Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 440 chapters are transported to heaven and earth with the same force (4 more)

Qin Huang really increased by 300 points and tied for the first place with him.

"how so?"

The Great Emperor Yedu lost his soul.

"Old Ye, that Qin Huang was only 60 points just now, why did he suddenly get 360 points! How did he do it?

Emperor Yedu could not accept the facts in front of him.

He also couldn't understand the change in this integral.

The fastest way to increase points is to conduct combat power assessment challenges.

If you want to increase by 300 all of a sudden, you need to challenge to the fifth-level combat power assessment area in one breath.

But he just came out of the fifth-level assessment area, and there is no second assessor except him.

This Qin Huang is definitely not - the score of the combat power assessment.

"Your Majesty, we should have reported something wrong!" Old Ye looked complicated.

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Lao analyzed: "Your Majesty, if your subordinates are not bad, Qin Huang will get 60 points based on his true ability. Not only that, his alchemy ability far exceeds this point!

"So, when the deputy city lord saw him, he not only found out that our report was wrong, but also found that this emperor Qin was extremely amazing, and even a heaven-defying alchemist, he rewarded him with 300 points at a time!"

Ye Lao's analysis is very organized and consistent with the facts.

After the Great Emperor Yedu heard this, his whole body trembled, and his face became even more ugly.

After a while, he raised his head slightly: "Lao Ye, you mean that our report helped Emperor Qin and let him get 300 points reward for nothing?! 55

Ye Lao smiled bitterly: "My subordinates don't want to believe it, I'm afraid that's the truth!

"Damn it!

Emperor Yedu's tiger body swayed slightly, and both his body and mind were hit.

He was worried that the two people in the Earth Star Region would join forces to catch up with him, so he went to report Qin Huang.

This is good, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice, but instead gives people a big opportunity.

Under normal circumstances, even if Qin Feng's alchemy ability is excellent, he can only get fifty or sixty points, and it is absolutely impossible to get 360 points.

It's just that he didn't know that the great opportunity he sent to Qin Feng was far more than that.

"Your Majesty, the matter has come to this point, it is useless for us to think too much. What we have to do now is to keep our first place. Now, the total score of the two people in the Earth Star Region has surpassed us!

Ye Lao looked worried.

Emperor Yedu woke up.

Immediately, he said indignantly: "Humph! Didn't this Emperor Qin rely on the admiration of the deputy city lord to get lucky with Bendi. The emperor has not yet exerted his real strength, and he wants to take the first place from the emperor. That's a dream! 39

"Your Majesty is right! 360 points should be the limit that Qin Huang can achieve. With his nine-star peak cultivation base, there should be no achievements in the combat power assessment."

Ye Lao continued to analyze.

He was not comforting this time, he did think so.

With the cultivation base of the nine-star peak, he basically scored 0 points in the combat power assessment.

Hearing these words, Emperor Yedu gradually recovered from the blow.

At this time, he thought of Chu Chu again.

"By the way, that Chu Chu hasn't moved yet. Could it be that she has reached her limit..."

Emperor Yedu looked at Ye Lao.

Ye Lao nodded: "It should be like this! After all, she is still the pinnacle of Nine Stars. It is a miracle that she can achieve such an achievement..."

Emperor Yedu laughed, and he thought so too.

"Speaking of which, this Chu Chu is very surprising. With her nine-star peak cultivation, she can get 40 points in the combat power area. It's incredible! There are all weird people in this planetary star field! I wonder if Qin Huang will be like this? 35

"Your Majesty, it shouldn't be possible! That Chu Chu is a freak, it's already a miracle that she can leapfrog like this. And Qin Huang is also a freak, he blames alchemy. The so-called art profession has specialization, even if Qin Huang is good at alchemy. Well, it's impossible to be all powerful..."

"I hope so! Even if Emperor Qin has some skills, he can at most have the same grades as Chu Chu... Haha! 40 points in combat power! This emperor disdains it!

