Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 432: Strength Breakthroughs (1 More)

At this moment, Qin Feng incarnates hundreds of millions of feet, standing in the sky, facing the thousands of miles of robbery clouds, and inhaling wildly.

The thousands of miles of robbery clouds, like a rushing tsunami, poured out into his mouth...

"Ding! Devouring the robbery cloud successfully.... Soul strength has increased... The next blooming progress of Soul Flower has been increased to 44%.... Combat power has been improved...

"Ding! Devouring the robbery cloud successfully.... The physical strength has increased... The next bloom progress of the flower of the other shore has been increased to 7%... The combat power has been improved..."

"Ding! Devouring the robbery cloud successfully..... The eighth consciousness awakening degree has increased to 37%... The time ability is greatly increased - greatly improved...

"Ding! Devouring the robbery cloud successfully..... The integrity of the God of Tribulation India has increased to 80%... The power of the God of Tribulation Thunder has greatly increased...

"Ding! Qualification has been improved... Dragon God's inheritance awakening has increased to 90%... Combat power has been greatly improved..."

After everything was swallowed up, Qin Feng's body, soul, eighth sense, seal of calamity, and inheritance of the dragon god were fully awakened.

This master-level robbery cloud is really a big supplement!

Afterwards, Qin Feng took out the Divine Seal of True Meaning of the Two Instruments and devoured it.

"Ding! Devouring the Divine Seal of True Intent (the true meaning of the two instruments) successfully.... The perception of the true meaning of light has been improved.... The combat power has been improved...

"Ding! Devouring the Divine Seal of True Intent (the true meaning of the two instruments) succeeded... The perception of the true meaning of darkness increased... Combat strength increased.

"Ding! The true meaning of light and the true meaning of darkness automatically merge..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the third supreme true meaning - the true meaning of the two instruments..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending the skill - Two-Year Clone Technique (Lunhai Level)

"Haha!! It worked! 35

Qin Feng was delighted.

This series of opportunities has raised his combat power to 25 trillion.

If he performs Chaos Transformation again, his combat power can skyrocket to more than 32 trillion, reaching the level of the late round of the realm.

Qin Feng was very satisfied with such a harvest.

After a while, he turned into the size of an ordinary person and fell back to the ground.

Chu Chu and the baby have been waiting for him for a long time.

"Brother!" Chu Chu walked over happily.

Qin Feng also looked at her with a smile.

After this girl's strength has improved greatly, her temperament has also changed a lot.

People have become more radiant and attractive.

The breath of a young girl is blowing.

"Brother, my Dragon God inheritance is fully awakened..."

"I saw it!" Qin Feng nodded, very relieved.

"Brother, I didn't expect the sixth-level dragon god inheritance to be so powerful! Yours is a unique ninth-level inheritance. After fully awakening, it should be even more powerful!

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "It won't know until it wakes up completely..."

"Brother, now that I have mastered a kind of supreme true meaning, I can also learn the secret technique of Bai Qi?"

Chu Chu said what she cared about the most.

"This..." Qin Feng was helpless, "You can't learn it for now!"

"Why? Brother, don't you even want to teach your sister? 35, Chu Chu grabbed Qin Feng's arm and shook it coquettishly.

Her brother has always taken good care of her and pampered her very much.

Unexpectedly, she was rejected this time.

It makes her a little lost!

Could it be that after my brother had another woman, he began to alienate himself?

Thinking of this, Chu Chu was frightened, and hugged Qin Feng's arm tighter, raising her small mouth higher.

Qin Feng felt a soft feeling on his arm, a little embarrassed.

This girl has grown up without realizing it!

It's just like when I was a kid, no sense of proportions.

Although the two are not related by blood, their feelings are closer than relatives, and some should be avoided.

Qin Feng wanted to withdraw his arm, but did not.

Chu Chu refused.

"Dad, Bai Qi can learn, why can't aunt learn? 35

Qin Baobao was no longer happy, and his mouth was raised even higher than Chu Chu.

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head: "It's not that I can't learn it, but I can't learn it for the time being because I lack a treasure!"

"Treasure? Brother, what are you missing?" Chu Chu asked with concern.

"Star Nucleus!" Qin Feng explained, "My secret technique can only be practiced by four people for the time being. These four people need to use Star Nucleus and me as a medium.

"And it is the four star cores of earth, fire, water, and wind! The fire star core has been handed over to Bai Qi, and the earth star core is handed over to Baobao. The remaining wind star core and water star core, I Haven't got it yet!

After this explanation, Chu Chu suddenly realized.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding!

Chu Chu suddenly smiled.

"Brother, what do you mean, as long as you find the Wind Star Core or the Water Star Core, you can let me practice that secret technique?"

·0 for flowers·

Qin Feng nodded: "That's the case! However, star cores are very rare and may not be easy to find. What's more, we have to find the designated wind and water types.

Chu Chu smiled and said: "Brother, have you forgotten what this place is! This is Tianfu Star, one of the core areas of the Star Alliance, and the place where all ethnic groups gather. 35

"Here, are you afraid that you won't be able to find the star core? The only thing you should worry about is that the star tidal stone is not enough!

Hearing this, Qin Feng laughed dumbly.

What Chu Chu said was right.

Does Tianfu Star have any resources? Are you afraid that you will not be able to find Xingxi Stone?

What he should be worried about is that the star tidal stones are not enough.

After all, in the world of elementalists, tidal stones are hard currency and are used as currency.


"Chuchu is right! Well, I will teach you the secret technique first, and after you get a star nucleus, you can practice directly.

"Okay!" Chu Chu was delighted, and then released Qin Feng's arm.

Qin Feng pressed a finger to her smooth forehead and sent her a secret technique.

After a while, the arcane teleportation was completed.

Qin Feng took out two more Purple Cloud Tokens and threw them to Chu Chu and Qin Baobao.

"Take these two tokens! With them, you can successfully enter the Ziyun Secret Realm!"

"Okay!", Qin Baobao played with the token happily.

Chu Chu suggested: "Brother, this Ziyun Secret Realm should be opened in a month. I suggest that before entering the Secret Realm, it is best for me, Bao Bao, and Bai Qi to practice this secret technique.

"At that time, as long as you use the star fusion, you can superimpose all the combat power of the three of us on you, then you will be invincible in the secret realm!"

Hearing this, the baby's eyes lit up: "Dad, aunt is right!

Qin Feng was also full of anticipation.

Afterwards, he smiled and said: "The idea is good! However, we have to get a star core first. Let's go! Let's go to the nearby city and sweep to see if there is any star core!

Immediately, the three of them left the valley with confidence.

This time, the strength of the three has greatly increased, and they are naturally full of confidence in the future. Spoon

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