Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 932 Leveraging Strength (Seeking Complete Order)

"Look! What is that?"

"Not good! The patriarch of the Bai clan is back!"

"The giant beast beside him, with such a huge body, wouldn't it be a powerhouse in the Eternal Realm? 99

"It should be! If the old man guesses correctly, it is the Supreme Elder of the Yu Clan! 35

As soon as these words fell, everyone looked a little terrified.

The powerhouse of the Eternal Realm strikes, and a war is inevitable...  

These weak people, I am afraid that they will be affected by the aftermath, and they are terrifying just thinking about it...

At this thought, everyone became more and more uneasy.

At this time, the voice of the phantom clone sounded behind everyone.

"When you enter the universe of my body, avoid the limelight first!"

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin Lei!"

The phantom avatar waved, the surrounding space flickered slightly, and a white door of light appeared out of thin air, which was the entrance to the universe in the beginning.

Everyone in the South Alliance got in...

Zhenji and others are clear in their hearts that staying in place will only drag Qin Feng's hind legs and distract Qin Feng from taking care of them......

In a blink of an eye, everyone entered the universe in the beginning.

Only the phantom clone and Qin Feng were left in the field.

True God and others opened the horizon through the phantom clone, watching the situation outside nervously...

Not long after, Bai Wuchuan and the two approached the scene.

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Yuanchu Spirit Fruit (2 "420" 36 pieces)..... the host's cultivation base has been raised to 31% of the Great Perfection of the True God... The combat power has been raised to 190 Trillion Rang...

At this moment, Qin Feng finally finished refining the Spirit Fruit, and his combat power skyrocketed.

He just opened his eyes and saw Bai Wuchuan flying towards him.

A gust of wind rushed towards them, and Yu Heng and the two were a hundred feet away in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, Yu Heng closed his wings, turned into a human figure, and glanced around.

He was looking for Yu Qian's trace.

He sensed Yu Qian's broken soul aura, floating around...

At this time, Bai Wuchuan also followed him into a human form.

"Senior Yu Heng, this kid is Qin Feng! 99

Bai Wuchuan pointed at Qin Feng angrily.

"What? It's this kid?! Wuchuan, are you kidding me? This kid is just a true god! With such a low level of cultivation, can he control the God of Creation Fire?

Yu Heng didn't believe it at all.

Along the way, Bai Wuchuan kept telling him that Qin Feng was powerful and could control the divine fire of creation, but he didn't tell him that Qin Feng was just a true god.

In fact, Bai Wuchuan didn't want to say it, but he didn't dare to say it.

He was afraid that Yu Heng would not come if he mentioned Qin Feng's cultivation.

Who would believe that he and Yu Qian can't beat a true god together.

He was beaten by that True God, one escaped and the other was trapped.

Because of this thought, Bai Wuchuan didn't say Qin Feng's cultivation, but only described Qin Feng's strength, so that Yu Heng could come out to save people earlier.

"Senior Yu Heng, this junior swears to the sky that he will never deceive you! It is this kid who can control the divine fire of creation, and his strength reaches half-step eternity!"

" is this possible!

Yu Heng looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

At this moment, Qin Feng frowned, extremely depressed.

The spiritual roots of heaven and earth will disappear in less than an hour.

He didn't have enough time to pick spiritual fruit, but these two guys came running.

With these two guys interfering, it is almost impossible for him to pick the last two profound spiritual fruits!

Could it be that he really has to wait until 100 trillion years later?

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more depressed he became.

"Boy, this old man asks you, who killed Yu Qian? 35

Yu Heng looked at Qin Feng coldly and arrogantly.

He didn't believe that Qin Feng could kill Yu Qian.

Don't say, Qin Feng is just a true god, even a half-step eternal powerhouse, it is impossible to break Yu Qian's enchantment.

Qin Feng frowned, too lazy to talk.

"Boy, if Senior Yu Heng asks you something, tell me quickly! Who was killed by Brother Yu Qian? And what about your members of the Southern Alliance? Why are they all gone!

Bai Wuchuan was also aggressive.

He never imagined that Yu Qian was killed by Qin Feng.

Can't blame him for that either.

No one could believe that in less than two days, Qin Feng's strength had broken through from half-step eternity to the first realm of eternity.

"Boy! What are you dawdling about?

Bai Wuchuan shouted again.

He had Yu Heng's backing, and he had enough confidence.

In his opinion, he has decided Qin Feng.

"Boy, do you want to die? Say it!""

"Noisy! 35

Qin Feng was annoyed, dodged, and directly attacked Bai Wuchuan.


Bai Wuchuan was frightened and retreated again and again.

He had been scared by Qin Feng for a long time.

Yu Heng frowned, secretly thinking that Bai Wuchuan was really a waste, and was actually scared off by a true god.

However, he was still dodging, standing in front of Bai Wuchuan to meet Qin Feng's attack.

Bai Wuchuan was overjoyed and followed Yu Heng and attacked Qin Feng together.

At this time, the phantom clone also rushed over and stopped Bai Wuchuan.

In an instant, the two sides fought together.

Qin Feng confronted Yu Heng.

The phantom clone faced Bai Wuchuan.

Boom~! Boom~!

Two earth-shattering bangs!

Yu Heng was bombarded by Qin Feng and flew tens of billions of miles away.

Bai Wuchuan was also blasted away by the phantom clone...

This scene made everyone in SAARC feel ecstatic.

