Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 905: Sound East and West (Seeking Full Order)

But they said that after everyone arrived in the new continent, a new round of resource collection began soon.

However, with the lessons from the first two times, everyone did not dare to act alone, and often three or five acted together.

The three great gods have also repeatedly instructed them to notify them immediately if something is not right...  

In short, everyone's alert has increased by several orders of magnitude...

Half an hour later, on a deserted mountain, Qin Feng stood at the top of a big tree, looking into the distance...

Shi Tie and Qing Lin stood silently behind him.

After a while, Qin Feng retracted his gaze and showed a faint smile.

"Your Majesty, how's the situation?", Shi Tie asked.

"Yaochi was distracted by the phantom clone, and they are rushing towards the southernmost tip of the continent..."

Qin Feng smiled.

With just a few tricks, he deceived God of Yaochi and made her mistake the phantom avatar for Qin Feng.

"This woman Yaochi is really difficult to deal with. It's been so many days, she still hasn't given up, she's been following you secretly..."

Qing Lin was very angry.

Yao Chi was the enemy of her previous life, and she was not happy at all.

Now, Yao Chi is stalking Qin Feng again, which makes her even more unhappy.

If it wasn't for the overall situation, she would have persuaded Qin Feng to take action and wiped out that sinister woman in one fell swoop.

"Sister Qinglin, anyone who destroys any of his subordinates will go mad, so Yaochi's behavior is understandable..."

Qin Feng smiled and looked north again.

In that direction, Wen Yuan and Maori Tianshen went north all the way, as if they were looking for something...

Qin Feng deliberately led Yaochi to the south, just because he didn't want Yaochi to disrupt his plan to kill Wenyuan, so he led Yaochi to the opposite direction...

Having said that, if this place is not a fragment of heaven, it is really difficult for him to grasp the whereabouts of everyone.

Fortunately, he is the lord of half heaven, and all the movements of this continent are under his surveillance, which provides him with a good opportunity...  

"Qin Feng, if Yaochi catches up with the phantom avatar, will there be trouble?"

Qing Lin was still very cautious.

"Don't worry! She can't catch up with the phantom avatar, and the 403 strength of the phantom avatar is no longer below her..."

Qinglin and pyridoxine were shocked.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Let's go! It's time to act!"

In the next second, the three of them rushed in the direction of Wenyuan...

Time is running out!

This time, the three gods only gave everyone a two-day stay.

They must seize the opportunity and make a quick decision....

Just like that, Qin Feng, wearing Qinglin and 呲tie, quietly went to chase and kill Wen Yuan...

On the other side, the phantom avatar deliberately diverted Yaochi away...

A quarter of an hour later, in a jungle.

Wen Yuan held a spiritual flag and kept fiddling with the seal...

The seven northern gods, including Luling God and Maori God, were waiting by the side.

God Nalu Ling is the strongest of the seven gods in the north, and his cultivation has reached the great perfection of the gods. His comprehensive strength is comparable to that of Yaochi and Jiuyuan...

At this moment, seven people are guarding Wen Yuan, vaguely protecting Wen Yuan in the center...

After a while, Wen Yuan finished the choreography, the spirit flag trembled slightly, and it lit up with dazzling silver light...

His consciousness was strengthened several times, and he swept all around...

In just a moment, his eyes lit up, pointing to a mountain range a million miles away, dancing with excitement...

"Found it! Finally found it! Right under that mountain! I sensed its breath..."

Wen Yuan was extremely excited.

Luling God and others were also overjoyed.

"Haha!! After so many days, our efforts have not been in vain, and we have finally paid off..."

"Yeah! As long as you can get it, the spiritual roots of heaven and earth in the return market will not be unique to the south..."

"Don't say so much! Let's dig it out quickly, and things will change later! Wen Yuan, lead the way..."

"Yes! Seven seniors, please come with me!"

At the moment, a group of eight people rushed towards the distant mountains...

After Wen Yuan and the others left, Qin Feng and the three walked out of the jungle next to him not long after...

"Qin Feng, those seven guys are very protective of Wen Yuan! It's not easy for you to attack him!

"Yeah! The seven of them have one God, and together they are comparable to two Gods. We won't have an absolute advantage against the seven of them. But as long as Wenyuan senses something is wrong and uses the universe to escape, our plan will fail. now..."

Qing Lin and Shi Tie sighed helplessly.

Both felt that the assassination was very difficult, and the probability of success was less than 30%.

Not only the two of them think so, even Qin Feng feels that his head is too big when he sees the strict protection of Wenyuan by the northern gods...

But he didn't speak at the moment, but looked excitedly at the direction where Wen Yuan and the others were leaving...

Qing Lin felt strange: "Qin Feng, what's wrong?"

Qin Feng looked back and smiled: "I have thought of a way to kill Wenyuan. This time, we will be 100% successful..."

Qing Lin was overjoyed: "What way?""

呲 Tie also showed curiosity.

"Hey! You know why they were so excited just now?

Qin Feng smiled deeply.

"Yes! They looked so excited just now that they seemed to have made a major discovery. Don't you know?"

Qing Lin looked at Qin Feng curiously.

Qin Feng nodded with a smile: "They found a piece of inheritance jade!

"So it is!" Qing Lin suddenly realized.

She also knew the importance of inheriting the jade, without Qin Feng reminding her.

Immediately, she hurriedly said: "Qin Feng, then I'll hurry over there! If it's too late, the inheritance jade will be taken by them..."

Qin Feng smiled indifferently: "That Wenyuan's consciousness is not as good as mine, and I can't find the location of the jade scorpion, so don't worry. Having said that, without the appearance of this jade scorpion, I really don't know how to kill Wenyuan. , after all, their strength is not bad...

