Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 437 Tianmo City (2 more)

After the three left, they quietly returned to Raging Fire City, and then passed the teleportation array to the next city.

In the new city, Qin Feng's goal is to sweep the shops and markets.

That Emperor Soul Flower, Jiulin Flower, and the True Meaning Divine Seal sold in the black market.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Qin Feng and the three swept all the way, and finally arrived at Tianmo City.

All the way down, Qin Feng's harvest is very good, and the 50,000 Xingxi Stones on his body have also been spent.

He used it all to buy Emperor Soul Flower, Jiulin Flower, True Meaning Divine Seal and other items.

When it comes to the Divine Seal of True Meaning, Qin Feng has gained a lot.

For others, the True Meaning Divine Seal can only be used for comprehension, and it is only used by the Great-Emperor-level characters.

But if you understand it, one piece is enough for a long time.

Therefore, the market for True Meaning Divine Seals is very small, and the price is lower than their own value.

In this way, Qin Feng is cheaper.

He has a huge demand for the True Meaning Divine Seal.

In the past half a month, he bought dozens of True Meaning Divine Seals, and there are six or seven pieces of top True Meaning, and the total cost is less than 20,000 Xingxi Stones, which can be said to be a big profit!

As for the divine seal of supreme true meaning, none of them have been seen.

Supreme truth is still extremely rare.

Besides, it is not easy to kill a great emperor with supreme true meaning.

In short, after the dozens of True Meaning Divine Seals were swallowed, Qin Feng's perception of the True Meaning of Destruction increased to 72%, the Endless True Meaning increased to 70%, and the Two Instruments True Meaning increased to 40%.

His combat power increased to 30 trillion in one fell swoop, just reaching the threshold of the late Lunhai.

In addition, Qin Baobao also got a lot of benefits.

The little guy's perception of the true meaning of life has increased to 90%, and the combat power has increased to 7 trillion.

According to this progress, she will soon be able to condense the Divine Seal of True Meaning and break through to the realm of the Great Emperor.

At this moment, on a street in Tianmo City.

The three Qin Feng looked at the bustling crowd and were amazed.

The magic city is really prosperous today!

Pedestrians on the street could not see the end at a glance.

Speaking of which, Heavenly Demon City was hundreds of times larger than Raging Fire City.

After all, it is one of the 100 main cities in Tianfu.

Rumor has it that the lord of Tianmo City is a ruler.

The master is the top figure in the universe.

However, Tianmo City is also such a master, and it has just broken through to the early stage of mastery.

As for the masters of the Three Wheels Realm, there are only two or three in the entire Demon City, and they are all big men who stomped the Demon City three times.

"Brother, the closer to the opening day of the Ziyun Secret Realm, the more people there will be in the Devil City. There are still more than half a month before the opening of the Secret Realm, and the peak number of people has not yet reached!""

Chu Chu looked at the crowd analysis.

"It makes sense!" Qin Feng nodded slightly, "This day, the Demon City is close to the Ziyun Secret Realm, and more people will arrive in a few days. A place with a lot of people is wealth and land, and the price of Jiulin Dan will increase again!

Qin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

None of his Jiulin Dan was sold, just waiting for the price to rise.

Coming all the way, the price of Jiulin Dan has indeed increased, and now one can sell 6 Xingxi stones.

"Dad, are we going to be promoted now?", Qin Baobao's mouth was full.

Wherever the foodies go, they don't forget to eat.

Qin Feng also pampered her and kept her well fed.

"Uh... this, do you two still have Xingxi Stones on you?

"Brother, why do you want Xingxi Stone?

"I heard that when applying for promotion, you have to pay the registration fee and the loss of combat equipment. It costs hundreds of stars and tidal stones!"

Chu Chu suddenly realized.

My brother has bought too many Jiulin flowers and Emperor Soul flowers along the way, and all the Xingxi stones on his body have been spent.

"Brother, I only have a hundred or so Xingxi Stones here!

"Dad, the baby has no pocket money!"

"Okay! For these 100 Xingxi Stones, let's rent a place first, and it's time to make money!

When Qin Feng thought of the 10,000 Jiulin Dan in his hand, his heart became hot.

When it's time to do it, do it.

If they don't sell it again, Jiulin Dan will become worthless when Ziyun Secret Realm opens.

Immediately, the three began to look for a place to live.

Two hours later, Qin Feng rented a small courtyard in the city. The rent was one Xingxi stone a day, which was considered cheap.

This time, they will stay in Tianmo City for a while until the Ziyun Secret Realm opens, so it is necessary to rent a place.

That small courtyard has its own enchantment, which is relatively spacious and can accommodate seven or eight people.

At this moment, in the hall.

Qin Feng, Chu Chu, and Bao Bao are in a meeting.

"Brother, if you make alchemy at home, I and the baby will go to the market to sell Jiulin Dan! You have more than a thousand Jiulin flowers on you. If you don't refine it, when the secret realm opens, Jiulin Dan will be worthless!

Chu Chu said his suggestion.

Qin Feng nodded: "Just the two of you can't do it! 99

With a wave of his hand, the Space Summoning was activated.

Bai Qi and Yu Qilin were summoned at the same time.

