Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 867th Taishen Dan (please complete the order)

In the next second, Qin Feng and Qinglin entered the dual universe...

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour has passed by the outside world, and a few days have passed by the double universe...

On this day, Qin Feng strolled leisurely in the Ling Garden...

Smelling the fragrance of the spiritual flowers in the garden, he was refreshed and in a very good mood...

Not long ago, he successfully absorbed Qinglin's red pill, and the effect was surprisingly good.

The whole process also made him feel relaxed and comfortable.

That is to say, with the help of that red pill, his combat power has been increased to 4 trillion yuan in one fell swoop.

Then, in his spare time, he refined all the dozens of spiritual tools he had obtained before, and obtained a lot of luck from heaven and earth...

This made him and everyone in the Youth League have great strength.

It didn't take long for the fetuses Hongjun, Star Master Ziwei, Fengdi, Fuzhi, and Panzu to refine Zhenji Dan one after another, breaking through to the realm of true gods...

Qin Feng has received a lot of combat power in return, and his strength has increased to 4.43 trillion yuan...

This made the gap between him and the God of Yaochi narrower and smaller.

After a month of self-confidence, he will gain the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and his strength will increase greatly.

At that time, he should be able to fight against Yaochi God.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's mood relaxed a lot.

He is looking forward to the trip back to the ruins in a month...

It was at this moment that Qin Feng seemed to sense something, and quickly raised his head to look in the direction of the human world...

Only "three eighty seven" saw in the human world, Qin Baobao's retreat place, suddenly a monstrous divine might surged out, covering the sky and the earth, covering the entire human world...

All of a sudden, the Three Realms were shocked, and countless creatures looked away in amazement. …

Qin Feng's mind also sounded a system prompt...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Baby Qin) succeeded in refining the True Extreme Pill, and his cultivation has broken through to the realm of true gods... The host has obtained 17 trillion merit points..."

"Ding~! The host has gained a lot of combat power back, and your combat power has increased to 4.5 trillion yuan..."

The baby finally broke through!

The last True Pill was not wasted!

So far, the true gods of the Youth League have reached eight, namely Qinglin, Hongyue, Luming, Ziwei Xingzhu, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, and Qin Baobao.

If you add the fetus Hongjun, that's nine.

In terms of the number of true gods, it is no worse than any top power.

In short, the development of the Youth League is thriving and has a strong momentum.

Qin Feng was very relieved and showed a smile.

It was at this moment that the system sent a prompt again.

"Ding~! Remind the host that you have successfully collected the Sanqi Ancestral Water, but you have not received the quest reward yet, may I ask if the host has received it?

"Receive! 99

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully receiving the rewards. The rewards you have received are as follows: 2 Shenshui Pills, 10 Taishen Pills, 100 Extreme Pills..."

The next second, the detailed introduction of the medicinal pills flooded into Qin Feng's mind

After digesting the information, he was instantly ecstatic.

The three medicinal pills rewarded by the system are extremely precious.

Extreme God Pill can greatly improve the cultivation of false gods, and Taishen pills can greatly improve the cultivation of true gods.

Both medicinal herbs can only be taken once in a lifetime, multiple use is ineffective...

As for Shenshui Dan, it is even more precious.

After taking the Shenshui Pill, the user can withstand the purification of the divine water of creation, with a 100% chance to obtain the body of water virtue, a 20% chance to obtain the body of the holy water, a 5% chance to obtain the eternal water body, and a 0.1% chance to obtain the body of creation. body of water...

However, Qin Feng has not yet condensed the Creation Divine Water, and this medicinal pill is not yet useful.

In fact, he doesn't need the Water God Pill either.

His fleshly body has long been tempered by the divine fire of creation, and it is extremely solid.

Even without the assistance of the Water God Pill, he can still withstand the purification of the Creation Divine Water.

However, these two divine pills can be used by his subordinates, such as Qinglin, Qin Baobao, and Jade Qilin.

They are all cultivating the water system, or they are also practicing the water system.

Of course, this can only be used after Qin Feng has condensed the Creation Divine Water...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned his palm over, and there was a crimson elixir in the palm of his hand...

He opened his mouth to inhale and swallowed it.

The divine pill entered the throat, the fragrance overflowed, and a warm energy flowed to the limbs and bones, straight to the depths of the soul...

"Ding! The success of swallowing the Taishen Pill has greatly increased the host's combat power.... Your combat power has increased to 4.7 trillion yuan..."

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and his face was full of joy.

The effect of this magic pill is also very good!

Just one piece made his combat power skyrocket.

It's a pity that this supernatural pill can only be taken one in a lifetime, and it will be ineffective to eat more...

Fortunately, Qin Feng has many subordinates.

Although it is useless for him to eat too much, it can also be used by his subordinates, which can also improve his strength.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng waved his hand, the space in front of him shook, and Yunxi appeared out of thin air...

"The disciple has seen the master!

When Yun Xi saw Qin Feng, she was overjoyed.

She hadn't seen Master for a while, and she was very worried.

"Xi'er, distribute these extremely divine pills!"

"Wow~! So many!"

Yunxi was surprised and happy.

She knew the preciousness of the Extreme Pill.

Last time, Qin Feng received system rewards, but unfortunately there were only 2 rewards.

This time, Qin Feng took out 100 pieces at once, which naturally made her excited.

It seems that the strength of the Youth League is about to take off again!

Yun Xi excitedly put away the Divine Pill, taking extra care.

At this time, Qin Feng took out six more divine pills.

"And these six Taishen Pills, you can give them to Ziwei Star Lord, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, and Qin Baobao. Remember to give Ziwei two!

