Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 463: The flustered elder Xiu (4 more)

"This... how is this possible?!"

Elder Xiu couldn't believe everything in front of him.

"My God! His combat power has reached 60 trillion!"

Elder Xing and others saw clues.

It's only a few days!

Qin Huang progressed so fast??

This is too scary!

"Hey~! This Emperor Qin is not easy!

Elder Rui couldn't help but take a deep breath and looked at Qin Feng with a different look.

It seems that he underestimated Qin Huang just now!

In just two days, to have made such great progress is definitely a generation of great luck!


Absolute talent!

The more Elder Rui looked at Qin Feng, the more he appreciated it.

Elder Xing also breathed a sigh of relief.


The Vice-City Lord did not make friends!

This Emperor Qin has more potential than they thought!

He looked up at Emperor Xingyao and Emperor Changfeng.

Both looked happy.

The atmosphere in the field became cheerful.

Only Elder Xiu's face was gloomy and uncertain, no longer as calm as before.

At this moment, Qin Feng was somber.

What he has improved this time is not only the combat power, but the true meaning of destruction has also greatly improved.

Just now, with the help of True Destruction, his attack power more than tripled, reaching 200 trillion attack power, easily shattering the mask.

At the moment, he happily put away the golden order.

At this point, he has two gold decrees in his hand, and he can choose two pieces of Lunhai-level treasures.

"Little friend, congratulations!", Elder Xing congratulated happily.

Rewards of two round sea-level treasures!

This is what he wants to win for Qin Feng.

At first, he thought he was going to fail.

Unexpectedly, this Emperor Qin was so excellent that he could easily get "107" with his own strength, which made him very gratified.

"Little friend Qin Huang, it's really good!" Elder Rui also looked relieved.

Even Elder Xiu smiled awkwardly: "Little friend Qin Huang is really eye-opening for this elder! We need talents like you in Tianmo City!"

In fact, he was extremely depressed.

He tried so hard to stop it, but it didn't help in the slightest.

This made his lungs explode!

But on the surface, he still has to smile.

After all, Qin Feng's qualifications are too good, he doesn't want to offend too blatantly, at least on the surface, he won't tear his face.

"Thank you three elders!

Qin Feng put away the token and walked towards the second altar.

This move made everyone slightly stunned.

Elder Rui even smiled and said, "Young friend Qin Huang, you are going wrong! Aren't you going to collect the reward?

Qin Feng was stunned: "Elder Rui, I want to challenge the second assessment, can't I?

"Uh..." Elder Rui was taken aback.

He really wanted to say that the four-layered assessments after this were all set up, and Qin Feng couldn't pass it.

Only in the first assessment, they gave Qin Feng some chances.

Not to mention anything else, the attack power that Qin Feng just broke out, everyone can see, is about 220 trillion.

But to break the second altar mask, at least 400 trillion attack power is required.

It's almost twice as bad!

Elder Xing, Emperor Xingyao, and Emperor Changfeng also hesitated.

They also wanted to remind Qin Feng not to take the second test.

The 400 trillion attack power is almost the upper limit of the destructive power of the Great Emperor in the early stage of the second round, even if the two of them can't do it.

Both of them are in the early stage of the second round, and the upper limit of their attack power is more than 300 trillion.

In this assessment, weapons and offensive skills are not allowed, but true meaning and auxiliary skills can be used.

Therefore, they can't pass the second test, let alone Qin Feng.

At the moment, the atmosphere in the field became weird.

Elder Rui wanted to persuade Qin Feng not to take the test, but it was hard to say.

If you really tell the truth, the five-layer assessment you said before is equivalent to deception!

It was at this moment that Elder Xiu saw this scene, and there was a trace of ridicule in his eyes.

This Emperor Qin is really arrogant!

Does he think that he can pass the first assessment, which is amazing?

It's time to let him recognize himself, and let him suffer some setbacks.

Immediately, Elder Xiu smiled and said: "Elder Rui, the assessment is made by us. Little friend Qin Huang passed the first test, and then he has to take the second test. This is a matter of course. Do you want to stop it?"

"This old man doesn't mean that!" Elder Rui shook his head slightly.

He doesn't care.

Elder Xing couldn't help but look at Elder Xiang Xiu, frowning slightly.

This insidious guy, I am afraid that he will not be able to make a stumbling block, and he is deliberately watching Qin Huang's jokes.

