Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 529 The Seal of Destiny (for subscription)

This time the harvest is very good!

Qin Feng walked towards the exchange platform with satisfaction.

Coming to a platform, he put down the token.

After a while, the sky above the sky was full of rays of light, and the lotus of the primordial spirit, the divine crystal of space, the divine crystal of time, the divine crystal of reincarnation, the golden puppet (complete), and the aura of Yuqing all fell.

The inventory of resource light curtains has become zero.

These are the remaining resources of the Rift.

Next, apart from various inheritance and special resource rewards, there should be no more common resources.

The common resources of the entire secret realm were almost obtained by Qin Feng alone.

He collected all the items satisfactorily, checked the token, and there were more than 210,000 points left.

To empty this treasure trove is very expensive!

I don't know what resources are there in the half-step master treasury?

Where there should be no common resources, what should be displayed should be special resources, which are scarce and expensive.

Qin Feng feels that the points are not enough!

"By the way, there is another token!"

Qin Feng thought about it and took out another token, which contained more than 10,000 points.

He moved directly over.

In the blink of an eye, his points became 230,000 points.

That token belonged to the three leaders of the Demon Domain.

He had been ignoring it before, but now he remembered that the scores in it were quite impressive.

Qin Feng didn't know that his 230,000 points were already the highest score among several half-step masters.

The big leader of the Demon Realm only had 130,000 points, and the rest of the people didn't have more than 100,000 points.

Afterwards, Qin Feng devoured all of the more than 1,600 lotus of the primordial spirit "One Five Three" that he had just obtained.

At the same time, the western test area.

Both Zi Xing and Wutian Ancestor are anxiously waiting for the half-step Dominant Treasure to be opened.

In the corner, the mysterious bald old man was also watching silently.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps approached.

The bald old man looked up and saw the young man in black came back with a few of his subordinates.

Just now, the black-clothed youth went to the First Stage, Second Stage, and God Emperor Treasure House.

"How is the situation?", the bald old man asked in a low voice.

"Hey! It's gone!", the young man in black looked disappointed.

The bald old man nodded slightly, not surprised.

In the main hall, everyone said that the boy in white emptied the treasure house, and it really happened!

"Senior, I will give you my points!" The black-clothed youth took out the token.

So far, it is useless for him to keep points.

"Never mind! Year, the bald old man took the token.

The next second, he looked at the point token, showing surprise.

"7900 points!! Xiaoye, you are indeed a lucky person!

The bald old man couldn't help but sigh, and there was some envy in his tone.

The young man in black was stunned for a moment: "Senior thinks this junior is lucky?"

"Isn't it?", the bald old man asked back, "Think about it, this time there are nearly one million examiners, how many people can stay?

"Among the remaining people, how many of them can get more than 5,000 points?"

"Furthermore, those with more than 5,000 points are basically the tests of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor. But your cultivation is only in the early stage of the first round, so you can compete with them."5

"If it wasn't for the protection of luck, would you have achieved such a result?

After saying these words, the surrounding men nodded.

Even the young man in black looked stunned.

That being said, it really is!

There really is no harm in comparison!

But then, the young man in black frowned again and said, "Senior, even so, the luck of the junior is obviously much worse. 35

"If it were ten years ago, my luck would have been more than doubled. But now, not only has my luck worsened, but my training speed has also slowed down a lot."

"What I don't understand is that my cultivation aptitude has not declined, and my cultivation resources have never been lacking. Why does my cultivation speed slow down? 35

The young man in black was genuinely suspicious.

The bald old man gave him a strange look, as if in deep thought.

Speaking of which, he had a good impression of the youth in black.

This young man is extremely talented, but he is very humble, and he is extremely respectful, making people willing to get close to him.

At the moment, he sighed: "That's it! There must be some things that your father never told you. The old man will tell you the truth! Anyway, even if the old man doesn't say it, you will know it eventually!"

