Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 536th Half step Domination Gathering (Subscription)

At the same time, within the half-step Dominator-level treasure house.

Qin Feng and the phantom avatar were waiting boredly.

At this moment, the light and shadow at the door dimmed.

The big leader of the Demon Domain walked in in a comfortable mood and saw Qin Feng and the phantom avatar at a glance.

"It's you!" The big leader frowned.

Why are these two guys still here?

With them around, it is inconvenient for me to exchange treasures!

The big boss was a little unhappy.

While on guard, he silently walked to the exchange platform.

"Big boss, how did you come back? Is it possible that the points are enough?"

Qin Feng smiled and inquired.

"Ah!", the big chief smiled half-smile.

To tell the truth, he was a little bit down on Qin Feng.

In his eyes, Qin Feng should have just broken through to a half-step dominance, with a combat power of about 100,000 trillion, and he is not qualified to talk to himself.

He didn't even know why he had such thoughts.

Or, purely his intuition.

The only thing he is afraid of is the phantom clone.

However, the virtual shadow clone and Qin Huang were in the same group, so he did not dare to do anything to Qin Feng.

He didn't know yet that both the phantom avatar and Qin Feng were played by Qin Feng alone.

Unconsciously, the big boss walked near the exchange platform.

He ignored Qin Feng and looked directly at the phantom clone.

The phantom avatar came out cross-legged, the whole figure was hidden under the cloak of Shenyin, and he couldn't see his expression at all, and even his breath changed.

"This guy is really mysterious!

The big leader muttered in his heart.

Then, he looked up at the resource light curtain.

When he saw it, he was stunned!

The holy water of the true spirit has been redeemed!

Qi of Ruilin, 300,000 points/group, 1 group in stock.

"The exchange of True Spirit Holy Water is complete?!

The big leader panicked.

"You exchanged the true spirit holy water? 35

The big leader looked at Qin Feng and the phantom avatar eagerly.


"Not you? There's no one else here except you!"

The big boss was a little annoyed.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

He came to exchange the Holy Spirit with full confidence, but he did not expect such a result.

This makes him unacceptable!

Qin Feng sneered: "Hehe! Chief, did you see with your own eyes that we exchanged it?"

Big Chief:

This made the big leader speechless.

He really didn't see it with his own eyes.

"Then do you know, who exchanged the True Spirit Holy Water?" The big leader was still not reconciled.

"This ghost knows! We are all newcomers. When we came, the holy water of the true spirit was gone~".

Qin Feng ran the train with his mouth full.

Anyway, dead without proof!

The big leader opened his mouth, a little depressed.

This conversation can't go on.

He wanted to use strength, but whether one of them was a match for Qin Feng and the two, he wanted to find out the details, but he couldn't find it, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Could it be that the 210,000 points he finally collected would be rotten in his hands like this.

"Strange! Why are you two here all the time? Don't you still want to exchange the Qi of Rui Lin?"

The big leader suddenly thought of this question.

Qin Feng laughed loudly: "Haha!! Chief, you look at us too highly. With 300,000 points of Ruilin Qi, where do we have any points. We stay here, just wondering who will exchange it in the end!

The big leader sneered: "You are joking! 300,000 points, who can get together in this secret realm! This leader sees that you are waiting in vain!""

The big chief's mouth twitched slightly.

He also wants to say that he can get 210,000 points, and he has already exhausted all his efforts.

He didn't think anyone could do more than him.

Qin Feng didn't care: "It doesn't matter if someone comes to exchange. Anyway, there is no loss. But if someone comes to exchange, wouldn't it be better? The so-called seer has a share, I still have a chance!"

The big leader was taken aback.

This reminded him.

He couldn't help looking at Qin Feng, and thought to himself that Qin Huang was not a good person!

"Emperor Qin, what are your thoughts?" the big leader asked curiously.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Let's be honest! According to the emperor's estimate, no one in this secret realm should have 300,000 positives. In this case, we all put the points together."

"If you can collect 300,000 points, then you can't exchange the Qi of Rui Lin."

The big leader's eyes lit up, this method is feasible.