No, he couldn't watch Emperor Qin make a fool of himself.

Right now, Elder Xing smiled and said, "Little friend Emperor Qin, to break the mask of the second-level assessment, it will take more than 400 trillion destructive power!"

"Thanks for the reminder! I'll try it!"

Without waiting for everyone to think, Qin Feng stepped over.

Hunyuan Transformation!

His combat power instantly soared to 78 trillion!

"So strong!

Elder Xing's eyes lit up.

Elder Xiu sneered slightly.

Isn't it transforming!

He had long known that Qin Huang would do this trick.

With only 78 trillion combat power, it can't pass the second level.

At this moment, Qin Feng ordered Chu Chu and Bai Qi.

The wind and the star are extremely combined!

A majestic energy came from Fengjixing, and the combat power soared by 81 trillion!

"Hey! It's improved again!

Elder Xiu moved slightly, but the smile in his eyes did not diminish

Fire Star Combination!

Half of Bai Qi's combat power, 30 trillion combat power is transmitted.

Qin Feng's combat power instantly soared to 11.1 billion!

Destruction - Activate!

Qin Feng punched the mask in front of him!

The attack power has been doubled by more than 3.6 times!

"Huh! Something's wrong!

Elder Xiu’s heart was beating wildly, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

In the next moment, the sky and the earth will change color,

Qin Feng's fist lit up with a dazzling light.

The destructive power of that punch instantly soared to 40 billion!

Exactly that mask limit!


The temple trembles!

The earth shakes!

Qin Feng still maintains his fist-pushing posture!

The mask is still the same!

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the assessment mask!

Breathing stopped in the field, and everyone was extremely nervous.

Just now, the ultimate destructive power that Qin Feng burst out just reached 400 trillion.

This is also the breaking point of the mask!

Is Qin Feng a winner or a loser?

For a moment, the wind blows lightly!

Everything remains the same!

"It seems to be fine!"

Elder Xiu's expression was about to relax.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Several consecutive sounds like glass shattering!

One after another cracks, centered on Qin Feng's fist, extended to the surrounding.


The mask shattered!

The golden order emerges!

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

The three elders got up from their seats one after another.

It broke!

Elder Xing is full of surprises!

Elder Xiu's heart surged.

"how so?!"

Elder Xiu's face was extremely ugly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong resentment, he turned his head to look quickly, and saw Elder Rui look bad.

His eyes were full of complaints!

Elder Xiu was taken aback.

Immediately, he wanted to understand.

Elder Rui, the miser, hated him.

Because it was he who came up with the idea, Qin Huang got the third Lunhai-level treasure.

According to Elder Rui's thoughts, it hurts to give two pieces of Lunhai-level treasures, but three pieces will cost him half of his life.

But what he said could not be taken back, and he could only blame Elder Xiu.

Elder Xiu was even more depressed.

To be honest, the three elders of them were all in the early stage of the God Emperor, but the one with the highest status was Elder Rui.

He is the confidant of the city lord, and he has won the trust of the city lord so that he can control the treasure house.

He was hated by Elder Rui, and the days in the future will not be more comfortable.

"Young friend Qin Huang, you did a good job! Haha!!

Elder Xing laughed.

This was completely unexpected to him!

He originally thought it would be good for Emperor Qin to get two, but he did not expect to get three.

Qin Feng put away the golden order and looked at the third altar.

Elder Xing hurriedly reminded: "Little friend, the third assessment requires 600 trillion destructive power! 35

Qin Feng nodded, it seemed that the third stage could not pass for the time being.

He turned to look at Elder Rui: "Elder, may I go and choose the reward now?"

"Yes!" Elder Rui was weak, "Chang Feng, take the little friend of Emperor Qin to the treasure house to choose!

"Yes! Elder! Brother Qin Huang, come with me!

Emperor Changfeng's tone was respectful, and his eyes were full of respect.

He admires Qin Feng very much now.

Not only is this young man unparalleled in his alchemy skills, his aptitude is monstrous, but his strength is so strong.

He even suspected that he was no longer Qin Feng's opponent.

"Trouble brother Changfeng!", Qin Feng nodded with a smile.

Immediately, the two walked out of the hall.

Seeing the two leaving, Elder Rui rebuked Elder Xiu with a displeased expression: "Elder Xiu, it's all your bad idea! Clean up the mess here! Remove these altars or something!

"Uh... Okay!" Elder Xiu's face was ashen.

