Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 924: Unprepared, Unprepared (Seeking Full Order)

At the same time, Bai Wuchuan also shot together...

"Stop~! 99

Bai Wuchuan's brows and eyes suddenly burst into light.


A burst of chirping!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Wherever that pupil power goes, all wind, all sound, all light, all space, and all laws are imprisoned.

In the area covered by the pupil power, everything is absolutely still, even time has stopped.

Qin Feng was also sealed in the space at that moment, unable to move.

Bai Wuchuan's strange eyes can not only be used to attack, but also to block everything...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Qin Feng is struggling, the frozen space is constantly cracking, and the surrounding space is torn open with long cracks...

Qin Feng wants to break free from the bondage of Tongli...

Bai Wuchuan was in a hurry.

While urging Tongli with all his strength, he roared loudly.

"Brother Yu Qian, hurry up! This kid is locked by me! Right now, it's the best time to kill him!

"Boy! Go to hell! 35

Before Bai Wuchuan finished speaking, Yu Qian's Sanqi Ancestral Water turned into a boundless sea, surrounding Qin Feng...


Qin Feng roared anxiously, as if to dodge.

But he was imprisoned in place, unable to move.

In the next second, he was engulfed by the ruthless Sanqi Ancestral Water.

The boundless sea water churned and stirred, and the aura of Xiao Sha engulfed and corroded everything...

In the depths of the sea, Qin Feng's shrill screams kept coming

"Haha~! That kid was hit! Hit!

Yu Qian laughed proudly.

At this scene, the Bai and Yu people were also excited.

That terrifying human boy was finally suppressed by the two patriarchs, and it is estimated that he will perish soon.

Thinking of this, the Bai and Yu people were even more excited.

The people of the South Alliance showed strange expressions one by one.


Isn't Qin Feng not afraid of Sanqi Zushui?

Why does he keep screaming?

At this time, everyone in the South Alliance was at a loss.

When they saw the phantom avatar, Qinglin, and Ziwei were all immersed in the battle, without the slightest worry, it was even more strange...

At this moment, Bai Wuchuan was also extremely excited.

"Brother Yu, it is rumored that the Sanqi Ancestral Water of the nobles can devour all the gods and primordial spirits. When I saw it today, it really is! It's just that Bai didn't expect that it would also be effective for half-step eternal powerhouses!

Bai Wuchuan sighed.

Yu Qian laughed loudly: "Haha!! Brother Wuchuan, you overlooked a detail. Although this kid has half a step of eternal combat power, his cultivation is the pinnacle of true gods. He doesn't have primordial spirit yet, only god base~".

"However, Yu's Sanqi Ancestral Water is far more corrosive to the god base than Yuanshen. In other words, Yu's Sanqi Ancestral Water is exactly his nemesis!

Bai Wuchuan's eyes lit up: "Haha! This is really one thing overcomes one thing! This kid is really dead when he meets you!

Yu Qian also looked proud: "This is what he deserves!""

But as soon as those words fell, the sea below shook violently.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

The space confinement cracked again.

Bai Wuchuan was shocked: "This kid wants to escape! 99

"Brother Wuchuan! Can't let him escape! 35

Yu Qian hurriedly manipulated Sanqi Zushui, which kept flocking to Qin Feng.

Bai Wuchuan also tried his best to mobilize Tongli and imprison Qin Feng in place...

The three-color water and sea drama trembles!

The pitiful roar of Qin Feng continued to be heard from the depths of the sea, which was shocking.

This tragic scene made Zhenji God and others panic.

The Yu Clan, Bai Clan and others were extremely excited.

It's just that these people don't know that all this is disguised by Qin Feng.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't really want to break free from the confinement of pupil power, he just pretended to struggle a few times...

And those San Qi Ancestral Water did no harm to him at all.

At this moment, he roared a few times from time to time to numb the two of Bai Wuchuan, while he swallowed the spiritual water comfortably...

At the same time, he is also urging the art of devouring with all his strength, refining those Sanqi Ancestral Water at an extremely fast speed...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for refining a ball of Sanqi Ancestral Water... Your combat power has increased..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for refining a ball of Sanqi Ancestral Water... Your combat power has increased...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for refining a ball of Sanqi Ancestral Water..."

In Qin Feng's mind, system prompts kept ringing.

