Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 534: The Magical Use of Ruilin's Qi (Subscription)

On the other hand, Qin Feng activated the Promise Seal immediately after returning to the eastern examination area.

The time flow of the entire hall was adjusted by him twenty times to the outside world.

That is to say, 20 minutes passed by the main hall in the east area, and only one minute passed by the other test areas.

With his operation, the examiners in the hall sensed the change, and they were all shocked.

But these people dare not say much.

In the corner, the God Emperor Xiaoyao was even more shocked.

It was incredible that Emperor Qin could break the restrictions on time and laws of the secret realm.

Could it be that Emperor Qin had mastered a supreme divine seal?

God Emperor Xiaoyao thought about it and thought it was impossible.

The Supreme Divine Seal is extremely difficult to possess even the Lord, and most of them only appear on the Star Lord.

What's more, Qin Huang was only one round of cultivation.

He couldn't believe that Emperor Qin would master a supreme divine seal.

He didn't know that Qin Feng mastered not one, but four.

On the other hand, Qin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to what everyone thought.

After he opened the Wuji Barrier, he raised the Xunfengyun World Flag and entered the Qingyun Barrier.

After a few minutes, Qin Feng finished everything.

He arranged Chu Chu and Bao Bao to the southern examination area to assist the phantom clone to acquire points.

In the southern examination area, the phantom clone also opened the infinite barrier.

On the eastern test area, Bai Qi was responsible for acquiring points.

At this moment, within the Azure Cloud Barrier.

Qin Feng and Yu Qilin are talking.

"Yu'er, these are for you!""

Qin Feng waved his hand, and three drops of divine blood flew to the jade unicorn

"Hey! Shuilin's blood!" Yu Qilin received "One Five Three" in surprise.

What she wants to inherit is the inheritance of the water unicorn.

This Shuilin Divine Blood was of great help to her.

The jade unicorn put away the blood and stick to Qin Feng delicately.

"Master, you are so kind to the little slave girl!"

While speaking, she winked like silk, and her beautiful appearance was extremely seductive.

Qin Feng wrapped her arms around her slender waist.

"Yu'er, let's get down to business! Why does Zixing only want the blood of Huo Lin and not the holy blood of Qilin?"

Qin Feng caressed with a big hand, and while feeling the graceful curve, he asked the doubts in his heart.

Yu Qilin smiled and said, "It's normal for outsiders to know about this secret about the Qilin family."

"Oh, what secret?"

"So, our Qilin Lord's combat power is comparable to Yuan Feng, but he just can't beat Yuan Feng, why do you think?


Yu Qilin explained with a smile: "That is, the Qilin Lord's luck is not as good as Yuan Feng Changlong. This matter makes the Qilin Lord worry about it."

"Later, he set the rules in the family. His inheritance will be inherited by Rui Qilin. Because Rui Qilin has the highest luck, it should be the orthodox of the Qilin family. 35

"In order to avoid the conflict between the three veins, he directly set a dead rule. No matter which unicorn branch you are, as long as you have the ability to inherit the Ruiqilin inheritance, you are qualified to inherit his inheritance."9

Hearing this, Qin Feng realized something: "That is to say, if you want to inherit the legacy of the kylin master, you must first inherit the legacy of the Rui kylin?

"Indeed!" Yu Qilin continued, "But it is too difficult to inherit Rui Qilin's inheritance, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people! 99

Qin Feng was curious: "What are the conditions for inheriting Ruiqilin's inheritance?"

"Qi Luck!" Yu Qilin sighed, "Only those who protect the body of Qi Luck are qualified to inherit the inheritance of Rui Qilin. 35

"But in reality, many rulers don't have qi luck protection, let alone the lower ones. Those assessors want to get the inheritance of the unicorn master, after all, it's just whimsical!

"Not to mention them, even Zi Xing and I have no luck. Even if we are all descendants of Qilin, we are still not qualified to inherit the inheritance of Rui Qilin."

"However, the master is different, you have luck. You should be the only one in the entire secret realm who has luck. Zixing should have seen this, so she gave you the holy blood of the unicorn."

Yu Qilin snuggled in Qin Feng's arms with a proud face.

