Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 472: Purple Star's Request (2 more)

Qin Feng was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple! You unlock the contract on the jade unicorn and give her to me. This seal of true meaning is yours!"

Zi Xing drank the wine in the cup in one go.

Her biggest hobby is drinking some wine~.

Qin Feng frowned: "What a joke! Yu Qilin is my woman! You asked me to exchange my own woman for you. What do you think she is—?"

Qin Feng's tone was full of anger, obviously angry.

The jade unicorn on the side lit up, narrowed her beautiful eyes, and her heart was sweet.


Qin Feng has always had his own in his heart.


Zi Xing glanced at Qin Feng unexpectedly.

She looked at it carefully for a while before saying: "You are a bit special! Since Yu Qilin is your woman, why did you sign a contract with her?"

"As far as this girl knows, after the contract appraisal, the servant's favor towards the master will increase, and it will be more convenient to get her that way. Mother... Oh, is this girl right?

Zi Xing covered her mouth and smiled again, getting used to speaking, she couldn't help but pop out the word 'old lady'.

"You are talking nonsense! I am willing!"

Yu Qilin is not happy anymore.

Qin Feng was too lazy to explain.

He signed a contract with his woman in order to better protect his woman.

Without a contract, Space Summoning cannot be performed, and there is no way to bring them into their own small universe.

"Qin Feng, this girl can also see that you have more than one female servant contract. You should have more than one female subordinate, Yu Qilin, right?"

Zi Xing asked with a smile.

When she said this, she wanted to wake up the jade unicorn.

The guy in front of him is a man with a heart.

"What's your business?!"

Qin Feng immediately got up and wanted to leave.

Yu Qilin also said: "That's right! If you are not sincere to trade, don't make trouble. Qin Feng has several female subordinates, I don't mind, what are you worrying about? 35

Zi Xing shook his head, this jade unicorn was really helpless, completely fascinated by the man in front of him.

"Qin Feng, don't worry! This girl wants a jade unicorn without any malice. In this regard, I can sign the highest-level Yuanshen vow! I promise that I won't do any harm to her, but will help her!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng stopped and looked at Zi Xing somewhat unexpectedly.

The Primordial Spirit Contract has a strong binding force on the Sovereign.

When Zi Xing said this, it can be seen that he really didn't mean to hurt the jade unicorn.

Qin Feng couldn't understand why she wanted a jade unicorn.

It stands to reason that the cultivation talent of the jade unicorn is ordinary emperor level, not even the emperor level.

Without my own help, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cultivate to the Great Emperor.

What is the purpose of this woman?

"Miss Zixing, remind you again, Yu Qilin is my woman. If you ask me to trade with my own woman, don't blame me for turning my face!"5

This woman has been pushing her limits.

Qin Feng said very rudely.

But do not want, this reprimand.

Not only was Zi Xing not angry, but her beautiful eyes were shining, and she looked at Qin Feng with a hint of admiration.

"Well, it seems that you are still a kind and righteous person, and you are a little different from other men. This girl appreciates this very much!!

Zi Xing bluntly expressed her appreciation.

A strange look appeared in Qin Feng's eyes.

He could see at a glance that this Purple Star was still a perfect body.

Such a woman has never even experienced a man, and keeps saying that she is different from other men, as if she has seen many men.

"How do I behave, I don't have to worry about Miss Zixing!" Qin Feng said lukewarmly.

"Oh~! I'm so angry!", Zi Xing smiled.

"Then let's not talk about transactions! Change it! As a man of Yu Qilin, would you like to give her a chance and let her get a big chance! 95

"How do you say this?" Qin Feng was curious.

He naturally hoped that his woman would have a good chance.

"It's very simple! You cancel her contract and let her make a new choice. Let's see if she chooses you or me? No matter who she will choose in the end, this Vientiane True Meaning Divine Seal belongs to you! 99

Zi Xing smiled confidently.

It seems that as long as Qin Feng rescinds the contract, she will have a way to win the jade unicorn.