The corners of Emperor Yedu's mouth were slightly raised, and he gradually recovered from the blow, and confidence gradually emerged in his eyes.

Even if Qin Feng and Chu Chu's combined results have surpassed him, so what?

His true strength has yet to be revealed!

What's more, his real trump card has not been shown yet.

If he plays a hole card, I'm afraid it will shock the world!

Thinking of this, the Great Emperor Yedu said proudly, "Lao Ye, how many points did Emperor Qin and Chu Chu get together?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, 400 points!

"Oh! It's only 400 points! It is estimated that they will always be stuck at this point..."

Emperor Yedu was disdainful.

But as soon as his voice fell, Old Ye's expression changed slightly. ,

"Your Majesty, it's not good! Chu Chu's points have changed! 35


Emperor Yedu was shocked.

He quickly picked up the token and took a look, and the information on it really changed.

The first place, Emperor Yedu, Yedu Star Region, points: 360 points...

First place, Emperor Qin, Earth Star Region, Points: 360 points….

Second place, Chu Chu, Earth Star Region, points: 80 points...  

Emperor Yedu suddenly felt a little dark in his eyes...


Why did this Chu Chu suddenly increase by 40 points, and the ranking suddenly rushed up.

"Your Majesty, the Earth's Star Domain has more than 400 points, reaching 440 points!


Emperor Yedu became angry.

He just said that the Earth Star Field was stuck at 400 points, and in a blink of an eye, it was 440 points, and his face was slapped.

"Damn it! There's no limit to the freaks of this Earth's star field?

Emperor Yedu was very angry.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Elder Ye was a little uneasy.

Emperor Yedu took a deep breath.

After a while, he said gloomily: "It's time for this emperor to let the world see my trump card! Just two nine-star peaks, want to join forces to defeat this emperor, it's just a dream!"5

As soon as the voice fell, he would make a move at any time.

A huge golden puppet fell from the sky.


The golden man of Wanzhang landed on his feet, and the whole test area was shaking, and the monstrous demonic energy rose into the sky.

In the distance, the examiners in the sixth-level combat power area looked terrified.

Oh my God!

The combat power of this golden puppet has reached about 15 trillion, which is the strength of the first round of the realm.

The examiners were shocked!

Here, Ye Lao was both surprised and delighted.

He had long known that Emperor Yedu's trump card was this golden puppet!

Outsiders have always thought that Emperor Ye Du's delay in applying for promotion was just to win the first place on the century-old list.

In fact, that's only part of the reason.

A bigger part of the reason is for this golden puppet.

This golden puppet was obtained by Emperor Yedu in a secret realm.

But this puppet was unruly and difficult to tame, and it took Emperor Yedu nearly a hundred years to barely control it.

"What a strong puppet! As expected of one of the legendary twelve golden men! 35

Ye Lao sighed.

Emperor Yedu said proudly: "Humph! There are two people in the Earth Star Region, this emperor has this golden puppet, and also has helpers! This time, this emperor will let them stand behind and never catch up with us!

"Your Majesty, with the help of this puppet, you will definitely be invincible! Qin Huang and the others are definitely far behind!

"Ha ha!!

Emperor Yedu looked up to the sky and laughed.

It's just that he looked at the golden puppet with a little fear.

This puppet, he has not been able to fully control, when using it, he is a little nervous.

His combat power is 10 trillion, and he has just reached the threshold of the initial stage of the first round.

This puppet is 15 trillion, stronger than him, and it is not so smooth to control.

However, there is no problem for him to control the golden man assessment.

Humph! Worlds!

You will be shocked!

Emperor Yedu's self-confidence rose again.

At the same time, there was a frenzy in the spectator hall in the assessment area.

Tens of thousands of spectators were shocked by the data on the screen.

The first place, Emperor Yedu, Yedu Star Region, points: 360 points...

First place, Emperor Qin, Earth Star Region, Points: 360 points….

