Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 560: The Supreme God level Mission (Subscribe)

At the same time, in every corner of the universe, many great powers are projected one by one from the retreat.

Some are hundreds of millions of feet tall, some have drooping wings that are bigger than the Milky Way, and some are drilled directly from a black hole...

All the people looked in the direction of the chirping sound, all of them had complex expressions, some were frightened, some frowned, and some were even more worried...

That is the remnant spirit of Yuanfeng, the remnant spirit of the white tiger, and the remnant spirit of Xuanwu awakening...

It seems that the ancestral dragon inheritor and the unicorn inheritor have appeared one after another, and the other three spirits have also awakened, and the luck has been linked together...

The universe is about to be devastated again!

On the other side, the distant evening star field.

inside the temple.

The man in the blue shirt looked at the place where the phoenix mingled, the tiger roared and the turtle croaked in astonishment.

The Dusk Master on the side did not dare to disturb.


For a long time, a long sigh!

The man in the blue shirt shook his head slightly.

"Master, what's wrong?" Dusk Lord asked carefully.

The man in the blue shirt smiled bitterly: "Xianmeng failed, and the inheritor of the unicorn master was born..."

"What... what?! This is impossible?! The achievement of Xiangmeng is the cultivation of a half-step star master. Even if he has just recovered, he has the strength of a low-rank master, how could he fail?

The Twilight Master had a hard time accepting this fact.

He also expects Xiangmeng to avenge his son!

The man in the blue shirt looked at him lightly.

Too lazy to explain~!

The Lord of Dusk begged: "Master, you must find a way to avenge Ye'er! I suspect that Ye'er is probably killed by the inheritor of the unicorn master! 55

The man in the blue shirt smiled coldly: "There are Zulong in the front, ten unicorns in the back, and there are Yuanfeng, Baihu, Xuanwu Qiming! This is a catastrophe, and I can't shake it alone! You better do it yourself! 35

As soon as the voice fell, the man in the blue shirt stepped forward and disappeared without a trace.

"Master...․Master! Master!..."

Dusk Lord shouted several times to the void, but there was no response.

He suddenly had a feeling of being abandoned by his master.

The master didn't even avenge him!

Could it be that when Ye'er died, did he lose his usefulness?

This thought made him feel sad.


Since the master is unwilling to take action, he will do it himself.

He must avenge the night!

At this moment, his heart has been swallowed by hatred, and he has forgotten the reminder of the man in the blue shirt.

At the same time, near the Tianfu Star Region.

On a desolate planet, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared.

The man's white robe is unparalleled.

Women's purple dresses, graceful and beautiful.

These two are Qin Feng and Zi Xing.

They were sent by the spirit of inheritance.

In this way, they avoided the detection of some conscientious people.

At this moment, both of them looked into the depths of the universe in shock.

Just now, they also sensed Yuanfeng, Baihu, and Xuanwu's chirping.

Especially Qin Feng, even his soul trembled, and huge phantoms of Yuanfeng, Baihu, and Xuanwu appeared in his mind.

Are these three the Lords of the Three Spirits?

Are they calling me?

Qin Feng was stunned.

"Wouldn't it be the remnants of the three seniors who were shouting? Could they all wake up?"

Zixing whispered softly.

"Who are you talking about?" Qin Feng asked.

"Senior Yuanfeng, and the Lord of the White Tiger and the Lord of Xuanwu!"

"How do you know it's the three of them?"

"The direction of that voice seems to be from the Chaos Star Territory! Besides, I have heard the voices of these three seniors in my previous life, and I am naturally familiar with them.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

It is so!

Could it be that he successively obtained the inheritance of the ancestral dragon and the unicorn master, and activated the remnants of these three high-grade star masters?

Only when this thought came, Qin Feng's mind sounded a system prompt.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the supreme god-level task is activated!"

"Task content: Acquire the inheritance of the ancestor dragon, the Yuanfeng inheritance, the inheritance of the master of the unicorn, the inheritance of the master of the white tiger, the inheritance of the master of the Xuanwu, and the inheritance of the master of the five spirits. When the task is completed, there will be extremely rich rewards.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was a little surprised.

He originally had this idea.

If the inheritance of the five major spiritual masters is integrated into one, his achievements must be extremely terrifying, which will greatly help him become a god-level elemental master.

Unexpectedly, the system also specially gave this task.

That's an extra bonus.

The reward this time should be extremely rich, because it is of the supreme god level.

Qin Feng suddenly had a thought.

He has done god-level tasks, and he has also done super god-level tasks.

Now that there is a supreme god level, will there be a supreme god level later?

"Qin Feng, I'm afraid the universe is about to have a catastrophe!" Zi Xing interrupted Qin Feng's wild thoughts.

"How do you say it? By the way, what happened to the Chaos Star Territory you mentioned just now?

Zi Xing explained: "Let me tell you, the Chaos Star Territory is located at the intersection of the Star Alliance, the Demon Territory, the Sky Territory, the Ancient Territory, and the scattered alliance forces. The area of ​​the Star Territory is extremely large, about the size of our Star Alliance site. one-tenth as large."5

Qin Feng was shocked.

He knew that Purple Star said Star Alliance, which is the abbreviation of Star Alliance.

A loose alliance is an alliance of various small and medium forces.

The Star Clan is one of the members of the scattered alliance.

This chaotic star field is located between the five major forces, I am afraid it is not a coincidence.

Moreover, its area is actually one-tenth the size of the Star Alliance, which is terrifyingly huge.