"Yes! Master!

Yunxi hurriedly took the order and left.

Qin Feng also flashed and disappeared into the courtyard.

He still has three in his hand, ready to give to the three sisters Qinglin...

At the same time, in the depths of the double universe, in a secret garden.

The three Qinglin sisters were in a gallery, leaning on a railing to look at the pond, admiring the fish playing in the pond, leisurely.

These three sisters are all in the posture of closed moon and shame, and they are so beautiful that they are together in a beautiful scenery.

"Eldest sister, let's go over there to see, the nine leaves Linghe is open over there..."

"Yes! Those lotuses are blooming beautifully!

Hongyue and Luming smiled and walked towards Xianhe Pond.

Qing Lin held the railing with one hand and the lower abdomen with the other, and moved forward in small steps.

Every time she took a step, she frowned slightly, as if feeling a little uncomfortable, and she couldn't even move her legs...


The red moon and the green tea noticed it and couldn't help but turn around.

Hongyue was surprised: "Eldest sister, you have rested for three days and haven't recovered yet?"

Qing Lin frowned and said angrily: "What kind of person is your husband, don't you know? That guy is too cruel..."

Qing Lin couldn't speak.

However, Hongyue and Luming covered their mouths and smiled, as if they were happy to see the tragic situation of the eldest sister...

Qing Lin was speechless and couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

At this moment, the space shook slightly, and Qin Feng walked out of the void.

When the three women saw Qin Feng, they all showed joy.

"Husband, why are you here?", Hongyue was the most enthusiastic.

"Come and see you! Hey! Sister Qinglin, you..."

Qin Feng immediately saw that Qing Lin was uncomfortable.

"It's not all your fault! My sister has been three days, and she's still not completely healed! You don't know how serious you are when you start, and you've been babbling non-stop, and it takes seven days in one breath. Who can stand it?"

Hongyue complained directly.

Qin Feng was a little embarrassed.

"Okay! Hongyue, don't say brother-in-law..."

Qing Lin felt sorry for Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, you must be looking for us for something, right?

"That's right!" Qin Feng took out the three supernatural pills.

"I just got these three Divine Pills. They are of great help to the cultivation of the True God Realm, so I sent them to you."

When the three women heard it, they were all pleasantly surprised.0

Qing Lin said in amazement: "Qin Feng, the pills that can improve the cultivation of the true gods are very precious! Even the true extremists who are good at alchemy are extremely difficult to make!

"Yes!", Hongyue also nodded, "Husband, this medicinal pill is so precious, you should keep it for yourself, don't waste it for us.

After all, she felt sorry for her husband, and good things should be considered for Qin Feng first.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Yue'er, I have already taken one. This elixir can only be taken once in a lifetime, more than one will be ineffective! 39

As soon as these words came out, Qing Lin was even more shocked.

She took a deep breath and said, "Qin Feng, this kind of magical pill that can only be taken once in a lifetime is generally extremely precious, and the effect will be surprisingly good..."

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Then you can give it a try!"

In fact, he didn't know either. What will be the effect of Qinglin's three women after taking it.

After all, everyone's physique and talent are different, and the effect after taking it is different.

The better the natural physique, the better the effect of taking it.

"Husband, seeing what elder sister said so well, I'll give it a try first!

Hongyue picked up a divine pill and swallowed it directly.

Immediately, she sat cross-legged on the spot and began refining the medicinal pills.

Qin Feng smiled dotingly, not caring at all.

He knew that Hongyue was impatient and acted resolutely, so it was not surprising that he would do so.

Afterwards, he distributed the other two medicinal pills to Qing Lin and Lu Ming.

The three of them were on the side, protecting the Dharma for the red moon.

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

It was at this moment that a divine might that penetrated the sky rose from the top of the red moon into the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth, alarming the heavens and the world...

The red moon actually broke through at this moment!

Qing Lin and Lu Ming both widened their eyes in surprise.

Tsk~! Tsk~!!

One pill, let the red moon break through the bottleneck!

The effect of this elixir is better than they thought!

At this moment, Qin Feng's mind also sounded a prompt from the system.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate (Hongyue) succeeded in refining the Taishen Pill... The cultivation base has broken through to the peak of the true god...

"Ding~! The host has gained a lot of combat power back.... Your combat power has increased to 4.8 trillion yuan...,

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he was greatly relieved.

The help of this supernatural pill to Hongyue is not small!

At this moment, Hongyue opened her eyes with joy.


"Husband, I broke through! 35

Qin Feng nodded with a smile: "I see! Sister Qinglin, how do you think this medicinal pill works?

Qing Lin sighed: "If I didn't make a mistake in my estimation, the effect of this medicine pill can catch up with the fruit of a heaven and earth spirit root!

Qin Feng thought: "Sister Qinglin, what do you mean, a fruit from the root of the earth that day can be worth this divine pill?"

"Yes! Qin Feng, do you now know the benefits of the spiritual root of heaven and earth?

Hearing this, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and his heart was full of surprises.

After a month, they went to search for the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, that is, to pick the spiritual fruit that was born on the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

According to the agreement, if he ranks first in the top forces, he will get eleven spiritual fruits.

His phantom clone ranked second, and he could get ten spiritual fruits.

Together, there are twenty-one spirit fruits, which are worth twenty-one supernatural pills.

However, eating too much of Taishen Dan is ineffective.

But there is no such restriction on the Lingguo, and it is effective to eat as much as possible.

As long as he gets those twenty-one spirit fruits, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and he will definitely be able to compete with the Lord of Yaochi.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng is even more looking forward to his return to the market in a month.

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