Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 904 Obtaining the opportunity (seeking full order)

Five hours later, everyone arrived at the meeting point.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field is very depressed.

In fact, the number of people arrived as early as two hours ago.

But when everyone counted, they found that all the people in Huoyue Mountain and Yaochi Mountain were missing.

The other forces also lost a few people, but they were all pseudo-god-level players, not worth mentioning.

In short, Yaochi Mountain and Huoyue Mountain suffered heavy losses!

There are eight gods alone, two half-step gods, more than twenty true gods, and several false gods, a total of thirty-nine people.

This is an extremely powerful force, and the sudden loss has a considerable impact on the overall strength of the south.

This time, not only did the Lord Yaochi panic, but everyone also realized the seriousness of the matter.

The three three gods were naturally unwilling, and they all went out to find them, leaving only the crowd waiting.

It's been two hours since I left, and there is still no news.

The more people waited, the more anxious they became.

In the crowd, Wen Yuan and Mao Ri Tianshen were gloating.

In their opinion, the weakening of the overall strength of the south would be too beneficial to their north.

But the two did not know that the south was not as weak as it appeared.

Because there is a hidden superpower in the south - Qin Feng...

But he said that everyone was anxiously waiting for the news of the three great gods.

It didn't take long for the True God and Jiuyuan God to return one after another.

"Jiuyuan, have you found the traces of Huoyue and others?"

"Nope, what about you?"

"Hey! The old man didn't find it either!

The true God sighed helplessly.

Jiuyuan God frowned: "It's been two hours, Huoyue Tianzun and others should have received the message, and if they want to return, they should be there. But they didn't come back, we searched around and couldn't find any trace, I'm afraid it's a murderer Doji is missing.

"I'm afraid that's the case. By the way, hasn't Yaochi Daoist come back yet?"

True God God glanced at the audience, but did not see the figure of Yaochi God.

Lord Jiuyuan smiled bitterly: "Most of the people who disappeared this time are people from Yaochi Mountain, Taoist fellow of Yaochi is naturally anxious, let's wait a little longer!

"That's all!"

The true God is also helpless.

At this moment, another sound of breaking the air came from far to near, and the Lord of Yaochi also rushed back...

"Daoist fellow Yaochi, have you found anything?

Zhenji and Jiuyuan hurried forward to ask.

Lord Yaochi shook his head slightly, his face gloomy, as if he had been hit by a huge blow.

She exhausted all her energy and carefully explored the three places where the loud noises had been made before, but she still found nothing...

"Fellow Daoist Yaochi, I'm afraid Tianzun Huoyue and your subordinates are already more fortunate...hey~!"

"Fellow Daoist Yaochi, I hope you will mourn and change!"

Zhenji and Jiuyuan have some sympathy.

If they were replaced by them, if they lost all their subordinates in one day, they would also collapse.

Not only the two of them, but even the members of the top forces showed sympathy.

This time, the subordinates brought in by the Lord of Yaochi are all elite backbones of Yaochi Mountain.

Losing those people, the overall strength of Yaochi Mountain will be greatly reduced, and the status will also be reduced.

In short, the future of Yaochi Mountain is bound to be difficult....

"Daoist fellow Yaochi, this continent is very evil, and Jiu is always a little uneasy. I suggest to evacuate as soon as possible~"!"

"That's right! The old man thinks so too!

Jiuyuan and Zhenji began to persuade God of Yaochi to withdraw.

Yaochi frowned.

This withdrawal, on behalf of the complete abandonment of those missing men.

She is still a little unwilling!

"You two, why do you think Huoyue and others disappeared?

"This.... the old man is not clear. However, judging from various signs, Huoyue and others are more fortunate. Judging from the previous loud noises, there should be a god-level powerhouse haunting..."

"Fellow Daoist Zhenji, do you think there will be ghosts in the Returning Ruins this time?

"It's also possible, but it's not quite like it. This time, the other party seems to be able to stay here for a long time and not be rejected by the mainland's residual thoughts."

"Jiu is also puzzled by this. By the way, judging from the movement this time, it seems that more than one God-level existence has appeared..."

"That's right! The old man feels this way too!

Zhenji and Jiuyuan analyzed it carefully.

The Lord of Yaochi smiled coldly and looked at Qin Feng.

"Young friend Qin Feng, what do you think about this matter?""

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned.

Even Zhenji and Jiuyuan were confused.

This action was ordered by the three gods.

Qin Feng is just the lord of a top-level force and has no decision-making power.

Why did Yaochi God ask Qin Feng this sensitive question?

This time, everyone felt strange and couldn't help looking at Qin Feng.

Qing Lin, who was beside him, felt a 'chuck' in his heart, and secretly wondered if Yaochi began to doubt Qin Feng?

Even Si Tie, who was hiding in the double universe, couldn't help feeling nervous for Qin Feng.

After all, now is not the time for the master to reveal his strength.

This time, before Qin Feng arrived at the gathering place, he put Si Tie into the double universe and opened his vision to the outside world.

"Master Yaochi is joking, how can such important matters be discussed by a junior like me?

Qin Feng hit a haha.

He knew that Yao Chi would definitely doubt himself.