Her master is different, even if it is only one round, there is a fortune protection body.

This is where she is proud of.

Qin Feng suddenly realized: "No wonder Zixing gave me the unicorn holy blood. By the way, why is the secret realm still rewarding the unicorn holy blood in the assessment?"

The jade unicorn thought for a while and said, "The reward for the holy blood of the unicorn may represent the qualification to enter the inheritance place of the unicorn master. As for the arrangement in the inheritance place, I don't know. 99

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

He thought so too.

"Yu'er, do you know what Bai Jing is doing?"

Qin Feng took out a spherical spar that was as white as jade.

Yu Qilin took a closer look and said with surprise: "My God! It's really Bai Tianjing! Qin Feng, this is a good thing!

In the previous treasure house, Qin Feng did not open the external vision.

The jade unicorn does not know what treasures are in the treasure house.

"Qin Feng, how many points did you exchange?

"10,000 points!

"Then you make a lot of money!

"How to say?"

Yu Qilin explained: "Let's talk to you! Generally, after stars age, some will become white dwarfs, and some will become neutron stars or black hole celestial bodies. This white dwarf will only produce a white dwarf, and it will take 1 billion years to produce a white dwarf!"

"So few!" Qin Feng exclaimed.

"Yes! It is precious because of its rarity. Generally speaking, the effect of one white crystal is equivalent to a thousand primordial lotus!"

Qin Feng was delighted: "This is not bad!

Jade unicorn continued: "Not only that! It has another special effect, which is to help the god emperor break through to half-step dominance.

"Of course, it must be the Divine Emperor's Great Perfection Peak cultivation base, and it must be continuous refining of three or four white crystals without interruption. In this way, there is a 30% chance of breaking through to half-step domination."

"The 30% chance is not bad! This is really a good thing!

Qin Feng suddenly felt so lucky.

The ten white crystals in the treasury were all exchanged by him.

This is equivalent to him getting 10,000 lotus of Primordial Spirit all at once, which is even more precious.

Yu Qilin sighed: "This thing is especially popular with the rulers. Because the Xingxi stone and the lotus of the primordial spirit have no effect on them, and the white crystal is of great use to them. It's a pity that it is too rare!

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and asked again, "Then do you know what the True Spirit Holy Water is used for?

The jade unicorn was shocked again: "Qin Feng, is there the water of true spirit in the treasure house?"

"Yeah! Do you know what that is?"

"That is a legendary thing!" Yu Qilin exclaimed, "It is rumored that the water of true spirit can purify the soul, greatly enhance the strength of the soul, and bring wonderful benefits. There is a condition to use it! 39

"What conditions?"

"It must be a cultivation level below the god emperor. After breaking through to the god emperor, it will be useless. Qin Feng, I suggest that you must exchange the true spirit holy water, it will be of great help to you.""

Yu Qilin looked serious.

Qin Feng nodded: "The whole secret realm of true spirit holy water is the only one. I also want to exchange it. Unfortunately, the points are not enough now! To exchange that, 200,000 points are needed. 99

"No wonder you asked Chu Chu and Bai Qi to collect points. This thing is worth 200,000 points. By the way, what else is there in the treasure house that you don't know?"

Yu Qilin took the initiative to ask.

Qin Feng smiled.

Her own woman is worthy of being the reincarnation of the master, and her knowledge is much more profound than her own, so asking her is indeed the right thing to do.

"The other is the Qi of Rui Lin, do you know what it is for?"

Yu Qilin was shocked again: "No way? Does it really have the spirit of Ruilin?

"Yes! What is that for?"

Yu Qilin took a deep breath and said, "I heard rumors within the clan in my previous life. The patriarch of Rui Qilin's lineage has been cultivating a secret technique, and he wants to materialize and condense his luck."

"This idea is unbelievable! Destiny should be amorphous. Unexpectedly, the Rui Qilin patriarch succeeded in the end. The Qi of Rui Qilin is the part of Rui Qilin's luck.

"Whoever acquires it and refines it will be able to obtain the Qi Luck Bodyguard. That person is qualified to inherit the Rui Qilin inheritance.

