Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 849 snow mountains and frost (seeking full order)

Are these people targeting themselves?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help frowning...

But at this moment, he received a distress signal from Emperor Feng...

Qin Feng hurriedly dodged and disappeared in place.

Regardless of whether these people came to deal with him or not, he must go to save Emperor Feng first.

The next second, Qin Feng appeared beside a water pool...

I saw that over the water pool, Emperor Feng was being besieged by dozens of spirits...

And the water in the pool below continued to tumble, and spirit monsters rushed out of the water pool one after another and joined the battle circle besieging Fengdi...

That pool was actually a strange lair.

At this moment, more and more spirits are besieging Fengdi...

Several of them are only at the level of the Great Perfection of the pseudo-god, and the siege situation is extremely terrifying...

If it weren't for the strength of Emperor Feng that was comparable to that of a true god, the body of a fire saint, and the protective measures imposed by Qin Feng, he would have suffered long ago...

Even so, Feng Di's situation is still not good.

When she saw Qin Feng arrive, she was overjoyed.

Those spirits also found Qin Feng, and immediately a dozen of them rushed towards Qin Feng...

Qin Feng sneered and waved his palm away, earth-shattering...

Suddenly, the waves of fire raged into the sky, and the boundless golden sea of ​​fire devoured nearly a hundred spirits and monsters in an instant...

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

That spirit is instantly annihilated, vulnerable to a single blow...

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred spirits and monsters were all destroyed, leaving behind nearly a hundred groups of Rengui water essence...

Qin Feng was overjoyed, opened his mouth to take a breath, and swallowed it all...

But at this moment, the water pool below suddenly rioted, and a roar of a heaven-shattering beast sounded, making the earth tremble and all spirits terrified...

Most of the competition area was shocked!


Not waiting for Qin Feng to refine the essence of Rengui water, a monster like a dragon and a dragon, rushed out of the pool and brought huge waves...

In the blink of an eye, it rushed to Qin Feng and swallowed Qin Feng. …

The breath that swallowed the sky and devoured the earth, melted the gods and turned into demons, and the breath of the half-step gods was unmistakably terrifying...

This is actually a Spirit Monster of the Great Perfection level of the True God, and all its followers have appeared before...

"Be careful, Your Majesty!" Emperor Feng exclaimed.

The spirits of the Great Perfection level of the true gods are already intelligent, and they know how to ambush and attack...

Generally speaking, only half-step gods can quell the spirits of the great perfection level of true gods...

What's more, this monster is attacking, Qin Feng hasn't refined the essence of Rengui water yet...

How could Emperor Feng not worry.


Qin Feng, however, didn't take it seriously, he pressed it casually and turned the world upside down...


A loud bang!

The Creation Divine Fire showed great power, and the Flood Dragon Spirit and Monster were smashed into pieces at once, and the fog flew away.  …

After a while, there was only a cloud of Guishui essence left in the field, the size of a human head...

Qin Feng swallowed directly....

Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the essence of Guishui... Your god base has been purified.... The combat power has increased to 7200 trillion Zi..."

The strength has increased again!

Qin Feng was delighted.

Feng Di, who was beside him, was both surprised and delighted. . .

My man is getting more and more unfathomable.

"Yue'er, are you alright?"

"My concubine is fine! Your Majesty, time is running out, and I will go to find again...

As soon as the voice fell, Emperor Feng hurriedly flew to the side of Nong...

In order to help Qin Feng collect more Renguishui essence, Emperor Feng is desperately trying...

Qin Feng was both pleased and moved, and was about to leave...

But at this moment, not far away, there were nearly a hundred piercing sounds, and there were also tyrannical breaths, each of which was not under the true God...

It's the group of people chasing after...

Qin Feng frowned, are these people really here for him?

Just when this thought came to mind, some surprises sounded in the distance...,

"It's Qin Feng's breath! That kid is over there!

"Go! Don't let him run away this time!

These people really came for themselves.

Qin Feng sneered.

But at this moment, Qin Baobao sent another message...

Qin Feng hurriedly dodged and disappeared out of thin air.

He is worried that the baby is in danger...

Not long after Qin Feng left, two figures came over.

The people here are Tianjun Huo De and Mother Bichi...

As soon as the two arrived, they saw signs of battle all over the ground, but they didn't see Qin Feng's figure.

"Huh! Where is Qin Feng~"?"

"Yeah! His breath was still there just now, why did it disappear all of a sudden?"

Mother Bitchi looked depressed.

At the same time, more and more people arrived.

