Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 407 The head of the demons (4 more)

"Finally killed!" Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost didn't pass this time.

If he doesn't pass, he will lose a lot.

"Dad, the defense of the bad guy just now was so powerful. No matter how you and Jin Ren cut him, he's fine. Why did he get hurt by a fire? 35

Qin Baobao asked curiously.

"That's because his indestructible golden body is metallic, and fire can defeat gold, so it just breaks it."

"It can be seen that at the level of the great emperor, the key to victory or defeat is not necessarily the cultivation base and combat power, but the mutual restraint of the elements is also very important.

"If you encounter elements restraining you in the future, you must be cautious, even if his cultivation base and combat power are not as good as yours, don't take it lightly!"

Qin Feng guides the baby well.

He was also emotional.

This time, eight consecutive challenges have allowed him to gain a lot in combat experience.

"Well, the baby understands. Dad, you are a Chaos Elementalist, and the nine elements can't restrain you, so who are you - aren't you afraid?

"That's it!"

"Hee hee! Still my dad is the best!" The baby's tone was full of pride.

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the eighth floor... Time spent on this floor: 2 minutes and 42 seconds... Cumulative time: 8 minutes and 30 seconds.

"This time the clearance time is the longest!

Qin Feng sighed with emotion.

If he wants to get triple rewards, the last level must be completed within 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked at the harvest in front of him.

This time the harvest is not small!

He opened his mouth and swallowed the Flower of the Other Shore...

"Ding! Devouring the Flower of the Other Shore successfully... The physical strength has been increased to the emperor level (93%)... The defense power has been greatly improved... The combat power has been greatly improved..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for condensing the flower of the other side (flower bud).... The body is transformed, and all evils can escape, no poisons can enter, and all methods can't invade..."

Qin Feng clearly sensed that an extremely comfortable feeling poured out of his body, as if his body was sublimating.

Immediately afterwards, a flower of the other side bloomed in the Shenting Cave, with a whole body of golden color, budding.

After a while, Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

Three flowers, he has condensed two flowers.

If you want to break through to the Lunhai Realm, you must first have three flowers, and all three flowers can be broken through.

Qin Feng has already completed a half of the calamity before he can overcome the calamity.

That's an extraordinary talent!

He was destined to step into Lunhai Realm.

Afterwards, Qin Feng swallowed the piece of the true seal....

"Ding! Devouring the True Intent Divine Seal successfully (does not break the true meaning)... The perception of Endless True Intent has increased to 50%... All defense, recovery, healing, regeneration... Greatly improved..."

"Ding! The host's qualifications have been improved.... The Dragon God inheritance has awakened to 71%.... The combat power has been greatly improved... 99

With this devouring, the endless true meaning and combat power have been greatly improved.

Qin Feng's comprehensive combat power has also increased to 700 billion.

"Dad, the entrance to the ninth floor is out!"

Qin Feng looked up and saw a door of light in the distance.

The last gate is out.

"Let's go!

Qin Feng walked towards the light door, both excited and nervous.

The last level!

Success or failure is here!

But at this moment, his heart throbbed.

The strong feeling of the hint of luck came again.

Inexplicably, he had an idea that he should investigate the storage rings of those great emperors carefully, and learn some useful information and knowledge from them, and then go to the ninth floor.

It seemed that doing so would be of great benefit to him.

If he doesn't do it, he may lose a lot.

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, the hint of luck was very strange.

This is the third time.

The first hint of luck led him to discover the Temple of Mars.

The second luck hinted that he hadn't figured out what was going on.

In fact, the second hint of luck made Qin Feng cleverly avoid Beimen and Dongying's detection, and bought him decades of time.

This point, Qin Feng has not yet challenged the space, so I don't know for the time being.

Now, this third hint of luck has come again.

Qin Feng hesitated for a while, but decided to follow the instructions of luck.

Anyway, there is no regulation in the assessment. After he clears the first floor, he must immediately enter the next floor.

In this case, it is not a bad thing for him to stop for a while and learn.

When he thought of it, he did it. Qin Feng gave the golden puppet an order, took out the storage rings, and began to look carefully one by one.