The young man in black was surprised: "Senior, please let me know!"

The bald old man nodded slightly: "Xiao Ye, you must know that. If you want to become a star master, you not only need to cultivate talent, but also need luck. Otherwise, even if the talent is sky-high and the luck is not good, it will be extremely difficult to break through to the star master. 99

"And the things of luck are illusory, they can be acquired, or they can be carried by nature. Those who are born with luck are those who are destined to return.

"This type of person is extremely rare! And their appearance will affect the general trend of the entire universe. The most famous among them is the Lord of Mysteries!

The youth was curious: "Senior, what is the Lord of Weirdness?"

It was the first time he had heard this title.

The old man said in a low voice: "The Lord of Mysteries is a strange number in heaven and earth, and his luck is very prosperous! If he appears, if the sky does not collapse, he will prosper! If the earth does not perish, he will surely prosper! Unpredictable!

"However, he doesn't have much to do with your affairs. You are also a man of destiny. Your destiny is to be the East Star Lord of the next generation of the Four Great Pole Star Lords."

Hearing this, the young man in black was a little excited.

The surrounding subordinates were also amazed.

But immediately, the old man looked worried again: "What a pity! Your destiny has changed!

"Senior, how do you say this?"

"Xiao Ye, do you know where your destiny comes from?"

The young man was stunned: "Didn't you bring it with you at birth?"

The old man smiled and shook his head: "No! Before you were about to be born, the master has already measured that you have the potential of a low-grade star master, but you don't have luck!""

The youth was stunned.

The master in the old man's mouth is his master.

It's just that he didn't expect that he was not born with luck.

"Senior, where did my luck come from?

The old man said proudly: "Of course my master did it! The master sees that you have the potential of a low-grade star master, and the future is promising. He did not hesitate to spend millions of years of skill to plant a destiny on you!"

The young man was shocked: "Can the destiny be planted?"

The old man said proudly: "The master is in control of the supreme true meaning - the Divine Seal of Destiny! The destiny he planted for you is to become the successor of the Zulong, and then become the eastern star of the next generation of the four polar stars!

The young man was surprised.

His father had told him that he was the destined successor of the ancestor dragon.

Unexpectedly, all this was actually done by the master.

The master is really powerful!

It is also true that when the ancestors of the dragon might dominate the universe, they were not killed by the master.

Huh! That's right!

Just now, Senior He said that he would become the next generation of the master of the Four Great Star Pole.

Could it be that the master is calculating several contemporary masters of star poles again?

Thinking of this, the young man in black was shocked.

At this time, the old man continued: "The destiny arranged for you by the master makes you the successor of the Ancestral Dragon, and you inherit the remaining luck of the Ancestral Dragon invisibly.

The youth in black was puzzled: "Didn't Zulong fall? Why is the luck still there?

The old man sighed: "Even if these characters die, they will not be completely extinct. Unless his luck is completely gone. As long as he still has luck, he will have a successor, and his family will be reborn. For this , the master is powerless!

The young man in black was surprised: "Senior, do you mean that there is no way for the master to take luck? 35

"Yeah!" The ancestor nodded helplessly, "Luck is nebulous and cannot be controlled by human beings, even the master can't do it. However, luck can be deprived or suppressed.

"You are the destiny of the inheritor of the ancestral dragon. However, your inheritance has been taken away by others. Your ancestral dragon's luck will be reduced by half. You will naturally feel that your luck has become worse!"

"Not only that, your cultivation speed will decline. Qi Luck is extremely magical. With the same aptitude, people with strong Qi Luck practice faster. People with the same combat power are also stronger in Qi Luck."

"For example, alchemy, epiphany, etc., people with good luck often have a doubled success rate. There are countless such benefits.

"It's a pity! Everyone in the world is not protected by luck, only the star masters will have luck, not even the masters.

The old man was both envious and sighed.