Qin Feng was shocked: "In this way, the Qi of Rui Lin is the biggest treasure in the treasure house!"

Yuqilin nodded: "That's true! Rumor has it that the Ruiqilin patriarch wanted to draw one-tenth of his luck. That group of Ruiqi's aura should be one-tenth of his luck."

"Qin Feng, you must find a way to get luck. Even if you can't get it, don't let others get it. 35

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "This is natural!"

When he understood all of this, he felt a lot more relaxed in his heart.

At this moment, in this hall, the nuclearists are all talking about it.0

"I didn't expect that the four treasure houses were all empty! It's scary!"

"Yeah! Even the half-step master-level treasure house has only two items left, one with 200,000 points and the other with 300,000 points, which cannot be exchanged by humans at all.

"Everyone, what's the use of keeping these few hundred points in our hands?


"Haha! What else is there to consider? In a few dozen minutes, this exchange will end. At that time, all points will be reset to zero. This point will not even be worth the fart! 35

"That's right! Forget it, I'll sell it. Now Qin Huang's people are buying points. One point can be exchanged for 50 Xingxi Stones, which is still very cost-effective.

"That's right! I sold it too!"

After this discussion, more and more examiners walked to a certain corner.

In that corner, Bai Qi set up a stall to collect points.

At this moment, Bai Qi's business was extremely hot, and he was surrounded by hundreds of people.

Inside the Qingyun Barrier, Qin Feng saw this scene and showed a relieved smile.

In this treasure exchange, he killed a lot of people in the other three districts, but the east district suffered the fewest deaths.

This area has the most points remaining.

Of course, these people would actively sell their points, and it was Bai Qi who told them that there were no treasures in the treasure house, and they could go in and have a look.

Some bold people went in and looked, and sure enough, there was nothing.

And there are only two treasures left, they can't exchange it at all.

As a result, they might as well sell their points.

All this was expected by Qin Feng.

At the same time, a similar scene also happened in the southern examination area.

Those assessors confirmed that there was no treasure that could be redeemed in the treasury, and in desperation, they sold points to the phantom clone and Chu Chu.

It all happened very smoothly.

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Except for God Emperor Xiaoyao, all the remaining points in the Eastern District Examination Area went to Qin Feng's hands, and a total of more than 50,000 points were obtained.

On the other hand, the purchase of points in the southern test area was also successfully completed.

Except for Lufa Tiandi, everyone else sold their points to the phantom clone.

The phantom clone collected more than 40,000 points in total.

At the same time, the northern test area.

The big leader of the Demon Domain just finished his commentary.

His subordinates are starting to set up stalls, and the acquisition of points has not yet begun.

The examiners in the entire hall were skeptical of his words.

It's not that the Chieftain is procrastinating.

It was Qin Feng and the phantom avatar who cast the Promise Barrier.

The world velocity in the East and South is 20 quilts in the North.

Half an hour passed between Qin Feng and the virtual 4.7 shadow clone.

It's only been about 2 minutes since the big boss.

In this way, the time difference will come out.

But at this moment, the eastern examination area.

Inside the Azure Cloud Formation.

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

The points he acquired in the Eastern District and the Southern District are only more than 90,000 points.

This is clearly not enough!

"Qin Feng, how is the situation? It's still a lot worse" Yu Qilin asked with concern.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

It was at this moment that footsteps sounded outside the Qingyun Barrier.

The God Emperor Xiaoyao came over.

Qin Feng looked over curiously.

In the entire examination area, this God Emperor Xiaoyao still has points.

"Lord Qin Huang, I have 60,000 points on me, and I want to trade with you. Can I have an interview? 35

The Emperor Xiaoyao stood respectfully outside the barrier.

At the same time, the same scene happened in the southern examination area.

The mysterious Lufa Tiandi walked in front of the phantom avatar.

With a warm smile on his face, he said: "Brother Qin, I have more than 90,000 points, and I want to exchange something with you! 35

At this moment, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar both lit up at the same time.

PS: Jianghu emergency, the author wants to apply for a recommendation this week, the number of subscribers may be small, please help and support!!

Thank you so much!!!!

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