"I have seen Your Majesty!" Bai Qi hurriedly greeted him.

When the jade unicorn sees her lover, her heart is happy, and her beautiful eyes flow.

Could it be that His Majesty summoned himself to come to sleep?

After all, there were no other women by His Majesty's side, and Luo Li was still on the flying boat, so she was the only one suitable for this matter.

As for Chu Chu, that is His Majesty's younger sister.

"Bai Qi, how's your secret art practice?", Qin Feng looked at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi's soul has recovered a lot, and his combat power has also increased to 20 trillion.

"Go back to your majesty, the secret technique has been successfully refined, and I have finished refining the star core!"

Bai Qi took out the star core (fire) and handed it over respectfully.

Qin Feng took over the star core and was overjoyed.

He clearly sensed that there was a white soul and blood essence on the star core, as well as the true meaning of killing.

Next, as long as he succeeds in refining the Star Nucleus again, the Star Pole Fusion can be performed.

This secret technique is half successful.

Qin Feng put away the star core with satisfaction, and when he was free, he came to sacrifice.

"Your Majesty, why did you summon us here?" Yu Qilin asked curiously.

"Let you and Bai Qi help sell medicine pills..."

At the moment, Qin Feng briefly talked about market changes.

After Yu Qilin and Bai Qi heard it, they were very excited.

This is indeed a great opportunity to make money.

"These three storage rings, take them and sell them in three markets, don't sell them in one market...

Qin Feng divided Jiulin Dan into three parts and gave them to Chu Chu, Bai Qi and Yu Qilin respectively.

Then Chu Chu and Bao Bao were in a group, and Bai Qi was in a group.

The two groups quickly went out to find Fang Shi for sale.

Yu Qilin was the only one left in the field.

"Jade unicorn, this emperor-level Yuanwu will give you self-defense!

·0 for flowers ·.....

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the bracelet of the six spirit skulls flew towards the jade unicorn.

Then, he summoned the golden man puppet and ordered the golden man to protect the jade unicorn.

At this moment, the golden puppet was wearing a big black robe that covered its breath, but it was difficult to identify its identity.

After doing this, Qin Feng was relieved to let Yu Qilin leave.

After all, the strength of the jade unicorn is still weaker. In the city where dragons and snakes are mixed, it is necessary to do some self-defense measures.

After finishing the trivial matters, Qin Feng entered the alchemy room and started alchemy.

His main purpose is to refine the Emperor Soul Pill, while Jiulin Pill is secondary.

The purpose of selling Jiulin Dan is to make money and use it to buy Emperor Soul Flower and True Meaning Divine Seal.

Both the Emperor Soul Pill and the True Meaning Divine Seal can improve their strength, which is what Qin Feng really needs.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed.

During these three days, Qin Feng made a lot of money.

The price of Jiulin Dan has risen to a price of 7 Xingxi Stones.

Qin Feng's 10,000 Jiulin Dan were sold out within three days.

Later, he refined some more and earned more than 70,000 Xingxi Stones in total.


The money was used to buy the Emperor Soul Flower and the True Meaning Divine Seal.

In the end, all the sales of medicinal herbs were handled by Yu Qilin alone, and the golden puppet was always guarding.

Bai Qi continued to retreat and regained his strength.

Qin Baobao is also in retreat, offering sacrifices to Star Nucleus.

Chu Chu is retreating, hitting the peak of the Nine Stars.

Qin Feng gave Chuchu a lot of Xingxi Stones, so that she must break through to the peak of the Nine Stars in a short period of time.

The jade unicorn is also very good at trading, and it mixes like a duck in water in the market.

Not only did she take care of Qin Feng's elixir business well, but she also helped Qin Feng buy a lot of Emperor Soul Flowers, True Meaning Divine Seal, and some Jiulin Flowers.

Time flies by!

In a blink of an eye, another six days have passed, and there are only seven days left before the opening of the secret realm.

In the alchemy room, Qin Feng looked at the densely packed Emperor Soul Pills in front of him with joy, a total of more than 3,000...

This is what he has accumulated during this time.

Jade unicorn contributed a lot in it!

These days, he devoured dozens of True Intent Divine Seals.

His true meaning of destruction has been awakened to 80%, 78% of continuous true meaning, and 43% of the true meaning of two instruments, and his combat power has been greatly improved...

The baby also benefits, the true meaning of life is increased to 98%, and the combat power is increased to 8 trillion.

The little guy is one step away from breaking through to the Great Emperor.

Right now, he should devour these Emperor Soul Pills and harvest these fruits...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing more than 3,000 Emperor Soul Pills...

"Ding! Devouring the Emperor Soul Pill succeeded.... The soul body was greatly strengthened.... The combat power was greatly improved... The next blooming progress of the soul flower is 70%....


Qin Feng looked at himself with satisfaction.

Soul Flower's next bloom progress is 70%, and it is not far from the eleven petals of the flower.

And his combat power has also skyrocketed to 35 trillion, the basics of the promotion have been improved, and it is time to participate in the promotion.

This time, he will definitely achieve good results.

At the moment, Qin Feng walked out of the alchemy room with a confident face. Spoon

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