Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 854 god level monsters (please complete order)

In fact, when the five golden beams of light swept across the entire examination area, all the contestants were startled and looked towards the snow-capped mountains in astonishment...

Qin Feng was also alerted immediately.

He raised his head in surprise, stared in that direction, and a shock flashed across his eyes.

Just now, he felt a trace of the power of the gods from the five golden beams of light, extremely hidden...

If it weren't for the strength of his heavenly soul reaching the peak level of the gods, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to sense it...

Although Qin Feng is only in the realm of pseudo-gods, his celestial soul has undergone the double tempering of Creation Divine Fire and Renguishui essence, which is comparable to the peak level of celestial gods...

"It's actually the breath of the gods! Could it be that there are god-level spirits?"

"That's not right! According to the competition information, there is only one half-step god-level spirit in the competition area, but I have already killed it, how can there be a god-level monster?"5

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more wrong he felt.

Look at that direction again, isn't it the place where you killed Huo De Tianjun and others!

Is there something wrong?

After a little thought, Qin Feng dodged and hurried towards the snow-capped mountain...

At the same time, the players scattered in every corner of the competition area also rushed over there curiously.

On the other side, in Lingyun Hall, all the gods were shocked for a long time.

There was no smug look on the face of the Holy Ancestor that day.

At this moment, he looked at the jade tablet in disbelief, his expression extremely ugly...

I saw the jade tablet showing... . . .

First place: Qingqiujing (Qingqiu family), with 342,200 points...

Second place: Star Alliance (Star Alliance), with 226,600 points...

3rd place…

Qingqiu and Xingmeng, who originally had millions of points, inexplicably dropped their points to hundreds of thousands.

But these two forces still occupy the first and second place...

Look at the Fire Virtue Realm, the Bichi Realm, the Shuangjiao Realm, and the Hell King Realm, all of which have disappeared on the jade tablet...

The people of these four great realms were completely wiped out, and not even a living person was left. . . .

This all happened too fast, less than two minutes before and after, the ancestor of Tiansheng didn't even have time to react...

It turned out that the speed of time in the competition area was a hundred times that of the Lingyun Hall.

An hour has passed in Lingyun Hall, and only a minute or two has passed outside.

Just two minutes ago, the huge shaking in the test area finally stopped...

The ancestor of Tiansheng was full of excitement.

He thought that Qin Feng was killed, so the vibration inside stopped...

In fact, it was Qin Feng who killed Huo De Tianjun and others, and everything stopped...

On the same day, the ancestor of the saint was very satisfied and thought that the victory was in his hands, and a mutation suddenly occurred...

The points of Qingqiu and Xingmeng suddenly keep dropping...

Immediately afterwards, the names of Fire Virtue Realm, Bichi Realm, Shuangjiao Realm, and Hell King Realm collapsed one after another and disappeared on the jade tablet...

The ancestor of Tiansheng was dumbfounded at the time, and the smile on his face instantly froze...

The gods were also stunned, their eyes widened, unbelievable...

This time, you don't have to guess to think that it was Qingqiu and the Star Alliance that destroyed the four realms of Fire Virtue...

At that moment, the atmosphere in the field fell into a dead silence, and even the sound of breathing could be heard...

"I... My God! The Four Realms of Fire Virtue were destroyed...~"."

After a long time, an exclamation broke the silence...

Only then did the ancestor of Tiansheng calm down and sat back on the throne...

He never expected that he had put in so much effort, but in the end it was all in vain. . . .

This time, he lost the bet...

But he is not happy!

"Hey! I really didn't expect it! Huo De Tianjun, Mother Bichi, and Jin Jiao Kunzhong all perished. These four people are all talents from the south of my country! It's a pity..."

A god shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah! This is really unexpected! By the way, who would you say killed them? Qin Feng?"

"I'm afraid he can't do it alone. It is estimated that the three sisters Qin Lei and Qinglin have helped. After all, they come from the same source..."

"Even so, Qin Feng and Qin Lei are also extremely good. This time, we have two outstanding talents in the south..."

As soon as these words fell, the gods nodded slightly, approvingly.

That Geng Yi Tianzun even squinted his eyes slightly, thinking about how to recruit Qin Lei and Qin Feng into the True Extreme Sect after the big competition was over.

At first, he only wanted to recruit Qin Lei.

But through this incident, he realized that Qin Feng's strength is not under Qin Lei!

He didn't know that Qin Feng and Qin Lei were the same person.

In short, these gods are full of praise for Qin Feng and Qin Lei, and they all feel ashamed.

After all, the cultivation of these two people is the perfection of false gods. If you analyze it carefully, it will be even more shocking.

The more the gods thought about it, the more they admired them, and the more words they praised...

The ancestor of Tiansheng on the side felt particularly harsh.


He stood up at once, and with one step, he arrived at the entrance of the examination area...

"Tiansheng Taoist friend, why are you doing this?"

Geng Yi Tianzun dodged and stopped in front of him.

The gods were startled and looked at the two people in the field.