In order to speed up the scrolling speed, he swallowed a lot of comprehension pills.

The baby is very cute.

When Qin Feng was checking, she could also see some content.

In a blink of an eye, three hours passed.

Qin Feng finally looked through the storage rings.

After this, his eyes widened a lot.

The amount of knowledge of these great emperors is extremely rich, covering all aspects of alchemy, tool refining, formation inscriptions, and secret techniques.

Qin Feng's knowledge has improved a lot after reading it.

Many doubts in the past have also suddenly become clear.

For example, he once obtained the Liangyi Yuan magnet in the mysterious geocentric cave.

He now knew what it was for.

And what is the star soul?

He also knew.

The so-called star core is what is left after the death of the star soul.

He was excited when he thought that there might be a star soul in the depths of the mysterious cave in the center of the earth.

If there is a star soul, it will be of great benefit to him.

Of course, these will be said after he completes the tribulation.

Right now, he has to complete the final challenge first.

Qin Feng put away those storage rings with satisfaction, and his confidence increased inexplicably.

"Dad, the baby is so dizzy..."

Qin Feng was taken aback: "What's the matter? Baby!"

"Dad, you watched so many things just now. The baby watched too. It makes me dizzy..."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Have you learned some knowledge?""

"I learned a lot, but I don't understand a lot!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, Dad will teach you slowly in the future!"

·0 Seeking Flowers··

"Yeah! Dad, you are so nice, the baby likes you so much~!

This kid is getting more and more clingy.

Qin Feng felt warm in his heart.

Immediately, he walked to the ninth floor, the golden puppet silently following behind him.

After a while, the two entered the last floor.

As soon as Qin Feng's feet landed, he could smell the refreshing fragrance of flowers. He looked up and saw white clouds fluttering around and fairy mist lingering around him.

Between the clouds and mists, there are exotic flowers and plants, rockeries and springs, pavilions and pavilions, and there are few fairy sounds, everything is like a fairyland, beautiful.

Here, Qin Feng did not see a corpse, nor did he smell a drop of blood.

If he hadn't known that this was the top floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, he would have really thought he had reached some fairyland holy land.

Soon, Qin Feng saw a quaint and elegant small pavilion not far away.

Inside the pavilion, there is a man with elegant temperament, wearing a long white coat, sitting in front of the coffee table, sipping fine wine and admiring the surrounding scenery.

The man's hair is very strange, the left half is white and the right half is black.


His hair was very long, and it was casually draped over his shoulders, but he looked extraordinary.

At this moment, a light screen popped up in Qin Feng's eyes.

Name: Yin-Yang Little Demon Ancestor (the head of the nine hell demons, both light and dark, dominate potential)

Level: Level 46 (Great Emperor, Great Perfection in Foundation Establishment)

Skill: Yin-Yang Interchange (Wanhai-level)

Weapon: Cave Mirror (Great Emperor)

Good at: strong body (with flowers on the other side)

Good at: strong soul (with soul flower)

Estimated combat power: 1.2 trillion (non-absolute)

Controlling the True Meaning: The True Meaning of the Two Instruments (Supreme True Meaning)

Warning: Win rate is less than 10%....

"So strong!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath of cold air.

This guy's combat power is higher than that of the golden puppet, and he still has the supreme true meaning.

This should be the strongest opponent he has ever encountered.

If he wants to get the triple reward, he must kill this guy within 1 minute and 30 seconds.

This difficulty is as high as the sky!

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly thought of something, and felt a trace of happiness in his heart.

Fortunately, following the hint of luck, I just looked through the storage ring and learned a lot of knowledge points.

I don't know if that method will work.

In a while, he will verify.

If it is useful, he may be able to kill this yin and yang little demon ancestor within 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Even if you can't kill within 1 minute and 30 seconds, you can complete the task within 3 minutes.

Perhaps, his third supreme true meaning can be obtained from this guy.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng silently walked towards the pavilion.

He was inexplicably nervous.

This yin and yang little demon ancestor is the existence that dominates the potential, and should not be underestimated!


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