Hearing this, the young man in black finally understood why his luck had deteriorated.0

He clearly remembered that when he was in a retreat, he suddenly felt that he had lost something extremely precious.

It was a weird feeling that cannot be described in words.

Before long, news came from the outside world.

The Ancestral Dragon inheritance has been inherited.

That is, from then on, he obviously felt that his luck had deteriorated.

The truth of everything is here!

The hearts of young people are sinking!

He felt inexplicably hated for those who stole his inheritance.

This young man in black is the Son of Heaven!

That is, the only son of the Twilight Lord.

"He senior, can I still find my luck? 35

Ye Tianzi is very concerned about this issue.

The old man nodded: "Yes! As long as you kill the ancestor of the ancestor dragon, the other half of the ancestor dragon's luck will automatically return to you, and you can still obtain the ancestor dragon inheritance."

"Actually, as soon as the ancestor of the ancestral dragon appeared, the master sent people to look for him in every corner of the universe. Unfortunately, it has never been found. All these are variables!"

"This time, the master sent me to protect you to visit the Ziyun secret realm. Whether you can obtain the inheritance of the unicorn master is secondary or not, and replenishing your luck is the first priority. As long as your luck goes up, everything has the hope of regaining it. .99

Ye Tianzi asked curiously: "Is there something in this secret realm that can improve luck?"

"Of course!", the old man explained, "The inheritance of star masters comes with their own luck. In the Qilin lineage, the Qilin master is the top-grade star master. Under him, there are three sub-clans of Fire Qilin, Water Qilin, and Rui Qilin. The patriarchs are all inferior star masters.”

"The inheritance of the three of them is also in this secret realm. Among the three, the Rui Qilin patriarch is a low-grade star master, but his luck is comparable to that of the Qilin master, so he is called Rui Qilin. 99

"If we don't get the inheritance of the unicorn master, getting the inheritance of Ruiqilin can also make up for your luck."

Ye Tianzi nodded slightly.

Later, he asked curiously: "Senior, is it that the stronger the luck, the more powerful it is?"

The bald-headed old man smiled and said, "Of course! Those with strong fortunes can create a clan! Those with luck that cover the sky can flatten the universe!"

"Senior, if I fall, will the luck of the ancestor dragon on me be transferred to the person who steals the inheritance of the ancestor dragon?

"Yes! This is exactly what the master worries about the most!", the bald old man looked helpless.

"Senior, then you said that the inheritor who stole the inheritance will also come to the secret realm?"

Ye Tianzi suddenly had this strange idea.

The bald old man smiled and shook his head: "It's unlikely!"


"The problem is very simple! Back then, the master planted your destiny and did some tricks. The person who wants to inherit the ancestor's inheritance is 4.7, and the cultivation base cannot exceed nine stars, so the cultivation base of the one who steals the inheritance must not be high.

"Besides, it didn't take long for this to happen. It's hard to say whether that person has been in the Great Emperor Realm since he practiced! And the examiners here are basically above the Second Wheel Realm, so this old man thinks it's unlikely.

After listening to this explanation, Ye Tianzi nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

In fact, they all underestimated Qin Feng's luck.

Qin Feng's luck is that of the strange master, plus half of the ancestral dragon's luck.

At this moment, the God Emperor is in the Great Perfection Treasure House.

Qin Feng has devoured the Lotus of Primordial Spirit.

His cultivation base increased to 87% in the late round of the realm, and his combat power increased to 120,000 trillion.

Then, he waved his hand, and nearly forty Divine Origin Orbs appeared.

He swallowed it all in one bite,

"Ding! Devouring the Divine Origin Orb successfully...Congratulations to the host for breaking through to a round of Great Perfection (the Great Emperor of the Universe)....The combat power has increased to 140,000 trillion (not the strongest state)

"Finally complete!

Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

He finally reached the bottleneck of the first round, and the next step was the second round.

The next second, Qin Feng withdrew the Wuji barrier and walked out confidently.

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