Elder Rui didn't give him face like this, and he didn't dare to talk too much.0

In the real fight, he was not Elder Rui's opponent.

Not to mention, Elder Rui's backer is stronger than him!

Immediately, Elder Xiu got up and prepared to remove those altars.

Elder Xing looked dark and refreshing, picked up the teacup, and took a leisurely sip of the fragrant tea.

But at this moment, Qin Feng, who was walking to the exit of the main hall, stopped.

He turned around and looked at Elder Rui in surprise.

"Elder, didn't you say it before! The time for this assessment is two days. Now that the assessment time is not over, why do you want to cancel the following assessment?"

Elder Rui was stunned for a moment: "The old man said, but the third test requires a destructive power of 600 trillion. And your limit is 400 trillion, you can't pass this third test. 35

"The fourth and fifth stages are more difficult, and you don't have to think about it, so are the next few assessments still necessary?

Qin Feng said with a serious face: "Elder, it is necessary! I will go to the treasure house to select three treasures, improve my strength, and then proceed to the next challenge. As long as the assessment time is not exceeded, I can continue?!""

Elder Rui:

Elder Xiu:

Elder Star:

Fuck it~!

Can it work like this?!

Elder Xing rolled his eyes: "Elder Rui, little friend Qin Huang is right! The challenge time is not over, his challenge authority is still there, and the remaining three challenge altars cannot be revoked!"

"This challenge time was specifically discussed by the three of us. What we said can't be changed! 99

Elder Rui was speechless.

After a while, he said helplessly: "Changfeng, then you take the little friend of Emperor Qin to choose the treasure! This challenge altar is not torn down!

Immediately, Emperor Changfeng left with Qin Feng.

After the two left, Elder Rui said anxiously, "You two, do you think Emperor Qin will pass the third test?"

Elder Xing smiled slightly: "It's hard to say! Emperor Qin is very human!""

Elder Xiu sneered: "I don't think so! His current limit is 400 trillion, which is 200 trillion away from the third level! I don't believe it, after he gets three treasures, he can improve so much?

Elder Rui was uneasy: "This old man doesn't believe it, but why do you feel uneasy in your heart? By the way..."

Elder Rui suddenly raised his head and looked at Elder Xiu: "This time, if Emperor Qin gets the fourth treasure, it's not the old man's stinginess. The old man is going to be unlucky, and you won't have a good life!

Elder Xiu was uneasy: "How do you say this?"

Elder Rui said unhappily: "The city lord asked the old man to keep the treasures! Now that there are three less Lunhai-level treasures, it is already the limit to give out a reward. If there are four less, do you think the city lord will be happy?

"If the city lord punishes you, this old man will definitely drag you into the water! Because it's all your bad idea!

As soon as the city lord was mentioned, Elder Xiu was discouraged, and his face became ugly.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Elder Xing snickering.

He was annoyed and hurriedly said: "The 4.7 incident this time was clearly done by the three of us together. Why did something happen, you only ask me for trouble, not Elder Xing?"

"Elder Xiu, are you speaking in human words?" Elder Xing rolled his eyes angrily.

"My elder's suggestion at the time was to reward two treasures and that's the end of the matter. It was you who wanted to do this kind of challenge reward, and it was you who said that you would test them all out, so you seemed more sincere! Now that something has happened, you want to default on your debt? !99

"That's right! It's you who came up with a bad idea!" Elder Rui became more and more angry the more he thought about it.

He was about to accept Elder Xing's advice at that time, but this Elder Xiu stabbed it horizontally.

All right now, I lost my wife and lost my army!

Elder Xiu was scolded by the two people, and a fire was burning in his heart.

"Otherwise, what if we cancel the following assessment? Elder Xiu has another bad idea.

Elder Xing sneered: "Going back! I am ashamed that you are the honor of the elders!

Elder Rui said disdainfully: "It's too late! You've already invested so much, and now you regret it, what do you think Qin Huang will think? What do you think the city owner will think?"

"This challenge, you can only bite the bullet and continue! However, you pray that Qin Huang will not take away the fourth item. Otherwise, the life of the old man will not be easy, and you will not have a good time! 99

Hearing this, Elder Xiu swallowed and his heart sank.

Suddenly, he was a little uneasy!

Wouldn't Emperor Qin really be able to take away the fourth treasure?

In that case, he would really be hated by Elder Rui!

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