When everyone saw that Qin Feng was missing, they were very depressed.

"Damn! Qin Feng disappeared as soon as we came, how did that guy run so fast?!

"Hey! It was like this before!

Everyone was very depressed.

They were like this before, and they clearly sensed Qin Feng's breath.

When they arrived, Qin Feng was gone again.

Just when they felt that there was nothing they could do, a huge explosion sounded here, and they rushed over, and they sensed Qin Feng's breath.

But when they came, Qin Feng's breath disappeared again, and he ran away again in vain.

"Tianjun Huo De, why do you think this is the case?"

"Humph! It's not that simple? That kid must have noticed it. As soon as he sensed that we were approaching, he slipped away in advance. What a timid youngster!

Huode Tianjun cursed angrily.

But before his voice fell, the crowd exclaimed.

"My God! Look at Qingqiu's points..."

With this reminder, everyone checked the jade talisman one after another...

I saw that Qingqiu's points have reached more than 1.3 million, and it has increased by 500,000 points...

Everyone was stunned, and their faces were extremely ugly.

You know, since the start of the competition, except for the first battle, they have not gained points in other time, all wasted on chasing and killing Qin Feng...

But they didn't even see Qin Feng's shadow, but the points in the Qingqiu realm skyrocketed, and the gap between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger. ..

"Damn it! Why did the points in the Qingqiu realm increase so quickly?"

Huode Tianjun looked angry.

Mother Bitchi comforted: "Maybe they were lucky and met a group of monsters. However, they have already obtained points, which means that after killing the group of monsters, they will not get points. The second batch of monsters, it's not that easy...'

But the words just fell, and someone exclaimed.

"Look! The points of Qingqiujing have risen again!

Everyone looked at the jade talisman.

Sure enough, the points of Qingqiujing rose to more than 1.4 million, and rose by more than 100,000 points...

Mother Bitchi felt embarrassed,

The faces of Huo De Tianjun and others became extremely ugly...

They have not harvested anything till now, but the points of Qingqiu Realm are soaring all the way. This is to drive their rhythm crazy!

"Fellow Daoist Huo De, what should we do?"

"Search! Carpet search! This test area is so big, I don't believe that I can't catch Qin Feng! Let's go!"

At the moment, a group of people, under the leadership of Huo De Tianjun, chose a direction to search...

Meanwhile, in a valley.

Qin Feng and Qin Baobao stand together.

Not far in front of them, a drop of Renshui essence the size of a fist was suspended...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowed it, and his momentum increased again...

Immediately, the two separated and continued to search for their target......

Not long after, Qin Feng received another subpoena from his subordinates...

He quickly teleported over....

In this way, Qin Feng used many subordinates as eyeliners and frantically harvested points...

From time to time, he also makes the phantom clone take action...

As a result, the points of Qingqiu Realm and Star Alliance Realm continue to skyrocket....

The points of the remaining 300+ forces have made little progress...

Those people don't have the divine fire of creation, they can't kill spirit monsters in seconds...

It takes a lot of time for them to hunt down a spirit monster, and they will even be chased by spirit monsters and run away...

In short, these people can kill a spirit monster in a quarter of an hour, which is considered an extremely fast speed...

And in a quarter of an hour, Qin Feng could kill hundreds of them...

This gap is simply a sky, an underground...

Just like that, Qin Feng happily harvested spirits...

The points of Qingqiu and Star Alliance are constantly rising, and Qin Feng has absorbed more and more Renguishui essence...

His combat power is also slowly increasing, and his physique is getting closer and closer to the body of the Water Saint...

Such a change has caused a huge sensation in the outside world as early as...

The points of Qingqiu and Xingmeng have been soaring, and the points of Huodejing, Bichijing, and Shuangjiaojing have not moved for a long time...

The top ten top forces were shocked.

The ancestor of Tiansheng is even more anxious...

In fact, Huo De Tianjun and others were also extremely anxious.

They have been searching for Qin Feng's traces and have no time to harvest points...

Soon, they found out that Qin Feng seemed to know their intentions and had been fishing for them, exposing his tracks from time to time, and when they rushed over, the people disappeared again...

This made Huo De Tianjun and others extremely angry, and began to change their strategies, trying to capture Qingqiu and the Xingmeng and use it to coerce Qin Feng to come forward...

Soon, they found an opportunity.

In the deepest part of the water spirit fantasy world, there is a snow mountain peak.

Huo De Tianjun took nearly a hundred true god powerhouses and surrounded the Ziwei Star Lord...

At this moment, the surrounding cold wind is blowing, and snowflakes are flying.

