Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-eight subduing the peak of the gods (for full order)

At this moment, Si Tie also finished refining the psychic grass and opened his eyes...

"How does it feel?"

Qin Feng smiled and looked at Si Tie.

Although he refined the inheritance jade of the hell world and became the master of hell, he could not control the iron.

This demon is an inborn being created by the Lord of the Nine Springs Universe, and it is also the best among them.

To some extent, the inborn beings are on an equal footing with the Lord of the Three Realms.

The Lord of the Three Realms cannot be controlled, only the Lord of the Universe can control it.

"Haha!! I have recovered 90% of my wisdom!

Bitterly laughed.

At this moment, he is in a good mood.

The pain brought by tens of trillions of years was actually resolved in this moment.

"Your jade is also refined? Years

With a shake of the iron head, the animal head turned into a face full of horned beards, with a rough and heroic temperament.

Before it was replaced, his intelligence was insufficient, and it was difficult to control such changes.

Now, he can easily transform into a human form and can travel everywhere.

"That's right! Refined!"

"Uh, can you really refine? That inheritance jade can only be refined under the gods, why are you... hey! You are only a true god...

Only then did Shi Tie see Qin Feng's cultivation base, and his face was full of shock.

Immediately, he shook his head.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can a junior who is not even the pinnacle of True God defeat me?!"

"Could it be that Laozi was delirious just now and failed your illusion? In fact, you didn't defeat Laozi at all..."

The more you think about it, the more wrong you are, and the more strange he looks at Qin Feng...

Gradually, he narrowed his eyes.

Qin Feng also frowned slightly.

Is this guy's suspicion a little serious? Or is there any psychological shadow?

"Boy, tell Laozi the truth, did you use illusion just now? You never beat Laozi, did you?

"Nonsense! You said that this deity has never defeated you! Then what's the matter with the footprints on your face?

"What footprints?"

呲 Tie casually touched his face, and felt a faint pain.

That was what Qin Feng stepped on before.

But he still doesn't believe it!

In fact, don't say it was him, anyone else would not believe Qin Feng's words.

Who would believe that a person who is not the pinnacle of the true gods can defeat a strong pinnacle of gods with one move...

And it is the ultimate powerhouse in the peak of the gods!

The potential of Qin Feng is really terrifying, it can be said that there is no one before or after, and it is unheard of.

No matter what Shi Tie thinks, it is impossible and unreasonable.

He was convinced that he had been delusional.

After all, he had suffered a great loss of intelligence before, and it was easy to be tricked when encountering a master illusionist.

"Boy, Laozi will give you another chance. Tell the truth, have you used illusions?

Qin Feng frowned: "You have something wrong! This deity beat you with one move!"

"Laozi believes you are evil! You are so bad! Look how Laozi forces you to show your true colors! Haha!!"

Ji Tie laughed wildly, raised his giant axe, and slashed at Qin Feng. . . . oo○

He didn't believe Qin Feng's words at all.

Qin Feng was furious and slapped it with a backhand.


A loud bang!


Qin Feng slapped the iron on the sand with one palm, forming a big human-shaped pit that could not be pulled out.

Shi Tie was horrified and was about to look up.


Qin Feng stomped on his head again, burying his head deeply, and nibbled at his mouth full of yellow sand...

At the same time, that murderous aura pressed down from the sky, again making Si Tie unable to move.

At this moment, Si Tie was extremely frightened in his heart.

He finally knew that Qin Feng didn't lie, he was completely suspicious.

But it was really hard for him to imagine that a true god was so terrifying.

This has completely reached the power of the gods!

Is this guy really just a god?

"You can trust the deity now?"

Qin Feng pressed his feet hard, feeling annoyed.

呲 Tie wailed: "Big... lord, Laozi... oh, no.... I believe it! I really believe it!

"Humph! I saved your life in vain, but you are ungrateful and attack the deity, this sin is unforgivable!

He Tie knew what was wrong and begged: "Sir, He has been living in a daze all these years, and he is full of doubts about himself.

"What's more, the strength of your lord is too exaggerated! You obviously only have the cultivation of a true god, but you can defeat Xie with one blow. If you say this, who will believe it? Besides, Xie was just a test just now, and he never really wanted to kill him. your heart.