Qing Lin and Shi Tie were puzzled by these words.

Both of them looked suspicious.

Immediately, Ge Tie asked curiously: "Your Majesty, it is difficult for the appearance of this inheritance jade to increase the success rate of killing Wenyuan? But why can't your subordinates figure it out..."

"Is such that…..

Qin Feng smiled and moved the corners of his mouth slightly, sending a voice transmission to the two men. …

After the two heard it, they suddenly realized, and their faces showed joy.

"Okay! That's the plan, let's act!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Immediately, the three of them left in a hurry, chasing in the direction of Wen Yuan and others.

But on the other side, Wen Yuan and his party soon reached the bottom of the mountain range.

Afterwards, Wen Yuan found the specific location of the inheritance jade according to the induction of his own consciousness. . . .

Several people from the gods of the sun have sacrificed their weapons and began to dig thousands of feet in the ground...

The gods made a move, and the efficiency was extremely high.

In just a moment, everyone dug a huge pit thousands of meters deep.

Wen Yuan on the side is getting more and more excited, he can feel the aura of inheriting the jade more and more clearly...

It's just that the aura of the jade was so strange that the gods didn't feel anything, and couldn't help but envy Wen Yuan, the lord of the universe is extraordinary.

After a while, the crater deepened by thousands of meters...

"Senior Uday, don't dig! I sense it!"

Wen Yuan was excited, flew over the pothole in one step, and waved in a certain direction in the hole...


A clear sound of heaven and earth~!

At the bottom of the pit, a spiritual light suddenly bloomed.

Immediately, a cloud of white light wrapped a broken jade ultimatum and flew towards Wen Yuan's hand...

When the gods in the north saw this, their eyes lit up, and they were all overjoyed.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.


A sudden explosion~!

A figure emerged from the bottom of the pit and charged towards Wenyuan with murderous aura...

The person who attacked was Qin Feng!

"not good!

"Protect Wenyuan!"

Surprised all around.

The northern gods rushed to Wen Yuan one after another...

But at this moment, Qin Feng folded his body, picked up the broken jade, and fled to the other side of the pothole...

"Little thief! Go away!"

A god who was closest to Qin Feng tried to stop him immediately, but he was slammed by Qin Feng and vomited blood and flew out...

Qin Feng took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement and instantly escaped thousands of miles away...

The whole place was stunned.

Lord Lu Ling was even more dumbfounded.

It happened so suddenly!

He thought of protecting Wenyuan for the first time, but he didn't expect that the other party's goal was not Wenyuan at all, but to inherit the jade.

The guy played a trick and took the opportunity to steal the inheritance jade, but they didn't respond.

"Senior.. Senior, the jade was taken away!" Wen Yuan looked at a loss.

"Then... that person seems to be Qin Feng!99

Maori Tianshen looked at Qin Feng's retreating back.

It was at this moment that everyone woke up from their astonishment and suddenly became furious.

"Damn boy! A true god also wants to snatch the fat from our mouths! Leave two people to protect Wenyuan, and the rest follow me!"5

Lu Ling was furious and led four northern gods to chase Qin Feng.

How could he let a true god snatch their treasure...

In this way, the two sides chased and fled, and disappeared from people's sight after a while...

In the field, only Wen Yuan was left looking at the backs of everyone leaving.

Maori Deity and another deity stood beside him with a depressed look on their faces.

They never expected that after a lot of hard digging, Qin Feng actually picked peaches.

After a long time, the three of them could no longer sense the traces of Qin Feng and others, and then slowly retracted their sight...

"I didn't expect that Qin Feng would suddenly appear..."

Wen Yuan muttered softly.

Maori Tianshen smiled coldly: "It can be seen that that guy is also the master of the universe. The funny thing is that we were not in a hurry to shoot at him, but we didn't expect him to provoke us first, it's really courting death!

"Senior Mao, do you think that Senior Lu Ling can snatch the jade back?

Wen Yuan asked with concern.

"Don't worry! Although Qin Feng has some strength, he is the level of the peak of the gods. He is not the opponent of God Luling, not to mention the help of the four gods Lu Yue!"

"Yeah! This time, Qin Feng won't even save his life, let alone robbing the jade. Who told him to discover the secret of the existence of the seven of us..."

Uri Tenjin and another Tenjin sing in harmony.

Both of them were extremely confident and had already decided that Qin Feng was dead.

But as soon as the voices of the two fell, a sneer came from behind.

"Hehe! Wen Yuan, so you are a big spy!

The three of Wen Yuan were shocked and turned around quickly to see Qing Lin and Ge Tie walking out from behind the woods...

"Qinglin! You...why are you here?

The three of Wen Yuan's expressions are ugly...

"Hey! Who are you?"

The three looked at Shi Tie again in astonishment.

Shi Tie carried the giant axe, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "You don't care who Laozi is! Eat Laozi first and then talk about it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shi Tie slashed at the three with an axe.

Qing Lin also shot at the three at the same time!

Mao Ri's face changed greatly: "Wen Yuan, step back! Let's resist! 39

Wen Yuan was terrified and quickly stepped aside.

It was at this time that Mao Ri was confronted with pyridoxine.

Qinglin confronted another god.

The two sides fought immediately.

Wen Yuan also just stepped aside.

But before he had time to breathe, a sudden change occurred in the field.

Qinglin has sent a message to Qin Feng.

The next second, Qin Feng returned to the battlefield with a space call, and instantly appeared above Wen Yuan's head...

Qin Feng's sudden appearance made Wen Yuan's faces change drastically.

But before the three of them thought about it, Qin Feng slapped Wen Yuan with a palm.

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