly feel a little sad!"

"Why is Your Majesty so sentimental?"


With a sigh, the Gale Emperor raised his head, his eyes passed through the endless starry sky, and looked towards the earth.

"I'm feeling sad for Lord Xinghuang! I have been with Lord Xinghuang for so many years, and Lord Xinghuang has taken good care of me. I didn't expect..."

Da Fenghuang smiled bitterly, the corners of his eyes were actually a little wet.

He really felt sad for Wuye Xinghuang and others.

Leopard Yewang's heart was touched.

These days, he often sees Da Fenghuang alone in the dark.

Obviously, Emperor Dafeng was saddened by the death of Star Emperor Wuye.

This is really a kind and righteous emperor!

King Leopard Ye has more respect for Emperor Dafeng in his heart.

He didn't know that Star Emperor Wuye's death was largely caused by Emperor Dafeng.

If the Gale Emperor does not destroy the teleportation formation here, the Wuye Star Emperor still has a chance to survive.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to be sad! We will definitely avenge the revenge of Lord Star Emperor. Didn't the Great Emperor send us a message!

"He told us to wait here. He can arrive in a month at most! By then, Qin Feng will be dead!"

King Leopard Ye sincerely comforts him.

It turned out that as soon as Emperor Dafeng fled to Mars, he asked Emperor Jinwu for help.

As soon as Emperor Jinwu received the news, he was furious, dropped everything in his hand, and rushed over at full speed.

Originally planned to arrive within three months, it has been compressed by Emperor Jinwu to within one and a half months.

Counting the time, it's only a month away.

This time, Emperor Jinwu was aggressive and had to kill Qin Feng.

"That being said! But this Emperor is still worried that Qin Feng will kill him, that guy is not easy to mess with!

Thinking of Qin Feng, Da Fenghuang's eyes showed fear.

But King Leopard Ye calmly said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is no teleportation formation from Earth to Mars. Qin Feng can only rely on flight if he wants to come."

"Flying from Earth to Mars, even if Qin Feng is stronger than Jiuxing Dijun, it will take about a month."

"Calculate the time, he will arrive here in half a month at the earliest. And our Thousand Illusions Great Array is prepared for him."

"It's fine if he doesn't come! If he comes, he'll be caught in the trap. Our Thousand Illusions Great Array has trapped him for half a month, absolutely no problem.

"And half a month later, the Great Emperor arrived. At that time, the Great Emperor directly entered the battle and killed him!"

Leopard Ye Wang said lightly.

This is the arrangement of the Emperor Dafeng, and everything is considered perfectly.

The Great Wind Emperor sighed: "Yeah! This thousand phantom shadows trapping people is a must. As long as Qin Feng's combat power does not exceed 100 billion, it can definitely trap him for a month or two, let alone It's been half a month.

King Leopard Ye smiled proudly: "Your Majesty also said that Qin Feng's combat power seems to be around 70 billion. As long as he enters the battle, he will be dead."

Hearing this, the Emperor Dafeng smiled without saying a word.

During this period of time, he desperately inscribed the formation column, just to set up this trap.

He knew that Qin Feng would definitely come.

Now, the big formation is about to be completed, and he finally has the confidence in his heart.

`By the way, during this time, you were mining resources on Mars, how was the harvest?

"Go back to your majesty, the cultivation resources of Mars are very rich. We have accumulated 530 tons of fire spirit ore, more than 300 fire grass plants, and more than 6,000 drops of spirit fire liquid..."

Leopard Yewang reported more than 30 kinds of resources in one breath.

The Emperor Dafeng became more and more happy the more he listened.

The resources of this Mars are really rich!

Before, he hadn't paid much attention.

In fact, this station is allowed to develop, except for the output of Xingxi Stone.

Other resources, the beast emperors did not ask.

Now, Leopard Yewang will report these resources.

Dafeng Emperor thought silently in his heart, and was very shocked.

Adding up those resources, the total price is comparable to thousands of star tidal stones!

The Great Wind Emperor was moved.

At this time, King Leopard Ye said again: "In addition, there are more than 300 pieces of Xingxi stone newly mined!""

The Gale Emperor's eyes gleamed.

Immediately, he said in a low voice: "Pack up all these resources, put them in the storage ring, and hand them over to the emperor for safekeeping. To avoid Qin Feng's attack, in the event of an accident, these resources will be lost!"

"Yes (is it good)! The subordinates will go back and do it!

"By the way, take these pills and distribute them to all your subordinates. One per person!

Dafenghuang threw out a few bottles of medicinal herbs.

King Leopard Ye took it and saw that there were thousands of red elixir in it.

He recognized the pills at a glance, and said in surprise: "Your Majesty, these blood-burning pills are very precious things, do you really want to send them out?

The function of the Blood Burning Pill is to burn the blood essence and temporarily increase the combat power, with little side effects.

Dafenghuang smiled slightly: "Go on! Remember, each person has one, and keep it as a spare. With these medicinal pills, we can also improve our overall combat power and cope with some emergencies.

"Yes! This subordinate is going!

At the moment, King Leopard Ye hurriedly left to beg.

Looking at the back of King Leopard Ye, Da Fenghuang's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

Although his strength is not as good as Star Emperor Wuye, he is proficient in formation and alchemy, and he is also a genius.

Those blood-burning pills have long been secretly done by him.

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