"Humph! Daoist Geng Yi, don't you think this is strange? 99

"What's so strange?

"To tell you the truth, under the secret arrangement of the old man, Huode Tianjun and others joined forces to fight against the gods. With such strength, they still can't win a Qin Feng? Is it possible, do you really think Qin Feng has the strength of gods? Yes You know, he is just a little false god, how could he have such strength! 35

As soon as these words fell, everyone pondered.


Whether it is Qin Feng or Qin Lei, they are just a little pseudo-god.

How can such a low realm have such a powerful combat power?

Thinking about it, it seems illogical.

Even Geng Yi Tianzun frowned.

He couldn't believe it, but it just happened like this...

"Tiansheng Taoist friend, then what do you mean...

"This deity suspects Qin Feng of cheating, so this deity has to go in and check it out..."

The ancestor of Tiansheng was naturally not reconciled.

He wanted to go in and check it out in person to see what was going on.

Geng Yi Tianzun was displeased: "Friend Tiansheng, no matter what happens inside, if you go in, you are breaking the rules! At that time, you will anger the three gods, but don't blame Geng for not reminding you..."

Mentioning the three gods, the ancestors of Tiansheng couldn't help showing fear, and he really did not dare to take a step forward.

No matter how unruly he was, he would not dare to disobey the three gods.

"Brother Tian, ​​come back! The rules of this great competition are set by the three gods, so I'd better not break it!

"Yeah! Friends of Heavenly Sage, I also know that you are unwilling, but how can things in the world come true?"

Several gods are persuading, and they have given enough face to the ancestors of Tiansheng.

The ancestor of Tiansheng hesitated for a while, then sighed and retreated with a look of frustration...

But when he just returned to his seat, there was another loud noise in the examination area, as if the universe had collapsed, and all worlds had been destroyed...

That loud noise completely reached the level of a god, even more intense than before...

The gods were shocked and looked towards the entrance of the examination area.

What happened in there?

This year's competition is really uneven...

At this time, a major event was taking place in the examination area.

At this time, in the test area.

Under the endless snow peaks, nearly 10,000 players have gathered...

At this moment, they all looked up at the sky ahead in shock.

I saw that in that direction, a sea of ​​golden fire rose up, frantically swallowing the silver mist in front of the one...

And above the sea of ​​fire, there is a stalwart figure hanging, it is Qin Feng.

Behind Qin Feng, there are phantom clones, Qinglin, Hongyue, Lvming, Ziwei star master, Fengdi...

In front of Qin Feng, is the boundless sea of ​​silver fog...

The source of the sea of ​​fog is the space crack in the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

At this moment, an army of thousands of spirit monsters, wrapped in a sea of ​​silver mist, rushed towards the examination area with murderous intent...

Qin Feng instantly sacrificed the divine fire of creation and turned into a sea of ​​golden fire...

Gold and silver collided, and there was a loud bang!

Immediately, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the golden sea of ​​fire quickly swallowed the sea of ​​fog...

Wherever the sea of ​​fire went, all the spirits and monsters were evaporated, leaving only drop after drop of Rengui water essence...

In a blink of an eye, thousands of spirit monsters were all slaughtered...

Thousands of drops of essence are suspended in the air...

Below, nearly 10,000 players were dumbfounded.

Those spirits are not cannon fodder, there are many spirits of the true god level, and even spirits of the great perfection level of the true gods...

But I didn't want to, they were all killed by Qin Feng...

I'm afraid the gods can't do it so easily, right?

How powerful is this Qin Feng?

Just when everyone was shocked, Qin Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the thousands of drops of Renguishui essence...

`Ding! The host successfully devoured a large amount of gui water essence... Your god base has been deeply purified.... The host's combat power has been greatly improved

"Ding! The host has successfully swallowed a large amount of Renshui essence... Your heavenly soul has been deeply purified... The host's combat power has been greatly improved..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your physique has greatly improved, and you are only 7% away from the progress of the body of the water saint..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a lot of water law energy.... Your cultivation base has increased to (Good Money Zhao) False God Great Perfection 98.9%... The combat power has been increased to 9990 trillion Zi..."

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

He is only one step away from the true god realm, and he is not far from the body of the water saint...

Everything in front of him is really his great opportunity!

This thought came to me, the silver mist rolled in front, and hundreds of spirits rushed out...

The three spirit monsters at the head are all of the True God Great Perfection level, and there are more than a dozen True God level behind...

Qin Feng was delighted and shot again...


A loud bang!

The golden pillar of fire fell from the sky, and everything instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire...

Hundreds of monsters all collapsed, turning into one after another, the essence of Rengui water larger than a fist...

Qin Feng was overjoyed and was about to swallow those essences...

But at this moment, two sky-shattering roars resounded from the depths of the silver mist...

roar~! roar~!

Roar together!


The monstrous killing intent flocked to all directions...

The players who were onlookers were shocked by the sound waves and vomited blood and flew out...


That's a god-level monster!

Still two islands!

There was boundless horror on everyone's faces.

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