"Oh! You say these words, it doesn't mean that I will exchange my woman for the divine seal. I'm sorry! We don't need to talk anymore! Let's go!"

Qin Feng was very upset.

If he really wanted to do that, he always felt like he was trading his own woman.

At the moment, he was about to leave and didn't want to talk to this woman again.

He was afraid that he would not be able to help himself.

"Qin Feng, why don't we try it!

But he didn't want to, Yu Qilin pulled him.

"You are...", Qin Feng looked at the jade unicorn in surprise.

Yu Qilin smiled slightly, then put it close to Qin Feng's ear, and whispered: "My dear Sect Master, how could we miss such a good thing?

"You can release my contract, and I will choose to show her in front of this woman, so that she can give up completely, and it is best to be mad at her! In this way, the divine seal is still ours, why Leer not?"

Qin Feng: 66......99

"Have you negotiated? Or is Qin Feng not confident? Are you afraid? Or are you unwilling to give Yu Qilin a chance? 99

Zi Xing poured himself another glass of wine.

"Oh! Don't use such a clumsy trick!"

Qin Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense.

He casually drew a golden rune in the air and flew into the eyebrows of the jade unicorn.

In the next second, Yu Qilin was shocked.

There was a light 'click' sound in the body, and the contract of sentient beings was cancelled.

Seeing this, Zixing's eyes were filled with joy.

There is no way for her to cancel this contract, only Qin Feng can cancel it himself.

Now, this problem is solved.

At this time, Yu Qilin opened his eyes.

She looked at Qin Feng affectionately, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

How could she forget the man she loved so much!

You must know that she took the initiative to sign a contract with Qin Feng after she had developed a love for Qin Feng, rather than signing a contract to have feelings.

·0 for flowers ·...

It's totally two levels.

Therefore, whether or not there is a contract, Yu Qilin's love for Qin Feng remains unchanged.

She smiled and picked up the Divine Seal of Vientiane and handed it to Qin Feng.

"Sect master, this divine seal belongs to us! Your cute and cute jade unicorn has let go of his mind, and is ready to accept your contract again!

The jade unicorn sticks to it.

After saying this, she glanced at Zi Xing proudly, her small face raised high, as if she wanted to anger Zi Xing to death.

Zixing felt a headache.


How could one's own clan fall like this?

She didn't believe that women would let themselves be like this because of their emotions.

This has something to do with her having never experienced feelings, and she has always been high above.

She had never experienced it before, so naturally she couldn't understand it.

On the contrary, it was some hearsay that made her think.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Qin Feng strangely.

Qin Feng was too lazy to care about her.

He fondly looked at the jade unicorn in his arms, and his fingers drew runes in the air...


Zi Xing raised his head, the sound wave oscillated, and easily scattered the air runes.

Qin Feng frowned.

Yu Qilin even said angrily: "Do you want to go back on it?"

Zi Xing smiled: "Of course I don't regret it! Jade unicorn, elder sister persuades you. All the beauty of men are pink and pink skeletons, what's there to love?!

Yu Qilin frowned: "Why do you say this? Anyway, I am willing! This is my business! Please don't break my master's contract, okay?"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and deliberately coquettishly said to Qin Feng: "Master, why don't you hurry up and accept your baby..."

These words are deliberately to anger Zixing.



Zixi shook her head and sighed.

This clan really fell completely.

It seemed that she had to wake up this clan.

"Yu Qilin, listen to what I have to say before making a choice. If you continue to sign a contract with Qin Feng after listening, I will not stop you, just turn around and leave!

Zi Xing smiled confidently.

Yu Qilin frowned: "I think you are superfluous! No matter what you say, I will be with Qin Feng!"

Zi Xing smiled slightly: "Then you have to listen to it first! After that, you are not curious, why did I go so far as to choose you?!

This remark made Qin Feng's heart move.

To be honest, he was also curious.

At the moment, he gently patted Yu Qilin's back.

"Just let her talk! I'd love to know why, too!""

"Okay! Then say it!"

Yu Qilin also looked at Zi Xing curiously.

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