In the void, the extremely shocked voices of Yu Heng and the two reverberated...

" is this possible?!

"He... is he really just a god?!

At this moment, not only Yu Heng was dumbfounded, but even Bai Wuchuan was completely dumbfounded.

It's only been two days, he can't even beat Qin Feng's clone.

He seriously suspected that he had fallen into a hallucination.

The two of them couldn't believe what had just happened.

In the next second, the two of them came back angrily.

"Boy! You must have killed Yu Qian!

"Senior Yu Heng, let's avenge Brother Yu Qian together!


The wind is blowing, the sky is shaking~!

In the blink of an eye, Yu Heng and the others were killed again.

Qin Feng frowned.

Although he repelled Yu Heng and the two, the difference in strength between the two was very small.

If the battle continues like this, I am afraid that ten days and a half will not be able to tell the winner.

In that case, how could he still pick the profound spiritual fruit?

He has less than an hour left, he can't be entangled by the two like this...

At this moment, Yu Heng and the others had already killed him.

Qin Feng had no choice but to fight again.

But at this moment, a light flashed in his mind, and his eyes glowed.

He suddenly had an idea.

At this moment, Yu Heng and the others killed him in front of him.

Qin Feng quickly shot and met Yu Heng's attack.

"Boy, this old man is going to kill you!

Yu Heng roared and punched.

He never believed that he was repelled by Qin Feng just now.

That punch, he used all his strength.

The combat power of 200 trillion yuan, under the increase of one hundred and seventy times, destroys the sky and destroys the earth...

Yu Heng's huge fist burst out with a dazzling golden light, which instantly lit up the whole world, making people unable to open their eyes...

Qin Feng stepped forward and punched him directly.

That aura that looks down on the world, is going forward...  


The sky breaks!

The void collapses!

Yu Heng snorted and was blasted out again...

"Ah~! No~! This is impossible!"

His unwilling roar echoed in the void․ 0

On the other side, the phantom clone also shot.

Then Bai Wuchuan came back after killing him..

As soon as the phantom avatar waved his hand, he took out the rope and flew directly to Bai Wuchuan...

Bai Wuchuan felt bad, so he wanted to avoid it.

But at this moment, the phantom avatar sacrificed the Dingling Orb again...

As soon as the spirit bead appeared, the five colors of light bloomed, and Bai Wuchuan's consciousness was blurred for a while...

The bundle of sky ropes took the opportunity to tie it up straight.

Bai Wuchuan woke up instantly.


He was furious and struggling.

Although the Heavenly Binding Rope is a Heavenly Grade Spirit Tool, it is extremely difficult to tie up a half-step eternity...

Bai Wuchuan struggled, and the bundle of sky rope made a 'pop' sound, as if it was about to be broken, and there were also some tiny cracks on it...

As long as he continues to struggle, he will definitely be able to get out of trouble...

At this critical moment, Qin Feng rushed over.


Bai Wuchuan was so frightened that his face was pale.

But in the next second, Qin Feng did not directly kill him, but picked up Bai Wuchuan and threw it towards the third floor of the spiritual root of heaven and earth...

Qin Feng is the strength of the first realm of eternity.

With this throw, Bai Wuchuan was like a meteor, smashing into the trunk of the divine tree...

The speed is so fast, like a sword light, it actually draws a space mark...

If it hits a tree trunk, I'm afraid it will turn into flesh on the spot...

"No~! Senior save me!

Bai Wuchuan roared in shock.

He couldn't break free of the rope for a while, so he had to call for help.

"not good!

When Yu Heng saw this scene, he also secretly thought that it was not good, and rushed over to save Bai Wuchuan.

As soon as he spread his wings, it turned into a rainbow light, and the speed was extremely fast...

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the vicinity of Bai Wuchuan...

At the same time, Qin Feng and the phantom avatar also chased after him.

The next second, Yu Heng chased behind Bai Wuchuan, grabbed Bai Wuchuan's figure, and rescued him.

Bai Wuchuan was overjoyed, and broke free from the rope that tied the sky...

But at this moment, the divine tree suddenly lit up with purple light, piercing the sky.

In the next second, two soul power attacks comparable to the threshold of the Eternal Realm attacked the two of them respectively.

It turned out that they inadvertently broke into the third floor area, and the divine tree took the initiative to launch an attack on 4.7.

In just an instant, the two were hit by soul power.

Bai Wuchuan was unable to resist the attack of soul power, and instantly lost himself in it....

Yu Heng just shook his body slightly.

This item of soul power is, after all, the weakness of the ghosts returning to the ruins.

However, Yu Heng still carried it.

He was frightened and frightened, grabbed the back of Bai Wuchuan's neck, and wanted to escape...

But at this moment, the surrounding space changed.

The three guardian spirits appeared at the same time.

"Intruder, die!"

The three guardian spirits are inseparable, one kills Bai Wuchuan, and the other kills Yu Heng...

At this moment, Qin Feng and the phantom clone also arrived.

One by one, without even thinking about it, he rushed directly to the Spirit Fruit...

"you again!"

The three guardian spirits roared, and immediately separated one person to intercept...

Qin Feng didn't say a word and stopped the guardian spirit that rushed over.

Suddenly, the three guardian spirits dealt with Qin Feng, Yu Heng, and Bai Wuchuan respectively, and there was no one to deal with the phantom clone.

The phantom avatar took the opportunity to rush to the spiritual fruit, and in the blink of an eye, it was next to a spiritual fruit.

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