At this time, Zixing's voice sounded again.

"Actually, Chaos Star Territory is the largest battlefield in ancient times. Five high-grade star masters and more than 20 middle and low-grade star masters have fallen in it. The masters died even more. That was also the battle for the demise of our five spirits!"

When Zi Xing said this, he looked sad.

Qin Feng was stunned.

It turned out that the Chaos Star Territory was the decisive battleground of the ancient catastrophe.

"Back then, the ancestors of Zulong were assassinated first, and then our Qilin family was destroyed, and only a few people escaped.

"Senior Yuanfeng led the three clans of Shenfeng, Baihu, and Xuanwu, as well as the remnants of the dragon clan and the remnant of the unicorn, to fight against the Demon, Heaven, and Ancient Regions in the Chaos Star Region.""

"That battle was extremely tragic, and the Wuling family was almost wiped out. The Demon Realm, the Heaven Realm, and the Ancient Realm were also hit hard. It can be said that both sides were injured, but our Wuling family was even worse."

"In that battle, dozens of star masters fell, and the energy of that star field was extremely chaotic. Even if the emperor entered, he would be smashed into slag by the energy. At least the emperor must enter to protect himself, so it is called the chaotic star field."

"It didn't take long for the dozens of star masters who fell in the chaotic star field to automatically join together, forming an incomparably huge enchantment outside the star field.

"This kind of enchantment composed of luck and power of heaven and earth is extremely powerful, and even high-grade star masters cannot enter. 35

"Since then, the Chaos Star Field has become a completely closed star field, and no one can enter."

"Nearly 10 billion years have passed, and there should be countless treasures of all kinds. Of course, these are all speculations, and after all, no one can enter.

"It's just that there has always been a rumor. When Yuan Feng, the master of the white tiger, and the master of Xuanwu wake up, it will be the time when the enchantment of the chaotic star field will open. 35

"At that time, the successors of the three predecessors will also appear. When all the successors of the Lord of the Five Spirits appear, a new cosmic catastrophe will arrive.

Having said that, Zi Xing gave Qin Feng a deep look.

This guy has the inheritance of the two spirits.

Qin Feng suddenly became a little worried.

‘Sister Zixing, do you have the star map of Chaos Star Region?’

"What? Do you want to go now?"

"Yeah! This chaotic star field has to be opened, the sooner the better!"

Qin Feng was worried that the inheritance of Yuan Feng, the Lord of the White Tiger, and the Lord of Xuanwu would be robbed.

If any of these three inheritances were lost, his mission would not be able to be completed.

Zi Xing smiled: "Don't worry! There will naturally be reasonable arrangements for the remnants of the three seniors to wake up. At present, it is only a sign. If the Chaos Star Territory is really opened, I am afraid it will be a year and a half later, or even dozens of Years later.

"What we have to do now is to wait for the news and make all preparations. This time, Demon Domain, Ancient Domain, and Heaven Domain will definitely go all out. There is also their inheritance there."

"What's more, the prophecy of the rebirth of the five spirits is not good for them. They absolutely do not allow the successors of the three predecessors of Yuanfeng to appear. 99

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "In this way, I don't imagine that time is too tight. Then we will wait and see. Take advantage of this time to digest the recent gains.

"That's right!" Zi Xing smiled.


Afterwards, she looked in the direction of Tianfuxing again, feeling a little complicated.

Just now, the main body was summoning, she should go back.

But she was a little reluctant to leave Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, I'm going back!" Zi Xing suddenly turned around.

Qin Feng was stunned: "Aren't you following me?

Zi Xing looked at him with a complicated expression: "Go to Tianmo City to find the ruler of the devil, she will tell you some things..."

Zi Xing sighed softly and looked at Tianfu Xing again.

One of her 170 hands has quietly pressed against the seal on her chest.

The seal cut off the connection between her and the body.

So she didn't know everything that happened in Ziyun Secret Realm.

But if it is not cut off, she will not be able to enter the secret realm.

After all, she is an incarnation outside the body. If she doesn't cut it off, the secret realm will sense that she has a body, and it belongs to the dominant strength and prohibits her from entering.

Only by completely cutting off the induction with the main body, the secret realm will misjudge and let her in.

Simply put, this is cheating.

In fact, the ancestor Wutian used the same method as she.

In the next second, Zi Xing's whole body flashed, and the seal was lifted.

She is instantly connected to the ontology, and information is shared.

At the same time, Tianmo City.

In the city master's mansion, in a luxuriously decorated room.

The Demon Lord is sitting comfortably on the sofa, sipping delicious spirit wine.

She is in a great mood now!

Just got the news that the Ziyun Mystery Realm is over.

Although she couldn't contact the avatar outside her body, she could sense that the avatar outside her body was still alive.

This shows that you have a good harvest!

The Demon Lord shook the crystal wine glass gracefully.

But at this moment, Zi Xing lifted the seal.

In an instant, the two share information!


The crystal clear wine glass dropped!

The fragrant spirit wine was sprinkled all over the place!

The Demon Lord's pretty face flushed instantly.

Fuck it~!

"It's a shame! It's a shame! The incarnation of the old lady was given by that guy..."

"Oh~! How will I meet him in the future?

The Demon Lord covered his face with his hands, embarrassed.

But the picture of the seven days and seven nights was too profound.

The incarnation has come and gone countless times!

That kind of experience and feeling that I have never had before is really... so exciting!

It's like she's in action!


Is the old lady spoiled like that?

The Demon Lord is a little stunned.

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