Immediately, he asked: "There is only one mass of Ruilin's energy, how to divide it?"55'

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Sign the contract first, then put the points together. Then take out the aura of Ruilin, whoever grabs it is whoever gets it!"

The big leader frowned: "I don't think this is fair! Some people have more points, while others have less points. So, wouldn't those who have more points suffer?"

"Boss, how many points do you have?"

The big leader hesitated before saying: "210,000 points! 35

Qin Feng shook his head and laughed: "That's still not enough! You have 210,000 points, we each have 20,000 points, and if we add 250,000 points together, we still can't exchange Ruilin Qi. 39

"The big boss is now arguing who has more points and who has less points. What's the point?"

As soon as these words fell, Qin Feng controlled the phantom avatar to agree.

"That's right! If you can't get 300,000 points, no matter how many points you have, you are nothing. After ten minutes, the exchange time will end. At that time, your points will be cleared and become worthless. !

The big leader was stunned.

Fuck it~!

That's true!

At the moment, he said anxiously: "Then is there any way for you to get some more points?"

The big boss didn't want to let his 210,000 points go to waste and become worthless at all.

He spent a lot of Xingxi Stone to buy it.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly: "I have collected enough points in the Eastern District. The points in the Southern District have been acquired by this friend. Where are the extra points? By the way, all the points in the Northern District of the big boss have been acquired?"

The big leader nodded slightly, and his brows couldn't help frowning.

There are indeed no more points left in the North District.

"In this way, the three districts have no points. We can only wait for the southern district." The big leader was helpless.

Qin Feng said, "It's hard to say! Maybe the southern district is gone. It's been so long, I haven't seen anyone from the southern district come in, I'm afraid... Hey! Chief, I see you 21 Ten thousand points will become worthless!"

Qin Feng deliberately depreciated the value of points.

The more the big chief listened, the more upset he became.

He vaguely guessed Qin Feng's thoughts.

But he couldn't deny that what Qin Feng said was the truth, if no one in the southern district came to collect 50,000 points.

His 210,000 points are really going to be rotten.

In this way, not only did he not get any benefits from the resource exchange this time, but he also posted a large number of Xingxi Stones for the purchase of points!

This thought made the big boss even more depressed.

At the same time, the southern test area.

Points acquisition in the Southern District is also over.

This time, it's not just Zixing that is acquiring.

Ye Tianzi is also buying.

There are not many remaining points in this area, and they have been acquired several times before.

After this, Zixing only acquired more than 10,000 points.

Ye Tianzi is still more than 40,000 points.

And the ancestor Wutian saw that the two parties were acquiring, and he has been sitting on the sidelines without any action.

He only has more than a thousand points left, and he has completely given up on himself, too lazy to buy any points.

He had seen it before, and there were only 200,000 points of True Spirit Holy Water and 300,000 points of Ruiqi Qi left in it.

Such points are obviously impossible to get together.

He couldn't understand why Zi Xing and another group of people were still acquiring points.

At the same time, in the corner of the hall.

Ye Tianzi looked worried: `He seniors, now all the points in the field have been acquired. But we only have more than 40,000 points. Not to mention the exchange of these points for the Qi of Rui Lin, even the Holy Water of the True Spirit can't be exchanged!

"Hey~! Let's take one step at a time! (Hao Li)", the bald old man also frowned.

Before, he went to the treasure house and found that there was aura of Ruilin in it.

This makes him happy!

If you can get the Qi of Rui Lin, it will be of great help to Ye Tianzi's Qi fortune.

It's a pity! It's too expensive to exchange Ruilin's Qi!

At this moment, there was a commotion in the field.

The bald old man looked up and saw Zi Xing entered the treasure house.

The Ancestor Wutian rolled his eyes and followed.

"Senior He, that Zi Xing and Wutian Ancestor have entered!" Ye Tianzi reminded.

"Well, the old man also go in and have a look!

The bald old man got up and walked towards the entrance of the treasure house.

PS: Jianghu emergency, the author wants to apply for a recommendation this week, the number of subscribers may be small, please help and support!!

Thank you so much!!!!

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