Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 851: The God of Creation is Consummated (Subscribe)

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng took out the Four Swords of Punishing Heaven.

In the next second, the Heaven Execution Sword turned into a sword light that covered the sky and the ground, and shot towards the Huo De Tianjun and everyone...

For a time, the lightsaber was like rain, and the sword energy was like wind, one after another...

The sword power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth fills the space between heaven and earth, annihilating all time, all space, and all laws.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

In the blink of an eye, one after another True God powerhouse was bombarded with flesh-body, blood mist filled the sky...

The screams come and go!

Star Lord Ziwei on the side looked at it - stunned...

"My God! This guy must be a god!"

"Quick! Run away!"

There was an exclamation in the blood fog.

At this moment, they discovered that Qin Feng's strength has reached the level of the gods, and it is not the level of ordinary gods, but the level of the ancestors of the gods...

They never thought that they would provoke such a terrifying opponent, and they felt regretful in their hearts...

But now it's too late to regret...

In the blink of an eye, four figures rushed out of the blood mist and fled towards the exit of the examination room...

These four are Tianjun Huo De, Mother Bichi, Emperor Jin Jiao, Emperor Jin Jiao...

In the attack just now, all the true gods were blasted into slag. Only these four people resisted the attack and had the opportunity to escape...

Of course, the four of them weren't intact either, with blood hanging from the corners of their mouths, and their injuries were not minor...

Fortunately, they finally escaped.

As long as they rush to the exit of the test area and escape the war zone, they will be safe...

When Emperor Feng saw that the four were about to flee, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

These four guys are the culprits!

How can they escape?

At this moment, the space of heaven and earth suddenly flickered, and a stalwart figure walked out of the void, blocking the way of the four people of Huo De Tianjun.

The person who came is the phantom avatar!

"It's Qin Lei!""

"Go away!

The four of Huo De Tianjun shouted in anger, and immediately joined forces to attack the phantom avatar...

The phantom avatar didn't say a word, and actually met the attack of four people with one enemy and four...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Four consecutive loud bangs!

The four of Huode vomited blood and flew upside down, and they were blasted back by the phantom clone, and the star Lord Ziwei was stunned...

The strength of the phantom avatar is so terrifying!

"No! Impossible!"

The four of Huode were even more shocked.

Even if they are not Qin Feng's opponents, they are not Qin Lei's opponents even when they join forces...

But three days ago, these two were not so strong!

What exactly is going on?!

But before they could think about it, Qin Feng Jianyu struck again, blasting Huode Tianjun and Mother Bichi in an instant...

At the same time, more than a dozen true gods were resurrected in the blood fog, and they rushed out of the battle circle. Escape in all directions...

The phantom avatar dodged, blocking it again and again...

Star Master Ziwei also hurried over to help, preventing these people from escaping...

But this is not the way to go.

After all, these people are all true gods, it is easy to defeat, but extremely difficult to kill.

If you can't kill them in time, as long as one or two escapes, the gods will move in and save them...

When Star Master Ziwei thought of this, she couldn't help but be a little worried...

At this moment, Qin Feng sacrificed the lamp of creation...

The monstrous divine fire turned into a golden sea of ​​fire, descending from the sky, swallowing the boundless blood mist...

Wherever the divine fire of creation went, all true spirits, all divine foundations, and all heavenly souls vanished into ashes. . . .

This Creation Divine Fire can kill even the gods, how can these true gods resist...

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen true gods were killed...

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing up the blood mist of those true gods, and his momentum soared all the way...

In the blink of an eye, his combat power has increased a lot.

Qin Feng was delighted and continued to strangle...

The phantom avatar and the star master Ziwei are on the side to help prevent anyone from escaping...

"Forgive your life! Lord Qin Feng, spare your life!

"Lord Qin Feng, it's not that we want to deal with you, it's the ancestor of Tiansheng who ordered it..."

"Please, Lord Qin Feng, spare your life!

At this moment, the blood mist sounded one after another begging for mercy, and even Huo De Tianjun and Mother Bichi were begging for mercy....,

They finally realized their stupidity, but it was too late...

Qin Feng ignored it at all and strangled with all his strength

·0 for flowers ·...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed...

Nearly a hundred true gods were slaughtered, and even Huo De Tianjun was not spared...

It is really easy to kill these true gods with the fire of creation. . . .

Even if the true god is perfect, it can't resist for a few minutes, it's as easy as killing the water mist monster...

Seeing all the enemies being slaughtered, Star Master Ziwei was both surprised and delighted, and even the child in her belly felt excited mental fluctuations...

Qin Feng was also very satisfied. He opened his mouth to inhale and swallowed all the blood mist...

"Ding! The host killed ninety-seven true gods... The accumulated karma value has reached 84 trillion...

"Ding! The host killed ninety-seven heavenly souls... The accumulated merit value has reached 72 trillion..."

"Ding! The host successfully swallowed the blood mist energy... Your cultivation base has been raised to 96% of the Great Perfection of the false god.... The combat power has been raised to 9000 trillion Zi"

"Ding! The host devoured the god base and shattered successfully.... The fusion of the supreme god seal has reached a complete...


A loud bang!

Qin Feng's whole body bursts into the sky, surrounded by countless purple qi, which stretches endlessly and reaches hundreds of millions of miles...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

One after another, the rings of the gods appeared behind Qin Feng, a total of one hundred and eight...

Between the divine rings are 2,890 golden stars, which represent more than 2,000 supreme divine seals, plus one hundred and eight supreme divine seals, which coincides with the number of three thousand avenues...

The three thousand avenues are complete, and the foundation of the creation of the world has been completed!

"Ding! Congrats to the host, your creation of the gods has been completed... Your combat power has increased to 9,500 trillion Zi... Your increase in everything has increased from 150 times to 200 times..."

"Ding! Congratulations, the host, your creation of the gods is complete, and the conditions for the host to create a new god realm have been fulfilled... Now transmit the method of creation of the god realm... .. 35

In an instant, countless information merged into Qin Feng's mind.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, his face full of joy.

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