Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 512 Lightning like speed of refining (for subscription)

At this moment, Qin Feng and others also saw the updated information of Ziyunling.

"Brother, new information has appeared on this Ziyun Order!"

"I see!", Qin Feng smiled lightly.

His current level of refining is the master level of the middle grade, and it should not be a big problem to win the first place.

It's just Chu Chu, Bao Bao, and Bai Qi's ranking, how can he improve?

At the same time, the northern test area.

The three leaders of Demon Domain also read the token information.

All three looked happy.

Then, the big leader looked at the three leaders: "Three leaders, the first place in this assessment is up to you!"

"Subordinates must do their best to win the first place!", the three leaders looked confident.

The two leaders also complimented them in time: "The three leaders are the first crafting geniuses under the master level in my Demon Realm! If she takes action, the first place will be decided!"

Hearing this, the three leaders and the big leader looked at each other and smiled.

The two leaders also smiled happily.

It's just that behind his smile, there is a deep meaning hidden.

This point, the big chief and the three chiefs did not notice.

At the same time, the southern test area.

In the main hall, a handsome man looked north.

It's all just the beginning!

The corner of the man's mouth showed a meaningful smile!

That smile was somewhat similar to that of the second leader of the Demon Domain.

And he was Lufa Tiandi, who ranked sixth in the last match in the south, only below Bai Qi.

On the other side, the western test area.

In the main hall, all the appraisers wailed incessantly.

Most of the examiners here are not proficient in refining.

In the crowd, Wutian Patriarch smiled proudly.

What he is best at is refining!

After all, he is the direct disciple of the star master.

And the star master is the number one refiner in the universe today.

How could his level be so bad?

Thinking of this, he looked at Zi Xing proudly.

This woman is always pressing his head, which makes him very depressed.

And this time, he will definitely be able to take the first place, expressing the evil spirit in his heart.

But said the other side, the eastern examination area.

The atmosphere is depressing!

Many people are worried about the next assessment.

At this moment, the hall shook, and a huge door of light appeared in the center of the square.

The entrance to the third exam is open!

"It's on! Let's go!"

"Yeah! Don't waste your time! It's as many points as you can get!""

While lamenting, all the examiners poured into the examination area.

Nine-headed Lion Saint smiled and followed with confidence.

"Let's go too!"

In the corner, Qin Feng and the other five also entered with the flow of people.

Soon, Qin Feng stepped into the door of light.

After getting down to earth, Qin Feng found himself in a closed refining room.

He's the only one in the house!

The decoration is simple and simple. There is a pile of materials and a table in the center of the room.

Qin Feng walked to the table and saw a crystal ball and a jade board on it.

There are written instructions on the jade plate.

This refiner is divided into three levels!

The first level is to refine an emperor-level Yuanwu.

Before refining, you need to activate the crystal ball on the table and activate the timing system of the secret realm, otherwise the result will be invalid.

Then, within the time specified in the secret realm, complete the refining.

If the timeout is not completed, the challenge will fail.

If it is completed within the specified time, the secret realm will give a score based on the time used and the quality of the Yuanwu refining.

Next, the content displayed on the jade board is the assessment content of this level, as well as the blueprint for refining the designated Yuan Wu.

It only took dozens of seconds for Qin Feng to finish reading the content.

In the first stage of the assessment, it was actually required to complete the refining within three hours, otherwise it would be considered eliminated.

This standard is very high.

It is difficult for most refiners of the nine-star peak refinery level to refine the designated Yuanwu within three hours.

Qin Feng looked at the drawing.

This level is to refine an emperor-level spear, which he has never refined before.

However, at his current level, there is no concern at all.

The next second, he activated the timing crystal ball.

Afterwards, he pinched the seal with his hand, and the Promise Divine Seal was activated.

With him as the center, a five-meter radius is shrouded in the infinite barrier, and the timing crystal ball is not shrouded.

In the next second, the time flow rate in the enchantment is changed.

Time force field 20 times!

20 seconds have passed in the enchantment, and only 1 second has passed outside.

Since Qin Feng broke through to the realm of the emperor of the universe, his time ability has been greatly strengthened.

Ordinary god emperor's control of the time force field is 10 times, and he is 20 times.

At the moment, Qin Feng sat cross-legged, waved his hand, and a pile of materials flew over.

