Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 493: Strong Enemy Demon Domain (3 Updates)

This time, it took about an hour for Qin Feng to consume all the harvest.

His combat power has also skyrocketed to 1,200 trillion, which has completely reached the level of a god emperor.

At this time, Qin Feng waved his hand, and a time crystal appeared in front of him.

He opened his mouth to take a breath and swallowed it...

"Ding! Successfully swallowing the time crystal.... Time ability perception has increased to 100%... Time ability has greatly increased...-."

At this moment, Qin Feng's ability to control the flow of time was increased to 1-5 times.

After superimposing the Chu Chu time force field in the universe in his body, the time flow rate has become 25 times.

In other words, after 25 days of cultivation inside, only one day has passed outside.

This is of great benefit to Chu Chu and the others.

Right now, the Spirit Mist Sea is in danger, and there is no safe place to practice.

In addition, the time ability in the sea of ​​​​ling fog is suppressed, and even the great consummation of the god emperor is no exception.

They cannot use the time force field to speed up their cultivation.

But Qin Feng's small universe is not affected.

Chu Chu where they are, not only has a safe retreat, but also can accelerate 25 times the time, which has many advantages over other explorers.

They can take the opportunity to increase their strength.

In particular, refining one Primordial Spirit Crystal is equivalent to refining one hundred thousand Xingxi Stones.

Even if only one is refined a day, after 25 days, it is equivalent to refining 2.5 million Xingxi Stones, and the increase in strength is absolutely huge.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for awakening the ninth sense.... The power of reincarnation is awakened.... The awakening degree is 0.2%..."

"Ding! The host's qualifications have increased.... The Ancestral Dragon inheritance has awakened to (92%).... The combat power has increased to 1400 trillion..."

"Finally awake!"

Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

He has now awakened the seventh, eighth, and ninth consciousness.

To a certain extent, he possesses some of the characteristics of a god emperor.

In other words, he can always break through to the God Emperor without any bottleneck.

The biggest difficulty in breaking through to the God Emperor is to awaken the ninth sense.

He has overcome it!

At this moment, Qin Feng was in a good mood.

This time, he not only awakened his ninth sense, but also reached 91% of his microcosm, which is close to Consummation.

Immediately, he took out the more than 1,000 storage rings and began to look through them to see if there were any unexpected receipts...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, it was the fifth day, which was also the last day of the spiritual explosion period.

Qin Feng has already looked through the more than 1,000 storage rings.

He did make a lot of discoveries.

For example, among the more than 1,000 storage rings, three lotus of the Primordial Spirit were found, as well as more than a thousand crystals of the Primordial Spirit, and there were even more other treasures.

These elemental masters below the god emperor should not be underestimated.

Qin Feng swallowed the three flowers of the primordial spirit, the combat power increased to 1430 trillion again, and the small universe was transformed to 93%...

"It's still a little bit!"

Qin Feng's thoughts moved and he disappeared in place.

In the next second, he appeared in another sea area.

The phantom clone is in front.

At this moment, the phantom avatar was full of suffocation, and there was a lot of blood on the long sword in his hand.

At the end of the day, the phantom avatar killed many people alone, and the harvest was not small.

Qin Feng just thought about it, and six or seven lotus of primordial spirit flew out from the storage ring of the phantom avatar and flew directly into the entrance...

"Ding! Devouring the Lotus of the Primordial Spirit successfully.... The combat power has increased to 1500 trillion.... The small universe is 100% Hongmeng..."

"Ding! Remind the host that the Hongmeng transformation of the small universe has been completed, and the host can condense the four extremes of earth, fire, water, and wind to complete the foundation of the universe...

"Finally completed Hongmeng transformation!"

Qin Feng was delighted.

The earth, fire, water and wind four-pole divine seal has been completed, and the earth seal of the baby and the watermark of the jade unicorn have been completed.

This breakthrough to the universe is just around the corner!

Qin Feng was looking forward to it.

"Hey! This is...

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

He sensed the movement of the universe in his body, and the baby's breakthrough finally began.

He originally estimated that the baby should have broken through yesterday.

I didn't expect to break through until today, it's really long overdue!

At this very moment, in a radius of ten thousand miles, the sea of ​​​​spirits fluctuated, and countless spiritual mists rushed towards him...

In the universe within his body, on the Earth Pole Star, Qin Baobao is frantically absorbing vitality and starting to build a foundation...

At the same time, in the depths of the Lingwu Sea, there is another sea area.

In that sea area, a huge blood-colored enchantment covered a radius of hundreds of miles.

This blood-colored enchantment is very strange.

It has appeared here since the second day that Lingwuhai appeared.

Many passing explorers tried to break it, but found it in vain.

Even two super-powerhouses of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor passed by, but failed to break the blood-colored barrier.

This surprised people.

However, everyone is in a hurry to hunt for treasure, and no one pays attention to it.

As for what is inside the blood-colored barrier, no one knows.

It was shrouded in spiritual mist, and I couldn't see what was inside.

At this moment, in the center of the blood-colored enchantment.

A huge altar is suspended in the air.

There were twelve god emperors sitting around the altar, all wearing black robes.

At the top of the altar, there were three god emperors sitting in the air, all wearing black robes, but with a golden thread on their chests, all of them were god emperors with great perfection.