Qin Feng smiled coldly and did not answer.

He Tie continued: "By the way, sire, 呲 has hidden the inheritance jade in his body, and ordinary gods can't sense it. How did the lord sense it? Could it be that you are the master of the universe?"

"Oh! You are getting smarter and smarter. To be honest, the deity is the master of the universe!"

呲 Tie was shocked: "My God! Not only are you so powerful, you are also an extremely rare master of the universe. Then your potential far exceeds that of my Father God!"

"Your Father God?"

"It's the Lord of Jiuquan Universe! I'm a congenital creature, created by him. In short, your potential is far greater than my father! A certain admiration for you is like a surging river, out of control. !

"Hugh, flatter me again! You have offended the deity, which is an unforgivable crime. What's more, my identity as the master of the universe has always been kept secret and must not be known to outsiders. You already know it, and I will not leave you even more!"

Ba Tie's face changed greatly: "Sir, I just asked if you are the Lord of the Universe, and I am not sure! You admitted it yourself!

"That's right! The deity needs to admit it himself, so that he can firmly kill you!"

呲 Tie was extremely frightened: "Big... lord, no... don't wait to play like this..."

"What? You don't want to die? If you don't want to die, the deity can show you a clear path!

Shi Tie's eyes lit up: "Sir, please speak!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "As long as you accept me as the master, I will naturally not embarrass you again!"

Shi Tie was stunned.

Immediately, he shook his head firmly: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! He is a dignified god, and even if he dies, he will not recognize people as slaves. This is the most basic dignity of a god!""

Qin Feng sneered: "What? Do you think you have no future with me? Or did you feel wronged?"



In his opinion, Qin Feng's potential is indeed far more than the Master of Jiuquan Universe. It can be said that Qin Feng is dozens of times stronger than Jiuquan, even a hundred times.

But potential is potential, everything is a matter of the future.

Qin Feng's current cultivation level is still too low.

No matter how powerful a genius is, if he dies in the middle, is it still empty talk?

Just like his Father God, who used to be extremely dazzling, but he fell before breaking through to the Eternal Realm, and all the glory also turned into nothingness...

What's more, Qin Feng's current strength has not yet reached the level of Jiuquan.

After all, Jiuquan was the Great Perfection cultivation base of the gods back then, and its combat power was comparable to the realm of eternity.

Thinking of this, Shi Tie was naturally a little hesitant.

Qin Feng couldn't help sneering when he saw that he was hesitant.

"You really are tough! In this case, the deity will send you on the road!

"Uh... won't you give him some time to think about it?"

"Sorry! I'm busy!"9

Ironclad was speechless.

Speaking of which, he was really hesitant.

Although Qin Feng's strength is not as good as that of Jiuquan back then, but the potential is much greater, and it is still worth investing.

"That's it! You can see that you didn't really want to subdue me! Kill if you want to! Laozi won't frown. Of course, even if Laozi is not your opponent, he will fight back with all his strength, and he won't let you down easily. Drop Laozi!"

The more he talked, the harder he became, and his neck stiffened.

"Yo! It seems that you are not very afraid of death!

"Humph! Whatever you think! Anyway, Laozi gave it up!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng's mouth curled slightly.

He could see that this guy was a little bit wanting to submit to himself, but seeing that his cultivation was not high, he was a little unwilling.

This guy is now in an extremely hesitant state, and he has no reason to convince himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said in a low voice: "Speaking out of the question, although you have eaten the psychic herb and your intelligence has recovered by more than 90%, the hidden danger has not been completely eliminated. 35

"Your Primordial Spirit is wrapped in a mass of peculiar spirits, and the spirits continue to erode your Primordial Spirit, but you have no ability to remove them. According to this development, after tens of thousands of years, you will be greatly reduced in wisdom and life. It's so hazy, like a wild beast!" 9

Si Tie was shocked: "You have seen it all! It seems that your soul power is stronger than mine. You are right, I do have this hidden danger in me.

"But my hidden danger is about to occur, and it will be tens of thousands of years later. In these tens of thousands of years, I can find a new psychic herb to relieve it."

Qin Feng sneered: "The psychic grass is extremely rare, are you sure you can find the second one within tens of thousands of years?

"'s up to people!"

