Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 544 Star Lord Inheritance Opens (Subscription)

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field was inexplicably depressing.

Although Qin Feng did not appear, his influence was always there.

Ancestor Wutian, the big leader and others all felt a little depressed.

This Emperor Qin is really hard to deal with!

Ye Tianzi sat back in the corner and remained silent.

Seeing that Ye Tianzi was a little lost, the bald old man comforted him.

"Xiao Ye, you need to take a long-term view. Although Emperor Qin is better than you at present, these are only temporary. After all, you are adhering to the destiny of the Pole Star Lord, and you will eventually become a figure at the peak of the universe!

This made Ye Tianzi's eyes lit up.

That's right!

He is the next Pole Star Lord and a big man in the future.

This Qin Emperor has no destiny, and at most will be a top-rank ruler in the future.

He can't compare to himself at all!

Why do you always compare yourself with little people!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianzi regained his self-confidence and his expression became calm.

At the moment, he nodded earnestly: "Senior taught me a lesson! It's the younger one who is photographed!"

The bald-headed old man is pleased: "You can recognize this, and your heart is still good. In short, we don't want to conflict with Emperor Qin at the moment, at least until you get a supplement of luck.

"Don't forget! You still have a huge threat, and that is to steal the inheritor of Zulong. That person is a hundred times more dangerous to you than Emperor Qin. He directly affects your destiny! 99

Ye Tianzi heard "one seven zero".

He asked in shock: "Senior, what do you mean, if I fall, not only will my luck be taken away by the person who steals the inheritance, but also the destiny of the Lord of the Pole Star will be taken away by him?"

The bald old man sighed helplessly: "That's it! If you fall, you will not only lose your luck, but also your destiny. Maybe it's worse than this!"

Ye Tianzi was shocked: "Is there anything worse?

The bald old man nodded: "If the thief already has the destiny in his body, if he gets your destiny again, he will have more control. What will happen in the future is unimaginable!"

"For all this, even the master has no way to control it! His plans for tens of billions of years will be completely disrupted!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianzi looked solemn.

Things are more serious than he expected!

"Senior, Xiao Ye understands. After a while, the inheritance of Rui Qilin will be opened, and I will follow you closely, never leaving!

"It's good if you can realize the seriousness of the problem." The bald old man nodded in relief.

"However, you don't have to worry too much. In this secret realm, no one is the opponent of the old man. As long as you stay by the old man's side, there will be no danger."

The bald old man is very confident.

He is a half-step master of the Great Perfection, and his cultivation is the highest in the secret realm.

With a combat power of 300,000 trillion, it is also the strongest among the crowd.

Last time, if it wasn't for Qin Feng's surprise, he wouldn't suffer.

Now that he is prepared, it is impossible for him to miss a second time.

Ye Tianzi also felt a lot more at ease.

"Senior, do you think that if Emperor Qin gets a dominant inheritance, will he get any benefits?"

"There will be some!" The bald old man was somewhat envious. "However, he has already had half-step dominance. Even if he gets a dominion inheritance, the benefits will be limited. In the end, he is not as good as the old man!"5

"That's good!" Ye Tianzi breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want Qin Feng to get too many benefits.

However, the old man swallowed his saliva and hesitated.

In fact, he had long been envious in his heart.

Dominion-level inheritance is still somewhat useful to him.

If conditions permit, he would have already entered the land of inheritance.

But the secret realm stipulates that only those below the god emperor level can enter the land of inheritance of the major rulers.

He dominates the cultivation base in half a step and cannot enter!

On the other side, everyone in the Demon Domain was also discussing.

"Big Chief, I really didn't expect that Emperor Qin had already entered the forbidden area of ​​Mitian, and I don't know how he got in?"

The two leaders looked envious.

The same is true of the masters of the Demon Realm.

At the moment of Dominion Inheritance, these god emperors are very tempted.


Their task is to fully cooperate with the big leader, seize the inheritance of the blood lord of the demon domain, and then destroy the inheritance of the unicorn master.

In a few minutes, the blood venerable inheritance will be opened, and they cannot act at will.

The big leader seemed to see everyone's thoughts.

He sneered: "It's just a master inheritance! Can it be compared with the star master inheritance? When this leader obtains the blood honor inheritance, his strength will definitely increase greatly."

"At that time, if this leader slaughtered Emperor Qin again, all the inheritance he got will be spit out. Those things are not ours! 55

The eyes of the two leaders lit up: "The big leader is shrewd! The subordinates also feel that Qin Huang's actions are inappropriate. The inheritance of the ruler is different from the inheritance of the god emperor! The assessment inside is definitely difficult, and it is definitely impossible to win within a few hours." 5

The big leader is proud: "Do things first and foremost, you can't see small gains and forget big ones!"

The second leader flattered: "The subordinates are thinking, after a while, the star master-level inheritance has been opened, and the emperor Qin's master inheritance assessment is just halfway through. How will he feel? It's a dilemma!

The big boss laughed without saying a word.

In fact, he was also somewhat envious of Qin Feng being able to enter.

But now that I think about it, it's a good thing that he can't go in!

If you really go in, it will be too late to obtain the inheritance of the master, and the inheritance of the star master will be opened.

The opening time between the two is only 10 minutes apart!

Time is too rushed!

Not only the big leader thinks this way, but the Wutian ancestor also thinks this way.

At this moment, the Wutian Ancestor is also followed by several subordinates.

It is the Queen of Snakes and Scorpions and several god emperors of the Taurus Palace.

"Palace Master, you said that Emperor Qin entered the land of inheritance of Mitian, when will he come out?"

The femme fatale asked with concern.

