Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 381: The Realm of the Sea (3 Updates)

Qin Feng waved his hand and put away the origin of the Great Wind Emperor, as well as the divine feather of life.

The body of the Great Wind Emperor is also a divine beast.

He also refined a life feather.

As a result, Qin Feng collected five nine-star divine feathers, three fire elements, and two wind elements.

Most of the materials for refining the Great Emperor Grade Elemental Item Seven Animals God Fire Fan have been collected.

Afterwards, Qin Feng checked the storage ring of the Emperor Dafeng, revealing an ecstatic look.

"Haha! The resources in this ring are too rich! 35

There are more than 300 Guangxingxi stones.

In addition, other resources together, worth thousands of tidal stones.

This trip to Mars is really profitable.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

"Dad, is there any delicious fruit in this bad guy's ring?

The sound of the baby swallowing saliva sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

This little guy is a snack foodie, and he's greedy again.

"No! There are some resources in it. It seems that the resources on this Mars are very rich!"

Qin Feng looked around excitedly.

The resources here are so rich, he can completely build a starry sky teleportation array to connect the earth.

Think of this place as the resource development site of the earth.

This will greatly help the future development of the earth!

However, how rich the resources are here.

He didn't have time to check it out yet.

Right now, he has one more thing to do.

As soon as Qin Feng's mind moved, he released the psychic union with Qin Baobao.

Afterwards, he took out a jade talisman from the storage ring of the Great Wind Emperor.

"Baby, let's go see the interstellar spaceship first!


Immediately, the two chased in the direction that Da Fenghuang had fled before.

The jade talisman Qin Feng took out was to control the interstellar flying boat.

Before he killed the Great Wind Emperor in seconds, he scanned the memory of the Great Wind Emperor.

Although he had no way to obtain all the memories, he also scanned 30% and obtained a lot of important information.

For example, some information on Starship.

For another example, the Earth Star Territory where the Starry Sky Orcs appeared was actually to search for a starry sky floating corpse.

That starry sky floating corpse bird-headed human body, with the blood of the gods and phoenix, there is a great secret hidden in the body, it seems to be related to the huge secret behind the starry sky orcs.

As for what the secret is, Dafenghuang is not clear.

His strength is too low to know.

In short, after Star Emperor Wuye and Dafeng Emperor and their group tracked to the vicinity of the solar system, the aura of the mysterious floating corpse disappeared.

Dafenghuang and others were helpless, and when they were about to return, they discovered the existence of the earth.

However, there are living beings on the earth, and cultivation has been started, which means that there are star souls on the earth.

They were greatly surprised, and they were ready to stay, occupy the earth, and snatch the star soul.

This is the fundamental reason why the star orcs want to occupy the earth.

What is Star Soul?

What exactly does it do?

Qin Feng is not clear.

The memories of the Gale Emperor he acquired were not complete.

However, there is one thing to know.

The star soul only recognizes people from this planet, and people who are not from this planet can't occupy it at all.

Even if the star soul self-destructs, it will not recognize the people from the alien domain.

But the starry beasts have a secret technique that can plunder the star soul.

That's what's special about their family.

Once the star soul is gone, the earth will become a dead star, and living beings cannot survive, which is related to the life and death of the earth.

This can't help but make Qin Feng think of the mysterious cave in the center of the earth.

Could it be that the cave is the location leading to the star soul?

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more curious he became.

According to Gale Emperor's memory, the Star Soul has infinite magical uses, and as for the magical effect, he has to find out on his own.

"By the way, Emperor Dafeng and the others came to the vicinity of the solar system because they were searching for a floating corpse. In the end, the aura of the floating corpse disappeared... The floating corpse was in the form of a bird's head and a human body. Why..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

He suddenly thought of the Fire Emperor.

When the Fire Emperor was outside the earth's atmosphere, he saw a mysterious floating corpse that was also a bird-headed human body.

The Fire Emperor relies on a drop of the divine phoenix to inherit the divine blood from the floating corpse storage ring, obtained the immortality skills, and improved his qualifications, breaking through to the nine stars.

But in the end, that drop of divine blood was cheap for Qin Feng.

Could it be that the floating corpse that the Fire Emperor encountered was the same floating corpse that the Starry Orcs searched for?

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more he felt that it should be the same.

They are all birds and beasts, and they are all related to the inheritance of the gods and phoenixes.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt that he was also involved in the floating corpse.

Because, he refined that drop of divine phoenix inheritance divine blood.

Besides, he also got an amazing message.

The floating corpse was actually a master of the Great Emperor's Wheel Sea Realm before his death, and he was terribly strong.

The Great Emperor is divided into two realms: Foundation Establishment and Lunhai.

The so-called foundation building is to build the foundation of the great emperor. The combat power of this realm is 200 billion to 1 trillion.

In the Sea of ​​Wheels, there are the avatar wheel, the soul wheel, and the life wheel.

The floating corpse is only a round of the Great Emperor, but the combat power is more than 10 trillion, and it can kill the Great Emperor of the foundation period in seconds.

·0 for flowers·

If it is the Great Emperor of the Three Wheels who has been condensed from three rounds, he is one step away from transcending life and death, and his strength is even more unimaginable.

Not all Great Emperors of the Foundation Establishment Stage can be promoted to the Lunhai Realm.

If you want to advance to the Lunhai Realm, you must awaken the seventh sense.

Both Qin Feng and Chu Chu already have the conditions for diving.

If you want to become the Great Emperor of the Second Wheel Realm, you need to awaken the eighth sense.

Qin Feng will soon have this potential condition.

After figuring out these cultivation realms, Qin Feng sighed at his current strength. If he wants to achieve good results in the five-level star field ranking, he still needs to work hard!

"Dad, what are you thinking about?" Qin Baobao saw that Qin Feng was thinking.

"I'm thinking about something about cultivation... Hehe! Here we go!"


The two of them reached a huge valley unknowingly.

Qin Feng took out the jade talisman that controls the flying boat, and directly refined it, and then controlled it.

After a while, the earth trembled.

There is a rumbling roar from the ground!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

A battleship the size of half a city slowly emerged from the ground.

In a radius of hundreds of miles, the ground is cracked, the mountains are collapsed, and the gravel is flying. . . .

After a while, the entire battleship burst out of the ground and appeared in front of Qin Feng and Qin Baobao. The scene was very shocking!

"Wow! What a big spaceship!", Qin Baobao exclaimed.

Qin Feng was also amazed.

Such a large spaceship can carry hundreds of thousands of people with no problem.

This is really a weapon to fight the sea of ​​stars!

He also wanted to understand why Wuye Xinghuang and others did not put this interstellar flying boat into the storage ring.

Because it is too big, the storage ring can't fit at all!

Qin Feng smiled.

His storage ring is a divine item rewarded by the system.

With the improvement of his cultivation, the storage space inside automatically expands, and it is no problem to install this interstellar spaceship.

Qin Feng waved his hand, white light flashed, and Feizhou was put into the storage ring by him.

"Hey! It's gone!", Qin Baobao had a cute face.

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word, feeling happy in his heart.

He finally got what he wanted, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, he took out the nine-star origin of the Great Wind Emperor.

This is the matter, he should also complete the tribulation. Spoon

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