Sitting at the top of the person, the breath is so strong that it is subversive, as if half a foot is about to step into a half step to dominate.

At this moment, there is a person lying in the center of the altar.

The man was nailed alive in the center of the altar, with three hundred and sixty-five blood-sucking nails inserted all over his body, sucking blood essence from his body.

Not only that, those god nails are still sucking his soul.

His expression was extremely sluggish.

But judging from the aura emanating from his body, he was actually a super powerhouse of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor.

At this moment, the blood essence and soul power absorbed by those god nails from his body turned into strands of red threads, which were absorbed by a blood-colored long sword in the air.

The long sword was blood-red, exuding an extremely evil sword intent, with a disgusting bloody aura that was captivating.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field.

In the center of the altar, the Great Perfection God Emperor who was sacrificed seemed to be unable to hold on.

He opened his eyes suddenly, struggling desperately, staring angrily at the three men in black in the air, shouting hoarsely.

"You villains from the Demon Realm! Even if I die, I will curse you! The star master will definitely avenge me... ah~!

With a shrill scream, the man's whole body shattered into pieces, turning into a mist of blood all over the sky.

Immediately, all the blood mist was absorbed by the blood-colored long sword in the air.

A God Emperor Great Perfection powerhouse died like this.

After the blood-colored long sword absorbed the blood of the god emperor, the spiritual light rose sharply, the breath increased sharply, and a pleasant sword sound was emitted.

Fifteen men in black opened their eyes with joy.

At the top, the man in black with the strongest breath waved his hand, and the blood-colored long sword came into his hands.

A person next to him said happily: "Great leader, this Yuan Tujian has absorbed the blood and soul of a god emperor's great perfection. It should reach the semi-master level Yuanwu level, right?"

Half-master-level Yuanwu, that is, half-step master-level Yuanwu.

The big leader was a man with a dignified expression.

·0 for flowers ·......

He looked at the Yuan Tu sword in his hand with satisfaction, and nodded slightly: "That's right! This Yuan Tu sword has reached the semi-master level!

As soon as these words fell, all the people in black showed joy.

At this time, the big leader looked at the altar below.

That God Emperor Great Perfection powerhouse has died tragically, leaving only a skeleton as white as jade.

"Second leader, take care of this skeleton! This guy was a deputy city lord of the main city of Tianfu Star before his death, and here is Tianfu Star again, so we must clean it up! 39

"My subordinate understands!"

The second leader is an old man with a thin face, and he is also a powerful God Emperor Great Perfection.

At the moment, as soon as he beckoned, he put away the skeleton.

At this time, the big leader said to the person next to him: "Three leaders, remove this altar and leave no traces!""


The three leaders are a beautiful woman with an indifferent expression, and they are also God Emperor Great Perfection.

Immediately, she instructed everyone to withdraw from the altar.

Just when everyone was busy, the two leaders came over again.

"Big leader, as long as we find the Abi Sword in the secret realm again. The combination of Yuantu and Abi is comparable to the master-level Yuanwu. If you use your strength, you will be invincible in the secret realm!

The two leaders were flattering.

The big leader smiled slightly: "Retrieving the Abi Sword is secondary. Our main task this time is to destroy the inheritance of the unicorn master. The ancestor of the dragon has already appeared, and the successor of the unicorn master can no longer appear. Demon Realm is not good!"

"That's right!" The two leaders nodded in agreement.

The big leader also instructed: "In addition, keep a low profile, and don't reveal your identity. After all, we and the Star Alliance are hostile forces. If our identity is discovered, we will be besieged, and the task given by the devil will not be completed.

"Humph! What Star Alliance! At the beginning, if the five star masters had not joined forces to take advantage of the fisherman's benefits, the territory of this Star Alliance would belong to our Demon Territory, what a pity!

The two leaders were a little regretful and a little annoyed.

The big leader also lamented: "It's time! It's fate! By the way, it seems that the traitors from the Qilin Sect have also sent people!"

"He also sent someone?", the second leader was surprised.

"Yeah! I saw his disciples. Haha! In that battle, if that person had not betrayed and betrayed the unicorn master, it would have been difficult for us to win this battle!" The big leader sighed.

The second leader sneered: "He is too embarrassed to send someone here! However, he knows the details of the Qilin family very well, and he probably likes some kind of treasure. I think that person is more like a demon than us! 39

The big leader also sneered: "Yeah! Back then, the unicorn master valued him so much, hand-in-hand passed on his artifact refining technique, and regarded him as his only successor, he never thought he would betray him."

The second leader also disdainfully said: "If he is not of my race, his heart will be different. The master of the unicorn is kind to him, but he does not have the blood of the unicorn, so he is not a member of the unicorn family after all. What he thinks in his heart is really hard to say. Anyway, this guy.

"Forget it! Don't talk about him! With my strength, I don't have the right to talk about him. If you meet his subordinates, be careful. Among the people he sent, at least one of them is a god emperor. , extremely powerful!


At this time, the altar below has been removed.

The three leaders came up to report: "Big leader, it's done!"

"Well! Take it away! We have been setting up the barrier here for several days, and some people will inevitably doubt it!

People will understand.

After a while, a group of fifteen people quietly left.

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