Star Master Ziwei looked nervous.

Huo De Tianjun and the others were proud.

"This woman is familiar to me. She seems to be the deputy leader of the Star Alliance. What is the name of Ziwei..."

"Haha! A pseudo-god Great Perfection can be a deputy leader. If there is no Qin Lei in this Star Alliance, it is really not a large-scale force..."

"That's right! Xingmeng is nothing without Qin Lei. Qingqiu can't do without Qin Feng..."

Hearing the other party's mockery, Star Master Ziwei felt unhappy.

However, there are too many people on the other side, and they are all true gods.

She felt vaguely bad.

At the moment, she asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

Huo De Tianjun sneered: "What qualifications do you have as a little pseudo-god to ask questions? Know a little bit, self-proclaim spiritual power, and you will be captured! 99

"Dream!", Star Master Ziwei looked disdainful. .

`Bitch! You are not obedient, the old man beats you until you are obedient!

As soon as the voice fell, an old man rushed towards Star Master Ziwei...


A loud bang!

The old man vomited blood and flew out.

Confused all over the place!

That old man is a true god!

He was blown away by the woman in front of him...

Is this woman not a false god?

Everyone looked strangely at Star Master Ziwei, wondering if everyone in the Star Alliance is a freak?

In the past, Qin Lei also fought by leaps and bounds, but now a woman can appear at random, and she can fight by leaps and bounds...

Moreover, it is still a false god flying the true god with great perfection. This is a big realm, and it is extremely rare to be able to challenge beyond the level...

At this moment, Huo De Tianjun's face was not good-looking.

The subordinates behind him were even more embarrassed.

Because the old man who was just blasted out is from the Fire Virtue Realm...

At the moment, Huo De Tianjun's eyes hinted.

A middle-aged man understood and stood out from the crowd...

"Look at you, this woman has two strokes, the deity will meet you! 39

As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man rushed towards the Star Master Ziwei...


There was another loud noise, and the middle-aged man was smashed to the point of vomiting blood and flew out...

This time, the audience was dumbfounded.

You must know that the man is the peak of the true god, how could he be beaten away?

The woman in front of you is so strong?!

Naturally, they didn't know that Star Master Ziwei was a pseudo-god, and the fetus Hongjun in her belly was also a pseudo-god...

Ziwei star master mother and son are connected, their comprehensive strength is infinitely close to the true god, and the general true god peak is not their opponent...

"What a bunch of trash!

Huode Tianjun was very angry.

He has always been arrogant, and believes that strong generals have no weak soldiers...

But he didn't want to, his subordinates were continuously blasted away by a small pseudo-god in full view...

How this makes him hold his head up...  

People from the Fire Virtue Realm felt embarrassed by this scolding...

Immediately, four more true gods made eye contact and rushed towards the Ziwei Star Lord together...

When the four of them made a move, there was a low voice all around...

It's really rare that Huo Dejing actually uses (good money Zhao) to bully more and less....

What's more, one of the four is the pinnacle of the true god

Huo De Tianjun was also stunned for a moment, but the two sides were already fighting...

Star Master Ziwei fought one against four, but did not fall behind, and the battle scene instantly entered a stalemate...

The crowd became more and more shocked.

People in the Fire Virtue Realm look more and more embarrassed...

But at this moment, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

"Lord Huo De, stop fighting! Let them stop! Your Huo De Jing points have become negative..."

"What?! 99

Huo De was surprised to hear Jun, and quickly took out the jade talisman to take a look.

Seeing this, he almost vomited blood to death...

I saw the jade symbol displayed...

No. 376, Huodejing (Huodeshan) Points: -16200 points...

At this moment, the faces of the people in the Fire Virtue Realm were extremely ugly.

They are clearly ranked third, with more than 40,000 points...

But at this moment, it turned into a negative 10,000 points, ranking first from the bottom....

It turned out that they forgot the rules of the competition and actively attacked other players, and they would be forcibly deducted 10,000 points...

Just now, six true gods in the Fire Virtue Realm took the initiative to attack Star Master Ziwei and were deducted 60,000 points...

Thinking of this, Huo De Tianjun's heart is bleeding.

Originally there were not many points, and now it is even worse...

"Stop! Stop Laozi!

Huode Tianjun roared angrily.

The four true gods were terrified and withdrew from the battle circle one after another...

But at this moment, there was a sneer from the top of everyone's head.

"Humph! The woman who bullied me still wants to leave?!

Everyone was startled, they all looked up and saw Qin Feng walking out of the void.

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