Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 922: Unpredictable spike (seeking full order)

"Really boy, where is Yaochi?"

Bai Wuchuan questioned again.

Although he looks middle-aged, he is actually much older than the True God.

"Senior...Senior, I..."

God is really frightened and doesn't know what to say.

Bai Wuchuan frowned, a little impatient.

He is here to take revenge, not to grind with Zhenji.

However, he was also full of doubts.

Since the true God did not break through to half-step eternity, who killed the three people in Baishan?

If it is said that the South Alliance did not do this, why did Yaochi disappear?

"Patriarch, this is strange! Could the fall of the three of Baishan be caused by someone else?

An elder's voice sounded behind Bai Wuchuan.

"Extreme boy! Have you ever met the three of Baishan?"

Bai Wuchuan questioned again.


Really God is extremely depressed.

Who is Baishan?

He didn't know it at all.

In fact, on April 20, he didn't even know Bai Wuchuan.

He was also meeting Bai Wuchuan for the first time.

If it weren't for the other party's half-step eternal existence, he wouldn't be so submissive.

On the contrary, Bai Wuchuan knew the true God.

After all, there is a spy like Yaochi in the South Alliance.

"This senior, I haven't seen any Baishan, and I don't know any Baishan at all..."

Zhenji God had already guessed that the three Baishan were the three God-level monsters killed by Qin Feng.

Of course he couldn't tell the truth.

He also guessed that the Bai Wuchuan in front of him should be the rumored patriarch of the Bai clan.

Thinking of this, the true God is a little depressed.

Why did Bai Wuchuan stare at him as soon as he came?

But Qin Feng didn't say a word, he didn't know how to deal with such a scene.

In fact, Qin Feng didn't make a sound, just delaying time.

System prompts kept coming in his mind.

One by one, his subordinates were refining the spirit fruits of the early Yuan Dynasty.

One hundred and twenty-nine Spirit Fruits, according to his instructions, were all given to his confidants.

Qinglin, Ziwei, Fengdi, Fuzhi, Panzu, Qin Baobao, Hongyue, Luming Minghe and other confidants, each with five pieces.

The strength of these subordinates continued to soar, and Qin Feng's strength also continued to increase.

His combat power has reached 50 trillion rang without knowing it...

"You don't know Baishan?"

Bai Wuchuan's eyes became colder and colder.

True God Lord smiled bitterly: "I haven't even figured out who the predecessors are, let alone heard of Baishan..."

"Where is Yaochi?"

"Senior, I don't know why you know Yaochi. However, fellow Taoist Yaochi disappeared inexplicably on the way, and we are looking for her."

True God has lied.

Bai Wuchuan was furious: "How dare the old man deceive the deity! You are courting death!

With the soul contract, he sensed all the way.

That Yaochi was in the hands of these people, and the true God said that he had not seen it, which is clearly a lie.

Yu Qian sneered: "Brother Wuchuan, this old boy won't tell the truth. Don't worry about it so much, just kill them all!

"Catch nine yuan alive! Kill the rest!

Bai Wuchuan became impatient and ordered directly.

His first goal was the Nine Yuan God.

He wanted to capture Jiuyuan alive and refine the Six Spirit Ancestral Water.

With that order, the five gods of the Bai tribe took the lead in rushing towards the people of the Southern Alliance.

The South Alliance people suddenly exclaimed.

At the same time, Bai Wuchuan and everyone from the Yu clan also have to do it.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

Qin Feng and the phantom clone shot at the same time, locking on a god-level spirit at the front...

Boom~! Boom~!

Two consecutive loud bangs!

That god-level spirit monster didn't even have time to scream, it was exploded into a mist of water, and its soul power was scattered...

As soon as the battle started, a god of the Bai tribe was instantly killed by Qin Feng and the phantom clone.

The audience was dumbfounded!

Everyone from the Bai and Yu tribes looked at Qin Feng and the phantom avatar in disbelief, their mouths wide open.

Aren't these two young humans really gods?

How did they kill Elder Bai Feng?

Still a one-shot kill!

Bai Wuchuan was dumbfounded.

He could see at a glance that Qin Feng's qi and blood were very young, and he was the youngest existence among all the people present.

But such an existence actually killed Bai Feng in seconds.

Just when everyone was in a daze, Qin Feng took the opportunity to wave his hand and put all the energy transformed by Bai Feng into a storage ring.

The situation is critical now, and he can only refine it after he has dealt with everything in front of him.

Bai Wuchuan woke up with a start, and Boundless roared angrily: "Looking for death!"

In the next second, he slaughtered Qin Feng.

"Damn! The two of them killed Elder Bai Feng!

"Avenge Elder Bai Feng!

The four elders of the Bai tribe also rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng sneered and greeted Bai Wuchuan.

The phantom clone greeted the four Bai elders.

In an instant, Bai Wuchuan approached Qin Feng and turned his palm into claws, trying to tear Qin Feng into pieces...

It was at this moment that the momentum of battle power released by Bai Wuchuan suddenly reached 60 trillion yuan...

This scene made the faces of the SAARC people change greatly.0

This Bai Wuchuan's combat power is obviously higher than Qin Feng!

Zhenji and Jiuyuan panicked.

If Qin Feng was defeated, their fate would be miserable.

But the next scene, everyone was stunned!

I saw Qin Feng meet Bai Wuchuan's attack with one palm!

The Statue of King Sansei Appears!

Three heads and six arms!

Two hundred times more!


A loud bang~!

Returning to the ruins, the void exploded, and countless space cracks extended...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever the crack in space goes, the power of the aftermath destroys the sky and the earth, and all the laws of the Great Dao are destroyed...

But in the next second, Bai Wuchuan groaned and was blasted away, flying backwards tens of billions of miles away.

Qin Feng remained motionless.

In this fight, Qin Feng had the upper hand.

"This... how is this possible"

The Yu Clan and others were stunned.

"Good boy! Let the deity come to meet you!

Yu Qian was surprised and hurriedly killed him.

His combat power is 65 trillion Yuan, which is stronger than Bai Wuchuan.

But the next second, he was also blasted away by Qin Feng.

This time, the Yu people were completely dumbfounded.

The SAARC people cheered.

But at this moment, there were four more muffled hums not far away.

The four elders of the Bai clan were also blasted away by the phantom clone.

The expressions of the Yu clan and the others changed greatly.

"We shot! 35

At the moment, the five elders of the Yu clan rushed towards the phantom clone together. ,

"The true gods and gods all retreat, and the gods above the peak will fight with this old man!"

Zhenji God roared and rushed to the battlefield.

Jiuyuan God is right behind it with 4.7.

At this moment, SAARC has seen the blood boil.

The successive advantages of Qin Feng and the phantom avatar have inspired all their fighting spirit.

At the moment, all the true gods and gods withdrew from the battle circle.

The remaining nine celestial peaks rushed into the battle circle,

At the same time, the four Bai clan elders attacked the phantom clone again.

In the blink of an eye, the true God stopped a Yu clan elder.

Jiuyuan God stopped a Yu clan elder.

The nine peak gods joined forces to hold down a Yu clan elder.

The phantom avatar faced the six God powerhouses alone.

At the same time, Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian also killed him.

The two roared and rushed towards Qin Feng, and they were going to join forces to deal with Qin Feng.

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