Second place, Chu Chu, Earth Star Region, points: 80 points...  

·0 Seeking Flowers··

"My God! That Earth Star Territory is amazing!"

"Yeah! Both of their players are terrible!""

"Tsk tsk!! Emperor Qin has caught up with the Great Emperor Yedu all of a sudden, and there is another Chu Chu over there! The points of the Earth Star Region now surpass that of the Yedu Star Region!"

"It's amazing!"

In the crowd, Nan Yuan was completely dumbfounded!

Oh my God!

Who am I hosting today?

Are the Qin Huang brothers and sisters really just the pinnacle of nine stars?

At this moment, Nan Yuan was deeply suspicious.

In her mind, Qin Feng's incomparably beautiful face appeared, and it was deeply engraved.

In one's life, there are too many people and things.

How many people and things can people remember?

This young man who met by chance makes it hard for her to forget...

On the other hand, the registration office.

Feng adults and a group of staff also saw the latest list of achievements.

"This Earth Star Territory is really amazing!

The staff were amazed.

Master Feng also sighed: "This old man has underestimated the Earth Star Region! It seems that this time the battle for the top spot should be between the Earth Star Region and Yedu Star Region..."

At this moment, the sensation caused by Qin Feng and Chu Chu gradually spread among the crowd.

The battle for the top spot between the Earth Star Region and Yedu Star Region has gradually attracted more people's attention.


Chu Chu and Qin Feng did not know about all this.

At this moment, Chu Chu appeared in the fourth-level combat strength assessment area.

Where there is only Chuchu as an assessor, the scene is cold and clear.

To be able to enter the fourth-level assessment area, basically the combat power has reached 1 trillion, which is the great emperor of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

If you want to get points in this war zone, you have to defeat a Great Perfection Puppet.

To get more points, you need to defeat more puppet sieges.

In the new star field, it is not bad to have a great emperor in the early stage of foundation building, let alone a great emperor who has completed the foundation building.

Therefore, no one can enter the fourth-level assessment area.

As for Chu Chu, she was extraordinary.

Her combat power has reached 4 trillion, and she has mastered the ability of time, and she has mastered the supreme true meaning.

Even if she encounters an opponent with 4 trillion combat power, she can easily defeat it.

Entering the fourth-level combat strength assessment area, she has plenty of room to play.

"Auntie, it's so deserted here, there's no one here!

The baby nibbled the fruit and looked around.

Apart from them, there are two examiners at the door.

Those examiners are only in charge of recording, but they don't ask about chores.

Chu Chu touched the baby's little head.

"Baby, you have to be good, just play here, don't run around! Auntie is going to challenge!"

"Well, auntie, come on!", the baby's mouth was stuffed bulging.

Chu Chu smiled slightly and walked towards the assessment area...

On the other side, the alchemy assessment area.

In the alchemy room, Qin Feng looked at the densely packed Emperor Soul Pills in front of him, and his mouth was about to laugh crookedly.

This is the seventeenth pot of medicinal pills he refined.

One hundred emperor soul flowers actually produced 570 emperor soul pills!

What is the concept at this time?

This is equivalent to one of his Emperor Soul Flowers, and he can refine five or six Emperor Soul Pills!

This is almost double his size!

Before, he completely underestimated the value of Fengding Pill Stove!

Of course, he found that his alchemy had also made a small improvement.

In the first furnace, he produced four or five pills from a single flower.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten furnaces, it has been upgraded to five or six, which completely exceeded my expectations!

In this way, from 16,000 Emperor Soul Flowers, he can refine at least 80,000 Emperor Soul Pills.

He gave Yingtian God Emperor 40,000 more, and he could earn 40,000!

This is so exaggerated!

So cool too!

Sure enough: the heaven and the earth all come together with the same force, but the hero is not free from time to time!

Qin Feng was excited, put away the medicine pill suspended in front of him, and continued refining.

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