Ancestor Wutian pondered for a while and said: "If he wants to obtain inheritance, he must accept the assessment of the spirit of inheritance, and he will not be able to come out for a while. 99

The Queen of Snakes and Scorpions nodded: "It's easy for people to forget the time when they are assessed."

Ancestor Wutian smiled: "Isn't that better! The battle of chance is the battle of time and luck, if you miss it, you miss it! There is no regret medicine!

Only after these words fell, the secret realm trembled!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

A few beeps in a row!

Four doors of light appear!

The star-level inheritance entrance has been opened.

Ancestor Wutian, the big leader and others were excited.

The moment they had been waiting for had finally come.

"Haha!! Everyone, the old man is going one step ahead! Let's go!

With an order, Wutian Ancestor took the Queen of Snakes and other subordinates and walked straight to the place where the fire unicorn was inherited.

He cultivates the fire element.

This fire unicorn inheritance meets his requirements, and it is also what he is determined to obtain.

If he can get the inheritance of the fire unicorn, he will have a glimmer of hope to become a star master in the future.

In a twinkling of an eye, Wutian Ancestor and his group entered the Fire Qilin Gate.

Seeing this scene, Zi Xing frowned.

This old guy actually wanted to grab the inheritance with himself.

It seems that this time, there must be danger!

It's just that Qin Feng hasn't appeared yet?

Zi Xing glanced at the inheritance outlet of Master Mi Tian, ​​but did not respond for a long time.

She shook her head helplessly, got up and entered the inheritance of the fire unicorn.

At the same time, the big leader of the Demon Domain entered the Blood Venerable Inheritance of the Demon Domain with a whole bunch of his subordinates.

Not long after the group entered, Emperor Lufa also brought a group of people into the blood venerable inheritance.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tianzi was extremely excited.

"Senior, those half-step masters have all gone to other places of inheritance, and no one has gone to the place of Rui Qilin inheritance.

The bald-headed old man smiled slightly: "Those people have no luck to protect themselves, and they can't get inheritance when they enter. The only Emperor Qin who can compete with us, I don't know when to come out! Let's go! It's not too late!"

"Yes! Senior!"

At the moment, a group of people hurriedly entered the place of inheritance of Rui Qilin.0

In the blink of an eye, several major forces were gone.

In the entire square, there were only two or three hundred people left, among which five or six god emperors were left with great consummation.

At this moment, everyone, you look at me, I look at me.

There was some silence in the field.

Suddenly, someone said: "Everyone, have you noticed that no one has entered the inheritance of the water unicorn!

"Yeah! Several other star master inheritances have half-step masters in, but not the water unicorn inheritance."

As soon as this was reminded, everyone was overjoyed.

Isn't this a big leak!

At the moment, more than 200 people swarmed into the water unicorn inheritance.

For a moment, the entire square was empty and silent.

At the same time, the place where the black phoenix is ​​inherited.

inside a palace.

The Spirit of Heifeng Inheritance looked at Qin Feng with admiration.

A phantom avatar was standing beside Qin Feng.

There are corpses all around the hall.

Those were all killed by phantom clones.

"Young friend Qin Feng, your aptitude is excellent, and you have a great relationship with our Shenfeng family.

"I have already sensed the aura of the divine phoenix bloodline on your body. Just to remind you that after inheriting my inheritance, you also assumed the cause and effect of the divine phoenix family."5

"Now the enemies of the Shenfeng clan are all around, and there are dangers everywhere, are you willing to bear this cause and effect?

The Spirit of Inheritance looked expectantly.

He was afraid that Qin Feng would back down.

He is very satisfied with Qin Feng, the successor.

Simply perfect!

Qin Feng smiled: "Senior, I am not only willing to bear the cause and effect of the Shenfeng family, but I will also avenge the Shenfeng family! This statement can be an oath!

"Haha!! Good! Good! I have found the right person for this inheritance! This sword is for you, this is the symbol of the future successor of the God Phoenix Lord!"

The Spirit of Inheritance waved his hand, and a long sword burning with black flames descended from the sky, exuding monstrous coercion.

This is actually a half-dominant-level Yuanwu, much stronger than the Divine Fang Sword.

Qin Feng happily took it.

With this divine sword, his strength will be enhanced a lot.

The Spirit of Inheritance explained: "Master Yuanfeng used his seven tail feathers to refine seven divine swords, and this is one of them. Holding this divine sword, he is one of the seven inheritors.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

This secret 4.7 Xin, Bai Qi told him.

"Qin Feng, I'm going too! Take care of yourself!""

The spirit of inheritance smiled and turned into a spot of light and dissipated.

An inheritance light group, wrapped in a ball of divine phoenix blood, descended from the sky.

"Thank you senior!

Qin Feng bowed respectfully in the direction where the spirit of inheritance disappeared.

Then, he raised his head and opened his mouth to take a breath, swallowing the inheritance light group.

He is different from others.

For others to get inheritance, they need to slowly integrate and refine, and he can directly devour...

In just a moment, the power of inheritance spread all over the body, Qin Feng's momentum increased rapidly....,

"Ding! The success of swallowing the inheritance of the black phoenix... 50% of the awakening of the inheritance of the black phoenix... Acquired a lot of divine phoenix power, and the combat power increased to 300,000 trillion..."


Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

In the next second, he waved his hand, and the Divine Fang Sword flew towards the phantom clone.

He has the black phoenix sword, and this divine tooth sword is used by the clone.

As soon as the phantom avatar got the Divine Fang Sword, it disappeared.

He went to help Bai Qi to capture the inheritance of the fire phoenix.

"The inheritance of the star master has been started for 2 minutes! I should go too!"

Qin Feng dodged and disappeared into the hall.

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