His combat power is also quietly increasing...

In this way, Bai Wuchuan thought that they had controlled Qin Feng, and they were expecting Qin Feng to be melted by the Sanqizu water...

And Qin Feng is refining spiritual water in big mouthfuls...

In just a moment, the sea-like Sanqi Ancestral Water shrunk by a large circle.

Qin Feng's combat power also increased to 55 trillion yuan without knowing it, and the gap between the two was getting smaller and smaller.

The combat power of these two people, one is 60 trillion yuan, and the other is 65 trillion yuan.

Of course, Bai Wuchuan's increase was not as good as Qin Feng's.

In the blink of an eye, another half an hour passed.

The three strange waters and seas became smaller again, Qin Feng's combat power increased to 56 trillion yuan...

"Huh? Strange! How come Yu's Sanqi Ancestral Water has decreased?"

Yu Qian finally realized that something was wrong.

"Hey~! It seems to be a little less!

Bai Wuchuan also found a problem.

Originally, the two could have found out earlier, but Qin Feng screamed so fiercely that it kept stimulating them on a whim, so they didn't distinguish carefully.

Just when Yu Qian and the others became suspicious, a sudden change occurred in the field...

A shrill scream came from a distance.

Another Bai clan elder was beheaded by the phantom clone.

It turned out that while Qin Feng's strength increased, the strength of the phantom avatar was also increasing.

In fact, the phantom avatar has long been able to kill the opponent, and has been holding back.

At this moment, the two became suspicious of Qin Feng, and the phantom clone broke out, killing a Bai elder in one fell swoop...

That scream shocked the audience!

"Bai Lin!

Bai Wuchuan roared sadly, and his eyes were instantly red with anger.

Yu Qian frowned.

But before the two of them thought about it, there was another shrill scream in the field.

Another Yu clan elder was killed by the phantom clone.

Bai Wuchuan and Yu Qian were so angry that their eyes were red.

`Clan.... Patriarch.... Help... Help!

The elders of the Yu and Bai tribes were completely panicked.

At this moment, Zhenji and Jiuyuan each held an elder.

There are only four elders left, facing the phantom avatar and the eleven peaks of the gods.

Those four were not opponents at all, they were completely crushed, the situation was extremely dangerous, and they seemed to fall at any time.

The Guixu spirits cannot be resurrected without their Primordial Spirit.

As long as you are killed once, you will fall completely.

Seeing this critical scene, Bai Wuchuan couldn't hold back any longer.

"Brother Yu Qian, this kid hasn't struggled for a long time, and his breath is much weaker, so he shouldn't have the strength to break free. I'm going to save those elders, you can stand it alone!"

"it is good!

At the moment, Bai Wuchuan dodged and slaughtered towards the phantom clone.

Yu Qian didn't dare to be negligent, and looked back and continued to deal with Qin Feng.

But when he turned around, he found that the Sanqi Ancestral Water had been reduced by half.

This time, it was too obvious!

Yu Qian was stunned!

Just as he was about to check it out, a mutation occurred again in the distance.

I saw Bai Wuchuan rush to the phantom avatar in the blink of an eye, and the huge giant claws hit the phantom avatar's chest...

Everyone in the SAARC was terrified, and their eyes widened nervously.

In their opinion, Lord Qin Lei's strength is not as good as Qin Feng's, I'm afraid he can't stop this half-step eternal powerhouse!

The four elders who were in danger all showed excited eyes.

They thought they were saved.

But at this critical moment, the body of the phantom avatar swayed slightly.

The world is reversed, Yin and Yang are exchanged!

The phantom avatar instantly turned into Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also shot at that moment and met Bai Wuchuan's attack...


A loud bang!

Qin Feng blasted Bai Wuchuan out of the sky with one palm...

The whole place was shocked!

Even the SAARC people were dumbfounded.

what's going on?

How did Mr. Qin Lei become Mr. Qin Feng?

Na Yu Qian looked at Qin Feng stupidly, a little messy...

This guy is not trapped in his own Sanqi Zuhai, how did he escape?!

But before he could think about it, the Sanqi Zuhai burst open, rushed out a figure, and slaughtered at him, it was the phantom avatar...

Yu Qian was completely messed up...

He couldn't figure out who was who.

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