With his hands flying together, he began to refine the artifact.

At the same time, the southern test area.

The phantom avatar also used the same method to expand the refining tool.

However, the Yuanwu that the phantom clone was designated to refine was a shield.

In this assessment, the Yuan Wu refined by each assessor is different.

If you encounter a type that is good at refining, you will naturally get good grades, and if you encounter a type that is not good at refining, your grades will be worse.

There is also an element of luck in the assessment. …

In this way, the refining assessment officially began.

Just at the beginning of the assessment, many complaints were heard in the refining room.

Some appraisers who originally knew something about the refinement, were dumbfounded when they saw the requirements for the refinement.

Within three hours, the designated emperor-level Yuanwu will be refined.

Only the devil can do it!

This requires a lot of talent!

Qin Feng naturally didn't know about these.

At this moment, (baeh) inside the boundless barrier.

He greeted the flip with both hands, and the fire rolled in waves.

Pieces of smelter material are smelted.

One after another inscriptions are engraved in the array...

In just a few minutes, the prototype of a long spear was formed in Qin Feng's hands.

In a few more minutes...


The long gun is clear!

Bright light!

"Haha! It's done!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, removed the Wuji barrier, and strode towards the timing crystal ball.

He pressed the crystal ball with one hand!


The crystal ball beeps!

The first time is over!

On the table, information appeared on the jade slab.

"Qin Huang, the first level is 37 seconds, the quality of refining Yuanwu: perfect grade, evaluation: 1000 points (full score).

"not bad!"

Qin Feng smiled.

At this moment, a piece of text appeared on the jade plate again.

Qin Feng took a closer look and found that it was actually some refining experience.

These experiences are written in the universal language of the universe, no longer in talisman script.

After reading it, Qin Feng had a clear understanding in his heart.

At the same time, the southern test area.

The phantom clone also completed the first level of assessment.

In front of him, there was also a piece of artifact refining experience.

This experience is different from what the body sees.

After watching the phantom avatar, Qin Feng also realized something.

Comparing the two experiences, Qin Feng feels that his art of refining has made some progress.

He was overjoyed.

This is not an ordinary refining test!

Every time you pass the level, you will not only get points, but also get the experience of the master of the unicorn.

This is a chance!

As for each person's assessment, if they have to take three exams, they can also get three times of refining experience.

But Qin Feng was different, he and the phantom clone were assessed at the same time, and he could get a total of six experiences.

Chances are doubled!

At the same time, another piece of refiner was inside the secret room.

The Nine-headed Lion Saint was leisurely reading the information on the jade board.

Within three hours, an emperor-level Yuanwu will be refined.

This is very difficult!

But he likes it!

The greater the difficulty, the better for him.

Who made his art of refining weapons superb!

If it is said that who can beat him in this secret realm, perhaps only the ancestor Wutian.

I don't know how the progress of Wutian Ancestor is going?

The Nine-headed Lion Saint was thinking wildly while analyzing the Yuanwu blueprint of this level.

What he wants to refine is a battle axe, which is not too difficult.

In just a moment, the Nine-headed Lion Saint finished parsing the blueprint, with a confident smile on his face.

He's about to start refining!

Nine-headed Lion Saint reached out with one hand and pressed the timing crystal ball to the side.

But when his finger was about to touch the crystal, Ziyun Ling moved, and the information was refreshed.

The Nine-headed Lion Saint was curious and took out the token to take a look.

The real-time ranking of the third assessment:

First place, Emperor Qin, points: 1000 points, (passed the first level)


Nine-headed Lion Saint's jaw dropped!


The Purple Cloud Token in his hand fell on the table.

"This... how is this possible! This saint has not even started yet, how could he pass the level!"

Nine-headed Lion Saint was completely dumbfounded!

At this very moment, the entire Eastern District became a sensation!

Everyone looked at the information on Ziyun Ling and was extremely shocked.

My goodness!

How long has it been since?

It's not even a minute!

They didn't even read the information on the jade board, and Qin Huang passed the test with 1,000 points.

The concept of 1000 points is not clear to everyone.

But the speed of this pass is too scary!

For a time, the exclamation continued!

This Emperor Qin is really mysterious and powerful!

Unconsciously, the evaluation of Emperor Qin's status in the hearts of the people rose rapidly and became increasingly unattainable.

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