After all, this woman's men besieged him.

As a result, she was still alive, but all her men disappeared.

It is strange that she does not doubt.

"Little friend Qin Feng, don't be humble! Before you entered the market, your strength was the leader in the peak of the gods. After entering, you should have improved. I'm afraid you already have the strength of the gods, right?

Yao Chi's smile is not a smile, and he is testing Qin Feng's details in his tone.

The people around were amazed when they heard this.

Is this impossible?!

More than a month ago, Qin Feng's strength was only slightly stronger than Huoyue Tianzun.

No matter how talented he is, he can't improve so fast!

At this moment, everyone felt that Lord Yaochi was exaggerating.

"Master Yaochi, you think too highly of me! It's only been more than a month, how can I reach the level of God in one fell swoop?

Qin Feng naturally wouldn't admit it.

If he admits it, I am afraid that Yaochi will insist that the disappearance of Huoyue Tianzun and others is related to himself.

In that case, the position of Zhenji and Jiuyuan is hard to say.

In fact, the Lord of Yaochi is not sure.

She is just testing.

At the moment, she said again: "Qin Feng, you are humble! Others are impossible, but you are possible.

"What do you mean by that?"5

"Just like Qinglin next to you. Others may not be able to see it, but she can't hide it from the eyes of the deity. She was perfect a month ago, but now she is not. Presumably, she has given you her red pill. Come on!

Yaochi looked at Qinglin with a half-smile but not a smile.

Everyone was in an uproar and looked at Qinglin and Qin Feng.

There are those who are envious and those who are jealous, and more people are sighing. . .

As we all know, the red pills of the Qingqiu clan are extraordinary, and Qinglin is the best among them.

Unexpectedly, it was finally cheaper Qin Feng!

When Qing Lin heard those words, he was naturally a little embarrassed.

Qin Feng was even more displeased: "Daoist fellow Yaochi, it's too much for you to bring up your personal affairs in front of everyone? 35

Even the true God cannot see it.

He knew that Yaochi was suspicious of Qin Feng, so he even revealed Qinglin's privacy.

But he did not believe that the disappearance of Huoyue Tianzun and others would be related to Qin Feng.

Immediately, he said in a low voice: "Daoist fellow Yaochi, what you said is a bit too much. The old man thinks that even you and I can't understand the matter of Huoyue and others, so it's even more impossible for little friend Qin Feng to know. Don't ask any more.

"That's right! According to our analysis, to make Huoyue and others disappear silently, at least two God-level powerhouses can do it together...

Jiuyuan God also interjected.

After hearing this, Yaochi God thought to himself that it was indeed the case.

Even if she were to make a move, she would not be able to kill forty people silently.

She can't believe it, Qin Feng will be stronger than her!

There must be something strange about this!

Thinking of this, Yaochi God's doubts about Qin Feng were mostly eliminated.

`Hey~! You two, it's really not advisable to stay here for a long time!

Yao Chi was frustrated, and he had to give up when it was time to give up.

The three gods agree on this.

After a while, everyone hurriedly left the continent, daring not to stay any longer....

However, the Lord of Yaochi was a little unwilling after all.

She always had some doubts about Qin Feng.

In the days that followed, the group encountered seven or eight continents in a row, but they were all small continents...

On those small continents, Yaochi has been secretly observing Qin Feng's actions, and even tried several times to test Qin Feng's strength, which were subtly resolved by Qin Feng...

Gradually, Lord Yaochi also felt that his judgment was wrong, and slowly relaxed his attention to Qin Feng.

Of course, she also wanted to kill Qin Feng secretly, but Zhenji and Jiuyuan were on the side, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

Especially since her plan with the Bai people hasn't been implemented yet, she naturally won't panic.

After all, that is the most important action!

Of course, Qin Feng has been trying to search for other jade ultimatum in these days, but unfortunately there is no new harvest.

At the same time, he was also looking for an opportunity to kill Wenyun, but he never found an opportunity.

The protection of Wenyuan by the northern gods is also extremely careful.

As he went deeper into Guixu, Qin Feng became more and more eager to destroy Wenyuan.

As long as this person is destroyed, he will be able to obtain a ready-made Xiaoqian World, and his strength will definitely increase greatly.

This will make it easier for him to deal with the conspiracy of Yaochi and the Bai people in Guixu.

Having said that, the Bai people in Guixu are much stronger than the seven gods in the north...

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, eight days passed.

Everyone is getting closer and closer to the location of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

Also on this day, everyone encountered a huge continent, which is extremely rich in resources...

As soon as Qin Feng entered that continent, he had a wonderful feeling.

All the beasts on that continent resonated with Qin Feng in an instant...

It turned out that the continent was one of the main fragments of the heaven world.

The two inheritance jade ultimatums refined and refined by Qin Feng, one is from hell (complete), and the other is from heaven (half, incomplete).

In other words, Qin Feng is the lord of half the heaven, so he will naturally be in touch with the beasts on this continent.

With this advantage, he can monitor the entire continent.

You can easily get rid of Yaochi's surveillance, and you can easily find the whereabouts of Wen Yuan and others.

To put it simply, Qin Feng finally had the opportunity to attack Wen Yuan.

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