"It seems that you are not sure if you can find it. Besides, if you have hidden dangers in your body, you will not be able to fully recover your intelligence, and your understanding will inevitably be damaged, which is not good for your cultivation!

After hearing these words, 呲 Tie frowned depressedly.

He knew that Qin Feng was telling the truth.

Immediately, he wondered again: "Why are you mentioning this to me?"

Qin Feng said indifferently: "If I have a way to remove the hidden danger for you within a few seconds, would you be willing to accept me as the master?"

Shi Tie's eyes lit up: "Do you have a solution?"

"Of course! 35

呲 Tie still couldn't believe it: "You're not lying to me, are you? That ghost has plagued me for billions of years, and I can't do anything about it. How can you get rid of it?"

"To be honest, that thing is terrible! If I wasn't a cultivator of gold and fire, and I have a strong immunity to the fire element, I'm afraid I would have been swallowed up by it long ago. If you want me to see, even a god-level master would take it. There's no way for it, can you really get rid of it?"

Qin Feng disagreed: "You can't do anything, it doesn't mean I don't. It's better that you and I sign a contract. If I can remove your hidden dangers, you will recognize me as my master. If I fail, I will let you go on the spot!""

Shi Tie's eyes lit up: "If you can really help me clear the hidden dangers, I will recognize you as the master, so what's the harm?

"it is good!"

Qin Feng let go of the iron and beckoned to call out a contract scroll.

He quickly drew up the contract and handed it to Shi Tie.

呲 Tie glanced at it, and signed it without hesitation.

The contract scroll blooms with aura and takes effect on the spot.

"Go ahead! It won't take long, will it?"

"Need not!"

Qin Feng pressed his hand to the left side of the top of Shi Tie's head.

There was a deep, bone-deep scar there that never healed.

Qin Feng's thoughts moved, his soul power paid attention, and he pumped outwards.

In the next second, a string of golden flames, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, was pulled out from the wound...

That is the fire of creation!

No wonder, the iron has been unable to clear it.

For Qin 403 Feng, this thing is very easy to grasp.

As soon as he thought about it, the golden flame slammed into the depths of his palm...

The divine fire of creation in his body suddenly became a little more vigorous, and even his momentum increased a little...

And that ray of creation divine fire was sucked away by Qin Feng, Shi Tie was shocked, and the scar on his head healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His Primordial Spirit also recovered completely in an instant, his intelligence became more sober, and even his aura increased a bit.

"Hey! Okay! I'm really fine!"

He rubbed his head in disbelief.

The scar was really gone, and he also felt the comfort in the depths of the primordial spirit that he had never felt before, and all hidden dangers were eliminated...

Bitterly excited!

He suddenly raised his head, looked at Qin Feng, and fell to his knees with a thud.

"I've done it! I've done it! Master, please accept Shatie as a slave! From now on, I'll follow your lead, and I will be loyal to you for the rest of my life!

"it is good!

Qin Feng was overjoyed, his fingertips were bleeding, he drew a seal in the air, and pressed it to the center of his brows...

Tie Tie gladly accepts...

In the blink of an eye, the blood essence rune was printed into the center of the iron eyebrows and disappeared...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, a new subordinate of the top of the gods (呲tie)... The life value has increased by 79 trillion

"Ding~! The host has received a lot of combat power from his subordinates (呲tie)... Your combat power has increased to 8 trillion yuan...

After a while, Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

His combat power has reached 8 trillion Yuan in one fell swoop.

God's combat power range is 7 trillion to 12 trillion rang.

Qin Feng has 8 trillion battle power, which is not outstanding among the gods.

But his increase is 200 times, and this addition makes him no longer weak among God.

According to Qin Feng's own judgment, he should be stronger than the Yaochi God, comparable to the Jiuyuan God, and weaker than the Zhenji God.

Qin Feng was very satisfied with this result.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

呲 Tie ran over with a smile.

After signing the contract, the intimacy between him and Qin Feng increased greatly, and he took the initiative to ask for instructions.

Qin Feng was naturally relieved to see him being so obedient.

"Next, let's get some crystals of the source first, and then kill someone!"

"Kill who?

"Huoyue Tianzun! Hey! Those people..."

At this moment, Qin Feng seemed to have found something, frowned and looked in a certain direction.

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